Lord of the Abbey (41 page)

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Authors: K. R. Richards

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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Rowena pushed back her fear at hearing the name of Dalworth. This was a precious moment that she refused to allow her past or that horrible man to tarnish. The man she loved just voiced his feelings for her. And they might be man and wife as soon as tomorrow. Rowena looked into his eyes. Now knew that what she saw in their depths
love. She smiled brightly. “Tomorrow will be wonderful, Harry! We’ve a chapel here at Stonedown. I don’t care about the wedding. I just want to marry you. But I fear we shall have to agree to at least a reception at a later date, for Aunt Frances will be highly disappointed at the lack of one.”


As will my mother. And I warn you in advance, she shall probably want a wedding in London as well.” Harry winked at her.


Fine. As long as we are legally wed now, I truly am not concerned with what celebrations come after. You won’t be disappointed that there won’t be time to have a special gown made for our wedding?”


No.” Harry kissed her lingeringly then whispered, “As long as I can have you naked in our bed after.”


Oh, you shall. I promise you that.” Rowena raised on her tip toes and kissed her fiancée quite passionately.


The kiss deepened.


A string of female voices accompanied by a noisy commotion in the entry hall interrupted Harry and Rowena’s growing passion.


Must. Be. Lyon’s. Mother. Has arrived,” Harry said in between the kisses he trailed down his wife’s neck.


When the study door opened to reveal two elegantly clad women, one elder and one younger who proceeded to gasp in shock at the scene they intruded upon, Harry raised his head. He grinned devilishly. He gently turned Rowena to face their audience and placed her hand upon his arm. “Mother! Caroline! You’re just in time. Lady Rowena and I are just affianced!”


Lady Glaston appeared to be in shock for a moment. After a few moments her stunned surprise was replaced by sheer joy. Her son, the heir, would marry! No more waiting! Jane Bellingham, Lady Glaston smiled brightly.


Oh! Harry! How wonderful!” Lady Glaston rushed to the couple. “Lady Rowena, my dear, I was so looking forward to see you again, and now to find you are to be my daughter-in-law, why, it’s a dream come true! Look at you, so lovely! You will be the handsomest couple this Season, mark my words. Might I say, Lady Rowena, you shall be the loveliest bride of the Season to be certain! We will procure La Blanche to design your wedding gown, and your trousseau!” Lady Glaston kissed her son’s cheek, and then Rowena’s. Caroline was next. Harry’s youngest sister smiled happily at them both.


Aunt Frances, who was right behind Lady Glaston and her daughter, bustled over to Rowena. She hugged her niece. Kissed Harry on the cheek.


Lady Glaston walked to the study door. She called excitedly, “Mary! Mary, you must come at once, dear.”


A moment later, Lyon’s mother, Lady Amesbury along with his younger sister Sarah bustled in. Received the glorious news from Lady Glaston. Moments later, a happy Lady Amesbury and her daughter accosted the couple.


Mother how is it you arrived in Glastonbury so soon? I thought you not to arrive until May or June,” Harry inquired after being kissed by all of the newly arrived females.


We were at Lady Amesbury’s when the message arrived regarding Lyon’s condition. How did you find him, Mary? Is he as bad as we first thought?”


I must get back to my son, but he was awake and seemed to be quite lucid. His leg is a concern to me.” Lady Amesbury excused herself and her daughter. They hastened to return to Lyon’s sick room.


Go on then dear. I just had to share Lady Rowena’s and Harry’s news. I shall be in to see Lyon shortly.” Lady Glaston took Frances’ arm and said, “Frances, we must begin making plans at once. We’ve not a moment to lose. A wedding! At long last! My Harry and your Rowena!”


Harry and Rowena heard Lady Glaston announce to the household from the entry hall, at least to all that were within earshot, that there was to be a wedding between her son and Lady Sperring’s niece.


Mother!” Harry called after her. He paused to look at Rowena, who still appeared to be in shock from the entire incident. He kissed her cheek, gave her a quick wink, “I best break the, ah,
wedding news
to Mother. I’ll be right back, love.”


She nodded. Smiled. She embraced a smiling Sir John who entered the room as Harry slid past him. She received a kiss on the cheek from Micah, then Trevan. And Charlie. She was embraced and congratulated by Wyldhurst, Newt, Elveston, and the rest of the Chynoweths and Trevelyans who were present in the house.


Rowena relished every moment of the attention she received. It was such a happy occasion for her. Harry Bellingham loved her and they were going to be married! If someone told her two weeks ago that she would fall in love and be married as soon as tomorrow, she would never have believed it!


Lady Glaston was indeed down-hearted to find the wedding was to be the following day. Of course, once Harry and Lady Sperring relayed the circumstances to her privately, she understood completely.


Very well. But I should like a very large reception in London, Harry, as soon as this dreadful business is cleared up here in Glastonbury.”


Of course, Mother. As large as you like,” Harry offered happily, kissing her cheek to help mollify her after receiving such devastating news. Though he was quite happy to not be having a large formal London wedding.


Lady Glaston smiled then. “Frances, we should get ourselves very busy to make what preparations we can for tomorrow. We still have a wedding to plan for, albeit a smaller, more intimate one than we wish for.”


Absolutely Jane! I’ve already set Mrs. Brimble and Hanford to work. Cook will soon begin the cake. And the kitchen staff has been set to baking. Dinner shall be a cold meal tonight so that more food can be prepared for tomorrow. You will stay here for dinner, won’t you?”


I shall! We shall be planning until midnight, I fear. In fact, I think Caroline and I shall just stay here at Stonedown until after the wedding. It will be much easier. And you could use the help with Stonedown full of guests.”


Perfect!” Frances led Jane Bellingham toward the drawing room.


I’ll send word to Woollard as well, Frances. We’ll get our kitchen staff working on the dinner. Between the two households we will easily prepare foodstuffs for a grand wedding feast tomorrow. I understand our intimate wedding shall include all Harry’s and Lyon’s friends as well as many large Cornishmen. No doubt they can eat quite a lot!”


I’ve set the maids to clipping the early blooms in the garden here, how is the garden at the Grange? Mayhap between the two gardens we’ll find enough for a bouquet and some decoration for the chapel, though it is early spring.”


We’ve a hothouse, if you’ll remember, Frances.”


I had forgotten. Then flowers should not be a problem!


The two wandered off, deep in discussion over the preparations.

Chapter Sixteen

Lyon, Rowena said you wanted to speak to me.” Harry came into Lyon’s room.


Mother, why don’t you and Sarah go take some refreshment. I’ve a need to speak to Harry for a moment.”


You owe me, Harry!” Lyon hissed after the door closed behind his sister, Sarah. “Mother said they shall stay until I am able to travel back to Shevington Chase!”


Harry grimaced, “If it is any consolation to you, my mother and sister arrived with yours.”


Lyon smirked, “It is! And with you getting married!” Lyon laughed, a wicked little laugh then grimaced suddenly when the movement caused him pain. “I much preferred waking to the lovely face of your wife-to-be than that of my mother. Or Wyldhurst!”


Harry laughed. His tone grew serious, “Lyon, in all truth, your condition was grave for a time, and Rowena insisted we send for your family. Micah and I both agreed it should be done.”


Umm. I’ll forgive your angel, for she is lovely. And a more gentle nurse I have not known. But you and Micah? Probably not. And about your upcoming wedding, congratulations to you by the way! You’re a lucky man. I knew you were doomed for the altar when you were left speechless at just the sight of her that first night in your drawing room at the Grange.”


I was speechless. And it probably was that first moment I fell in love. Thank you, Lyon. Why did you send Rowena to find me?”


First things first, Harry! Love?” Lyon scrunched up his face distastefully. “Never thought I’d hear that from such a notorious rake as yourself.” Lyon paused, “Sorry I’m rambling, it’s the laudanum. My thoughts are quite scattered. Back to business. The afternoon I was shot, I heard quite a bit before I lost consciousness. There are two local “gents” as the man called them involved. But, also, I was told, a London Lord paid highly for the Lady.”


Did they mention any names?” Harry asked.


Um, yes. Let me think, a gentleman by name of George White? Or was it Whitely. Whitcomb. Something with “White” in it. I’m sorry, my brain is quite fuzzy.”


Thank you, Is that it?”


The London Lord
Dalworth. The man who got away said his name. And he was shot, the man who got away, I mean. Sir John nicked him on the arm, the upper arm, near the shoulder.”


Sir John? We thought you shot that man.” Harry looked at Lyon in disbelief.


No. My shot missed. It was Sir John who hit him. He’s quite the shot, got him all the way back from the door leading into the gallery from the entry hall, he did.” Lyon grinned.


Interesting. I’d never figure Sir John to be that good of a shot, especially in distance at his age. Good, thank you. The information you’ve given is helpful, Lyon! I’ll send some of Trevan’s relatives into town to see if they can spot a man with a stiff or wounded arm. Elveston arrived yesterday and confirmed Dalworth’s involvement as well.”


Lady Amesbury returned, Mrs. Brimble behind her carrying a tray. “Here we are, son. I’ll feed you some nice broth. I’ll not leave your side for a moment if I can help it. If you were engaged or married like your friend Harry is soon to be, there would be a fiancée or wife here to tend you instead of me, you know.”


Though still quite ill, Lyon did manage to send Harry a murderous stare.


Poor Lyon!
Harry chuckled after exiting the room. He reminded himself to share with Lyon later how happy his own mother was when learning of his wedding. So happy that she had scarcely spoken to him since arriving, for she was far too busy planning said wedding!




It was well past midnight when Harry ascended the stairs. Rowena made her escape from his mother and her aunt barely an hour before him.


Micah sat in the chair before Rowena’s door.


I’m on watch until three. Trevan shall take over then,” Micah informed him. “We decided to allow you a full night’s sleep tonight and again tomorrow night, your wedding night.”


Good. And thank you.”


The room was dark. Harry removed his clothes before sliding beneath the covers. When he reached for Rowena, he was very happy to find her as naked as he was. And still sound asleep. The moment he pulled her against him, he hardened. As tomorrow was their wedding day, he sighed in frustration and vowed to let her rest this night. He held her tightly against him and fell asleep with his face buried in her lavender scented curls.


Rowena woke facing Harry. It was still dark outside. She was cuddled against him, her leg thrown over his. As she stretched her leg, she felt his shaft against her thigh. Her hand left his chest, moving downward. She reached for his ridged length, trailing her fingers over the velvety soft head. He hardened further beneath her touch. Intrigued, she continued her assault, her fingers trailing lightly up and down his shaft.


I swear I could wake up to this every night. Every morning,” he whispered huskily in her ear, “and never complain.”


And what else would you like to wake up to?” she whispered, equally as huskily.


Harry removed her hand from his cock, further pulled her leg over his hip and rolled onto his back bringing her with him. She half sat, half reclined atop him. Her long silken curls splashed over his chest. He moved one hand down her back, over her bottom and stroked her opening. She was already wet.

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