Lord of the Grrr's (14 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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He groaned again as she squeezed her walls tight around his cock, doing her best to make him climax within her. That was his plan, but he intended to hold out for longer, enjoying the sensation of pleasuring his mate.

Even as the thought raced through his head he could feel the howling of his wolf as it echoed the sentiment. If anything, his wolf was happier at that moment, as his hips slammed into her, than he was.

Not that Chase was unhappy. He was ecstatic, but he was also in shock at the way things had developed. It was not the path he had expected to have to take. Instead — he groaned as she raked her nails across his back — he was enjoying a moment of intimacy he had considered to be weeks or months away. It was unbelievable, and the sheer joy he was feeling had him floating up among the clouds.

All that he had to do now was claim her, and she would be his forever.


But it was too late; his wolf was surging forward, pushing past his control to begin the act that would establish a bond between them, claiming her as his own. Chase looked on with horror from a third person standpoint within his own body as his mouth tingled, his canines pushing forward, extending themselves.

He was already positioned at her neck, the soft, creamy, tender flesh exposed for him to bite into. Even with all of his mental strength, he had lost the battle at the crucial moment. His wolf began to sink its teeth into Jean at the same moment his body shuddered, beginning to erupt within her.

Jean screamed and squirmed away as his teeth punctured her skin, the sharp points never quite burying themselves within her. He stumbled back, overwhelming his wolf as his hard cock flailed everywhere, hot jets of cum splashing all across Jean as he finished climaxing outside of her.

"What the
was that?" she screamed at him, fingers flying to her neck as she checked for blood. When they came away stained slightly red, Chase's heart skipped a beat.

Oh shit, I claimed her!

But why didn't he feel a bond with her now? If the claiming had truly taken place, he would have been able to feel her. If he concentrated hard, he could feel a vague hint of anger, though he wasn't sure if that was just the fact that she was yelling at him from two feet away at the moment.

"You bit me? You fucking bit me!" She was wide-eyed, close to descending into a panic. 

She has no idea what that means.

Now Chase knew he was in real trouble. Since Jean had been present at an event to celebrate shifters, he had assumed all along that she had known about them. There was no scent on her to indicate an animal, so she was a human, of that he was sure. Now though, it looked more like she had had no idea what type of event she had attended.

That was not good, and Chase felt himself begin to panic as well. If she told anyone, if word got out about his world, the Elders would never forgive him. His spirit wilted even as he tried to return to the present, to focus on his mate, who knew nothing about him and his people.

This was going to be one hell of an interesting courtship, he thought sarcastically, handing Jean a towel to wipe herself off with instead of replying to her words. He still wasn't entirely sure what to say to her. Telling her the truth was out of the question at this point, for that would simply ensure more panic and a lower likelihood of the two of them ever talking again. She would likely just label him as being a psycho and write the past day off as a mistake to never make again.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I should never have done that without your consent. Really, I'm so sorry."

"You punctured my skin! Do you have some sort of sick fetish?"

"No, I do not," he replied calmly, but it did nothing to settle the situation down. Jean was pulling on her dress after wiping off the mess he had made. She had thrown the dirty towel at him as she grabbed her dress and stomped into the bedroom to finish dressing there, away from him. He could still see her naked body from his angle, and he felt his cock stir, already desiring her touch once more.

"Jean..." he said half-heartedly.

"What?" she exclaimed back at him, shooting a stare his way that could melt steel.

Her glare was heated and strong, but he had endured worse, forcing himself to step closer to speak with her.

"Your car is still at the hotel. I'll drive you over there." He was doing it to be polite, though he had a strong feeling she was going to deny him.

"Absolutely not. I'm getting out of this house and away from you," she said, shaking her head in disgust. "I can't believe I slept with you," she muttered half under her breath.

His wolf's hearing easily caught it, however, and it did nothing to ease the sting of the words.

"Where's my clutch?" she asked harshly, looking quickly around the room.

"It's hanging on a hook at the front door, above your shoes," he said dully, pointing down the hallway.

Jake was furious with himself.

He had had his mate in his arms and underneath of him, and his wolf had fucked it all up. That one moment of weakness may have ended any chance he had of finding his mate before he turned thirty-five. Despite that, not once did he wish to himself that the bond had had time to form. That was not the man Chase was. He would not claim Jean until he had shown her the real him. Not until she had fallen in love with him.

Now it looked like he was never going to get that chance. Not before he lost his sanity at least.

Fear of what was happening to him paralyzed Chase as Jean stormed out the front door, slamming it hard behind her. All he could think about was the tales he had heard of shifters who had never found their mates, and the slow descent that had followed. It would be a cold day in hell before he let himself be turned into one of the feral, ravaging beasts that became of those who relinquished all control to their animal sides.

No, Chase would fight to the bitter end, hanging on with every last bit of strength he had in the hopes that he might find a way out. If the time came and he still hadn't demonstrated to Jean that they were meant to be together, he would ensure that he never became a danger to anyone, whatever the price.

Blinking his stinging eyes suddenly, Chase forced the dark thoughts from his head, focusing instead on the joyous news that, despite all that had just happened, he had found his mate. He knew who she was and that she existed within arm's reach. All he had to do now was wait until her temper had cooled off.

Needing to relieve some tension of his own, he put on some work clothes and headed over to Muller Lodge & Campground, where the rest of his packmates would likely be helping get things ready for the grand reopening.

A twinge of guilt flashed through Chase as he pulled in to the entrance, the still-visible charmarks on some of the trees and signposts a lingering reminder of the damage that his pack had wreaked when they first visited Moonlight Canyon. The group had rented a campsite as a stop on their travels in search of mates. They had not been paying enough attention, however, and had instead managed to burn the place to the ground.

It was only because of the deep pockets of the shifter community that Jake, Chase, Ethan and the others had been able to band together and help rebuild Muller L&C into something bigger and hopefully better. The original number of campsites had been expanded by half again as they tore down charred trees, freeing up ground that Harper, the owner, had not thought she would be able to develop for years yet.

In the three months since those initial events, the vast majority of the damage had been undone. Now it was down to the final weeks of work in preparation for the grand reopening. Harper wanted it to be open just in time for the fall, which was only two months away. It would be close, but Chase knew that with the dedication that Jake had to his mate, it would happen on time.

Ethan and Holden were discussing some plans with one of the contractors that had been hired to oversee the job as Chase pulled up. He hopped out of his truck, leaving the keys inside as he made his way over to the group. Theft wasn't an issue in the Canyon, and if someone actually stole it, he would track them with his wolf.

"Hey fellas," he rumbled as greetings were exchanged all around. After a few more minutes of consultation, the contractor and the wolves were agreed, shaking hands and preparing to start the next stage of work.

"How's Jean doing?" Ethan inquired the moment the human was gone.

"Ummm, better, I'd say. Yes, better sums it up." He felt his face going red as he fumbled the response, a clear indication to the shifters he had known since childhood that something was up.

"I don't believe it, you guys had sex!" Holden exclaimed, shaking his head with a wry smile as Ethan chuckled heartily, the two of them very clearly enjoying teasing their friend. Chase was notoriously private about his personal life, even with the pack.

"Until the other half bit her," he snarled nastily, though none of the ire was directed at his friends, only himself.

"What?" The laughter stopped immediately, replaced by a look of worried concern as the two asked for more information.

"Grab the others, I only want to tell it once," he growled, stomping away toward the main cabin that housed the administrative section, such as it was. It mainly consisted of two offices, one for Jake and one for Harper, along with a welcome desk for people checking in. The couches there had become the defacto meeting grounds for the pack.

Throwing himself down into a single seat, he waited for everyone to gather. In minutes the others streamed in.

"Where's Jake?" he asked, noting the leader's absence from the gathering.

"With Harper at the clinic," Bryce offered.

Because Harper was pregnant, and carrying the child of a shifter could be a delicate situation for a normal human, extra precautions were being taken, even though most of the time pups were born without issue.

"So, what's going on Chase?" Kevin started the session carefully, his words slow and cautious as he tried to get Chase to open up.

"Jean stayed at my house yesterday. She woke up this morning feeling fine, and, um, a little frisky. In the middle of it, I lost control and my wolf bit her."

"You claimed her already? How did she take to that?" Ethan's eyebrows shot up as he stared in shock at Chase. It wasn't unheard of for a shifter to claim someone right away, but it almost always went south in a bad, bad way.

"I said I bit her."

"Well yeah, you claimed her, is she okay with it?"

"She doesn't know. It didn't take."

After the shock of his words subsided, Chase told them the story about how he had not had time to complete the bond because she had moved away from him too quickly.

"Is that even a thing? Can the bond be started but not completed?" Chase was looking around for help from his packmates, trying to understand what had happened with him and Jean.

"I've never heard of such a situation before." That was Holden and he was widely respected as the intellectual one with the best knowledge of shifter lore, after Jake himself.

"I thought I could feel her, and to be honest I feel like I still sort of can. But not the way I'm supposed to be able to. Will it wear off?"

The consensus was that it wasn't a big deal, and that the effects would either wear off or he would claim her again down the road, once he had properly courted her.

"I hope you're right," he mumbled as the group got back to work.

Hours later he headed for home, wiping the sweat off his brow with his shirt. It was a very warm day, and the wolf shifters had quickly doffed their shirts in favor of soaking in some sun. He tossed the wet shirt onto the passenger seat, intending to take a shower when he got home.

The door to his walk-up swung inward, letting the stale air inside rush out. On the tips of the breeze he caught a lingering scent of Jean. Immediately his cock hardened, an instant throbbing that told him it wouldn't be denied. He tried to brush it off by pondering what to have for supper, or seeing if there were any good movies on television. But no matter what he did, his thoughts continued to drift back to Jean.

He lay back on his couch, eyes closed as he recalled the press of her body against his, the feel of her wet cunt squeezing tight around his cock as her warm honey coated him, allowing him to thrust rapidly into her. Her moans filled his ears, while his hand snaked its way across his firm stomach and pushed below his boxers.

Slowly at first he began to stroke his shaft, imagining that it was Jean, teasing him for a moment as they switched positions, but always begging him for more, telling him how she loved his cock. Each time he would slide into her, she bit her lips and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head.

The imagery was too much and he ended up spilling his seed across himself as he growled her name into the quiet of his living room. His chest heaved for several minutes as he regained control of his body after the climax. Finally he knew he would have to shower clean himself up, but even as he stripped off his clothes and headed to the shower, he could feel the stirring between his legs.

It was going to be a long night.


"Okay, enough small talk J, you have to tell me how that last party went! You've been avoiding it all lunch, but I want some details now. You stayed overnight, how was he?"

Jean looked over at Natasha sourly at that comment. It wasn't her friend's fault though, for there was no way she could know what had transpired out in Moonlight Canyon. It had only been two days since she had gotten back, and today was the first day that Jean had felt like seeing the world.

"He was a dick." That caused her friend's eyebrows to shoot up, for Jean rarely made bad decisions when it came to the men she bedded. Not all of them were keepers, but most of them still treated her well. For her to say that someone was a jerk was a big statement.

"So the night was going okay, until I had one of the crabcakes they were serving there. Delicious, but I should have known better I guess. Oh, and then he took me out onto the dance floor..." she began to tell the story of her experience, not leaving anything out.

As she talked about Chase, the way he had shown her off to the gathering crowd on the dance floor in particular, she felt a slight glow of delight infuse her core. The fact was that the man could dance, and he had done so in a way that made her look far more talented than she was. It had been a wonderful feeling, one that she did not experience too often, and for that at least she would always appreciate a part of him, despite the events of the next day.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Natasha exclaimed as she talked about the wild trip to the hospital, lying in the back of the truck bed struggling to breathe. It had not been one of the more pleasurable experiences of her life that was for sure.

"I'm fine, I promise. I woke up the next morning feeling just fine. Better than fine actually. The reaction and everything must have worn off in the night, because I woke up practically tingling at being alive. Which led to me wanting sex, and well, he was cooking breakfast topless, and Natasha, he may have been a jerk, but oh my god his body!"

The two girls descended into a fit of giggles definitely not suited for adults. They didn't pay any mind to the glances turned their way though, despite the rest of the downtown cafe being rather silent and serious in nature. It was an upscale joint that the two of them liked to frequent, since it was almost the same distance from the building that housed Jean's magazine firm and the skyscraper that was home to the law firm where Natasha was a partner.

"So then, we're in the bathroom, and it's good. Like, really, really good. Then, out of nowhere, just as he started to cum, he fucking bites me."

"Okay, so? I don't understand the big deal. Are you really that much of a prissy that you can't take a little bit of biting? I thought you were a bit more of a freak than that, J." Natasha must have been thoroughly puzzled now, clearly thinking that she meant a little nip of her skin.

"No, not that type of biting. Like a dog bite." She pulled back her long auburn hair to reveal the marks on her neck that still had not healed. They didn't bleed, but they were still a fiery red. She was beginning to worry about that they may get infected if they didn't heal soon.

"Holy shit. That's fucked up," Natasha said in shock as she looked at the two tooth holes in Jeans neck.

"Tell me about it, and now they won't heal either."

"They don't look good Jean. You should go to the hospital."

"I'm going to if they aren't any better in a day or two. I just hope I didn't catch anything from him," she said, some of her internal fears slipping into the conversation.

"You're probably a werewolf now," Natasha joked, trying to lighten the mood after that somber moment.

"Thank you for that," Jean said, turning a withering glare on her best friend, though there was the hint of a smile on her lips. It was just the sort of ridiculous and outlandish thing for her friend to suggest that she couldn't help but feel a bit better because of it.

She wondered for just a moment if Chase had, in fact, been a werewolf. Her fingers rose absentmindedly to where he had punctured her skin, making contact with the still-open wounds as she thought of him.

Without warning her brain was abruptly bombarded with extremely powerful images and sensations as her fingers touched his marks. She could feel him inside of her again, stretching her to the limits as he rode her from behind, making her scream in the open air of the bathroom. There were other images, of things that hadn't happened. Of her on her knees, servicing Chase while she touched herself to his commands. In yet another blast of imagery she saw herself tied to the bed as he brought her to a mind-numbing orgasm with just his tongue.

With a start she pulled her fingers away, but the sights and sounds kept assaulting her senses, causing a feedback that spilled over into the rest of her body. An urgent, throbbing sensation erupted out of her clit, while at the same time her nipples became ultra-sensitive, hardening to points and sending shocks throughout her body each time she gasped for breath, which pushed them against the fabric of her bra.

Her lungs heaving, she gripped the table hard, trying to bring her mind back together and take control of whatever was happening to her. The urge to slip one hand between her legs was so overwhelming she felt her grip on the table lessen. A savage, brutal mental effort was the only thing that stopped her from bringing herself to a monstrous climax right there in front of her best friend.

"Jean? Jean are you okay? Talk to me Jean!" Natasha was worried, her panicked voice bringing attention from other tables and the presence of their waitress, who asked if she should call the paramedics.

"No. I'm fine," she managed to grit out through clenched teeth, forcing the onslaught down, telling herself that it was her mind and her body, and that if something was going to happen to it, it was because she said so, not someone or something else. Finally the sensations began to fade, though they never left completely, occupying a spot in the back of her mind, waiting to pounce.

Natasha looked like she was about to say more, but Jean shot her a glance that silenced any further protests. They paid their bill and left. Once they were moving and Jean had something else to focus on, the feelings subsided a bit more. She made a vow to her friend that she would go to the hospital right away, to ensure that nothing was wrong with her.

As soon as she started talking to the doctor at the hospital, however, Jean knew she had made a big mistake in going there. He was looking very strangely in her direction as she recanted her story, very clearly not believing a word of her current condition. She could tell by his stride as he left that the doctor either considered her crazy enough for a straightjacket, or that she was simply horny and didn't know it.

With a scowl she fled the room before he could return, likely with a nurse to restrain her as they sentenced her to an asylum. Jean knew she wasn't going crazy, and that something
going on within her mind because of what Chase had done to her.

That evening she tried to masturbate the need from her system, but even after two heart-stopping orgasms, she still craved the feel of his hard cock. By that point her clit was getting sore and she didn't want to risk any more. Thankfully sleep came for her quickly, proving to be restful despite her affliction.

Everything seemed to return to normal for Jean after that. She managed to go two whole days leading her regular, happy life. The wounds were still unsightly, so she had to wear turtlenecks or ensure her hair stayed down on the one side, but other than that, she almost managed to move on.

It was Thursday now, and she was happily expecting to be done work early that day, having finally managed to figure out what she was going to write detailing the previous weekend's event for her blog as well as an article to the online portion of the magazine. It had all fallen together and her fingers practically flew across her laptop keyboard as she typed the article.

Without thinking about it, her left hand began to twirl her hair as she re-read a few paragraphs to ensure that they flowed the way she liked. Her fingers paused from playing with her hair to scratch an itch on her neck. Jean's smoky gray eyes flew open as she realized what she was doing, but by then it was too late. Her fingers brushed against the bite marks Chase had given her, which once again bombarded her with desire. It was greater this time, as if whatever was inside of her was angry at being repressed.

Her brain began to fragment, as if she was losing control of some of it to the baser instincts within her. It seemed that this time she was going to lose the battle. Against her will Jean's right hand slid under the desk, dragging her fingertips against the soft, milky flesh of her inner thigh. She liked to wear longer, flowing skirts to work, but now that preference was working against her.

She desperately sent mental commands to her body, telling it to stop, but her breaths continued to become shorter as her fingers made contact with her clit through her underwear. Looking around in panic, it appeared that there was nobody around. It was then that Jean realized she could still control parts of her body, just not her hand or her level of arousal.

Without thinking she bolted from her cubicle and ran for the women's washroom. Once inside she locked the door, thankful that the office always played loud music and that she was at the far end from most people now.

The throbbing from her clit was unbearable now, so she decided to play a different angle. Instead of trying to resist the urge, she went with the flow, letting her body know that she intended to climax, that anything less would be unacceptable. The infusing of desire from the bite marks made the short session far more intense than she had imagined.

Her fingers flew across her clit as she used her free hand to pull the white thong to the side, exposing her pink pussy. She then buried two fingers inside of her as the other hand continued to massage her center of pleasure, bringing Jean closer and closer to the finish.

It was only as the blinding white light faded from her eyes that Jean realized someone was pounding on the door. There were voices asking if she was okay, to let them in so they could help.

Now that it was clear she must have been screaming her pleasure for the world to hear as her heart went into overdrive. If she thought it was beating fast as she had an orgasm in the middle of her office washroom, it was nothing compared to the pulsing and pounding it was going through now.

Composing herself slowly, Jean opened the door to see half a dozen worried faces waiting for her.

"I'm okay," she mumbled, pushing her way through the crowd as she returned to her desk. The fire in her face as near unbearable as her cheeks heated into an inferno under the curious looks.

Many more people turned to face her from their desks as she gathered her things and made a beeline for the door. As it turned out, she was done with work early, just not for the reasons she had expected. Her face didn't return to its normal pale tones until well after she was on the bus home.

Although she had a car, the condo she lived in and her office were straight along the same bus route, which made driving to work in downtown Seattle traffic a little bit silly. Today she wished she would have driven, simply to be alone with her embarrassment.

No matter what she did on the drive home, however, she could not stop thinking of Chase. It seemed to her that it was only a matter of time before she lost all control of herself and descended into a raving, sex-obsessed lunatic if the current patterns continued. Each time the sensation struck, she seemed to lose more of herself. Jean was afraid that she was truly going crazy.

It seemed that giving in to the sensation had calmed her down, because she had an uneventful evening. She was so tired from the events of the day that when her head struck the pillow she was asleep without even knowing it. Tomorrow, she thought to herself just before the darkness claimed her, tomorrow she would deal with whatever was going on with her.

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