Lord of the Abbey (44 page)

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Authors: K. R. Richards

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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Aye! Good idea, Harry. I’ll take Wyldhurst after our celebration. The both of us are big and burly enough to scare the devil out of anyone. Where does he live?”


I’ll happily give you directions. I just was given them by Hanford.”




Caroline, dear. Don’t worry. We’ll bring you up some cake and other treats.” Jane Bellingham, Lady Glaston pushed her daughter’s brown hair from her eyes.


I really don’t want to miss Harry and Rowena’s wedding celebration, mama,” Caroline sniffed and resorted to whining. Her pleading hadn’t worked.


I fear it shall tax your energy greatly walking down and then back up the stairs, dear.”


Please, mama? Oh, Rowena, please let me come?”


Rowena thought of a suggestion that might help Caroline. She had an idea there was more than cake and punch downstairs that Caroline didn’t want to miss out on. “Well, Caroline, I’m certain someone will carry you downstairs. You can recline on the chaise. I have a very proper looking morning robe that looks like a morning gown that won’t be so painful for you to put on with your tender arm. I’ll send Betsy to fetch it and bring it to you. But your mother is quite correct. You do need your rest. I feel coming down to join us for an hour or so will be fine.” Rowena looked to Jane Bellingham for approval.


Rowena, that is a sound idea. As long as Caroline remains on the chaise, and we find someone to carry her down, and she does not stay over long, I think she will be fine.” Lady Glaston smiled at her new daughter-in-law. She was so happy Harry married such a wise and good-natured young woman.


Good. I’ll find Betsy and run down and fetch someone to carry you.”

Chapter Seventeen

Rowena noticed the men coming from the library. Harry saw her, came straight toward her. He smiled when he reached her.


Rowena returned his smile. She stopped Tristan with a hand to his arm before she gave her husband her full attention. “Tristan, could you carry Lady Caroline down to the gallery and put her on the chaise? She does not wish to be left out of the festivities.”


I will be honored to do so, Lady Glaston. I’ll go up straight away.” Tristan bowed, leaving them with a wide smile that revealed a flash of white teeth.


Rowena, my love, what was that about?” Harry moved his lips close to her ear as he whispered.


She doesn’t wish to be left out, Harry!” Rowena lifted pleading blue eyes to him.


That’s not why I am concerned. Tristan Chynoweth still very much enjoys his bachelorhood, if you grasp my meaning. He has quite a way with the ladies in Cornwall and London, so I’m told. I’ve heard he’s very persuasive. His current tastes run toward very experienced females. Caroline is still young and an innocent. So if you’re trying a hand at matchmaking…”


Aha!” Rowena smiled mischievously. “I seem to recall that you had a similar reputation upon coming to Glastonbury, Lord Glaston. Even I heard such rumors before your arrival.”


I have been well caught and tamed, if I might remind you, Lady Glaston.” Harry’s eyes grew dark and intense. His hand at her lower back, he allowed his fingers to dip scandalously lower.


Caught, but not yet tamed, I think.” Rowena grinned up at him. “And as for the young Lord Weatherham, Harry, it appears by the way he looks at Caroline, that
may very well be looking to be caught and tamed. He has recently inherited a title and estate from his uncle.”


Well. That remains to be seen, wife.” Harry winked. He caressed her hand as it rested on his arm. “As we are bringing Caroline downstairs, I think we shall bring two more chaises into the gallery and bring Micah and Lyon to join us as well.”


Of course, Harry! I’ve already taken care of that.” Rowena rose on tip-toe to kiss his cheek.


The celebration was joyous despite the dreadful incident of the shooting earlier in the day. There was toasting, laughter, and lively conversation. With only six ladies and the rest of the large party gentlemen, there had been no dancing planned. But three of the Duke of Penrose’s relatives brought their fiddles with them, and insisted upon playing. Even Harry and Rowena danced to several lively tunes, as did the other ladies, save the wounded Caroline. There was no lack of male dance partners.


Lyon, Micah and Caroline seemed to enjoy themselves as they reclined on their chaises. Lyon’s condition seemed to concern many, for although Micah and Caroline were pale, they were still cheery. Lyon remained quiet and kept to himself mostly. Occasionally he would smile or laugh at someone’s comment. He remained much paler and more subdued than the other two patients.


Rowena knew Harry noted, as did she, that Tristan Chynoweth never strayed too far from the side of Lady Caroline. His head was often bent to listen to something Lady Caroline said.


Nor could Rowena not notice that Lady Sarah Ravenscroft, Lyon’s seventeen year old sister, was being kept a close eye on as well. Mostly by the Trevelyan’s, sometimes Elveston or Newt.


She realized then, that perhaps Tristan was just doing his duty to guard Caroline, and that perhaps she did misinterpret his intentions toward Harry’s younger sister. She hoped not, but it was possible, for it became clearer to her as she observed, that all of the ladies were being carefully watched and followed. Lyon’s and Harry’s mothers as well as Aunt Frances. Even herself. Of course, as it was their wedding celebration, Harry was nearly always beside her. But when he was pulled away from her for even a moment, Wyldhurst or Trevan Chynoweth stepped in beside her until Harry returned.


Food was sent to the men inside and outside the Manor who kept at their posts, as well as to the men on guard on the abbey grounds.


The festivities lasted for several hours.


Caroline was unhappy to return to her room early until she realized it was Tristan Chynoweth who was to carry her upstairs. Lyon and Micah were helped back to the parlour turned sickroom.


Rowena stopped in to check on her patients. A bed was brought into the small parlour for Micah during the celebration.


How are we feeling, gentlemen?”


Much improved, Rowena. But, that might be due to the quantity of brandy I consumed today.” Micah smiled up at her, gave her a wink. Rowena reached down and squeezed his hand lovingly. “Are you in much pain, Micah?”


Not overmuch, no. In a few days I should be able to navigate the steps and return to my room above stairs.”


Lyon, does your leg still pain you greatly?” She walked over to check on Lyon, still so very pale. She reminded herself he lost a lot of blood because of his injury.


I’m a little improved today. Thank you, Lady Glaston.” He offered her a weak smile.


Good. And please, Lyon, call me Rowena. Are you comfortable here? Is there anything else you require?”


I’m fine, Rowena. Just tired.” Lyon sighed as he lay back upon his pillows.


Rowena felt of his forehead. “No fever, that is good. You must rest, the both of you.”


Please send for me if either of you need anything.”


We will. Thank you, Rowena.” Micah smiled.


Lyon simply nodded.




Lord Dalworth. Do not be ridiculous. You’ve missed the opportunity to wed Heathcote’s sister. She is as of this morning Lady Glaston. We informed you of such earlier.”


Reginald Chelton, Viscount Dalworth puffed and sputtered. His face was red with rage. “She was to be mine! She stabbed me. I wanted to give her a long life of pure hell! And fuck her.” His ruddy face twisted with displeasure as he reddened further with his uncontrolled anger. “I paid you to get her for me!”


You obviously wanted to fuck her more than make her miserable, as evidenced by all your carrying on and your obvious frustration. Might I remind you, Dalworth,” Percy Davitt drawled cooly, “we were partners in this dealing. You paid me nothing. If you want Lady Glaston, it is you who will take her. She’s married to Glaston now. I shant kidnap the wife of a Peer of the Realm. I recently promised to merely watch the goings on at Stonedown for you and keep you apprised until your arrival. Which I did. My interest in Stonedown is purely an intellectual one, for I am a superior scholar.”


Percy Davitt continued, “Lady Rowena, now Lady Glaston, was in the beginning, the means to take what I want. But then Glaston came along, followed by his society fellows and ruined everything. You see, I first thought to fuck her and get what I wanted that way. By persuasion. I’m well over that now. These treasures I seek are far more valuable to me than your mundane desire for a receptacle to fulfill your lust, and ultimately extinguish by your bare hands as you did with your former wives.”


Bitches, the lot of them,” Dalworth sputtered. He rose, grabbed Percy Davitt by the lapels with his meaty fingers, “An’ I’d have her between my legs now if you had gotten her to me before she was wed! She was to be mine!”


Percy merely grimaced at the foul breath in his face. Long and surprisingly strong fingers removed the fat ones curling around his lapel. “You can still take her. You can fuck her, beat her and kill her for all I care. But our partnership is finished, for I no longer need or want you interfering in my quest. Was it my fault your two men were unable to breach the back walls of Stonedown this afternoon? My men did their jobs. Glaston’s sister and Wincanton were shot, true neither fatally, at least not that I’ve heard. I lost my marksman, who took out two people this morning, and one of our hirelings is in the gaoler’s cell. Another was put in gaol several days ago after the first failed attempt to get my prize and yours.”


I had only two men with me today. I’ve another with me tonight. Now I’ve got three. There are two who never showed up after leaving London.” Dalworth grimaced. “So, you’ll not help me then?”


No.” Percy rose, dusted off his lapels with his gloved hand. “Formulate your own plan. I have mine, and it does not allow for you to kidnap Glaston’s wife.”


Glaston’s wife! Blast him, she was mine! To be my wife! And you sir, are a coward! Sod off and get your damned treasure on your own then. I’ll get what I want, I will! I’ll have that bitch in my bed.” His face contorted in rage, Dalworth spat upon the floor and left the private parlour at the White Hart.


You’re a fool, Dalworth. And a crazy one at that!” Percy’s pale green eyes narrowed on the closed door.


Percy, that man’s unhinged. Insane, I’d even wager.” George Whitely shook his head. “Don’t feel quite right to allow him to kill Glaston’s wife. She is a kind, meek little gel. Very friendly. Very well liked here in the town.”


He is unhinged. I’m sorry I ever lured him into my affairs. I was thinking only that it would make my business easier if Dalworth offered a diversion of sorts. But I think he still will go after Glaston’s wife, for he is more than a little obsessed with the idea. Even if he kills her, it will help us in our endeavor. Glaston would be brought to his knees then. Whether or not Dalworth succeeds, regardless of the outcome, it might allow enough of a diversion for us to get into Stonedown and do what we need to do, George. So we must watch Dalworth closely. I have men watching his every move. He might even barge in tonight, for he was quite out of sorts finding his little sweetmeat was married today.”


Davitt continued calmly, “We just need a sapphire, two ampullae and a scroll, mayhap some jewels and gold chalices if we’ve the time and can find their location. Then we shall be set for life, you and I.” Percy raised his tankard toward George Whitely. “The scroll will give me the professional recognition a scholar of my merit deserves, and the sapphire the high living I require. Then I can laugh at the entire Avalon Society if I like. I might even denounce them as the frauds they are. Make them pay for denying me membership.”


George Whitely thought that Percy Davitt’s pale skin, pale blonde hair, and his eerie, light green eyes made him appear almost diabolical in the dim light of the private room at the White Hart. He seemed unhinged as well. George wanted to finish this. He needed the money desperately, for his London bitch of a wife had the most exuberant tastes. And he was nearly out of money paying the bills she continued to accrue. He wanted to put Percy Davitt far behind him as soon as possible. The man was as dangerous, if not more so, than Dalworth. And he no longer trusted him. “When?”


A day. Two days time. Meet me tomorrow night, same time, and I’ll give you all the details. Unless Dalworth decides tonight is better for him. Two of my men shall be watching him. I’ll contact you if we should need to move tonight. Be ready.”

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