Lyfe Changing (27 page)

Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

BOOK: Lyfe Changing
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Well good evening
everybody…” I said nervously. They all replied, “Good evening…” I
took another deep breath before speaking. “Well I’m glad to be here
today…things haven’t been too easy for me lately but with the help
of Pastor Wallace and these wonderful boys here I feel a sense of
hope that life will get better…Now I’m not one for long winded
speeches but I want say one thing. I thank God for bringing so many
good people into my life…” After everybody cheered and awed they
all came up and embraced me as we all got ready to see the rest of
the church.

Alright everyone…walk this
way so we can all see the dining area and building space.” The
coordinator said as the congregation eased on back. Out of nowhere
my grandmother appeared hugging me and kissing my cheek. “I’m so
proud of you baby…” I grabbed her frail body and smiled.
“Thanks grandma…” She quickly wiped away faint tears. “I’m serious
Derrick…you have changed your life so much and I just want you to
know I love you very much…” She hugged me again, and then had to
sneak away as her fellow church ladies called for her to come over.
I heard a familiar laugh coming my way and a huge grin spread
across my face. “Well what’s up boss…” little Luther said coming up
and patting me on the back. “Nothing much…how you been little

I said rubbing his freshly
cut hair. Little Luther had a glow about him today that was
different from normal. “Oh I have been good…I’m living with my
grandmother now…she taking good care of me, got me going to school
and everything…” “Well that’s good to hear…I’m proud of you…” I
nodded. “Thanks man…I just wanted to come up here and say good
looking out for me and the guys on this church project and
everything…you have been real good to us even when you didn’t have
to…” Little Luther said patting my arm. I didn’t understand why
these guys were praising me so much…to be honest they changed my
life just as much as I changed theirs. “Don’t even worry about it
boy…you just keep going to school and making them good grades ok?”
Little Luther nodded with his little silly grin and returned to
grandmothers side.

I couldn’t help but feel a
sense of accomplishment just then…saving another youngster from a
hard life. “They really look up to you don’t they?” I instantly
froze at the sound of that sweet voice; even though I hadn’t heard
it in a while I still remembered those sweet familiar sounds in my
ear. I turned my head and focused in on the beautiful woman that I
had been missing terribly.

Destiny looked lovelier
than ever in white from fitting dress and her long dark hair. It
took a minute for me to speak but eventually I said something.
“Yeah…you know how kids are just need someone teach them…” We
stepped closer to each other taking in this moment of being
reunited. “How have been Destiny?” I finally asked her. She took a
deep breath as if he were hard for her. “I have been good…given
everything that has happened…that’s was a very inspiring speech you
gave up there?” I chuckled a little realizing Destiny had been
there all this time. “Yeah a little impromptu but it is what it
is.” She smiled at my embarrassment but it quickly

I miss you Derrick…” It
pained me to know I was causing her so much grief but she had to
understand, I lived a hard and even though Julio was in jail her
safety was no guarantee. “You better get to the kitchen before all
the good food disappears.” I said without looking into her sad
eyes. Destiny caught the dismissal and nodded as she began to walk
away. “I miss you too Des…” I unwillingly admitted as she walked
pass me. Destiny stopped for a moment but soon continued on. I
sighed deeply through the pain hoping the decision I had made was
the right one.


It was a long drive so late
in the afternoon but I made it anyway. There was so much on my mind
I just had to get away to the only safe haven that I had. The cabin
was a little cold and dreary but when I thought about the reason I
was there it really made no difference. I stared at my almost
finished painting, the mystery man that stayed in my dreams had
been finally revealed to me; he had been failing to make an
appearance lately and I knew why. I came to realize who had been
entering my dreams and my heart. I took my time finishing it up
even though I felt extremely anxious with every stroke of the brush
forming lips, eyes, and a nose.

As I slowly came to
completion, my heart felt overwhelmed and tears formed in my eyes.
This painting held so much truth inside of it; it held my feelings,
my pain, and my love. It finally revealed to me the one thing that
deep down I knew all along, it showed me the man that had my
heart…Derrick. I finally felt sense of clarity in that moment and I
knew what I had to do. I quickly shut everything down in the cabin
and headed back home.

I had a lot of things to do
with in the hour and I was finding it difficult to wait.
…I thought.
I need to do something with my hair…find a sexy
outfit…cook a nice big meal…
. I was so
excited about my big plan for Derrick that I was damn near bouncing
out of my car. I finally pulled into my condo’s parking lot and was
skipping up the stairs to the elevator. I made it up to my place
and opened the door. I took a deep breath and pulled my hair back
to get ready to execute my master plan to get my man back. I set
out some meat to defrost and bumped up my overhead radio to get me
in the mood.

Kicking off my shoes I
entered my bedroom to find something nice and sexy to wear. My jaw
damn near hit the floor when I flicked on the light. Derrick was
sitting on my bed as if he were anticipating me coming in. He
slowly stood up as I came closer. “How…how did you get in here?” I
asked confused and anxious. “I bribed the doorman…” He chuckled
nervously. “Look…I know this is strange me being here but…I needed
to see you.” I felt my heart in my throat blocking me from
breathing as he spoke. “Baby I made a mistake…I thought I was
protecting you by keeping us apart but in reality I have been
miserable without you…I love you…can we just…” I barely let Derrick
finish his sentence before I jumped on him. I kept kissing him all
over until we both fell back against my bed. “Oh Derrick…Derrick…I
love you…” I said in between kisses. “I…I love you too baby…”
Derrick and I continued to devour each other while we lay in the
bed. I had been waiting for this moment for so long, to feel this
euphoria again when our bodies interlocked, and damn was it


A new start


I patted my hair down and
pressed out the wrinkles in my dress. I had been fidgeting all
morning; I was a nervous wreck as I walked down to Central park to
meet Derrick and his children. “Ok Des deep breathes…deep
breathes.” I kept telling myself trying to calm down. I tried to
look as conservative as possible in a yellow sundress and sandals.
I wore my hair down with soft makeup looking very Mary Poppins
like, which was a little ironic because children were not my strong
point. But I loved Derrick so much I was willing to go above and
beyond to make this work. “Destiny…” I turned around to face
Derrick and the four most beautiful kids I had ever seen. They all
were bright skinned, with dark curly hair, and dark eyes just like
their father. “Hey there…”

I said nervously. They all
looked up at me curiously before looking back to their father.
Derrick looked down to his children and smiled. “All right guys…
This is daddy’s girlfriend Destiny…” The small children looked back
to me and in unison said. “Hi…” “Hey kids…I’m Destiny. What are
your names?” Although I already knew their names and ages I thought
it would be more relatable if they told me themselves. They went in
order from oldest to the youngest.

Danton…Dante…Dean…Delilah…” I nodded after they spoke politely one
after another. “Nice to meet you…” Derrick nodded in approval as
well. “Well now that the awkward phase is over let’s get to some
ice cream huh?” “Yaaaahhhh!!!!” The kids screamed. We all walked
down to the nearby ice cream parlor and sat down with our treats.
The conversation between all of us was pretty much rated G, with
talks of sponge bob, new Disney movies, and school projects.
Somehow along the way it took an unexpected turn. “So dad is Ms.
Destiny gonna give us another brother or sister?”

Dante spoke up eyeing is
father curiously. Derrick nearly choked on his ice cream while my
eyes widened shockingly. After he cleared his throat he finally
spoke. “Why would you say that son?” Dante slurped down more of his
ice cream before speaking again. “Well when you always bring a new
lady around we get a new brother or sister…” He said innocently. I
chuckled at the harsh reality but stayed quiet. Derrick looked at
his son in way that any parent would when their child stepped over
the adult line.

No son there is no baby
coming. Destiny is just a special lady in you old man’s life that
he wanted you to meet.” He said smiling while grabbing my hand. I
smiled back loving his recognition. Dante eyed me curiously. “Daddy
isn’t she the same woman you were staring at through the window of
that building.” The young boy said pointing to my nearby gallery.
Derrick sighed and shook his head at his outspoken child but I
found him quite charming. “Looks like we got a little detective on
our hands huh?” I said touching his small arm. He smiled at me and
nodded. “Yep…I watch law and order.” We all burst out laughing
finding a loving connection amongst one another.

Are you and Ms. Destiny
getting married?” Danton asked Derrick biting of the head of a
Popsicle. “What’s married?” Delilah asked me tapping my arm. I
smiled at her nervously. “It’s when two people who love each other
make a vow to spend the rest of their lives together and they have
a big party to celebrate.” “Oooh can I come.” Dean spoke up
excited. “Yeah me too.” Delilah squealed. “Guys…Guys…” Derrick
finally spoke up. “Were not getting married yet... I have to ask

Derrick said looking at me
nervously. “So what are you waiting for?” Dante inquired smiling
brightly for some reason. “Your right…” Derrick nodded. I looked at
him peculiarly as he got up and stood in front of me. “Derrick what
is going on?” I asked nervously. Derrick grabbed my hand as all the
kids gathered around us. “Destiny I didn’t bring you here just to
meet the most important people in my life. I brought you here to
see if you would like to be a part of our

My eyes teared up and my
throat became dry as he got down on one knee and pulled out a
beautiful pink diamond ring. “Oh my God.” I gasped. “Destiny Witt…”
He smiled. “Will you marry me?” “Yes…” I nodded leaping into his
arms. “Yes…Oh my goodness… I can’t believe this.” I shook
uncontrollably as he placed the beautiful ring on my finger and
pulled me into his arms. I kissed his face repeatedly, beaming with
joy that he had just proposed. I was in such shock that the man I
met just a short year ago was making such a huge commitment to me.
“Now daddy…now can we have the party?” Delilah asked jumping up and
down. Derrick smiled. “Yes baby. We can have the party now.” The
kids all cheered and engulfed us in hugs as we continued kiss each
other. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could have
something such a blessing. So much had changed for me in my life
this past year. There was no more loneliness, no more heartache,
just pure attainable love. Derrick Lyfe had given me something I
used to dream of but never thought I could have…he was definitely
Lyfe Changing.

The End

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