Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior (16 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior
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But instead off sating their hunger, their touches seemed to have a counterproductive effect. Mathias grew even more frantic, his clawed fingers tearing into the mattress. Ward wasn't doing much better, dizzy with need, with the desperate more-more-more that threatened to choke him.

Did that train of thought really belong to Ward, or was it Mathias's? Ward couldn't really tell. He just knew something was different about the two of them. The wolf-man Mathias had unleashed was still there, underneath the surface, making his mate's instincts stronger, hungrier.

Just as this realization dawned, Mathias suddenly gripped his wrists and pinned his arms over his head. His handsome features were twisted into a snarl that should have been threatening, but somehow came out pained. His cheekbones seemed sharper somehow, and his previously smooth skin was covered in a dusky layer of hair. "I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, and his voice came out in a growl, barely human.

"You won't," Ward assured his mate, his heart hammering not in fear, but in arousal. "I trust you."

And he did trust Mathias, beyond anything and anyone he'd ever known. No matter what shape Mathias took, his soul was the same, and it recognized and knew Ward in a way that could never be denied or forgotten.

As expected, his trust was not misplaced, because Mathias didn't shift further. He took a deep breath, and the wild litany buzzing at the back of Ward's mind seemed to calm a little. That was a good thing, because Ward really wanted to make love to his mate, and he wasn't sure he was compatible with the wolf-man. The spirit might have been willing, but the flesh was weak, and it hadn't skipped Ward's attention that Mathias's middle form had been remarkable in size... everywhere. Ward might have gotten used to a regular and enthusiastic sex life, but even he was not ambitious enough to try his hand—or his ass—at a cock that was so big.

In the end, he didn't have to, because Mathias released Ward's wrists. Some sort of instinct made Ward keep them in place, and he waited patiently while his lover found the lubricant. As Mathias uncapped the tube, Ward spread his legs, wordlessly encouraging Mathias to take what he—no, what they both—craved.

He was rewarded by a low, appreciative growl, an animalistic sound that swept over him like a caress. Magic pulsed through their connection, awakening every atom in Ward's body, making him even more aware of Mathias's presence, of his strength, his scent, his heartbeat. He couldn't help but whimper at the sensations. "Please. I need you, Mat—"

He didn't get to finish the phrase, because his mate was already thrusting two slick fingers inside him. They were no longer clawed, but neither did they feel completely human either. The delicious disconnect fed the flame of Ward's desire, because if there was any particular moment when Ward truly felt closest to Mathias, it had to be this one.

Ward wouldn't have deemed it possible, not after everything they had shared already, but there it was. He hadn't realized it until now, but a part of Mathias had always been shut to him, and maybe to Mathias himself. No longer. Everything was wide open between them—no more barriers, no more secrets.

It was nearly overwhelming to think about, so Ward didn't think. He just felt, surrendered to his needs and his instincts, just like Mathias did. His decision encouraged Mathias, and if he'd thought his lover's previous ministrations had been passionate, they were nothing compared to what happened next.

The world became of blur of kisses pressed to every inch of skin within Mathias's reach. He moved so fast that Ward's senses had trouble registering it. One moment, his free hand was tweaking Ward's nipple, and the next it was on his cock. His mouth trailed over Ward's body so quickly that he truly seemed to have more than one. On occasion, the kisses were replaced by sharp, biting nips, and the slight pain somehow translated into feverish ecstasy, Ward's confused nerve endings unable to tell the difference.

All the while, Mathias crooked his fingers inside Ward, mercilessly working his prostate. Soon, Mathias had him practically in tears. He'd tried to keep his wrists up like before, but he couldn't muster enough control for it, and he reached out for his mate, clinging to Mathias's shoulders in the hope of finding an anchor, something that would keep him from shattering or falling apart in a world that was quickly dissipating around him.

His touch had an unexpected side-effect. It almost seemed to flick a switch inside Mathias, because the next thing he knew, the man was flipping Ward on all fours on the bed. Ward didn't really want to lose sight of his mate's face, and it didn't help that Mathias's fingers had abandoned his body as well. He tried to catch his breath, to find a way to convey that message—but as it turned out, he didn't have to.

Mathias's large hands landed on his hips, holding him in place. The head of his dick nudged Ward's hole, and it might have been Ward's impression but it seemed a bit bigger than before—maybe not wolf-man big, but definitely different in a way that Ward would feel.

He wasn't afraid. If he could have, he'd have pushed his ass out to show that, but he was effectively pinned to the bed. Instead, he relaxed, allowing Mathias to take the lead.

For all his savage instincts, Mathias didn't rush him. When he pushed inside Ward, he did so slowly, giving Ward time to adjust. Ward still couldn't help a pained hiss, but the burn came with the pleasure only Mathias could give him. That thick shaft seemed to be spearing him in two, but it also showered him with a sense of belonging that was almost transcendental.

Ward felt every single inch of Mathias's dick, so hot it branded him from the inside out. He clenched his fists in the sheets, desperately needing to come, but not quite able to reach that point. By the time Mathias was fully embedded inside him, balls flush against Ward's ass cheeks, Ward was having real trouble withstanding all the emotions and sensations that flourished within their bond.

A murmur sounded in his ear, or perhaps in his mind.
"Ward... My mate."

Ward whispered back.

As if on a cue, Mathias pulled out of Ward and pushed back in, so hard his teeth rattled. He hit Ward's prostate dead on, and all thought processes came to a halt. Colors rushed to the forefront of his mind, the perfection, the beauty, the ecstasy painting his consciousness in a dazzling kaleidoscope. He wasn't a painter anymore, and instead, he'd become the canvas. With each of Mathias's masterful thrusts, another burst of color and bliss exploded over him, mingling with it all, blending with the rest of the rainbow.

And beyond it—or perhaps within it—Ward saw the wolf. He heard the beast howl in triumph as Mathias claimed him. He welcomed it, embracing Mathias's animal side just like he had many times before, when one of them had sought comfort.

It was too intense—good, painful, mind-melting, the fear mingling with the relief and the anger being swept away by the love. Ward didn't think it could get any better, until Mathias buried his fangs in Ward's throat.

Telepathy was both a blessing and a curse, because in that moment, when they both came, Ward felt like he was dying and being brought back to life. His mind was assaulted by centuries of memories, from distant images of times long forgotten, to recent flashes—many starring Ward himself. And maybe... Maybe there was a spark of something else, impressions that were more feelings than anything else, belonging to that other presence between them, to their child. Overall, it was a million times more powerful than before, and Ward tried to hold onto it, to imprint every scene in his memory so that he could see and feel his mate and his baby forever.

He failed. There was only so much a human mind was capable of processing, and Ward's shut down—perhaps out of self-preservation. Ward wasn't even aware of it, not until he found himself opening his eyes and staring up at his mate's concerned face.

It would have probably been more confusing if he hadn't felt like he was floating on a big fluffy cloud. As it was, he smiled up at Mathias. "Well... When I manage to get my bones back, I really have to paint that."

Mathias released a sigh of relief. "I admit I didn't expect it to be so..."

He trailed off, and Ward nodded, because he knew exactly what he felt. No description could possibly match their experience. Distantly, he was aware that he must have blacked out for quite some time, since Mathias had already slid out of him and wiped him down. Even so, he wouldn't have traded those feelings for the world.

Mathias had obviously been worried about him, but he must have realized Ward was all right, because he settled down on the pillows and pulled Ward close. "It's okay now, Ward. We're going to be okay."

This time, Ward didn't reply. He didn't have to. Mathias already knew that Ward completely agreed. The pain of his loss had not faded, and it probably would never fully disappear. Even so, in that moment, as he lay in Mathias's arms, Ward felt freer than ever. He closed his eyes and set his hand on his stomach. Yes, they were free, free to start over—and no one would dare to separate them again.



A few weeks later

"Is that the last of it?"

Ward nodded, watching his mate set the box of books on the floor. "You know, you could have let me carry that."

Mathias shot him a small, sheepish smile. Abandoning the box, he joined Ward on the couch and brushed their lips together in a ghost of a kiss. "Yes, I could have, but for the moment, we can't risk it."

He placed his hand on the small lump of Ward's belly. Truly, Ward should have been irritated—he was more than a brood mare—but he could understand the reasons for Mathias's concern.

He arched a brow at Mathias, and his mate winced. "I know, I know. I'm trying not to be overbearing. It's just so hard."

That was the understatement of the century. Mathias's protectiveness had gotten completely out of hand, to the point that he'd insisted to carry Ward even to the bathroom. Naturally, Ward hadn't been very happy about that, and the ensuing argument had possibly been the loudest one they'd ever had, surpassing even their fight about Will.

Eventually, they'd agreed to a compromise. Ward couldn't blame Mathias for being worried, especially given his recent injury and kidnapping, and Mathias respected Ward's freedom and right to choose. As such, they were trying to find a balance so that both of them could be happy. So far, it had worked better than expected, despite Mathias's insistent urge to keep Ward from any physical effort.

Ward took Mathias's hand and squeezed it. Given everything they'd been through, he'd decided he didn't want to get angry, not today. "Don't worry about it. It would have taken longer if I did it anyway, and Will and the others are waiting for us."

Mathias perked up. He was thrilled that Ward was becoming closer to Will and Jessie, and very relieved that the Lone Wolf Pack had welcomed their move here. "They really have been great about this, haven't they? I look forward to seeing the twins again."

"Well, you have proven to be helpful. I mean, there are so many babies in that pack. Seriously, Mathias, you need to track down that contraceptive, because that cabin can only fit so many people."

For all his words, he knew Mathias's abilities weren't the reason for the pack's acceptance. Somehow, Ward felt it, every time he was there. Their affection did wonders to soothe the wound in his heart, helping him get used to the idea of Vera's death.

Mathias obviously knew that, because he grinned. "You know, I might actually believe you mean what you say if I hadn't seen you with Shannon.  I think I need to soak up some kisses now, because later, that boy will want you all to himself."

Mathias proved to be completely correct, and a few hours later, Ward found himself on another couch, this time in the very same cabin he'd mentioned in his conversation with Mathias. Shannon was in his lap, cooing happily. Seated across from him, Gavin shook his head. "I swear, I should be jealous. When you're around, he acts like we're not even here."

Saul ruffled his son's hair, and Shannon grabbed his father's fingers and bit down. "Ow," Saul mockingly complained. "You're really a little traitor, aren't you?"

Ward might have been concerned that he was truly hijacking Shannon's attention, but Mathias had mentioned the child was a powerful empath. It was likely that he liked being close to Ward simply so that he could help Ward cope with his grief. His parents seemed to have grown used to their son's behavior, and watched him fondly and with no little amount of pride. Ward couldn't blame them. He already loved his child so much, and he hadn't even held him or her in his arms.

"He's amazing," he told the couple. "Whenever I look at him, I get new hope for the future and I'm reminded of how much love I have in my life."

"It's not easy," Gavin told him, "but it's so very worth it. Mathias mentioned your baby will likely be a telepath?"

"Seems like it. I'm just a normal human, but we've had some real mind-reading moments, and Mathias blames it on our little bundle of joy. What about Jessica and Andrew?"

"We don't know yet." Saul shrugged. "For the moment, their superpower is being ridiculously noisy, and ridiculously adorable. Although that seems to be something quite common among the children of this pack..."

As if on cue, a happy whoop sounded from outside. Ward couldn't resist. He got up and carefully handed Shannon back to Gavin, then went to pursue the noise.

He was not disappointed, nor all that surprised when he found an explosion of happy chaos in front of the cabin. It seemed that during his conversation with Gavin and Saul, Gavin's youngest brother, Jack, had decided it would be fun to ride Dean as a wolf. It wasn't the first time—apparently Jack and his sibling Kyle did that a lot—but it still amused Ward beyond belief.

Jessie and Andreas sat with their twins watching the spectacle with a laughing Will. Gavin's mother, Alicia, was trying to temper her children. Meanwhile, Mathias had stepped aside with Parker and Jensen, obviously to check on their respective pregnancies.

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior
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