Loves Redemption (38 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry

BOOK: Loves Redemption
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“This is true,” she purred in agreement, in her unique accent.

He could picture her small body stretched out feline-like, on her large king-sized plush

bed, luxurious pillows completely dwarfing her. She would laugh and say just because she didn’t sleep, it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the comfort of a nice soft bed.

He didn’t know if she were joking or not, but he had never known a time in the few years

he’d known her she’d actually slept. He knew that Dafina
sleep, he didn’t know if she did so in the same way most people did.

“We need you. Lie down Nicolai and I will help you.” There was real affection in the

Amazon’s voice.

“Thank you, Princess.”

Ila l-liga
,” she softly bid him farewell.

After he’d replaced the phone on its receiver, Nicolai thought back over their

conversation. Sighing deeply, he turned on his side and closed his eyes. He desperately held back the images that would play behind his closed lids, like a frame from an old familiar movie.

He allowed his breathing to slow down and calmed his heart rate; until he reached the

condition he needed to be, to receive Dafina’s aid. Slowly, he entered into the state between consciousness and sleep. Once there, he reached for and accepted, the gentle brush of the

intangible hand, that softly touched his….

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