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Authors: Liz Lipperman

Liver Let Die (25 page)

BOOK: Liver Let Die
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“It’s Sunday, for goodness’ sake. Even God rested on the Sabbath.”

Michael laughed. “God didn’t own a rundown apartment complex with the entire second floor desperately in need of an update.”

Reluctantly, Victor got up and walked to the door with his partner. Rosie left next but not until she was reassured Jordan would spend the night with Ray. Grabbing a T-shirt, a pair of old shorts, and fuzzy socks, Jordan followed Ray and Lola to his apartment.

“You sleep in the bed, honey. I’ll stay in my own apartment tonight,” Lola said.

“No way. I’ll take the couch. Besides, I kinda wish you’d stay with me tonight, too.”

Lola was one of the kindest women Jordan had ever met. A bit eccentric but with a heart of gold. As sweet as Ray was, he didn’t have that mothering touch Jordan desperately needed tonight.

Lola smiled. “You’ve been through more than anyone should ever have to experience. We won’t let anything happen to you on our watch. Right, Ray?”

“That’s right. You can stay here as long as you want. You’re definitely not leaving until Alex gives us the allclear signal and it’s safe for you to go home.”

Jordan took the blanket and pillow and set them on the couch before heading to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for sleep. Walking across the living room, she noticed the large modular piece of equipment on the TV.

She stopped and pointed. “What’s that big thing?”

“The receiver for the security camera in the hallway. I probably should think about getting that back to my friend in Dallas when Alex tells us J. T.’s killer is behind bars. I told him we’d only need it for a few weeks.”

Jordan hoped Ray was right—that the police had already picked Mason up. “Was it recording tonight when everything started happening?” For some reason she felt the need to verify Alex’s story.

“Of course it was. It’s on every night and records for forty-eight hours before I have to change the tape.” He stopped. “Actually I only have one tape, so I tape over it when it’s full.” He went to the machine and switched it on. “It’s pretty boring most of the time.”

“Can you fast-forward to when Alex and Mason knocked on my door?”

“Sure, honey, but are you absolutely sure you’re ready to watch that?”

“I’m curious, that’s all.” She settled back on the couch and focused on the screen as Ray pushed another button.

“There,” she said when she saw the outline of Alex holding a flashlight and bending down to pick her lock.

Watching him walk into her apartment, Jordan winced, thankful she couldn’t see when she hit him on the head and knocked him out cold. Although it was too dark to see much, she made out a tall man walking in shortly after Alex and knew that must be Mason.

“Okay, you’re right, I’m not ready to relive this again, but I’m curious if Mason came back to my apartment to search for the diamonds while I was tied to the tree.”

Ray fast-forwarded again and she saw Alex rush out; then there was no activity for a few minutes.

“The speed is two hundred times normal, Jordan. We’re almost up to the point when you came back.”

“Stop!” She pointed at the screen. “Is that him?”

Ray leaned closer, squinting at the screen. “No. I’ve never seen this guy before.”

They watched as the man knocked on Jordan’s apartment door several times. When he turned to leave, Jordan gasped.

Ray was by her side in an instant. “Who is that, honey?”

She took a calming breath before speaking. Even knowing Mason was probably J. T.’s killer, the sight of Derrick Young at her residence sent a wave of panic through her body. Her address was public knowledge to anyone with a phone book, but still it was a shock seeing him literally on her doorstep.

Why had he been there?

“Jordan, do you know him?” Ray asked.

She felt regret holding back on filling Ray in, but now wasn’t the time to hear another one of his lectures. For sure he’d blow a gasket if she told him she’d been bird-dogging the kid, knowing he had a thing about hurting women.

“I thought I did at first, but now that I look at him, I don’t. He must be some kind of delivery guy.”

“At ten at night?”

“I don’t know, Ray. Maybe he was at the wrong apartment. All I know is that I’ve never seen him before.” She crossed her fingers behind her back and hoped the Big Man upstairs wasn’t listening.

With Ray staring at her, his eyes begging her to tell the truth, she nearly spilled her guts about the whole Derrick thing. She hated lying to her friend and promised herself she’d tell him the truth eventually. Maybe after things were back to normal and Friday night card games were as much fun as they used to be, they’d all have a big laugh over her lame attempt at sleuthing.

“Okay, then. Come on, honey. Let’s let our girl get some sleep. She must be exhausted.” He nudged Lola toward the bedroom after he clicked off the television. “Good night, Jordan. Tomorrow, I’ll run down to Myrtle’s and pick up some of her Chocolate-Chip Coffee Cake.”

Jordan smiled. She loved this man. She lay down on the couch and pulled the blanket up to her chin, her mind still on the video of Derrick at her front door.

She wondered if Brittney’s mom had intervened and forced her daughter to break it off with him. If so, he would be one mad hombre, looking to blame everyone but himself.

Is that why he was here tonight?

She decided she didn’t want to find out. Tomorrow she’d confess everything to Ray and face his anger for keeping it from him in the first place.

Right after he brought her the Chocolate-Chip Coffee Cake.


The scent of freshly brewed coffee tickled Jordan’s nose, and she slowly roused, but it took several minutes to acclimate herself to her surroundings. Along with the realization she was not in her own apartment came memories of the night before. She shot up from the couch, nearly colliding with a smiling Ray, standing in front of her with a plate of Myrtle’s Chocolate-Chip Coffee Cake in one hand and a cup of java in the other.

“We were worried you might never wake up,” Ray teased, handing her first the cup, then the cake. “You must have been exhausted.”

Taking a sip before leaning back into the cushions, Jordan smiled up at him. “Mmm. You should think about making coffee for a living, Ray.” She set the cup on the end table then sampled the cake. “Oh wow, I’ve died and gone to the big newsroom in the sky.”

Inhaling sharply at her own words, she looked from Ray to Lola, a war of emotions raging in her stomach. It was too soon to be making jokes about something that had come so close to being reality.

“I still can’t talk Myrtle into giving up this recipe,” Ray said, changing the subject. “She says I’d have no reason to come by and flirt with her if I could make this baby myself.” He winked at Lola. “She was just kidding about the flirting part, sweet pea.”

“You old coot,” Lola said with a twinkle in her eyes. “Never forget I have an authentic voodoo doll down at the shop. I’d hate to see your name on it along with several long pins attached.”

“Ouch!” He feigned fright. “You know I only have eyes for you.” He turned to Jordan, who had just shoved the last bite of cake into her mouth. “Want seconds?”

When she nodded, he made a beeline for the kitchen.

“I’m not helpless, Ray. I can get it myself.”

“Oh, let him wait on you, sweetie. It makes him feel useful,” Lola said, smacking his bottom when he passed by.

Jordan smiled, thinking she should be so lucky to find someone that devoted to her. Gratefully, she accepted the plate upon Ray’s return. Before she had a chance to dig in, the doorbell rang, and she nearly dropped the cake.

“Chill out, honey. I’m sure that’s just Victor or Michael,” Ray said, heading for the door.

A surge of excitement coursed through her body when Ray opened the door and she recognized the voice. Quickly, she smoothed her bed-head hair and swiped at the line of mascara she knew had ended up below her eyes. Her morning raccoon look, she called it.

Alex walked in, nearly catching her rubbing her finger back and forth across her front teeth.

As if that would sweeten up morning breath.

She lowered her eyes, feeling the color creep up her cheeks. Did she think the man was going to take her in his arms and ravage her right here on Ray’s couch? Mentally, she cautioned herself to get a grip. But bad breath or not, the idea did have its merits.

Alex eased down on the sofa beside her, studying her face with a curious intensity. “Were you able to sleep last night?”

“Yes,” Jordan lied. The truth was she hadn’t stopped thinking about Derrick Young showing up at her apartment since she’d seen the security tape. It had been well after three when she’d finally drifted off.

“You’re lying.” He touched the soft area under her eyes. “The peepers always tell the true story. You don’t get dark circles like these after a good night’s sleep.”

“Yesterday’s mascara,” she mumbled, embarrassed she hadn’t had time to wash her face yet.

“What do you take in your coffee, Alex?” Ray interrupted, giving Jordan a much needed reprieve from the scrutiny.

“Just black.”

Ray snorted. “Now I know you’re a real cop.”

When Ray returned with the steaming cup, Alex settled back to take a drink, allowing Jordan a few minutes to study him discreetly. With olive skin that contrasted nicely with his dark blond hair still slightly damp from his morning shower and eyes that belonged in a bedroom, Alex Moreland leapfrogged up her sex-appeal meter. Even faster now that she no longer thought of him as a bad guy.

He turned to her, catching her giving him the once-over, and his eyes flickered with mischief. “Hold that thought,” he said simply. “I have to run into Dallas today to brief my boss about the operation. I’ve already been assigned to another case, and I’m heading out early Monday morning. But for tonight, I see you, me, and a home-cooked dinner with candles.” He paused before adding, “That’s if you say yes.”

“Unless you like bologna du jour, I’d say that scenario ain’t happening anytime soon,” Ray interjected, shaking his head and grinning.

Both Jordan and Alex laughed. “If Jordan agrees, I’m going to show her how an Italian boy like me can razzledazzle her with a tray of lasagna.”

“You’re Italian?” Jordan asked, surprised. “Moreland sounds English.”

“My dad’s a Brit,” he explained. “But my mom’s a second-generation Sicilian. My nana was born in Palermo and only came to the States as a teenager.”

“In that case, I can’t wait to taste your lasagna,” Jordan said. She stopped herself from admitting she wouldn’t mind getting a taste of him, too. “I’ll bring the bread.”

Glancing at his watch, Alex’s face suddenly turned serious. “I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to let you know both Roger Mason and his chef, Aaron Daniels, are in custody downtown. After I interrogated them for several hours, Daniels gave it up. By early morning, my counterpart in Canada had already executed a search warrant at the meatpacking plant and discovered more than ten million dollars’ worth of blood diamonds waiting to be transferred.”

“Did Mason admit he killed J. T.?” Jordan prayed the answer was yes.

“Said he had nothing to do with it, even though the bloody knife found across the street in your neighbor’s yard definitely came from Longhorn Prime Rib. Mason can deny it all day long, but the evidence against him is too strong.”

Jordan would have preferred it if Alex had been more convincing about J. T.’s killer and had shot down her anxiety over Derrick Young’s visit last night. She decided when Alex returned from Dallas, she’d tell him about her suspicions over dinner. He’d probably laugh at her paranoia and convince her there was no doubt Mason was the killer.

He stood and walked to the kitchen to put his empty coffee cop in the sink. “Gotta run.” On the way to the door, he stopped by the couch and bent down to kiss Jordan on the forehead. “Wear something sexy tonight. I’ve got a special dessert planned.”

Jordan loved his attempt at humor but decided the joke would be on him. She had just enough time to run out to the mall and pick up something that would have him thinking twice about leaving Ranchero. Maybe even get a pedicure while she was at it. She’d show him all about special desserts. After all, didn’t they call her the culinary queen of Ranchero?

Of course, she’d have to eat beans and weenies all week, but it’d be worth it. Remembering the way his Levi’s hugged his butt on the way out the door only confirmed her decision to blow this week’s paycheck on what might turn out to be a wise investment or, at the very least, a fun one.

After he was gone, she helped Lola clean up the kitchen before heading back to her apartment. Crumpling on her own couch, Derrick Young completely forgotten, she decided she’d better sneak in a power nap.

Alex apparently had a big night planned—and so did she!



The shrill ring roused Jordan from her much-needed nap. Shooting up off the couch, she grabbed the phone, not even bothering to check caller ID.


“Miss McAllister,” the unfamiliar voice started. “I need to talk to you.”

BOOK: Liver Let Die
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