MadMoon (8 page)

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Authors: Regina Carlysle

BOOK: MadMoon
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“Unh uh,” she whispered, giving him a girly push against his
chest. “I don’t know a thing about you except for the obvious. Tell all before
you decide to get frisky.”

Get frisky?

Hell if she didn’t make him smile.

Relenting, he flopped back again. “All right. I’m all yours.
Ask away.”

“What was your life like growing up here?”

“Hmm. Good. Dad was a big, strong Alpha and leader of the
Rogues. Mom was feisty and beautiful. Dad could be bossy but Mom wouldn’t put
up with that for a minute.”


“Dan and Emma. Dad has been gone ten years next spring.
Young Daniel whom you met tonight was named after him. He was well-respected,
tough, strong and always fair. I lost Mom just a couple of years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugged, knowing full well that death was simply another
part of living. “Dad was shot in a hunting accident.”

From Lana’s look of sympathy, Mad knew she realized what
that meant to their kind. He’d been shot by hunters while in his wolf form. It
was a common passing for lycans who lived among humans. Area humans would see
only a predator and not think twice about taking him out. “Since the town has a
human mix, how did you explain his death?”

“The coroner, Dad’s doctor and the town sheriff are all
lycan. As far as most folks knew, he passed suddenly from a heart attack. He
was respected by everyone and it was tough for the whole town when we lost

“Bet he would be proud of you.”

“I hope so.”

“And your mom?”

“Car wreck. An out-of-control truck on a rain-slick highway
took her out one Sunday afternoon. She hit a tree trying to avoid it and died

“I’m sorry, Mad. It’s hard to lose those we love. I’ll never
forget when my mom passed. It’s a loss you don’t forget.”

His arm tightened around her. “Yeah, I stepped into the High
Alpha role prepared only because Dad did his duty by teaching me to be a good
man. At least I think I’m good. Sometimes I wonder.”

“Don’t doubt it. Look how you’ve taken care of me.”

He knew without question he’d take care of her and protect
her forever if she’d let him. Hoping to lighten the mood, he smiled. “I have a
couple of sisters.”

“Sisters? What I wouldn’t have given to have had sibs. Lucky

Mad laughed. “I’m not too sure about that. Chloe and Hayley
lived to torture me. They are both a bit older than me and mated. Chloe is
mated to Alpha of the Blanco Rose pack of South Texas and Hayley lives in
northeastern Oklahoma with her mate who is a first lieutenant of the Cherokee
Hills lycan pack. They’re both happy, out of my hair, and have given me several
cute-as-buttons nieces and nephews. We don’t get to see each other all that
often since life has a tendency to get in the way. I think they’ll all love

“I hope so. Being part of a big, thriving family sounds so
perfect.” Lana sighed and he knew she must be thinking of her own dysfunctional
upbringing. Sorrow for her loss of any kind of normalcy sank its talons deep
and he wished he could give her nothing but good things for the rest of her
life. He couldn’t take away the bad memories, but maybe over time they would
dim, replaced by the love, laughter and tenderness she deserved. That she could
smile and show such good humor despite it all was, to him, a testament to her
strength. “I just want it to happen. There’s a battle brewing, Madden, and I
just hope I’m up to the task of preserving the life I’m trying to build here.”

“You’ll have help. You have the strength of the Rogues
behind you and before long members of the Wolf Creek pack will add their

“How many wolves are coming?”

Moon thought back to his most recent conversation with Joe
McKinnon. “McKinnon can’t come. His mate Quinn is due to deliver her baby at
any moment. He mentioned Ringo Ramone, Cactus Mackey and his mate Sara, and big
Gabriel Dunham and his mate Katalin. I’ve met them all. Good wolves. They’re
also sending Sam Rainwater, whom I’ve not met.”

Lana lifted her head, eyes wide. “Some are bringing their
mates. That’s interesting.”

“I’ve been told they’re mighty powerful wolves who come from
a line that possesses powers that other lycans don’t have. The females are
sisters who were rescued by the Wolf Creek pack and I’ve heard that Sara is as
strong and as fast as three lycans combined. Something in her DNA, I guess.”

“What about Katalin, the other sister?”

He shrugged. “Not sure what she’s capable of but she must be
something else if they’re bringing her along. Guess we’ll find out together.”

“I want to contribute when Dad and the others come for me
but I’ll tell you right now that I’m a little afraid. I’ve never really been
tested as a wolf. My life was so sheltered, Mad.” She went still.

“You’re wrong, you know.” He swept his hand over her short
hair and cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “You tested yourself
when you got away from that mess. It takes a brave woman to leave everything
you’ve always known and head out into the unknown. You knew you couldn’t live
that way and took action. I admire you.”

Her eyes filled. “Mad. How did I manage to live before there
was you?”

Emotion crashed with lust, bolting through him at the speed
of light and sound as he gathered her close and moved over her. Lana’s lips parted,
her breath scented with chocolate and wine, and in that instant he knew he had
to taste her, fuck her, love her and he had to do it now.

Chapter Eight


She was caged, trapped, exactly where she wanted to be. Raw
hunger raced through her blood and her inner beast responded to the call of her
mate. Mad groaned and took her lips, tasting them, testing the surface with the
edge of his teeth before sinking his tongue deep. He moved against her and she
wished her clothes off, the fresh breeze overhead doing nothing to cool the
heat building in her belly.

Helpless to resist her wolf, she moved against him, her legs
opening to accept the press of his cock against her needy flesh. Writhing
against him, Lana rubbed her pussy against the heavy bulge as moisture poured
from her body. In an instant her panties were drenched and it was as if Mad
knew. His hands traced her curves, dipped beneath the hem of her dress to find
that pulsing, throbbing skin and she cried out, the aching sound swallowed by
his kiss.

Mad went to his knees between her thighs and lifted her, his
busy fingers sliding down the zipper of her dress until it fell into a puddle
at her waist.

“I want you naked.”

Yes, she wanted that too.

Lana closed her eyes as he filled his hands with her breasts
and her breath broke. His thumbnail found the swollen tips of her nipples,
flicking, circling, flicking again. Lust burned through her body, flashing out
in ever-expanding waves through her center and straight to her cunt and then
his lips were there, teasing, sucking, tasting. She swept her fingers into his
hair to hold him close, his breath heating her body as energy sizzled around

When Mad broke the contact, she noted the change in his eyes
and recognized the beast living behind that narrowed gaze. The icy-blue color
intensified. The dominance of the Alpha washed over her, bending her to his
will. There would be no more slow courtship. The time for playing it safe was
over. She should have known from the wicked, fast fucking before their evening
had begun. A low growl curled through his chest and Lana heard it, feeling that
other part of herself, her wolf, answer the primal call. Mad stood and pulled
her to her feet to strip the dress from her body then removed her drenched
panties. The garments landed in a heap on the quilt. He reached down to
unfasten his jeans and Lana watched the flex and ripple of his muscles as he
removed them and finally stood naked, the glow of overhead stars washing his
body with light.

His cock rose up, heavy and long against his body, the head
brushing along his belly, and when he gripped the base a pearl of fluid dotted
the end. Nervously licking her lips, she watched his gaze focus over her and
helplessly, she responded. The time for any semblance of finesse ended abruptly
when Mad pulled her back down onto the quilt. On her knees, his cock pure
temptation, she bent to take him in her mouth. Sucking strongly, she drew him
deep, then deeper, tracing the hard surface with her tongue as he gripped her
hair. Her fingers clutched the base of his cock, squeezing the thickness before
moving lower to ply his balls. Another sound, raw and primitive, curled in
Mad’s chest. It burst from his throat in a low growl as he pulled her mouth

He stared at her lips then gritted his teeth. A flash of
fang broke from his gums and another animalistic sound, wild and terrifying,
broke from his throat.

“I’m skating a fine line here. Don’t want to lose control
with you but
!” He gripped her shoulders hard. “Can you take it? Can
you handle it?”

Lana trembled with raw lust, nodding as desire crashed
through her system like lightning. Mad gripped her waist and positioned her
over the head of his cock. Needing to touch, to stroke, she pressed her fingers
between their bodies and drew them over the heavy head, brushing her own wet
flesh as she did. Her beast rolled through her belly and Lana’s gums tingled as
she responded to the animalistic nature she shared with her mate.

Not consummated but nearly there.

Knowing she was strong enough to handle anything he gave
her, she reached for his broad shoulders and lowered her body over him,
swallowing his erection with her cunt. Inner muscles instantly contracted
around the heavy stalk as she rose and fell. His teeth grazed her shoulder then
nipped roughly at her breasts. The pleasure/pain tore through her as she
rotated her clit on each downstroke. Mad buried his face against her breast
and, reaching behind her, took the globes of her ass in his hands and squeezed,
grinding against her needy flesh. Wicked sensation coiled in her belly as the
pulsing of her pussy increased.

Mad made a rough sound against her breast, thrusting high
and hard, dragging a series of cries from her as he fucked her. Together they
writhed and pleasure built. Mad blasted his power deep. It burst through her,
hot and intense. Nerve endings quivered and pulsed, absorbing the wild energy,
the magical lycan power. She’d never felt such raw, explosive sensations. They
whipped through her blood faster and faster until she was filled with them.
Shivering in his arms, she tumbled over the cliff and fell against him as
spasms of release consumed her.

She’d barely come down from the high when Mad lifted her
from his stiff cock and she realized vaguely that he hadn’t come. He flipped
her onto her belly and lifted her ass, opening her body to him.

In the distance, a wolf howled, the sound followed by
another and another.

Madden’s pack at play.

“I’ll kill the first wolf who intrudes. Count on it,” he
said, his words hard with finality. “Have to fuck you harder, faster.” He
shoved his cock deep, the savage thrusts violently brushing her stiff nipples
against the quilt beneath her. His balls slammed solidly against her with each
stroke, teasing her drenched, swollen pussy. Needing to hold him deeper,
longer, she squeezed her muscles in an effort to keep him inside but he only
moved faster, dragging his cock over sensitized nerves and sending her
rocketing into pleasure again. Lana moaned, her body tensing as he pounded
heavily, building a staggering pressure that threatened to undo her. He reached
between her legs and found her clit. “Oh yeah,” he breathed, “that’s it. That’s
it. You are so fucking beautiful.”

Completion moved through her, the excruciating pleasure
threatening to rip her to shreds as her body embraced the energy. Light burst
behind her closed eyelids as the thrill of orgasm shook her to the core. Behind
her, Mad growled as he went still then plunged once more. She felt his cum
blast into her body, her muscles quivering around his cock. Together they sank
to the ground. Mad breathed heavily against her neck, wrapping his arm around
her from behind. She wondered briefly at the heights they could reach as their
mating bond grew.

Saturated in pleasure, Lana relaxed against his big body.
Love filled her, sinking deep into her heart along with a happiness and sense
of security she’d never known before.

As their breathing settled, a low growl, sinister and feral,
ripped through the air. Madden tensed an instant before going to his feet. A
huge white wolf moved from around the base of a nearby tree. Lana stifled a
terrified cry.

She recognized him instantly.

Like other Snow Wolves, his fur was pale yet Anton’s face
was marked with a blaze of black around his muzzle. He snarled and snapped,
teeth bared as he skulked forward, belly low to the ground. Terror seized her
as Mad advanced, fisting his hands. She knew he would have to shift to meet any
attack from her former fiancé.

“Lana! Run to the truck. Now!” he barked the command and
Lana scrambled into action. In her panic, she started to grab for their
clothing but Mad’s voice stopped her and quickly brought her to her senses.
“Leave ’em, damn it. Run!”

Lana raced to the pickup and crawled behind the wheel,
thankful as hell the keys were in the ignition. She started the truck but then
looked up, terrified, as more wolves, roughly a half dozen moved through the
trees heading straight toward Madden. He could never fight so many. No way. He
was vastly outnumbered.

Praying he wouldn’t shift, wouldn’t stand and fight right
now, she turned on the headlights, illuminating the area. Several wolves,
including her father, looked into the light and backed away slightly. Mad
hadn’t shifted yet, thank gods, so she stomped on the gas and sped into the
clearing. Mad backed up one step, then two, pausing only when she braked to a
jarring stop next to him. Lana leaned over and threw open the passenger door of
the truck.

“Get in,” she yelled. “Quick.”

Mad jumped bare-assed naked into the truck and slammed the
door as the wolves began to advance again. “Floor it. Get us the hell out of

As she raced toward the house, her heart threatening to
pound from her chest, she glanced over at Mad. A muscle worked in his jaw and
fury practically vibrated from his body. She reached across the expanse of the
cab and took his hand. “It’s over now. It’s over.”

He slid her a look that promised retribution. “You think so?
Hell, babe, this is just the beginning. You are mine and I’ll die before I’ll
let them hurt you. I think it’s time I let them know what they’re up against.”

* * * * *

Members of the Texas Rogues had been scouting the area
surrounding Sweetridge for the past several days and though they’d picked up
signs of Lana’s former pack, it was as if they’d vanished into thin air,
cooling their heels until they would attack again. Lana was just glad there had
been no confrontations and everyone was okay for the moment. The sense of
impending battle loomed over them all. Lana was terrified. She’d never forget
the sight of Anton’s teeth bared as he’d moved through the darkness. If he’d
had his way, her mate would be dead on the ground.

Her mate.

Madden Moon was so much more than that. He was the best man
she’d ever known and when this mess was over she would share with him a truth
that she’d come to accept.

She loved him.

He deserved to know that.

The notion of spending the rest of her days with him filled
her with a happiness she’d never believed could happen for her. Before she’d
come here, her life had been one long bleak day after the next with no hope for
anything more. That had all changed with meeting Mad.

Now she sat with him in the living room and waited for
members of the Wolf Creek pack of West Texas to arrive. As they’d done many
times in the past, the two groups would team up, exhibiting strength in numbers
against a common foe. Ynez was upstairs readying guest rooms for their visitors
and the smell of food cooking in the kitchen filled the air. Mad stood,
shoulder propped against a window frame, staring out over the countryside. Linc
and several other lycans patrolled the perimeter of the grounds and Savannah
sat next to Lana on the sofa. Earlier, her new friend had arrived bearing
platters of cupcakes, freshly made croissants and other pastries, claiming that
if she didn’t bake something, she was going to lose it. Obviously Lana wasn’t
the only one to succumb to the tension in the air.

The trio remained silent until the roar of several truck
engines alerted them to the arrival of their guests.

“They’re here.” Mad moved away from the window, his face a
study of determination, and went into the foyer to greet the Wolf Creek
warriors. Lana and Savannah followed, both stopping near the front door as Moon
moved into the driveway. Double-cab trucks filled with lycans braked to a stop
and when they stepped onto the pavement, Lana blinked at the sheer size of the
men who’d come to fight with them.

“Ringo Ramone.” Mad stepped forward and extended a hand to
the huge Latino lycan. She knew from earlier conversations that he served as
first lieutenant to Alpha Joe McKinnon of the Wolf Creek pack. “Haven’t seen
you in some time. Glad you’re here and thanks for responding to my call.”

“Sorry to meet under these circumstances,
. We
are at your disposal anytime you need assistance. Joe sends his best. As you
know, Quinn is expecting their first child at any moment and he couldn’t leave
his mate.”

“I understand and would feel the same under those
circumstances.” Mad turned to her and lifted a hand. Though Savannah hung back,
Lana joined Mad in the driveway. “This is Lana Vronski, my mate.”

Hearing herself introduced as Mad’s mate made her so proud.
What else could she be but

She nodded. “Thank you for coming to help. Guess I brought a
heap of trouble here when I left Colorado.”

Ringo slid his dark gaze between her and Mad. “You are where
you belong and we’ll see those
leave you alone to live your life
in peace. We all deserve that,


Others approached and soon Lana was lost in a whirlwind of
introductions. She met Cactus Mackey and his mate Sara, and then was introduced
to Sara’s sister, Kat Dunham and her mate, Gabriel. Both lycan males were big
as mountains and exhibited the protective instincts toward their mates that
she’d come to expect from Texas lycans. Still, she was curious about the women.
Lycan men tended to be so overprotective of their mates that it seemed odd that
Sara and Kat had come on this journey.

They moved into the house and assumed various positions in
the living room. Lana occupied a wing-backed chair that was grouped with a
large sectional sofa. Mad stood at her side in a show of solidarity and
Savannah sat on an ottoman nearby. After Ynez served cold drinks to their
guests, Ringo glanced at his watch. “What could be keeping Rainwater?”

Gabriel, whom Lana had learned served as a county sheriff in
West Texas along with being a lieutenant for Joe McKinnon, grunted. “He went in
to town to settle some of the other guys and make arrangements to meet up with
them all later.” He looked at Moon. “We’ve brought twenty strong pack members
with us. They’ll be staying in the motel at the edge of town. It’s a chore to
get that many folks settled in and we stuck Sam Rainwater with the job. He
should be along any moment.”

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