MadMoon (9 page)

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Authors: Regina Carlysle

BOOK: MadMoon
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Sara sat on the sofa next to her mate, Cactus. Like Lana,
she was a blue-eyed blonde. She smiled at her husband when he draped an arm
around her shoulder. “I’m sure you’re wondering why Kat and I are here,” she
said to Lana.

actually, but didn’t have the opportunity to
voice the question. Gabriel spoke up. “We’ve brought Sara with us because she
is a gifted lycan. She and Katalin come from a genetic line of wolves who
originated in Eastern Europe. For example, Sara has the strength of about three
of us guys.” He laughed. “She even kicks Cactus’ ass on occasion. Of course, he
deserves it every time.”

Sara grinned. “What is it with guys who think football is
such a man’s sport? The last time they got together they made their brags about
that until I had to show my husband how the game is really played.”

Cactus laughed. “Yeah, she’s a real butt-kicker who tackles
like a linebacker. Earned me a bruise or two.”

Katalin sat quietly smiling at the banter. Though she
greatly resembled her sister, she was daintier. Curly strawberry-blonde hair
framed a delicate face and set off her exotically tilted blue eyes to
perfection. Lana couldn’t imagine this lady playing football with a bunch of
big, rough lycans.

Lana sensed an innate shyness about her. “And you?”

Katalin shrugged and her husband took her hand. “Nope.
Football isn’t my sport.”

“Show her what you can do, darlin’,” Gabriel quietly
demanded. He glanced at Moon and Lana then back at his wife. The room went

Gabriel’s mate sent her gaze around the room then focused on
a small bar set up near a wall of bookcases. “Moon? Looks like you could use
something stronger to drink.”

Moon didn’t say a word and everyone in the room stilled as a
crackling energy filled the large space. A stopper lifted from a crystal
decanter and then came to rest soundlessly on the table. The bottle and a squat
highball glass rose to hover roughly twelve inches in the air before the
decanter tipped, pouring a measure of whiskey into the glass. Stunned, Lana
watched the glass move across the room to stop before Mad. Mad blinked and took
the glass. “Well, I’ll be damned. I’d heard the stories but seeing is

Savannah’s eyes were huge. “Wow! We really need to hang out,

Any tension that remained dissolved in a blast of laughter.
These were good people and Lana was so hopeful that together they could fight
off the beasts who threatened her newfound happiness.

* * * * *

For a woman who’d spent recent days virtually alone except
for Madden, Lana thought it was strange but very cool to be surrounded by so
many suddenly. The scent of grilled steaks hovered in the air as folks occupied
the assorted patio tables or sat at the edge of the pool to dangle their feet
into the water. It was a beautiful Texas night and Lana loved being hostess to
them all. Already the lycans from the Wolf Creek pack seemed like family.

Thanks to the supernatural hearing they all possessed,
conversation stopped when the sound of a vehicle and a door closing filtered
through the air. Footsteps approached a side gate leading into the backyard,
accompanied by a musical three-note bird whistle.

Ringo turned to Madden. “That would be Rainwater. He doesn’t
say much but makes his presence known in his own way.”

Mad and Ringo approached the gate and greeted a bear of a
man of obvious Native American ancestry. Easily nearing seven feet tall, he
carried his immense height proudly. His long black hair was thick and shiny,
stretching halfway down his back. In profile, he was probably one of the most
striking men Lana had ever seen. His dark eyes slid over the group, pausing
briefly on her before taking in Savannah, who stood by her side. That solemn
glance widened incrementally and Savannah went still.

Finally he turned his attention to Ringo and Mad and the men
spoke quietly before they toward her. Savannah grabbed Lana’s hand and gave her
a frantic look. “Um…I…um…need to go inside for a minute.”

“Why? Wait a minute. Hey, your palms are clammy. Are you
okay?” Lana clutched at her friend’s hand as she tried to pull away.

“Nerves. My gods! Just nerves. He’s beautiful.”

Savannah managed to break free but was stopped in her tracks
from leaving by the approach of Ringo, Mad and the big man known as Rainwater.
What was wrong with her cheerful, laughing friend? Lana had never known her to
behave this way.

“Lana, Savannah,” Moon began, “this is Sam Rainwater.”

The lycan nodded at her then turned a hard gaze on Savannah.
The intensity in his eyes never wavered as he took her in from top to toe,
finally pausing on Savannah’s lips. “I reckon we need to talk, ma’am,” he said.
His voice was low and oddly melodious.

Savannah didn’t move. Her eyes were wide, riveted on his
stoic face. He reached out a hand and without a word, Savannah took it. Without
sparing anyone else a glance, she walked with the imposing lycan into the

Chapter Nine


People were fucking in his house.

Mad felt the energy of it practically seeping through the
walls and as he walked to the door of the bathroom, he reached for his belt
buckle, listening to the sounds of the shower running. It wasn’t a stretch of
imagination to visualize Lana soaping her naked body as water dripped over her
flesh. The day had been chock-full of activity and he should be tired but, oh
hell no. Fucking his mate seemed like a mighty fine idea. He whipped the
leather through the loops of his jeans and shed his boots.

Mad went still at the sound of footsteps clomping down the
hallway accompanied by a voice that muttered a combo of Spanish and English.


The lycan was without his mate tonight and downright
frustrated by that fact. Obviously he felt the energy too. Mad’s Spanish wasn’t
all that great but he didn’t have to be a linguist to hear the faint curse
words and something about a
night on the couch
being mentioned.
Bootfalls landed on the stairs and Mad smiled. Poor Ringo.

After having an intense heart-to-heart with Savannah, Sam
Rainwater turned down Mad’s offer of a room and headed back into town where he
planned to stay with other members of the Wolf Creek pack. Savannah, unusually
silent and obviously shaken, had left soon after. The others were all occupying
rooms here and they’d wasted no time getting down to business.

Mad peeled off the rest of his clothes. He planned to kiss
every inch of Lana’s body while telling her how damn proud he was of her. She
was sweet, kind, polite and could converse on myriad topics. She had especially
hit it off with Sara and Kat and he wondered how she must feel to have so many
friends after years living in isolation. Thinking of her dick of a dad got him
all pissed off and he didn’t want to come to Lana that way so he forced himself
to calm down but the sexual energy was explosive, threatening to choke him. Did
Lana feel it too?

Opening the door to the room as steamy as the pits of hell,
he spotted Lana’s creamy outline in the oversized shower and the lust swimming
through his bloodstream kicked up another notch. His cock rose high against his
belly, aching like a son of a bitch as he stalked across the expanse of the
room and opened the shower door.

Lana whipped around with a little gasp and backed against
the wall of the shower. Her eyes were dilated until only a slim line of blue
surrounded her pupils. Her nipples were drawn up like tight pebbles, standing
out starkly against the pale flesh of her breasts. Oh hell yeah. It was obvious
she felt the sexual energy too. A pulse beat visibly in her throat.

“Mad,” she whispered. “I was ju—”

. Fuck

He advanced on her, stepping into the enclosure and pressing
her to the wall. She gasped his name, the frantic sound vibrating over his skin
like a song. Soap covered her body, tiny bubbles sliding over her soft belly.
Her heavy lashes were dotted with drops of water and soft little breaths of air
swept from her lips. Caging her in, pressing flush to her naked body, he stared
at her hoping to convey his intent. “Yeah, fuck slow.”

Reaching behind her, Mad settled his forearm beneath her ass
and lifted, using his size and strength to hold her in place against the slick
wall. Water poured over them, steam drifting over their bodies as he gripped
his cock and dragged the head over the wet flesh of her pussy. Lana’s eyes
slammed shut and her arms tightened around him as she clung. Her heels pressed
tight, digging into the small of his back as, with a low groan, he sank deep.

“Mad. Mad. Mad.”

His name was like a prayer on her lips as he went still then
withdrew, knowing damn well he couldn’t maintain this slow pace, nor did he
want do.

Ramming deep and hard, his heavy balls meeting her flesh, he
pounded through the soft tissue as her slick muscles gripped and squeezed. His
head spun, his mind lost in the feel of her milking his cock. Pushing higher
and harder, increasing the speed of each heavy thrust, he felt her tremble against

Love for her mixed with lust as his beast roared for

Fitting his head against the crook of her shoulder, he
pressed his teeth to her flesh, dreaming of breaking that skin and making her
his true mate. Soon. Soon. Frantic for that moment, frustrated beyond
endurance, he sent his fingers into the crease of her ass and pressed his thumb
against her opening. She went still in his arms then, with a shudder, continued
to writhe against his body, pushing against his invading thumb until he breached
her there. She moaned low and Mad sent it deeper, feeling the tightness of her

Dark thoughts filled him as he drew on the power of his
species and increased the pace of the frantic balls-to-the-walls fucking.
Pistoning up, up, up, he wallowed in the sensation of her vaginal walls holding
him tighter than a fist. Mad couldn’t imagine their actual consummation being
any wilder but he knew it would be. As steam and water rolled over them, he
drew in a sharp breath and thrust once more, giving up the fight and letting
the hot orgasmic wave wash him clean. Lana buried her face against his
shoulder, quivering until she finally lost control and let her climax carry her
under. Mad was with her when she fell.

Later, as he curled behind her, listening to her steady
breathing, he reached up to brush her hair away from her face and wondered how
he could have gotten so lucky as to find her and bring her into his life. The
house was quiet now, the energy dimmed, and Mad sensed that it might be the
last bit of peace any of them would have until this mess was all over and done.

* * * * *

Days later, a routine set in as the team of lycans worked at
tracking members of the Snow Wolf pack. So far there had been little luck.
Sightings here and tracks there had turned up little more information than what
they’d had before. As this whole thing dragged on endlessly, Lana found herself
on shaky ground emotionally. Mad was quick to reassure her that things would be
okay but she had to face the fact that, despite finding her mate, her life up
to now hadn’t been all that fortuitous. The only good thing to come from past
days was her budding friendships with not only Savannah but the lycan sisters,
Sara and Kat.

Living in a community that mixed humans and wolves, it made
sense to keep all tracking to the nighttime hours so Mad had enlisted the
visiting wolves into doing some construction work with him and his crew during
the daytime, leaving the ladies pretty much on their own.

Today, as the late-afternoon heat eliminated any bit of
pleasure to be found outdoors, the four of them lolled around in Moon’s big den
watching girly movies and doing the whole mani-pedi thing. A big bowl of
popcorn and a tray of fresh fruit sat on a round coffee table along with
numerous glasses and soda cans.

Savannah lay stretched out on the sofa as the credits ran on
the movie they’d just watched. Lazily, she rubbed her belly. “I have completely
ruined my dinner.” She lifted one foot and wiggled her toes. “But my tootsies
look great.”

“I knew the pink would look perfect. It’s my favorite,” Sara
said. She and Kat occupied big easy chairs while Lana sprawled on the floor
with her back propped against the sofa that Savannah occupied.

“Are you guys going out with the men tonight?” Despite her
many arguments with Moon, he had refused to let her hunt for her father and
Anton with the other wolves. The damn man was so overprotective and she felt
left out. After all, she was a wolf. She could run with the best of them.

Kat sat with one leg looped over the arm of her chair and
was currently swishing it lazily back and forth. “I think so. Hope we get some
decent leads tonight. I know Gabriel is getting very frustrated. Those Snow
Wolves are sneaky bastards.”

“They are,” Lana said. Her nerves were shot. She’d never
been the most patient person in the world and she was practically itching to
get this over with and send her former pack on their way. She had a new home
now. “Our white coats are really distinctive and there is no camouflage for us
here in Texas. I can only think they’ve found a remote place to hole up during
the daylight hours and are being very careful at night. They have to know
they’re being hunted.”

Sara smiled humorlessly. “Naturally they believe they’re
hunting us but it’s actually the other way around, isn’t it? Can’t wait to send
them packing.”

Lana had come to learn that Sara wasn’t a she-wolf to be
messed with. “Can I just please tell you both again how great it is that you’re
helping with this situation?”

Kat, definitely the quieter of the two, sipped from her soft
drink can. “No biggie, hon. That’s what friends do. Wouldn’t you do the same
for us?”

“In a heartbeat. Just call my name and I’ll be there.”

“On that you can depend and never worry. Sounds like a song
to me.” Savannah started singing in an off-key voice and the popcorn flew when
she was pelted.

Lana rolled her eyes. “You are corny, babe, just corny as

“That’s why you love me.”

Lana grew quiet for a moment or two. “And I do, Savannah. Do
you know that?”

“I think I’m going to cry.”

Glancing up, she saw the tears and realized Savannah wasn’t
joking. “Aw, honey. Don’t.”

“Don’t know why I’m so emotional these days.”

“I do,” Sara stated matter-of-factly. “I’m guessing it has a
whole lot to do with Sam Rainwater. You’ve been awfully quiet about that and
there’s definitely something brewing with you guys.”

“I can’t talk about it. Not now.”

Kat sat up and leaned forward to prop her arms on her knees.
“We’re not going to push you, Savannah. But we’re here when you want to talk
about it, okay?”

Lana hadn’t heard anything about Rainwater’s history and she
was curious about this big wolf who had Savannah tied in emotional knots. “What
do you guys know about Sam?”

“Not much really. He is definitely a lone wolf,” Kat began.
“He showed up at the Wolf Creek Ranch a couple of years ago. His sister Julie
had been kidnapped because, like Sara and me, she is a gifted lycan. She
possesses psychic powers and was abducted by some really bad creeps. Sam
couldn’t save her alone, or so he said at the time. I suspect Sam can do pretty
much anything he sets his mind to but I think he knew he was outnumbered. He
wasn’t going to risk Julie’s life so he asked Joe for help and got it.” She
shrugged. “Anyway, he moved into a line house at the edge of the Wolf Creek
Ranch property and has been there ever since.”

“Do you think he has powers too?” Savannah posed the
question in a quiet tone.

“Nobody knows,” Sara replied. “If he has them, they haven’t
been displayed to any of us.”

Lana leaned forward and set her elbows on the coffee table.
“Mad told me you two are of Eastern European descent. I am too. Where does your
line originate?”

Sara smiled. “The Ukraine. We’ve never been there but we descended
from wolves who have a variety of supernatural powers. Our father and mother
weren’t gifted but we figure that maybe the gifts skip a generation or
something. We really don’t know for sure. It’s a fact we’ve never met anyone
else from our line so it’s a mystery. What about you?”

“Siberia,” Lana said. “And as far as I know, no special
gifts, just a lot of meanness.”

“Hm, maybe those subzero temps have something to do with
that. I can’t imagine living in such a cold place,” Savannah mused.

“I’ve never been there actually and have no desire to

Savannah bent down, put her arms around her from behind and
hugged her. “You don’t need to, honey, your place is right here. This is where
you belong.”

* * * * *

After dinner that night, Mad and the others prepared to head
out into the countryside to watch for the Snow Wolf pack. The entire group was
gathered outside in the drive discussing various places where it would be best
to track or just keep watch. Trucks were lined up along his circle drive as pack
members waited for orders. He glanced at Lana and just knew there was going to
be a problem with her tonight.

Her chin was set at a defiant angle and her lips were tight.
She wanted to pitch in with the hunt but it wasn’t happening. Kat and Sara
stood next to their mates, ready to rock and roll, but these she-wolves
possessed talents that Lana didn’t. Bottom line was, he wanted her safe and so
she would stay right here. Five or six strong wolves, a mix of the Texas Rogues
and Wolf Creek packs, lounged on the front porch knowing their job was to stay
right here and protect Moon’s woman. Savannah was staying to keep her company.
What more did she want?

“Madden Moon, this is ridiculous.” Lana planted her hands on
her hips. “The Snow Wolf threat is to me. I know you’re trying to protect me
but this is
problem and

“I’m your family now and believe me, babe, we’re making it
official soon so you can just cool your damn jets.” For the first time ever, he
was pissed at her. Couldn’t she see he was just trying to protect her? Moving
until he hovered over her, he put on his meanest look but she wasn’t buying it.
She settled her hands against his chest and gave him a puny little push.

“Don’t you dare try to bully me, Mister Wolf. I’m going.”

“No, you’re not. Your beautiful ass is staying right here.”
Okay, he was really starting to lose it now. She seemed not to give a rat’s
behind that the entire entourage was listening in. “You belong to me and you’re
my responsibility.”

She got really quiet, which was never a good sign. “I don’t
belong to anybody. Don’t forget who you’re talking to, Moon.”

“That’s where you’re wrong because in every sense of the
word, you belong to me. You’re thinking right now that I’m just like dear old
dad or that prick Anton. Believe me, darlin’, I will never be fond of giving
you the back of my hand like they did and despite your tough talk, you know it.
So do you think that I’d let you anywhere near them? Grow up, Lana. Stay here
where you belong.”

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