Love's Crazy Twists (21 page)

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Authors: S. A. Johns

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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              “Hi Baby.” She says seductively.

              Shane looks at her and is speechless, his mouth drops open and nothing comes out.  Julie grabs him and kisses him full on the mouth and he responds just as she hoped he would.  he stops kissing her and says, “Hi.”  He finally gets to look around and sees all the candles and the wine and roses.  “I got you these, too.”  He said handing Julie a dozen long stem red roses to match the ones on the table.  “They are almost as beautiful as you.”  He smiled and kissed her again.

              “Care for some wine?” Julie asked as she reached for two wine glasses from the cupboard.


              She poured two glasses and handed him one.  She lifted the glass to her lips and he stopped her.  “I’d like to propose a toast.”  He lifted his glass, “To the most beautiful woman in the world.  The woman who stole my heart from the very first moment I laid my eyes on her.  To you, Julie.  I love you more than you can imagine.”

              Julie’s eyes had begun to well up with tears and she said, “Cheers.”

              They both drank deeply from their glasses and Shane gently took the glass from Julie and put it on the table with his and led her to the bedroom.  He was amazed at the beauty of the room and of the time and effort she must have out into making it so perfect.  The bed was covered with rose petals and there were candles all around the room and the scent of cinnamon candles was intoxicating.  He picked Julie up in his strong arms and laid her on the bed.  There he began to kiss her neck and trail kisses down over her beautiful breasts and down over her belly and down her legs, one at a time, and then back up to face her and kissed her without any restrain on his part.

              He climbed  up on top of Julie and they began to make passionate love.

              Wow!  What a daydream.  If that it the way it happened it would be awesome!  Julie set about looking for a special piece of lingerie...she didn’t think she had a teddy like the one in her daydream, but she was looking for something anyway.

              As she went through the top drawer of her dresser she suddenly felt dizzy and had to sit down on the side of the bed for fear of passing out.  She sat there for a few moments and again thought that she was going to throw up.  She ran to the bathroom and was very sick.  After she came back out she started thinking that she was still getting the flu or something. She started to look in her drawer again, and she found a white lacy teddy, it was beautiful.  Then she remembered where it came from.  It was a gift from Matt. How could she wear lingerie for Shane that was given to her by her ex?  And she had already worn it for Matt.  There was no way.  She thought that if Shane knew it was a gift from Matt, he might get a little upset.  So she kept looking. She finally found one!  It was in a little bag shoved to the back of the drawer, she didn’t even remember it being there.  It was a black lacy teddy with a garter and thigh highs.  ‘This is great,’ she thought to herself, ‘now I can live the fantasy.  It’s a good thing Jen  got me this for a prank. Now I can really use it!’

              A little while later Julie realized that she was feeling much better. Actually, she couldn’t believe how she was so sick and throwing up this morning but now this afternoon she felt great.  Then she remembered that it how she felt yesterday, too.  Almost sounded like morning sickness, but nah, it couldn’t be.  Could it?

              She started thinking about it and got her calendar out and began to count the days and she realized that she was about two weeks late.

              “Oh my gosh! I’m late!”  Her head was spinning.  “I have to call Jen.”

              She picked up the cordless phone and dialed the number.  It began to ring.

              “Hello?” Jen answered.

              “Jen!  Thank God!”

              “Jul? What’s the matter?” Jen asked.

              “Jen, I think that something’, well.”

              “Julie,, just say it.  Did Shane do something? Or Matt? It was Matt, wasn’t it? What did he do?”

              “No, no Jen, it wasn’t Matt or Shane. Here’s the thing...I’m two weeks late and the last two days I’ve been really sick in the morning and then in the afternoon I am fine.”

              “Oh my God! Julie, are you pregnant?” Jen asked.

              “I don’t know.  I want to take a test, but I don’t want to be here alone.  Can you come over?” Julie asked, already knowing what her answer would be.

              “Of course, I’ll be right there. Do you want me to stop at the market and pick up a test since I’ll be driving right past it?”

              “Uh, yeah, that would be good. Thanks.”

              “OK, I’ll be there as soon as I can get there. Bye.” And Jen hung up.

              Julie went to the rocking chair and began to rock. Rocking always made her feel better.  While she was rocking her thoughts began to race. Then she remembered something. She had slept with Matt right after they broke up...but that was right after she had already slept with Shane! If she were to be pregnant who would the father be? If it turned out to be Shane it would be better that if it turned out to me Matt.  If Matt were the father, Shane would be crushed! But Julie didn’t know how Shane would react if were him.  As she sat in her chair rocking, waiting for Jen to show up with the pregnancy test, she kept thinking about all of these things and others.  A tear struggled out of her eye and rolled down her cheek. Another one followed, and then another and another.  She started crying. If she took the test and it was positive what would she tell Shane when he got home tonight?

              “OK, Julie, you’ve got to calm down.  It’s got be a fluke. You’re not pregnant. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately and stress can mess up your system,  That’s why you’re late.  It’s fine. You’re just over stressed.” She told herself.

              Just as she had convinced herself that it was nothing, and that she wasn’t pregnant, Jen arrived.  Jen burst through the door and made her presence known. “I’m here!” She sang out.

              “Good. Did you get it?” Julie asked.

              “Yep. It’s right here.” She said holding up the package. “I got a double pack just in case you want to try it again later.”

              Julie took a deep breath, “Hopefully we won’t need to do it again, but thanks.” She paused, “OK, where do we start?”

              “It says here that you have to pee on the stick and wait three minutes. One line is not pregnant, and two lines are pregnant. Sounds easy to me. Oh wait, it says here that you can pee in a cup and hold the stick in it for ten seconds and then wait three minutes to read the results.” She handed the box to Julie and said, “Well, go to it.”

              Julie opened the box and headed to the bathroom, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

              Julie went into the bathroom and just stared at the pregnancy test.  The little stick seemed way to small to pee on, so she decided to get one of the plastic bathroom cups and use it instead.  She sat down on the toilet and peed into the little cup. Then she dipped the stick into the pee and waited 10 seconds.  She sat the stick down on the counter and walked into the kitchen to set the timer for 3 minutes.  She went and sat back down on the couch and just looked at her friend.

              “Julie, are you all right?”  Her friend asked, now concerned.

              “Yeah, I guess so.”

              “What are you going to do?  You know, if it comes back positive?”

              “Jen, I really don’t know.”  She fumbled with her hands, “I was thinking, before you got here, that if it was positive, I wouldn’t know who the father would be.”

are you trying to tell me?” Jen asked.

              “Well, I’ve been sleeping with Shane for a while now, but back after Matt and me broke up I slept with him again too. So I’ve slept with two guys both within 2 days of each other.  I won’t know if    it’s Matt’s or Shane’s.”

              “Oh wow. I see what you mean.  But you are hoping that it would be Shane’s, right?”

              “Of course.” She started and then the timer started beeping. “I guess it’s go time!”

              “Yeah, good luck.” Jen said as Julie went to shut off the timer.

              “Jen, would you come with?”

              “Oh, yeah, of course.” Jen answered. “Do you want me to you the results or just come in with you?”

              “Just come with me, OK?”

              Jen nodded and followed Julie into the bathroom.  Julie picked up the test and before she looked she said, “1 not and 2 is, right?”

              “Yes, that is right.”

              Julie held her breath and closed her eyes, after a few seconds she slowly opened her eye and looked down at the test.  She let out a gasp. Jen reached out to her but Julie just handed her the test and sat down on the toilet.

              Jen looked at the test. “2 lines. Honey, I think you are pregnant.” She looked to her friend just as she started to cry. “Hey, Jules, it’ll be OK.  I promise you. No matter what I’ll be here for you and the baby. And I’m sure that Shane will be too, even if it ends up being Matt’s.”

              “I can’t be pregnant. Shane wants me to travel with him while he is truck driving. Pregnant women can’t do that. Maybe the test was wrong. I need another one.” She cried.

              “Well, Jules, it is a double pack, do you want to try the other?” Jen asked.

              Julie was desperate to find out if she was really pregnant or not so she did try the other one, and it came back positive too.

              “Jen, what do I do now?” Julie asked. “Don’t I need to go to the doctor’s and get blood work or something?”

              “Yeah, I think so. But where can you go now? It’s nearly 5 o’clock.”

              “Well, what time does the Clinic down on Simpson Street close? I thought it was open into the evening.”

              “I don’t know. Do you have a phone book? I’ll call and find out.” Jen told her.

              Julie got the phone book and they looked up the number and Jen called it. They found out that the Clinic was open until 8 o’clock, and Julie was welcome to stop in any time for a pregnancy test and to have blood drawn. So they decided that there was no time like the present.

              They both got into Jen’s car and headed down to the Clinic. When they got there Julie was called back right away and escorted into a small room with a scale and a chair. She sat there for a moment and then a woman came in to attend to her.

              “Julie Boyd?” The woman asked.

              “Yes, that’s me.” Julie answered.

              “OK, and it says here that you want a pregnancy test, is that right?” The nurse asked her.

              “I don’t want a pregnancy test, I’ve already taken 2 of them tonight, and they both say that I am pregnant.” She tried to explain.

              “Yes, well it is procedure to do another one. Even though you’ve already had two positives, we still have to do it. So here is your cup, the bathroom is right around the corner, go ahead in there and pee in the cup. There is a little door in the wall to the left of the toilet, when you are finished, put the cup inside the door and I’ll get it from this side.”

              Julie took the cup and went to the bathroom. She put the cup inside the door and went back out. The nurse then weighed her and took her blood pressure. Then she checked the test, and it was positive.

              “OK, it says positive too, so now I’ll need to draw some blood. OK?” The nurse asked.

              “OK, whatever you say.” Julie answered.

              The nurse went on with her duty of drawing Julie’s blood to run the blood test to further check for pregnancy. When she was finished she turned to Julie, “The results will be here in a few days. When they come in someone will call you and schedule you for your first prenatal appointment.”

              “I have to wait that long? There’s no way to get the results now? Or even later this evening?” she asked.

              “No, I’m sorry. The lab is closed right now and there is no one here who is able to read the results anyway. Someone will call you when we get the results. If you are wondering whether or not you are really pregnant, I’d say its a pretty safe bet that you are. You did have 3 positive tests after all.”

              “OK, thank you. I’ll be waiting for the call.” Julie said before she walked away.


              Julie found her friend in the waiting room and said to her, “Take me home.”

              “Well, what did you find out?” Jen asked.

              “Well, I guess it confirms what we already found out at home.”

              “So you are pregnant?”

              “Seems so.”

              They rode the short distance from the Clinic to Julie’s house in silence. When they pulled in Julie turned to Jen and said, Thank you for everything, but I’d like to be alone right now. You understand, right?”

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