Love Waltzes In (Dancing Under The Stars) (19 page)

BOOK: Love Waltzes In (Dancing Under The Stars)
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Are you kidding me?
“Break? I doubt that Dolla is taking break.”

Tony looked crushed.
Vika guessed most people didn’t talk that way to an aging rock star. But Vika was not most people.

Tony was new to this, she had to remember that. She changed her tune. Her Baba always said “you do not need a whip to urge on an obedient horse.” “One more song, Antoshka, and we can take the break. You’re doing better. Good on timing.”

He took a deep breath and hobbled around the floor one more time. Like her dog, he definitely responded better to positive rei
nforcement. Thank God they had five weeks until the first show.

When the song ended, Tony’s feet froze. He was done. “Thanks, babe. Let’s sit out by my pond for a bit. I like to go out here and meditate.” He grabbed her hand and they snuck outside, careful not to wake the snoring cameraman. Tony sat her down outside on a stone bench.

Six koi fish were dancing around the lotus blossoms in the water. The scent of the jasmine plants around the pond tickled her nose. Vika couldn’t help but smile. “It’s beautiful out here.”

He took a deep breath. “Thanks. My life used to be so crazy and all, then I started meeting with a spiritual teacher. He told me to let everything go and just be here now.” He looked into her eyes. “You’ve got such a cute accent.” She grimaced. “No, I mean your English is really good. When did you come to America?”

Oh hell no. This wasn’t a first date. “When I was nineteen.” She looked down so he to avoid eye contact with him.

“What made you start dancing?”

She crossed her legs and turned away from him. “Everyone does it back in Ukraine. I’ve always danced.”

Me, too. I mean with drumming. But I’ve been trying to find other outlets.” His hand brushed against her thigh. “That’s why I wanted to do this show. Plus it gives me more time to spend with my kids than when I’m out on tour.”

“Where is their mama?”

Tony shrugged his shoulders and stared at the pond. “All she cares about is her career. She gave me full custody.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Now
Vika felt bad for them. She knew what it was like to grow up without a mother. Vika was raised by her baba and never saw her mom. All women make their choices, she supposed. Benny crept into her mind but she pushed him away. He was out of place on the patio.

Tony shrugged again, this time more lightheartedly. “It’s all good. There’s nothing I would rather do than be with my boys.” As if on cue, a boy ran outside and leapt into Tony’s arms.

“Draven.” Tony scooped him up in his arms and swung him in the air. “Draven, this is Miss Vika. Miss Vika is teaching daddy how to dance.”

Tony’s mini-me stared up at her and snot trickled down his nose. “Hi, Miss
Vika.” He reached out his sticky, chocolate-stained palm for her.

Of course, this was the moment the damn cameraman chose to stumble out there looking for them. But
Vika was all over it. Never one to miss a photo opportunity, she high fived Draven and gave him a hug.

Tony raised an eyebrow. “I can tell you really love kids. Have any of your own?”

Vika gave a fake smile. “Actually I have two step-children.” Granted they were both older than she was—but he didn’t need the details. She pat the kid on his head. “
Dravyenka, malchik moy
, it is great meeting you, but I have to go inside and teach your papa to rumba.”

“Okay, Miss
Vika.” Draven gave his daddy a big kiss and ran back inside to his waiting nanny.

took Tony back into the studio. While he worked on the music, she rummaged through her Louis Vuitton bag and grabbed her makeup bag.
Ah, there it is, right at the top!
Bath & Body Works Tahitian Vanilla-scented anti-bacterial waterless hand foam—the child had
on that hand, for Christ’s sake. Then she took an extra moment to swipe on a fresh coat of Chanel lip-gloss #116. Her compact mirror said it all: Lips perfect for kissing. Vika would never cheat on Benny, but if she was going to spend the next fifteen weeks in the arms of her childhood crush, the last thing she was going to do was go frumpy and lipstick less. A little flirting never hurt anybody. And really, Tony may be childlike, but he was endearing. This was one little boy Vika didn’t mind touching.

, here I come.


“Okay, Antoshka. Let’s go through rumba one more time.”

started the music. Tony stood in the middle of the floor, his legs slightly spread, attempting to move his hips. She seductively walked toward him and clasped his hand, then led herself into a back break and fan. She did a double rope spin and circled around Tony, sensually rubbing her hands over his back and shoulders. Tony scrunched his face like he was thinking too hard.

she whispered, “don’t think about steps. Just follow my body.” She placed his hands on her waist.

words did the trick. Tony started moving his hips in rhythm with hers. His hands drifted over her body, exploring every inch of her curves. Vika got moist. Even though she’d danced these moves daily with her stepson Jared, with Tony it was different. She was drunk on his scent.

“I can almost taste you.” He breathed in her hair, rubbing her hips, grazing her thighs. She turned away from him. He kissed the back of her neck. He led her into a spiral turn and spread her—one heel on his shoulder and one between his legs. She draped her leg around him and he pressed into every inch of her body.

She detached herself and rose to the turn off the music and tried to regain her composure.

Maladeits, Antoshka.
That was fabulous for your first time.”

“That was so hot,
Vika. I love the rumba. It’s so sexy when you speak Russian.” He straightened out his clothes and waited for, uhm, everything to calm down. “Man, I’m wrecked. You wanna go to this party with me at my friend’s place tonight. It is going to be amazing. Some Kabal la la thing where we dress in white like babies.”

would LOVE to go to the party. But she had to play it cool—this was only day one of a long training period, and she had to stay Alpha Dog to keep him focused and working. The first days were critical. She certainly couldn’t risk going into his world right now and seeming like another fawning groupie. Plus, she had to walk around the Emerald Ball while Benny judged. Tonight, she must play the perfect loving trophy wife.

Antoshka, I would love to, but I’m busy tonight. Don’t party all night – we have to work hard if we’re going to beat Dolla. I see you tomorrow,

“You bet, babe.” Tony lifted her up and gave her a huge hug. She could feel all ten inches of him hard against her. Her body ached for him, to feel a real man inside her, and she could feel he
rself hollow out from the fantasy.

And they were only on the first dance.




I would like to thank my amazing editor, Deborah Halverson, for not giving up on this book and my writing.


To my husband, Roger, a real Marine hero. Thank you for watching the boys while I write and tolerating my endless “what if” conversations about my characters. I couldn’t have written this book without you.


To my two beautiful sons, Connor and Caleb. You are both the best part of my day.


To my critique partners:

M-E Girard,
for your insightful edits into the characterization of Bret and Selena. You are the reason I won so many contests!

Sobanet, for all your on spot critiques and guidance. I’m so happy you moved to San Diego!


To my agent, Jill Marsal, for believing in this story in its many different versions.


To my brother, Joe Chulick, for convincing me to publish it. My sister-in-law Susie Chulick, for your uplifting encouragement.

To my mother, Diana
Chulick, for fostering my love of reading.



To my three favorite romance writers,
Kristan Higgins, Lauren Willig, and Susan Donovan. Thank you for taking your time to give me brilliant critiques of this book.


To all my fellow RWA members, for supporting this book, teaching me how to write, and critiquing this manuscript.



About The Author


Alana Albertson is the former President of Romance Writers of America’s Chick Lit and Young Adult chapters. She holds a Masters of Education from Harvard and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Stanford. A recovering professional ballroom dancer, Alana currently writes contemporary romance. She lives in San Diego, California, with her husband, two sons, and four dogs. When she’s not spending her time needlepointing, dancing, or saving dogs from high kill shelters through her rescue Pugs N Roses, she can be found watching episodes of House Hunters, Homeland, or Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. Please visit her website at


BOOK: Love Waltzes In (Dancing Under The Stars)
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