Love Waltzes In (Dancing Under The Stars) (15 page)

BOOK: Love Waltzes In (Dancing Under The Stars)
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Chapter Twenty-Four


hey did it!

Xavier and Selena were one of the final five couples on this season of
Dancing under the Stars
. God, they could actually win this thing!

The other four couples in the quarterfinal were
Dima and Laura, Vika and Asher, Jenny and Dion, and Bret and Robyn. They all had to perform three dances the following week: a freestyle, their favorite dance from the season, and a group paso doble. Today they were all meeting at the studio to practice their group paso. It wouldn’t be easy. Paso was the man’s dance and Xavier would really need to work hard to outshine Dima and Bret.

Selena arrived at the studio an hour before anyone. No way in hell was she going to be late like she was for the fitness video. The whole Perez Hilton scandal had blown over a tad and she just tried to keep a low profile and get through the season.
Vika still hadn’t spoken to her since their fight. Not a single word. Even last night, when Selena congratulated her on being named one of
People Magazine’s
sexiest reality stars.
. Vika just gave her one of her empty smiles and walked off the set.

acted all calm and collected when he was questioned about his and Selena’s relationship during the release party for the
Dancing under the Stars
video game. He simply said that yes, he and Selena hadn’t been involved for three years and that they were just friends and former partners. He was even nice enough to deny the rumors that Selena had cheated with Bret or that Selena had ever had a miscarriage. Selena was glad the press believed Dima. It was just too bad that he was still too immature to still dance with her. That was the
thing they fought about now. Dima swore he would never again compete with Selena professionally.

She still hadn’t figured out who leaked the miscarriage story to the press.
Dima denied it completely and she had calmed down and realized that Jenny would never betray her like that. Maybe Dima had told a student or someone and she sold the story. It didn’t matter anyway—her secret was out and her relationship with Bret was over for good.

In the studio, Selena turned on some
Shakira and warmed up. It was kind of nice having this place all to herself. Shakira’s voice vibrated through Selena’s body and she just let herself go. That was what she loved, being free and just dancing for herself.

“Great moves, Sel.”

She spun to the door behind her. Xavier had arrived with his four-person entourage plus Robyn and Bret. They were all standing in front of her, staring at the sweat glistening on her body.

“You still game for choreographing my tour?” he said. “It’s
gonna be slammin’.” His people dispersed around the room, like the secret service. They watched Xavier’s every move, just in case he needed anything.

She grabbed her towel and wiped herself down. “Absolutely. It’s my dream job.” And what was stopping her, now that she lost Bret and couldn’t compete with

and Asher strolled in, holding hands. Two seconds behind them were Dima and Laura, who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Selena knew nothing was going on with Vika and Asher—Vika wasn’t stupid enough to cheat on Benny. She wasn’t sure about Dima and Laura, though. God, was Selena the
professional on this entire show never to hook up with her celebrity? It was so inappropriate. But she knew Dima was just trying to make her jealous.

“Let’s get this party started, people,” Selena said.

Laura pranced to the center of the floor with Dima, Vika and Asher following. Bret and Robyn stood next to Vika. Bret gave Selena a cool look. Maybe he was really done with her. She knew in her heart that they were meant to be together, but she was starting to doubt if he would ever forgive her. They only had three weeks left together and then she might never see him again.

“So, Selena, where do you want the celebrity men to start?”
Vika asked.

Was God’s gift to dancing asking for her help? “Why do you assume I’m choreographing them?
the two-time reigning
Dancing under the Stars

She fluffed out her hair. “True. But it’s
paso doble
. Benny always does my pasos, and unfortunately he’s tied up with training your precious Elizabeth right now. Dima said he doesn’t want to do it, and God knows I’m not going to let Jenny choreograph our paso. We don’t want to get laughed off a stage. This is
Dancing under the Stars
, not
Stumbling around the Stars

Normally, Selena would’ve told off
Vika and defended Jenny. But this time she laughed. Vika had a point. Jenny was a brilliant Standard dancer but barely survived choreographing the Latin dances.

None of that stopped Jenny from reacting, though. Dion slapped his hand over his eyes as she went off. “Listen,
Vika, I
make it to the finale last season. Selena didn’t help me with every dance.”

“She’s right – just every
dance.” Did Selena just say that out loud?

Jenny got in her face. “Fine. Just to show you both that I can choreograph Latin, I’m going to make the solo part for my
paso doble all by myself.”

. “Now’s not the time to prove . . .”

Jenny covered Selena’s mouth with her hands. “I don’t need your help, Sel. I can do it alone.”

“Okay, fine,” Selena said. “But I’m going to do the group part. Only because I’m going to win this thing and I don’t want either of you screwing up my victory with your choreography.” She poked Xavier in the abs then waved them all over. “Xavier, Dion, Asher, Dima, and Bret—get behind me. You’ll totally love the paso. It’s the man’s dance. You’re bullfighters and we are your capes. This is a dance of aggression. Most important thing is to stand up, strong and tall. Chests out, shoulders back. And when you step forward, you are using a heel lead like in the Standard dances. ¿

None of them said a word. They looked scared.
Oh, boy
… “Jen, go grab them some sheets in the back room to use as practice capes, will you?”

Jen ran off, without pausing to question Selena.
Hey there, kinda fun being in charge….

Selena went through some basic steps and the celebrity men practiced walking. The Latin guitarist, the
Nascar racer, and the reality star strutted across the floor. Sounded like the beginning of a joke. “Why don’t you gentleman take your shirts off so I can make sure your shoulders are down?” Xavier, Asher, and Dion obediently got undressed. This was fun. The guys were very masculine and looked totally hot doing this dance. Bret gave her a dirty look. Hell, Selena was single—there was no harm in looking.

Xavier strutted by Selena for the fourth time, his butt finally tucked tight and firm. He leaned over and whispered into her ear. “You’re so great at this, Sel. You have to do my tour.” Yes, she did. This was a total blast. It was what she was meant to do. Bret could say what he wanted about
Dancing under the Stars
, but Selena never would’ve realized how much she loved choreographing if she hadn’t done this show. Since neither having a family or nor competing was in her immediate future, maybe she could be happy choreographing concert tours.

“Attack it, Bret! Come on!” Selena harped since he seemed to hold back. She knew what he was capable of on this dance. She cut off Robyn, and then Selena and Bret faced off across the floor. “Pretend it’s me this time. You’re the matador and I’m your bull. Slay me!” Bret shot eyeball daggers at her. He crossed the floor, his chest erect, his feet stabbing toward her. Selena just teased him with her skirt, beckoning him closer. “Now we’re talking. Good job.” All the tension in this room was working great for this dance.

Two hours later, they had finished with all the group moves. “That’s good for now. Finish up your solos and I’ll put everything together tomorrow,” Selena said.

and Asher didn’t even break; they just launched right into their solo routine. She was a Latin champ, so her paso would be fine. Bret and Robyn started fine-tuning their paso. Xavier was great at the flamenco, no worries there, either. Jenny was the one Selena was worried about. Out of the corner of Selena’s eye, she spotted Jenny sitting at a side table, studying Walter Laird’s encyclopedia of dance steps,
Technique of Latin Dancing
. Dion was in the center of the floor trying to copy Xavier’s steps.

“Awesome, Xavier. Do that again and keep your frame. I’ll be right back.” Selena took a deep breath then headed over to Jenny, stopping momentarily to adjust Dion’s back. “You
gotta arch it out, Big Boy. There, that’s it.” She pinched his abs and moved on.

Selena slipped into the chair opposite Jenny. “So . . . need help?”

Jenny didn’t even look up from her book. “No. I was looking up the name of a step. I’m fine.”

didn’t even know the names of half the steps because she learned them in Russian. She sat there a minute, watching as Jenny flipped to the next page then flipped back again. Tiny creases appeared on Jenny’s forehead, the kind she got when she was just about to throw something. Selena just hoped it wasn’t that book … at her. 

“Alright, Jen. Enough. I’m sorry, okay?”

Jenny closed the book and laid it flat, her hands on top, but she still didn’t look at Selena. “I never meant to insult you. Really I didn’t. I’m just stressed out about Bret. You know I don’t mind helping you out. ” Selena reached over, then hesitated—afraid Jen would pull away—before resting her hands on Jenny’s.

Jenny let them stay.

“And I’m sorry I asked if you told the tabloids about my miscarriage. Hell, you’d rip your own tongue out before you’d do that, I know. I just didn’t know who leaked it. Still don’t. And now Bret and I are over. There’s nothing private in the dance world. Ever.”

Jenny finally looked up at Selena, the creases gone from her forehead. “I can’t believe you thought I would sell you out! After all we’ve been through. And calling me out today about my Latin dancing in front of everyone is a bitchy thing to do.”

“It was.” Selena nodded her head.

“Friends don’t do that to friends.”

“They don’t.” Selena put on her most solemn face and shook her head side to side.

Jenny pointed a finger at her. “Selena Maria
Marcil. Are you
going to accuse me of leaking secrets again?”

Jenny was so dramatic. Selena hadn’t actually accused her. She’d just asked. Not worth the fight, though. “Never. I swear.” Selena
crossed her heart and spit into her palm like every good Catholic schoolgirl knew to do. She stuck out her hand to shake.

Jenny shoved her hand away. “That’s disgusting! Fine. You’re forgiven.” She finally smiled the old Jenny smile and gave her a big hug. “And thank God for it already—Elizabeth needs saving and that’s going to take both of us. She has her eye on dancing with Jared. She swears she’s not flirting with Benny, but I don’t know what to believe.”

Wow, this girl lived for gossip. “Don’t worry, we’ll deal with Elizabeth after the finale. For now, throw that book away, will you? I’ll get your paso up to par.” Selena wiggled her butt and strutted toward the dance floor. “Selena is In. Da.

She paraded over to Xavier and took his hand. “It’s a deal. You have yourself a tour choreographer.” She prepared to shake on it but Xavier lifted her in the air and spun her around.

what I’m talking about girl. It’s going to be fierce. You won’t regret it.”

Selena looked over at Bret and he smiled at her. Maybe she should thank him for telling her that there was a world beyond competing. He was right. She had been so narrow minded and wanted to go straight from the floor to being a housewife and mother. For the first time in Selena’s life, she would live her life how she wanted to live it. Not what her partner, her boyfriend, her mother, her coach, or her friends wanted, but just for her. And someday, she hoped she’d be able to fall in love and start the fam
ily she craved.




rm in arm, they took the floor. The happy couple playfully swayed to the music. She flirted with him, seductively rocking her hips back and forth. He pulled her into his chest and traced her body with his fingertips. She rolled her body toward him, then teasingly turned away. They bounced on the floor as they separated from each other. She hugged him from behind and he smoothly clasped her hand on his shoulder and led her off the floor. Smiling and giddy, they pranced off into the night.


Chapter Twenty-Five


ret always loved the drive to Bolinas. It was windy and beautiful. The perfect escape from Hollywood and Selena.

The producers had the idea of filming his last practice session with Robyn on the beach, which was fine with Bret. Bolinas was his dream town. He vowed to one day own a little cottage on the beach and spend his
days woodworking and throwing driftwood to his dog. An ideal artist community—Bolinas was the home to surfers, poets, writers, artists, and recluses.

In order to keep their little slice of paradise hidden, the locals always destroyed any signs that identified the town. Robyn and Bret made the journey without needing a map, but Bret was d
elighted when they lost the filming crew behind them. He figured the crew would head further down Highway One before they realized they missed the unmarked turn.

Robyn pointed ahead. “Could you stop here?”

Bret pulled in front of the Coast Café. They ran inside and ordered two coffees. Bret loved the surfboards that were hanging from the ceiling.

Robyn seemed mesmerized by the quaint town. They looked at the locals down below on the courtyard from the café’s sunny deck.

Bret took a sip of his coffee. “I feel like I’m back in the sixties.”

“Yeah, isn’t it awesome?” Robyn blended into the local scene.

Bret couldn’t help his mind drift to Selena. They had spent their last weekend together here together before the miscarriage story leaked. Selena had even mentioned that she wanted to get married on the beach.

Robyn put her hand on Bret’s shoulder. “I can see you are struggling with something.”

“There’s nothing to say. Selena and I gave our relationship another try and it didn’t work out. End of story.”

“This isn’t about that, is it? This is about her miscarriage. I read the article.”

Bret grimaced. Though they had never talked about it, he was sure that Robyn must’ve heard the rumors on set of his and Selena’s relationship.

“Look, Bret. Selena was young. I know that must be hard for you to accept, but in my beliefs, the soul doesn’t enter the body until the first breath—the breath of life.”

Bret wasn’t in the mood to listen to her new age dogma. “Well in my beliefs and religion, the soul is present from the moment of conception. It’s not her fault that she had a miscarriage, but I’m sure the stress of her lying to me and leaving me didn’t help the situation. I just can’t trust her, not for lying back then, but more for not telling me when we got back together.”

“Don’t you see, Bret? This was your path. Had you and Selena had the baby, you may have never gone on the show. She might have never done the show either. Then you wouldn’t be able to raise the money for your friend’s family. Everything happens for a reason. We don’t have to share the same beliefs, but you can’t live in the past. You must be present, be here now.”

“I never thought of it that way.” He had been so angry with Selena for lying to him, that he couldn’t see past the betrayal.

“You know, things haven’t always been perfect with me and Xavier. In the earlier years, I found out that he had cheated on me when he was on the road. I was devastated—filled with so much rage. I blamed him, myself, his music. I left him and filed for d
ivorce. It ended up being a good time for me though. I focused on improving myself—I learned how to meditate, studied yoga, took a painting class. Once I released all the anger I had toward Xavi, I realized that no matter what I still loved him. I am happier with him, despite his betrayal, than I am on my own. He had learned from his mistakes also and now we are stronger than ever. So what I’m saying is that if Selena makes you happy and you truly love her, you owe it to yourself to forgive her or you’ll never be at peace.”

The cool ocean breeze made Bret shiver. “I still don’t see how we could ever create a life together. We’re just too different.”

“Yes, you are different. But she loves you, I can see that. And sometimes, that is enough.”

They finished their coffee and headed into town. The shoot was on “The Patch” – a gorgeous stretch of sand that was popular for long boarders. A group of photographers stood under a makeup
canopy, with production people huddled behind them. Bret was sure the locals were not thrilled with the shoot littering their beloved beach with cameras, dressing trailers, and stylists.

As Bret sat in the makeup chair for his final on location clip, he scanned the scenery for Selena just in case she popped up with Xavier. She had a habit of showing up everywhere he was lately, even though Bret had b
een trying to avoid her. But no matter how hard he tried to push her out of his mind, she kept haunting his thoughts.


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