Lyfe Changing (24 page)

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Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

BOOK: Lyfe Changing
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But you did…you just did.
I don’t deserve this shit, I really don’t. You are a psychotic
roller coaster ride and sorry but I’m getting off.” Derrick quickly
silenced me as his lips pressed against mine bringing back the much
desired and overwhelming sensation that always happened when are
lips came together. I couldn’t fight the feeling of enjoying his
mouth on top of mine, it had only been a few hours since but I
missed it so much. I finally regained my senses and pulled away
from him. “Derrick no…” I said backing away from him. I put my
finger to my lips and held it there; they were still throbbing from
the intense kiss I had just felt.
Why does
he do this to me?
. How can this man make me want to
put him in a wood chipper one minute and throw him on the floor and
make love to him the next?
I stared at his
dark eyes that matched so well with his handsome face. Derrick took
a seat on the nearby couch and just watched me, anticipating my
next move. I turned to face him trying to find some answers in his
eyes. “Derrick…what do you want from me?”

I asked him really wanting
to know why he had such a strong hold on me. Derrick’s eyes grew
softer his gaze fell to my uncovered skin. “Come here...”
Reluctantly I slowly did as I was told and stood right in front of
him as he asked. Derrick put his large hands around my waist and
rested his head on my stomach. “Destiny I’m sorry…I wasn’t trying
to hurt you. I love you.” I pulled away from him in anger. “Now
don’t go saying some bullshit like that just to butter me up.” “I’m
not…” He spoke sincerely. “I mean it. I love you.” I placed my
hands on my hips and eyed him suspiciously. “Oh yeah…and when did
you come to that conclusion.” “I have been realized this…” Derrick
pulled me closer to him. “I’m just now man enough to say it to
you…Destiny I love you.” I placed my hands on his head and stroked
his long dark hair. Call me a fool but I couldn’t tear myself away
from him…I didn’t want to.

You love me?” I

I do.” He

We stayed together in each
other’s embrace for a while until Derrick perked his head up. I
funny smile came across his face. “What is that?” He asked. I
looked at him puzzled. “What’s what?” His eyes came to mine and his
smile grew wider. “Is that Mary J bilge I hear coming from you
room?” An embarrassing look spread across my
. Everybody knows that when a woman’s
playing Mary J, she crying over a man.
“No...” I tried to lie. Derrick burst into laughter. Crouching
over the couch holding is stomach. “Damn…really?” He barely managed
to get out. I scowled at him again not pleased with his humor. “So
what if it is?” Derrick managed to sit back up still smiling. “I
didn’t think I hurt you that bad.” I rolled my eyes and got nervous
when I saw Derricks ears perk up again.

Wait…are you
Waiting to exhale
too…damn.” He slithered back on the couch rolling
in laughter again. Tired of this mockery I walked away from him.
“Oh get out…” I yelled. “I’m sorry…ok baby I’m sorry…” he said
getting up from the couch and walking over to me. “It’s alright
babe…hey…how about we watch it together.”

I looked at him in
disbelief. “No…really?” He nodded, “I want to share this man
hatting moment with you.” I couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped
my lips. I looked back at him and smiled. “Ok…but if we are going
to do this we are going to do this right…were watching
What’s love got to do with it?
too…get the ice cream out the fridge.” Derrick
laughed making his way the refrigerator. “Alright…game is face on…
let’s do this.”


Going to War


I couldn’t deny I enjoyed
watching her as she undressed in front of me from a distance. She
moved slowly, taking her time removing each item of clothing,
revealing her beautiful naked body. Her long dark hair fell past
her shoulders covering the middle of her back. She was a beauty
beyond comparison; I had never seen a woman so elegantly fit while
still retaining her sexy feminine curves.

I puffed on a cigar while I
continued to watch her unknowing performance from her bathroom
window. I had a team watching Destiny Witt for the past few weeks
now, ever since they found out where that rat bastard Derrick had
been spending is time when he wasn’t at that church.
Stupid muthafucka…did he really think I was going
to let him get away with robbing me.
I had
just been bidding my time while planning his execution just right.
A lot of suffering and pain was going to be taking place in
Derrick’s life soon and unfortunately for Ms. Witt’s sake she had
to be a part of it. I didn’t know what was stimulating me more
getting ready to end Derrick’s life or watching his woman put on a
strip show in front of me.

I figured he had been
getting it in with some bitch but I would have never had guessed it
would have been with a woman like her. Ms. Witt was a very
respectable woman who owned an art gallery downtown and only dealt
with upscale clientele. Why the hell she was rolling around in the
sack with a hoodlum like Derrick I couldn’t even imagine. I felt my
pants stiffen as I watched Destiny remove her bra and panties
exposing her most intimate parts and they were worth the wait. She
stepped into her tub filled with bubbles and leaned back and
relaxed as a very satisfying look spread across her lovely

My eyes focused in on her
at that moment, I imagined placing my hand in the water between her
legs and continuing to keep that satisfying look on her face. I
quickly calmed myself down not wanting to get too worked up. I
looked down at the bulge in my pants and smiled.
All in due time my friend…all in due time.
I turned around and leaned over my white Rolls
Royce attempting to catch a calming breath. “Ready when you are
Julio…” I heard one of my workers speak up. I nodded and turned to
look at them. “Don’t make a mess…” They all smiled as they made
their way up to Destiny’s condo. I continue to watch her soak in
the bath tub not even knowing what was about to happen to her…that
was even more exciting than anything.


I don’t know how I found
myself back here again but as I drove around the city in my truck
it ultimately led me down this path. I stood in the middle I-295
reliving the very moments of the night I had my accident. I walked
up the road feeling the gravel under my boots. I came across the
cleared grass path were my car had mowed through and crashed. An
eerie feeling came over me as I came to the realization that this
was the moment that changed everything. I felt the steering wheel
in my hands as I drove down the lonely road; I remember the
adrenaline pumping in my veins as I looked back at the bag full of
money in my backseat and the honking of horn.

The honking so loud it
nearly burst my ear drums, I could feel myself being elevated as
the car swung around and crashed into the trees to my far right. I
had gambled with my life on more than one occasion but never before
had I experienced the fear of death until that night. The very
thoughts and images chilled my bones. It had been almost a year
since the accident that changed my life indefinitely. I had lost
all my money, friends, and my whole life style but I had gained
something new. There was I reason I was on the road that night,
there was I reason why I had my accident and why she was there to
save me.

Ever since I met Destiny my
whole outlook on life had completely changed. I was not the same
selfish person I used to be, I cared about her needs and her
feelings above my own. She makes me feel good, feel comfortable
with her, and comfortable with myself. I feel like I can me a
better person, a better father, and just better in general. I feel
I can trust, I can believe, and I can love. In a way I understood
why everything played out the way that it did because if it hadn’t
I wouldn’t be in the space I was in now…happiness. Walking back to
my truck I came to realize that the course of this year’s past
events didn’t ruin me, it made me better. I was no longer looking
at life as the end of what was but as the beginning of what

On my way home I stopped by
the church to pick up some tools I had left over. A rumble at the
church doors took me by surprise thinking I would be alone. I
quickly spun around in case of another altercation that might ensue
from some unexpected guest. I was very shocked when I saw De and
Ray walked through the doors. “Derrick…we have been looking all
over for you bruh.” De said out breath. They both had a peculiar
look to them as if something wasn’t right. “What’s up y’all…what’s
going on?” De and Ray both looked at each other sadly before
looking back to me to answer. “He took her Derrick…” Ray finally
said. I looked at them confusingly not understanding what they were
talking about. “What are you talking bout…who took who?” Ray sighed
as if he hated that he had to be the bearer of badness. He walked
toward me and put one hand on my shoulder.

Julio…and his boys found
out about ole girl you been messing with…he sent his boys over to
her place and they took her.” My stomach dropped down to my pinky
toe at those vicious words…
they took
. I staggered back unable to get
control of my limbs, I was having difficulty breathing. I couldn’t
believe this was happening right now. I gripped the top of a nearby
pew to stand. “He…he took her…what do you mean? How do you know?” I
looked up at them angrily and quickly grabbed Ray by the throat
causing him to struggle to breathe. “What did you do? Did you stand
there and watch? Did you help him?” Ray tried to claw my hand away
from his neck but to no avail. De came up behind us to pull us
apart. “Relax dog…were not your enemy.” I finally released Ray and
he leaned against the church ramp.

De looked me in the eyes
and tried to explain everything. “Listen Derrick…we had nothing to
do with that fool taking Destiny aight…we just heard about it
through the grapevine, the second we heard we came looking for
you.” I tried to calm myself down but I was losing it. Destiny…he
has Destiny. I collapsed down in one of the pews and covered my
face with my hands. “Oh God… what are you doing this? Why is this
happening?” Ray finally stood back to his feet and looked at me
struggle in my weakened state. “Were trying to look out for you
Derrick…we got your back man.” I sat there not wanting to believe
reality...not wanting to believe that I could go to Destiny’s house
right now and she wouldn’t be there…all because of me. I finally
regained back my senses and shot up from the church pew.

Tell me where to find
him?” I said roughly knowing that it was time to go hunting. De
jumped in front of me to block my path. “Whoa…whoa whoa…you can’t
just go bustin in on this fool…you might as well commit suicide.”
De had a point but I didn’t care. There was no way I was going to
let that bastard get away with this… I was ready for war. I looked
him square in the eye letting him know I wasn’t playing any games.
“Where is he?” De nodded knowing there was no stopping me like
this. “Listen we’ll take you to him but…we can’t go in there empty
handed…we got to come out gunz blazing.” Ray stood and nodded
beside his brother. I looked at them both sternly. “Well what we
waiting for?”


How Do You Like


“Anything else you need
Julio?” Pate asked me. My lovely companion and I sat across from
each other in my bedroom having dinner. She had put up quite a
fight so I was told but a quick smack to the face made her subdue.
Even with a bruised cheek she still held captivating beauty that
burned my Lyons more than I could bear. I looked up at Pate and
waved him off. “That will be all…go check in with the crew
downstairs.” Pate glanced from me to Destiny and a wicked grin
spread across his face causing his platinum grill to gleam in the
dim light. He slowly eased out the door and left us alone with one
another. I sipped on my wine glass and watched Destiny from across
the table, her face was wet with tears and I could see she was

She reminded me of a scared
little cat in the corner hiding from a big vicious dog and for some
reason I found it intensely stimulating. “Relax baby…nothing’s
going to happen…yet.” A sharp scowl appeared on her pretty face as
her eyes met mine, she was breathing heavier than normal due to her
fear and was going to give herself a heart attack. I watched her
chest cave in and out through the white button up shirt I had
placed on her naked body. Destiny wiped tears from her face and
held herself trying to calm down. She looked away from me to the
fireplace not wanting to acknowledge my presence any

I chuckled at her defiance.
“I must say, I find it quite odd a woman of your caliber would
associate yourself with somebody like Derrick, he seems a little
bit beneath you don’t you think?” I continued to sip on my wine
while admiring the firmness of her body. “You are a very beautiful
woman…extremely refined…you mustn’t defile yourself with animals.”
Destiny continued to look away from me not giving me any of her
attention; I couldn’t help but find humor in the whole situation. I
decided to take our conversation a step further by antagonizing

Or maybe you are one of
those. You get off on fucking criminals?” There was a flicker in
her eye that let me know I had her attention so I continued to
press her on. “So what is it about Derrick huh? Is there an itch
that only he can scratch? To snag a classy woman like you he must
know how to break you in real good.” I leaned forward until the
table watching Destiny’s spirit slowly crumble. “Come on Destiny
talk to me…” I chuckled. “I’m sure I can be a better friend to you
then he can.” “Go to hell!” She finally gnarled. I marveled in my
victory. “She speaks…”

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