Lord of the Grrr's (16 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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It succeeded.

The mental cage locked shut around his wolf and for just a brief moment, he was able to breathe freely. Knowing he only had a limited amount of time before the wolf wore his defenses down, Chase tested the air and took off through the brush, charging ahead blindly towards the gorge, following whatever trace of her scent that he could still find.

Branches whipped against his fur as sharp thorns and other parts of the trees left cuts along his body. Each one shrieked their presence as they were formed, but he ignored the cries, focused solely on getting as close to Jean as possible before he had to shift back to his human form, where his mind could far more easily control his wild urges.

Hopefully I can even handle the change.

There was no time to think on that comment, because he put his head down and charged through another jumble of brush. On the far side, instead of more trees, was an open grassy area leading up to the gorge perhaps fifty feet away. He had to scramble to a halt, more focused on not going over the edge than the fact that less than twenty feet to his right was Jean, standing far closer to the lip than he would have liked.

It wasn't until he tried to reach out a hand to her, to tell her that it was all going to be okay, that Chase remembered he was still in his wolf form. Cursing himself, he thought frantically on what to do. Jean had turned and was now staring in horror at the massive wolf close to her.

He needed to put her at ease. That was the first thing to do. Not only did Chase not want to shift in front of her, but doing so was highly unlikely to calm her down either. So he took a different path, trying to simulate calm and happiness. He sat down heavily on his haunches and let his jaw hang open, tongue lolling to the side as he gave her his best silly face, all the while wagging his tail.

That helped, but not nearly enough to calm her down, so with an internal sigh of embarrassment, Jake laid down on all fours and acted like he wanted to play, before rolling on to his back and sticking all of his paws into the air. If he could just convince her that he wasn't a raving, wild animal, perhaps he could coax her away from the edge.

Slowly moving back to his feet, Chase pranced around the field, carefully moving away from both Jean and the edge of the gorge, trying to draw her backward, acting for all the world like a happy dog as best he could.

It wasn't working well enough for him, however, because she had only taken a few short steps away from the lip. The scent of fear was still strong from her. He would have to take drastic measures.

Knowing that it could mean a lot of trouble down the line, Jake sat up straight and forced himself to shift back.


A number of different things were going on within Jean's head. Though the enormous wolf that had appeared out of nowhere was occupying most of her attention, the jumble of thoughts that leaked through into her mind was playing havoc with her ability to focus.

It was that extra brain noise, such as it was, that had forced her off the road as she got closer and closer to Moonlight Canyon. She had wandered through the forest, wanting nothing more than to end the incessant chattering and constant sexual urges. Twice, as she had stumbled from her car to where she was now, Jean had been forced to stop and satisfy herself, to try and calm the desires for even just a few minutes.

Now they had returned in full force, almost at the exact moment the wolf had come rushing out of the forest. A wolf that was now changing into a human in front of her eyes.

What the fuck?!

With wide eyes, Jean watched in equal parts fascination and horror as the wolf figure quickly morphed into that of a normal human being. The fur disappeared, the elongated jaw molded back into a regular flat face, and the massive paws became human hands. Part of her wanted to throw up, while the other half of her began scrambling away, and back toward the cliff edge.

"Jean, wait! Don't do it!"

she screamed at the top of her lungs as his voice penetrated through the fog of terror. She stopped moving, unable to do anything but stare at the man who was responsible for all of her problems.

"I don't believe it. You
a fucking werewolf. Natasha was right." Shock dulled her voice as she tried to process the reality.

"Well, not quite," Chase said, chuckling mildly as he sat down, still maintaining a safe distance between the two of them.

"I'm pretty sure I just saw you change from a wolf to a human. That is pretty much at the core of being a werewolf, don't you think?"

Jean wasn't entirely sure why she felt so calm, despite what she had just seen. Had her subconscious put more faith in Natasha's off-the-cuff comment about her being bitten by a werewolf than she had thought?

"Wait, you're a werewolf," Jean said. "You bit me. Did you change me into one of you?" She began to panic, her words trailing off into silence as she sat on the ground, trying to make sense of it all. Her world began to swirl around her and she felt darkness closing in.

This is it, this is how I'm going to spend my life, as a werewolf.

That was the last thought she had before the dark claimed her.

"Jean, Jean wakeup. Wake up, Jean."

She was stirred to life by the soft, gentle words as Chase rocked her back and forth in his arms, holding her tight to his warm chest. As soon as he realized she was awake he moved so that she could sit up.

"No, come back," she said drearily. "It was much warmer that way."

He flashed his beautiful smile at her, the amusement echoing through the green of his eyes as he scooted closer, pulling her tight again. It just felt so right, to be there with him, in a way that she couldn't understand, for she barely knew him.

And yet...

She knew some things about him. He was sweet and caring, and was also a great dancer. Chase put others first, as she could see by him somehow finding her all the way out here, in the middle of nowhere.

"How did you find me?" she asked softly, not moving from her position.

"I was coming to the city to find you." He hesitated, as if to say more, but then decided against it. She knew that wasn't the full story.

"Do I have to worry about you turning back into a crazed wolf and attacking me?" That was the question that was really on her mind. Jean was fully aware that if that did happen, there was nothing she could do to stop it, except perhaps, to jump. Unfortunately, the result would be the same for her either way. She would die.

"No, one of the biggest differences between your werewolves of mythology and myself is that I, as a shifter, can control the change."

Shifter, so that's what he calls himself.

She could tell that again he wasn't lying, but that there was also something more he wasn't saying. It would come out eventually, but for now, she wanted to ask him more questions about what had happened, and if she was going to go insane.

Before she could utter another word to him the urges returned in force, infusing her body with a need for sex. He must have felt her body tense, because he pulled back from holding her to be able to look into her eyes.

"Chase, you need to fuck me, right now." The words that came out of her mouth were part anger, part relief at having him there. This time she could actually satisfy the desires that were running rampant through her body.

"What?" He was so startled and unprepared it was almost comical.

Sitting up, Jean decided she needed to show him what she meant, instead of using words. Getting on to her knees, she reached down and grabbed the sides of the gray sweater she was wearing. Slowly she pulled it off, giving him an eyeful of all of her curves. This wasn't the first time between them, and she remembered the way he had explored her body before. She hungered for that again.

"Jean, I don't —"

The words died on his lips as she pressed hers against his, pulling him tight with both her hands, running her fingers through his hair. The kiss was more passionate than any she had had before, but it still didn't calm the aching between her legs. The throbbing sensation actually seemed to intensify as she straddled him, her hips automatically grinding against his hard muscles.

"I need this, Chase. It's going to help me, right?" He was still trying to protest, though she was keeping her hand near his mouth to hush him each time he started. Now though, she let him speak for a moment.

"For a short period of time, it might," he answered reluctantly, obvious feeling guilty about the entire situation.

"It's going to happen, I can already feel your interest in the matter," she teased, shaking her hips slightly to emphasize the point that his cock was clearly becoming as hard as steel beneath his jeans. Her hands were busy undoing his belt buckle and the button on his pants, eager to expose what she knew was hidden beneath.

"Well, if it's going to happen," Chase said from beneath her, sitting up to wrap his hands around her waist. "Then it's going to happen the way I say."

With that he rolled her over until Jean was flat on her back, the two of them flattening the grass around them as they quickly divested themselves of any remaining clothing. Despite her being ready and waiting, Chase held himself still, the tip of his cock just barely resting on the glistening wet entrance of her cunt as he ignored all of her begging.

"Shhh," he whispered softly, pressing his lips to hers once more.

She wrapped her hands around his neck, trying to pull him closer. When that didn't work she raked her nails down his back, wrapped her legs around his waist and all but screamed her frustration to him. None of it worked, nor did he even budge under her attacks.

"I can't take this anymore," she gasped, giving up in defeat as she lay back, anger beginning to seep into her.

That was when his hips moved, pushing his thick dick inside of her, burying himself completely in one smooth motion.

Jean screamed, overcome by sensation, emotion, and her instantaneous eruption into orgasm. Her body rocked and shuddered as she adjusted to his size, her walls tightening around him in quick, short bursts as waves of pleasure ripped through her body like a bolt of lightning. She came extremely close to blacking out once again, but just before her vision dimmed completely, control of her body returned.

"Holy. Shit." she gasped, her chest heaving with exertion as she labored to recover her breath. Chase was staring at her breasts, enjoying the motion imparted to them by her struggles to suck down air.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, mister," she said playfully a few moments later, her breathing for the most part back under control. It was then that she realized two things. One, Chase hadn't climaxed, and two, that she was just plain old horny now. The incessant throbbing from between her legs had subsided to what felt like a normal level.

That is, until Chase began to move his hips, thrusting into her in long, slow strokes. That fired her back up, but it again wasn't as painful as it had been before. This was normal arousal, and that was something that she could handle with ease. Jean knew all about being turned on, and just what to do about it.

It was her turn to be a tease.

Squeezing her knees tightly to his sides, she grabbed on to his left arm with both her hands, and pulled hard at the same time she wrenched her hips to the right. The resulting momentum caught Chase off guard, eliciting a shout of surprise from him. The momentum allowed her to roll him on to his back while she stayed mounted, his cock never leaving her.

"Now, this is better. Much better," she purred into his ear, warm honey flowing anew from her cunt as she moved her hips up and down excruciatingly slowly. The tensing of his jaw and the clenching of his fists were dead giveaways to the building frustration within him as Jean relentlessly teased his hard cock, never fully taking him into her.

"Please," he growled at her, his voice very deep and commanding. Her heart raced at the sheer desire in that single word. He wanted her, and badly. It was so intoxicating to know that someone else was deriving extreme amounts of pleasure from her, but Jean wasn't willing to cave that easily, no matter how much he turned her on.

"In a bit," she whispered, "I need to adjust to your cock. It's so big you know, and my tight little pussy just can't take it." She was teasing him and he knew it, but no man could resist hearing such words. His cock flexed and expanded ever so slightly, causing Jean to gasp in surprise, the extra girth proving more than she had expected, no matter how slight the gain.

"Yeah, I think you like fucking my big, hard cock," he said in that deep bass voice once again. She could tell that the situation was fast returning to his control, but this was what she wanted, so Jean went with the flow.

In one swift motion, Chase picked her up and put her down next to him. He rolled onto his side and popped to his knees simply by flexing one arm and using his elbow as leverage. Before she could blink, he was positioned behind her, sliding his soaked cock back into her canal.

It wasn't until he grabbed her hips and thrust hard that she screamed, but it was a long time later before her cries subsided. Chase fucked her hard, continuing to slam his hips into hers well after she had cum twice more. As her third orgasm rocketed out from between her legs she felt an explosion of warmth within her pussy that accompanied the loud groan from behind her.

The two of them collapsed into a pile on the grass, not caring about any mess, simply too exhausted at that point. They both lay back, chests heaving, his massive muscles drawing huge gulps of air compared to her smaller gasps. Biting her lip she rolled onto her side, leaning her head onto his smooth skin, enjoying the sound of his heart racing as she bobbed up and down in time with his lungs.

It seemed an eternity since she had felt so peaceful, without the insane urgings. Her brain and body could take some time to recover now, she hoped. Perhaps all she needed to do was fuck him like that and they would go away. Maybe now, she could go on with her life.

Even as she said that, the stirrings began within her again.

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