Read Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2) Online

Authors: J.L. Myers

Tags: #young adult, #magic, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #alchemist, #Paranormal, #vampire, #Romance, #fantasy, #premonition, #lycan

Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)
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“But you’re not sure?” I remembered the glorious light that had exploded as our minds and souls intertwined. That had been the light Madam Rosalie had been talking about, hadn’t it?

“Not completely, but I’ll keep digging. It’ll take time though. There’s so many symbols and I don’t even have them all in books.” There was a slight pause through the speaker. “I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

“Okay, thanks.” I hung up and placed the wrecked jewelry box in my bedside drawer, then fell back onto the comforter. It felt like for every step we’d taken forward today, we’d taken one back. Christmas was two days away now, and I had no idea what to do next.

Kendrick fell back onto the bed beside me. “Bond block practice?”

I couldn’t help the tiny smile that curved my lips. “Distraction and progress? You know me too well.”


Through the windshield the sky was a dark shade of slate, as messy clouds swirled in threat. Soon it would be pouring down, and I shivered at the thought of more lightning. In the past I could have watched an electrical storm for hours. But after my too-close-for-comfort encounters, hanging around now put me on edge.

After braving the rush of shoppers at the mall in Manchester—on the day before Christmas—and managing to find gifts for everyone except Kendrick and Ty, I was home. I drove Dorian’s and my Cabriolet into the driveway, right behind a delivery van. Remembering my brother’s guidelines on driving the car without him, I left the engine running. God forbid I not allow
to cool down properly. Even at the shops I’d had to find the most remote parking spot to avoid anyone accidentally denting the car. And the Manchester mall’s parking lot was huge. No, this would not do. I needed my own wheels. I committed for the second time today to begging my mom for my own ride. A Ducati, my favorite bike, would do just fine.

Eager to get inside, I climbed out of the car and met the delivery man at the door. “Can I help you?”

The man turned to me, holding an express post envelope in his hand. For a moment I was surprised not to see the old delivery man who’d dropped off the test results for the vial. This man was middle aged and seemed much more the part. “Are you Miss Amelia Lamont?”

“Uh, yeah.” I glanced around, my paranoia growing. Kendrick wasn’t home, I knew that much. I could also tell that his mind was shut off from mine. I was completely alone. “Is that for me?”

The man handed me an electronic device to sign, then as I handed it back, he gave me the envelope. “Merry Christmas.”

He tipped his head and strolled back to his van. This one was blue, not black, and printed with the company’s logo. A minute later he was gone.

I looked the envelope over. Printed in block letters on the back was Marcus Vladimir. Breath I didn’t realized I’d been holding whistled from my lips. My lungs ached at the release. Anything unexpected these days sent a bolt of fear through me, the expectation of something horrible to come. I tore into the envelope and slid free two sheets of paper. The first was a confirmation booking for Kendrick and Dorian to spend a week at a snow resort. The second made my eyes bug. “A 5-night cruise for two around the South Pacific Islands, departing Brisbane Australia!”

Even more shocking than the cruise and pre-booked flights was who the cruise was booked for. Me and one Ty Malau. I dug back into the envelope and slid out a printed white card. It read:


Caius is planning something. I’m not sure exactly what. You all need to lay low for a while, and what better way than this?

Enjoy the gift,


P.S. Your mom will be fine, but don’t call me until you’re back. He’s watching.

I tugged my iPhone from my jeans and texted Ty.
‘Can u meet me?’

‘Can’t. Brother home. Dreamscape tonight?’

While I was locked away at the Armaya, Ty’s induced dreamscape had been the only way we’d been able to see each other. A plane of existence between sleep and awake where Ty controlled everything, including when I could leave. It was as close to reality as possible without being in a physical location. In this case it was better than relaying my surprise over the phone.

‘Tonight it is. Can’t w8.’

I glanced back to the still-idling car and froze. Two figures were walking up the paved driveway. Through the fear I registered who it was and sighed. Dorian and Kendrick. “Hey, you’ll never believe this…”

After showing them the bookings and card, Kendrick called Marcus, ignoring his warning. The call went to voicemail and his face hardened. “Call me ASAP.” Then he hung up. “I don’t like this.”

“What’s not to like?” Dorian snatched the papers, looking like he wanted to scream
“White Mountains. Layers of thick snow. And we’re lodging at Wildcat. They’ve got the biggest continual vertical track out there!”

Dorian’s enthusiasm didn’t surprise me. His biggest love, apart from girls, was any and all sports, plus any competition that came with it. On the flip side Kendrick’s reluctance wasn’t a mystery. “You still don’t think I’m safe with Ty?”

A muscle ticked in Kendrick’s jaw. “I’m not prepared to risk your safety with anyone. Besides, this whole scenario screams suspicious. Why would Marcus send you across the world with Ty and keep us in New Hampshire?”

“Well, I’m glad,” Dorian said. “The sun and me? We’re not such great friends, but Amelia has no reaction to it. It’s summer across the world, if you didn’t know.”

That made sense to me. Because of what Caius had done to him, Dorian—like any royal—was made uncomfortable and weak from direct exposure to sunlight. I on the other hand had no such affliction. So with Caius and whatever vampire minions he had coming for us, a sun-drenched ship was the safest place for me.

I caught Kendrick’s hand. “Marcus knows about Ty. He knows I trust him completely.”

Kendrick freed his hand, expression turning smug as he leaned against a porch pillar. “You think your mom’s going to allow this?” He laughed. “Fat bloody chance.”

“She will allow it.” Dorian smiled, a devious glimmer to his silver-blue eyes. “Whether she likes it or not.”

“You’re going to compel her?” This was becoming too regular an occurrence for my liking. “This can’t be our go-to all the time. And using it on pointless things, like girls, is

“Hey, when I started doing that I didn’t even realize I was compelling Mom. When I did, I stopped. Since then I’ve only used it to find out information to protect us.” Dorian handed me back the papers and went to retrieve the keys from our car. “According to Marcus, we’re in danger. If Mom says no, then for our own good I’ll make her change her mind.”

“Amelia, I still don’t like this.” Worry streamed through the bond, matching the bleak look on Kendrick’s face. “What about blood? And how can I keep you safe? What if something—”

“Nothing bad will happen, and I’ll stash enough baggies in my suitcase to last.” I wanted to hug him but held back. “Plus I need this. We both do. And whether you’re physically with me or not, you’ll always be able to reach me. We’ll never be truly apart.”

The darkness across his face lifted. “And don’t you forget it.”


That night I awoke at the lookout, standing against the railing and overlooking the town of Portsmouth. Excitement had my heart fluttering as a set of unforgettable warm hands rested on my arms. “Hey, beautiful,” Ty breathed against my neck, making me shiver.

I spun to wrap my arms around his heated body. His chest was bare. Being in cotton pajama shorts, his sweatpants were soft against my legs. His scent was intoxicating. It made my head light and airy, and my mouth water. Even though I’d seen him yesterday morning, it felt like so long ago. I hugged him harder. “I’ve missed you.”

Ty smiled down at me, the most genuine smile that caused my heart to skip a beat. He dipped his head to press a hot kiss to my lips.

I drew away and spun back to the city lights that beamed up at me, reflecting colorful prisms across sheeted snow. My body and mind braced for Kendrick’s intruding emotions.

But there was nothing. No nudging inside my brain. No disgust. No revulsion. There were just my own thoughts and emotions. It was weird. This was my first dreamscape since being bound to Kendrick, and I wasn’t blocking him in any way. Still the evidence was there—Kendrick wasn’t here.

I stood on my toes and twirled, catching the back of Ty’s neck with one hand. Our lips connected and I parted his, tongue brushing over his again and again. My free hand ran over his chest, while his covered my hips and pulled me close. Our lip action grew hotter by the second. When the scenery began to spin from lack of oxygen, I broke free, gasping.

“What,” Ty struggled for breath, “was that for?”

“We’re alone…”

Ty peered around the lookout’s empty parking lot. “Were you expecting me to bring someone else to our dream?”

I smiled. “No. I mean he’s not here. Kendrick’s not in my head.”

“Are you sure?”

I took Ty’s hand and led him up the gravel path to a quaint gazebo siding the parking lot. The metal and wood structure didn’t exist at the real lookout, but it was a nice touch. “I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’m sure. He’s not here. I can’t feel him.”

Ty sat next to me on the bench and smiled. “That’s huge.”

He wasn’t wrong. Since returning from the Armaya, any and all moments we’d had together had been shared with Kendrick, or should I say marred by. Apart from my dwindling success with blocking, we’d hardly had a single private moment. This revelation was more than huge, it was monumental. Kendrick couldn’t share my mind during a dreamscape. Without knowing it, I had grown accustomed to his continued negative thoughts and persistent interruptions. And now he wasn’t here. It was just Ty and me.

Sudden nerves washed over me in waves. With Kendrick’s expected interruptions I had gotten used to restraining myself around Ty. To holding back my animalistic need to feel, kiss, and drink him.

“I—I have a Christmas present for you,” I said suddenly. His naked chest, full mouth, and scent were too much of a temptation. If I didn’t change the mood I’d be all over him like a rash. “It’s a vacation to the South Pacific Islands. A 5-night cruise. The flight leaves in two days.”

“You’re serious? Just us?” Ty rocked back against the bench. “What about your mom? She can’t possibly be allowing you to go. Not if she knows it’s with me.”

“She won’t have a choice.”

Although I didn’t want to spoil the getaway, I told Ty everything. Secrets in the past had always caused more trouble in the end. He wasn’t impressed Marcus had initiated the vacations, but he took the warning seriously.

“Wherever we are, I’ll never let anyone harm you.” Ty ran his hand across my cheek. “I’d die to keep you safe.”

As I went to smile, a roadblock occurred to me. “Oh, I didn’t even…your father. He won’t let you go, will he?”

Ty laughed. “I’m an adult, remember? He won’t like it one bit, but he can’t control me.” His strong arms wrapped around me. “This is going to be awesome.” Ty paused, arms releasing a fraction. “Hey, what do you plan to do about, uh…blood?”

Kendrick had already brought up that issue. “I’m going to stash packs of baggies and bottles in my checked baggage. That should work, right?”

Ty’s eyebrows lifted, considering. “What if you get a puncture? How would you explain blood leaking from your luggage to airport officials?”

Hadn’t thought of that.

“What about this?” Ty lifted my hand and pressed it to his elevated heartbeat. “Drink from me.”

I coughed, choking on my own saliva. “What!” I shook my head. “No, Ty. I couldn’t do that to you.” Firstly, drinking from Ty like that would make it feel like I was using him. Secondly? I still didn’t trust my self-control one hundred percent. What if I didn’t have the strength to pull away?

“I know why you’re worried. But you don’t have to be. I trust you, Amelia.” Ty saw the doubt on my face and lifted my hand to his lips. “If I need to help you stop in the beginning, that’s okay. I understand this is new territory for you. It is for me, too. But I want to do this. I want to be connected to you in a way that’s special, that’s just for us. Don’t you want that too?”

I wanted that more than I’d ever wanted anything in my entire life. “I do.” I took a deep breath, seeing the hopeful determination on Ty’s face. No matter what I did or what I was, Ty trusted me. I had always trusted him too. “If you change your mind…”

“I won’t,” Ty vowed.

I took another deep breath. “Okay then. I’ll drink from you.”


Mom cleared her throat, pushed the neatly folded wrapping paper aside then rose from her green armchair. Behind her, the ceiling-high Christmas tree sparkled with decorations and flashing lights. A card for a booked weekend spa treatment and a silk shawl were clutched in her hands. “There’s one last thing.” Her smile was angelic and infectious, the earrings I’d given her complementing her designer sweats. “Dorian and Amelia, why don’t you have a look outside.”

Dorian tossed his gift from me—the new iPad—aside on the imperial, cloth and wood sofa. He was up and running through the living room’s tinsel and holly decked archway and out the front door by the time I uttered, “Outside?”

On the other side of the sofa Kendrick was listening to the new Three Days Grace album on his iPod, which now had a glossy new boarding case. He put aside the boarding boots and bindings I’d gotten him after our vacation surprise and smiled at me.

Dorian hollered from the front porch. “Woo hoo!”

I shoved my own loot aside—new Vans from Dorian, and surprise, surprise, a cocktail dress from Mom that I didn’t totally hate—and rushed out the wreathed front door.

Out here snow coated almost everything: driveway, trees, grass, and the stone boundary fence. Even the windows were coated in crystal snowflakes. Amongst the winter blanket, one object was clear of white dust. Our car was parked at the steps, and the change was a standout. Brand new, massive mag wheels.

“They’re fricken mad!” Dorian came around the car and wrapped his arms around Mom. “Thanks, Mom.” He released her after a moment and glanced at Kendrick. “We’ve gotta go for a drive, but first…” He wriggled a brow at me. “You might want to take a look in the garage.”

BOOK: Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)
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