Loves Redemption (12 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry

BOOK: Loves Redemption
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As soon as she returned, flowers in vase, he complimented her. “Maya you look

stunning,” he said.

“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself,” she complimented in return, her gaze

settling over him. He wore loose, black tailored slacks with a small cuff at the ankles. His lightweight jacket was unfastened over a burgundy close-fit ribbed shirt.

As she was admiring him, he was doing the same to her. The deep red of the dress set off

the golden tones of her complexion. The dress was tiny and clingy, and it outlined her curvy little body to perfection.

Mark’s gaze traveled downward, and his eyes took in her small feet encased in the sexiest

shoes he’d ever seen. They made her feet look like a small present. He wouldn’t mind skipping dinner to start unwrapping.

The constriction in his throat had him clearing his voice as he complimented her again,

before escorting her into a waiting late model Jaguar sedan. Once they were inside, he turned on the radio, and the sound of a bluesy saxophone filled the car.

Maya settled back against the soft leather interior and turned her body toward him. “Nice

car. What happened to your SUV?” He watched her hands caress the cool, butter-colored leather seat.

“I wasn’t sure what you would wear tonight, and I didn’t want you to have a hard time

climbing inside, so I borrowed one of my brother’s cars. It’s a lot easier to get into than my Expedition.”

“Thank you. That was thoughtful.” They sat in companionable silence for long moments

until Maya spoke. “Are you and your brothers close? Allison was the closest I had to a sister, but I always wondered what it would be like to have had a real family.”

“It was fun at times. At others, my brothers could be a real pain in the … butt. Overall

we’re pretty close.” As he spoke, the love he had for his family came shining through in his voice and Maya felt a pang of envy.

When they reached the popular River Walk area, Mark parked in a secured lot not far


“It sure is a beautiful night,” her voice was low and admiring as she looked around and

smiled. Her lovely face lit with joy as they strolled along the lit path.

As Mark captured her hand in his, he knew the night held nothing in beauty compared to

her. He wanted to tell her, but knew if he did, she’d think it was a line, and a corny one at that.

Instead, he brought her hand to his mouth and placed small kisses on her knuckles before giving her pinky a final kiss.

“It certainly is,” he agreed.

As they strolled along the walkway, Mark noticed the small steps Maya had been taking.

Much smaller than her normal gait. “Are your feet okay? I remember you told me you don’t go out too much and you were more comfortable in running shoes than heels. Those are sexy as

hell, but they don’t exactly look like running shoes.”

“I’m fine. I wasn’t too sure about them at first, but they’re a lot more comfortable than

they look. I’m walking a little slower to make sure,” she said with a self-conscious laugh. “And you know, I think I could get used to heels. I feel like a giant!”

The top of her head was still inches below his shoulder, so he refrained from commenting

on her height. After walking a while longer, they settled on a restaurant and decided to eat at one of the outside tables.

Looking across the candlelit table at Mark, Maya smiled. “It’s been a long time since I’ve

been here. Thank you for inviting me.”

“Thank you for coming with me.”

“Speaking of gratitude, I never thanked you for the lovely flowers you sent last week.

They were beautiful.” She smiled across the table at him.

“Maya, I didn’t send any flowers last week. Someone sent you flowers? When did you

get them?” Mark demanded, as unbidden, jealousy rose sharp at the thought of some other man sending her flowers.

“It was the same day as the interview with Alicia Somers. I thought they were from you,

even though the wording was kind of strange.” She recalled the odd phrasing. “I kept the note.”

“I’d like to take a look at it if you don’t mind. It’s nothing to worry about; I’d just like to see it.”

“I kept it in my jewelry box. You can read it,” Maya agreed.

Soon they returned to their easy conversation, until the waiter appeared with their food.

By the end of the meal, Mark felt as she were opening up to him and sharing more of who she was.

“What made you want to study psychology?” he asked, as the waiter brought them


Before answering, she took a thoughtful sip. “I’ve always wanted to know what makes us

behave the way we do. I guess I’m curious as to what makes us tick to put it in layman’s terms,”

she laughed lightly. “Because of my childhood, it seemed fitting for me to try and learn what motivates behavior.”

“That’s one of the reasons I enjoy being a cop,” Mark accepted the leather bound folder

that held his credit card, along with the charge slip from the waiter. “I’ve always wanted to know why people do some of the things they do. What makes a woman snap and kill her husband after years of abuse? What makes a man beat up on someone smaller and more helpless than he is?”

“Was that why you chose to be a police officer rather than pursue law?” After Maya

declined a second cup of coffee, Mark pulled her chair out and she rose from the table as they left the restaurant.

Hand in hand, they walked along the lit path of the River Walk. They passed several

street musicians and paused to listen to them play, dropping money into open guitar cases or hats before continuing on their way.

“That was one of the main reasons,” Mark picked up the thread of their conversation as

they walked. “I also had a hard time seeing myself defend the same people who were abusers.

My father’s firm is one of the best law firms in San Antonio, and his services aren’t cheap. But just because you can afford a good attorney, doesn’t make you any better than the guy who beat up his wife and has to have a public defender represent him,” he said in disgust, as he thought about some of the cases he’d seen daily at the station.

Maya opened her mouth to answer when her right foot buckled. With a small sound of

distress, she stumbled against him, and he steadied her, both hands gripping her waist.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?”

“I tripped on a rock, and it hurt my ankle,” she said on a small hiss of pain. As she

steadied herself, she took a tentative step and cried out again. “Oh my God, that really hurts!”

Before she knew what was happening Mark had swung her up in his arms and swiftly strode

away, toward the parking lot.


“Mark, put me down. I can walk, really I can. And besides I’m too heavy to carry that

far.” At his incredulous look, she had to laugh at what she’d said. “Okay, strike that. With the way you’re built, I’m sure there aren’t too many things you couldn’t handle.”

When he laughed again, she thought of what she’d said. “Don’t be a perve, you know

what I mean. I can walk,” she laughed despite the throbbing pain in her ankle.

“I’m sure you can, but indulge me, okay? And for the record honey, as small as you are, a

90-pound weakling could carry you and not feel it.” He feigned pain when her small hand balled up in a fist and smacked him in the middle of his chest.

She gave up trying to convince him to put her down, and instead, laid her head against his

chest with an exaggerated sigh.

It was no hardship for her to allow him to carry her. She knew her thoughts would set the

women’s movement back a few years, if anyone could hear them. But she liked the feel of his hard chest against her cheek. She felt protected and safe.

“Do you want to stop by the hospital? Do you think you sprained it?” he asked with

concern etched in his voice and on his face. He’d adjusted the seat so she could have more room to stretch out her legs after he placed her carefully in the jaguar.

“No, in fact it already feels better. My ankle turned, nothing drastic. It’ll be fine by the time you drive me home,” she said, holding back a grimace of pain. She caught him looking at her throughout the drive to her house.

When they reached her home, he carried her inside before gingerly depositing her on the

floor. “Can you walk inside okay? Or do you need me to carry you?”

“It feels better.” He carefully watched her as he unlocked the door and helped her inside.

Maya flicked on the light switch in the entryway. “Could I offer you something to drink?


“I don’t drink coffee this late, but if it means spending more time with you, I’d drink a

whole pot. You sit down and point me in the right direction, and I’ll do the rest.”

She grinned and removed her shoes before leading him to the kitchen. Once there, she

told him where to find the necessary things to make coffee. She sat down at the table and

messaged her tender ankle.

“Here, let me do that,” Mark said and moved her hands out of the way as his long, strong

fingers deftly took over the task of massaging her achy foot. Before she knew it, a moan had escaped from her closed lips.

At that moment, she looked down and caught the harsh look of desire stamped on his

face, and felt her nipples tweak in response. He gently placed her foot down and captured her lips with his. He drew the lush lower rim slowly into his mouth before he allowed it to ease back out. “Baby, you taste so good,” he groaned. He tore his lips away from hers and lifted her in his arms and strode from the kitchen.

“Which way to your bedroom?” he demanded in a rough voice, tearing his mouth from


“This way,” she pointed to the end of the hall and fell back against his chest when he

headed in the direction of her bedroom.

* * * *

Mark was impatient with the feel of their clothes. He pushed the straps of her dress down

to her waist, and leaned back to look at her heavy breasts in the black demi-bra. With a groan, he unhooked the front clasp and feathered his fingers across the light-brown colored globes, and felt his hands shake.

“Baby, you’re beautiful. Please don’t hide your face from me,” he said when she looked

away when he touched her breasts.

“I’m sorry. I’ll try to slow down, but I’ve never felt this excited before,” he admitted. “I want to explore every curve of your body. And I want you to do the same thing to me,” his voice deepened, growing huskier as his need for her rose.

He didn’t understand her shyness, and he lifted her head so he could look into her eyes.

“We won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with sweetheart. Any time you want me to stop,

tell me. It won’t be easy, but I’ll stop. Okay? I promise you.”

“Yes.” When she agreed, he let out a long breath.

He kept his gaze on hers and captured one turgid nipple in his mouth. He suckled it while

his other hand kneaded its twin. She arched her breasts more fully into his mouth. He loved her response to his touch.

He pulled away from her breasts and tore his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor.

Reaching between the two of them, he unbuttoned his pants.

He went back to work on her breasts, and after switching sides, greedily laved the other

with the same attention he’d given the first. Her answering moan spurred him on to reach

between them and lower her dress further down until it pooled around her hips.

The glow from the moonlit night accented her pretty brown body, and his breath caught

at the picture she presented. Her lips were swollen and red from his kisses, her plump breasts and stiff nipples begged for his touch. Bra discarded, the only thing she wore was a sexy pair of panties, which barely covered her thatch of dark springy curls.

“You are so beautiful,” he barely whispered past the constriction in his throat.

He pushed aside the silky material guarding her entrance and slowly drew his finger

down her soft cleft. She arched her body in immediate response. Loving her reaction, he put his finger in his mouth and licked away her cream, his eyes never leaving hers.

When she groaned, Mark lowered his head; his mouth and lips replacing his fingers. At

the first touch of his tongue, her body arched away from the mattress.

“Oh God. That’s too much,” she cried out on a low moan, writhing beneath him.

“Stay with me, baby. You can take it. Just let me love you,” he pleaded as he held her

hips down. She gasped again when his tongue made contact with her slick folds.

He then inserted a finger into her tight opening, and her walls instantly clamped down.

He eased his finger out and tested the feel of two fingers, and nearly came when she gripped him even tighter. He couldn’t wait to feel that same tight grip on his cock.

He leaned between her legs, and this time he pulled her panties completely off. He gently

separated her folds. After he exposed her clit he closed his eyes in anticipation before capturing the small bud in his mouth.

Maya nearly screamed with the first contact of his lips on her clitoris. She looked down at the sexy image of his dark head between the V of her legs as she bit the inside of her mouth to keep herself from yelling out. But she was helpless to stop her body from jerking as he licked and sucked her in a place no man had ever seen, much less kissed.

She closed her eyes, and colors sprang against her closed lids as another spasm hit her

hard, while he continued his intimate assault. The next wave sent her over the edge. She grabbed the sheets on either side of her hips as her body jerked, and this time she couldn’t stop herself from screaming from the intense pleasure.

Spent, she could accept no more and could only lie limp against the soft pillows against

the headboard. His hot tongue continued to caress her, until all of her tremors had come to an end. As he came to lie beside her on the pillows, he propped the side of his head in his hand and stared down at her with a tender look in his eyes.

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