Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior (11 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior
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From that point on, the world turned into a blur of passion, color and need. At first, Ward tried to meet Mathias's thrusts, to fuck himself on his lover's dick, but he was only half-way successful. Mathias's pace grew punishing, too fast for any human to keep up with. His hold on Ward tightened even more as he fucked Ward harder, as if he couldn't get deep enough inside Ward no matter how much he tried.

Ward simply surrendered, instinctively knowing that it was what Mathias needed. And maybe it was that exact instinct that made him tilt his head back and offer his throat to his lover.

His great-uncle had told him what he could expect when it came to mate bonds, but a part of Ward hadn't really believed him, or maybe hadn't processed what it meant. He finally understood it then. Mathias thrust inside him one last time, all the while burying strikingly sharp fangs in Ward's flesh. It hurt, but the pain somehow transcended Ward's concept of sensation and turned into something entirely different, into an ecstasy that he wouldn't have been able to imagine even in his wildest dreams.

A million things seemed to happen at the same time. His entire body went rigid and he came harder than he ever had in his life. He felt something click at the back of his mind, and a warmth stir deep inside him—in his heart? It was hard for him to tell, to comprehend, but the way he saw it... A rainbow of colors exploded in his mind's eye, each individual shade a feeling, a sensation, a memory. There was darkness, pain and guilt, dark blues and browns that pulsed with past sorrows, both his own and Mathias's. There was also joy, enthusiasm, anticipation, bright, cheerful shades of sunny yellow and teasing orange. First and foremost, there was desire, need, and so much love, shades of red ranging from the lightest pink to crimson and vermillion. And when it all came together, everything turned blinding white, like the purest daylight invading Ward's soul—or maybe a new beginning, a new canvas. New paint trickled on the canvas, golden and bright, glowing with life and with decision.

A single phrase drifted into Ward's mind, three syllables that reached him with the crisp clarity of morning dew.
"Ward, my mate."

It was enough, it was everything, and so beautiful Ward barely managed to hold onto his consciousness. He rode the wave of the orgasm—his own and Mathias's—clinging to those words, to the concept of 'mate' that he'd finally managed to grasp.

Nothing quite so perfect could last forever, and the pleasure started to settle. Mathias turned him on his side, spooning him from behind and still inside him.

The head of the werewolf's dick seemed swollen, bigger than before, and Ward tried to remember if his great-uncle had mentioned anything like that, but in the end, he couldn't bring himself to care. It felt too good for him to question it.

Mathias must have sensed his curiosity because he kissed Ward's sweaty nape and explained, "It's called a knot. A werewolf thing, to encourage reproduction between mates."

Maybe Ward would have been able to focus on the information Mathias provided had the words not been delivered in a breathless, husky tone that sent shivers down his spine. Against all odds, Ward found himself responding to it, and he clenched his ass muscles around Mathias's dick. "Oh, yeah. Why don't you show me what else werewolves can do?"


Chapter Eight


In past days, after all of their dates, Mathias never stayed with his mate. It had been his way of respecting Ward's space and giving the man time to get used to him.

When morning came and he stirred from his sleep, the first thing that occurred to him was that he never wanted to sleep anywhere except at Ward's side. His lover's presence was warm and comfortable. Deep in slumber, Ward looked angelic, at peace, with no trace of any doubts and fears plaguing him and following him into his dreams.

Mathias smiled and allowed himself to prod the mate bond slightly. He felt Ward's quiet contentment, and it made him impossibly happy, especially since the day before, at this hour, he had thought Ward was nowhere near ready to bond with him.

He would have liked nothing more than to lie there in bed and revel in Ward's proximity, but it wasn't meant to be. Apprehension stirred at the back of his mind, an awareness that something wasn't quite right.

Scowling, Mathias slid out of the bed and covered Ward with a blanket. Ward mumbled under his breath, but didn't wake, instead burying his nose in Mathias's pillow. He was probably exhausted after their little sex marathon. Perhaps it was for the best. Mathias could deal with whatever issue was bothering them and keep Ward safe without his mate being unnecessarily concerned about it.

Giving Ward a fond smile, Mathias pulled on his abandoned jeans and stealthily left the room. It physically hurt to leave Ward behind, and with every step he took, he became more and more possessive and protective of his mate.

By the time he heard the knock, he was pretty angry, especially since he suspected he wouldn't like Ward's unexpected visitor. As if to confirm his guess, a male voice echoed from outside, "Ward? Come on out. I know you're in there."

Mathias half-considered ignoring the unwanted guest—or rather, guests, since he could feel more than one presence. If his mate's ex had indeed made the poor decision of tracking Ward down, Mathias knew he wouldn't have a very good reaction. His wolf snarled inside him as he recalled Ward's tears, the way he'd trembled in Mathias's arms, the hurt in his eyes and the knowledge of the betrayal that had scarred Ward's soul. Oh, yes, he could too easily imagine tearing the culprit apart.

He found himself walking toward the door before he could control that angry impulse. Half-way there, he heard a woman call out, "Ward? Please, we want to talk to—"

Mathias cut her off by opening the door. Instantly, he took in the three humans and identified the energy of one of the two females as somewhat resembling Ward's. A jolt of relief and pleasure seemed to swell through all of them at finally receiving a reaction—until they realized Ward was not the one now standing in the doorway.

"Who the hell are you?" the only man in the group asked, fists clenched tight.

Mathias crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorjamb, effectively blocking the entrance with his bulk. He suppressed the urge to snarl and instead offered the man a fake, unpleasant grin. "I'm Ward's lover. He's sleeping, so if you could please keep it down, I'd much appreciate it."

The three humans stared at him in shock, although Mathias couldn't imagine why they reacted this way. After all, Ward's ex had repeatedly expressed his suspicion of Ward having some sort of love interest. In any case, Mathias didn't particularly care. "If you want to see him, you can drop by later, or I can tell him you would like him to call you. Who should I say is visiting?"

One of the women recovered her voice at his question. "I'm Ward's sister, Teresa. This is my friend Vera, and my husband, Peter."

Peter. So Mathias had been right. The ex who couldn't let go had decided to pay a visit. What most surprised Ward was that he'd brought the women along. Humans really were strange sometimes. "I'll let him know," he said, deciding it was best to end this conversation before he succumbed to the urge to shift and attack the asswipe in front of him.

"Wait," Peter intervened. "You can't keep us from visiting him. You have no right."

Mathias rolled his eyes. "If there's anyone who has no right to say anything when it comes to Ward, it's you."

He'd have probably added something even more unpleasant, but before he could do so, he felt the stirring at the back of his consciousness. He grimaced when he realized Ward had gotten up. Unfortunately, he only had himself to blame for it. The argument hadn't been noisy enough to stir Ward from his slumber, but Mathias's turmoil and the anger of his wolf definitely were.

"Mathias?" Ward called out from upstairs. "Is everything okay?"

He was far enough from the group of humans that they didn't hear him. Mathias, however, did and he couldn't ignore his mate's question.

A part of him wanted to shroud the house in invulnerable wards and keep his lover safe behind them forever, but he couldn't do that to his other half. "You have guests," he replied instead.

Perhaps their unwanted visitors realized the reason of his words, because they didn't try to address him again. Instead, they just waited. The awkward silence lasted for a few minutes, but finally, Ward came down the stairs and slid past Mathias to face his visitors.

He looked a little disheveled and on the whole, still well-fucked. Several purplish marks were visible on his skin, and Mathias couldn't help a surge of possessive satisfaction at the sight. He wrapped an arm around Ward's waist and felt warm inside when his mate leaned against him.

"What are you doing here?" Ward asked the other humans, his voice thick with anger and exasperation. "I told you I'm fine. I just want to be left alone."

"You're not fine," the woman who'd identified herself as Teresa replied. "I know you're angry about what happened, but after what Peter and I discussed, there's no reason for you to throw this tantrum."

"Tantrum?" Ward repeated in disbelief. "You wanted me to be your husband's toy because you're not in the mood to suck his dick. Thanks, but no thanks."

Mathias couldn't help but tighten his hold on his mate's waist. Despite the fact that they'd bonded the night before, he hadn't seen that memory, which was actually quite comforting since it meant he'd been able to banish that pain from Ward's mind. Nonetheless, finding out about it now bothered him beyond belief.

He couldn't imagine why anyone would agree to such a compromise. He had an uncomfortable moment when he compared it to his own experience with Will, but he pushed back the thought as soon as it came. What he'd shared with his friend was entirely different, and his confusion could not be compared with the empty arrangement these people had suggested. His magic pulsed inside him, furious, just as restless as his beast.

Ward laughed lightly, and the sound cleared Mathias's mind of the haze of fury. "In a way, I owe you, Peter. If we hadn't broken up, I'd have never realized what a broken thing you and I shared. I might have never found Mathias. Sometimes, I can't even bring myself to be angry about what you did. Just do us all a favor and stop pushing."

Peter's eyes were wide as he listened to Ward's reply. "You don't mean that."

"I'm happy now, Peter," Ward answered softly. "I've already told you so on the phone. Leave me be, and do your best with what you have. You're going to have a child. Focus on that."

"But... I love you."

Mathias had the impulse to throttle Peter again, but he held back and let Ward handle it. "No, you really don't," his mate said sadly. "I think the only one you love is yourself."

He turned toward his sister and her friend, but he didn't actually say anything to them. Mathias felt his sadness, and he wished there was something he could say that could comfort his mate, mend this wound that might never truly heal.

Ward nodded toward Vera and Teresa, then turned and retreated into the house. Mathias wanted to snap at the group to never come back here, but he didn't. He simply followed and closed the door behind himself. He should have felt better about the fact that Ward had told them off, but hurt like that couldn't just disappear.

He found Ward seated on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. When Mathias dropped down next to his mate, Ward immediately leaned against his shoulder. Mathias threaded his fingers through Ward's, simply holding on, providing silent comfort.

He didn't mean for it to progress into sex. In fact, he didn't mean for it to progress at all. He just wanted to make his mate feel better, to soothe the wound others had caused. When Ward crawled into his lap and buried his face in Mathias's shoulder, there wasn't really anything sexual about it. If anything, it was reminiscent of the time he and Ward had done exactly the same thing, but with Mathias as a wolf.

But of course, things were different now. Their relationship had progressed and the bond vibrated with a need Mathias desperately ached to fulfill.

He held his mate close and caressed his hair, but it wasn't enough, for either of them. Mathias realized with no small measure of dismay that it was, at least to some extent, his fault. The presence of Ward's ex had stirred the most visceral part of him, his werewolf instincts, and in his focus on Ward, he hadn't quite managed to exorcise the anger and possessiveness.

Even so, it was Ward who eventually took that first step toward what they both needed. He pressed his lips to Mathias's, melting in Mathias's embrace with a choked sob.

The kiss tasted like Ward, tears and need, and Mathias welcomed it, welcomed the way it soothed his wolf. He slid his tongue into Ward's mouth, exploring Ward's wet cavern. It would have been easy for them to fall into the same lustful pattern as before, but they didn't. The desperate arousal bubbled somewhere underneath the surface, but for the moment, it was muted, sedate. They just kissed, taking their time with one another, reveling in the simple intimacy of this moment.

Naturally, Mathias's dick went rock hard, but he felt no pressing urge to deal with it. He only broke the lip-lock to allow both of them to breathe, and took advantage of the moment to suck and lick over Ward's neck. He had the urge to bite down, to claim Ward again, but he didn't. Instead, he swirled his tongue in the hollow of Ward's throat, enjoying the gasps the action drew out of his mate. He swallowed the sweet sound within another kiss, allowing the gentleness to seduce both him and his mate.

He didn't know how much time they stayed there, on the couch, just making out. It was almost weird, because Mathias hadn't spent so much time with simple necking since forever. Somehow, though, it felt right, because it reassured Mathias—both as a wolf and as a man—that he had his mate by his side, that nothing could separate them.

When they finally broke away, Ward met his gaze and smiled shyly. As his mate slid out of his lap, Mathias smiled back. They got up at the same time and reached for each other's hands as if their minds were in complete synch.

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior
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