Read Libertine's Wife Online

Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #suspense, #love story, #historical, #bondage and domination, #menage a tois, #voyeurism erotica, #voyeur erotica, #bondage and submission

Libertine's Wife (27 page)

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Just his voice sent shivers of
anticipation through her that ended at her toes. The coach
clattered down the cobblestones in an unknown direction then. She
leaned back against the velvet seat, her lips parted in surprise
when his hands slid over and removed her cloak from her shoulders.
Imagining his eyes on her made her grow flushed and over-warm. She
was anxious and restless for whatever he intended.

There, that is much
better,” Garret said and sighed. “It’s perfect on you, just as I
asked for.”

You designed it all?” She
wasn’t surprised, wondering how long he’d been planning this
assignation. “Even the shoes?”

You like those, do you?”
His low laugh made her pulses dance. She gasped when she felt him
reach down and snatch up one of her feet. “You can wear these and
nothing else when we return home, my pet.”

Their lovely,” Arianne said
and smiled as he held her foot in his lap, his strong hands sliding
around her ankle. “What are you up to, Garret? I can’t stand this

We needed a night out
alone, just us two,” Garret was saying, while his hand caressed her
daring shoe and foot, making her tremble. “I ask you to trust me,
Arianne. I know you will be shocked of where I take

His words sent a feeling of unease down
her spine. “Why can’t you tell me where were going?”

It’s a surprise,” he
announced with a low chuckle. “It is all part of the game, my

She accepted his explanation, her heart
thudding in her chest. Garret’s entertainments were enjoyable and
innumerable. The man even had books with every graphic sexual
position known to mankind. She was convinced he dreamt up new

The heady pleasure found in their
bedroom made her calm her nerves and trust him. She knew he’d not
let her be hurt. The intimacy between them was like an invisible
bond that held them together. She trusted him implicitly, as he
began to trust her.

A pang in her heart was felt to know
she betrayed him. He asked she hold nothing back from him now. She
gave him everything but the secret of their son’s origins,
devastated to know how she would hurt him with the truth when it
was known.

She didn’t want to think of
that tonight.
she thought.
I will tell him all

The coach stopped suddenly. She had to
allow him to guide her out of the conveyance. She trembled, unable
to see where he led her. They went up a short amount of steps. She
heard a door open. Low voices bid him enter.

Arianne strained to hear the sounds
around her. Music was heard from a pianoforte as she was led by her
husband, the music trailing at her back. She smelled pungent pipe
tobacco, cloying cheap perfume, and heard low husky female laughter
as they passed.

Then they went up more stairs. Garret
held her elbow and guided her all the way. He stopped then. She
heard another door open. He led her inside and the door shut. She
smelled incense and lemon wax candles. Suddenly he took off the

Arianne looked about the small room in
wonder. She stared at the large settee in the tiny room. It was
covered in multi-colored silk pillows. On the table next to it was
a bottle of champagne and two glass flutes. She raised an eyebrow,
looking around the limited interior.

Garret, are we in a
closet?” Arianne looked confused now, feeling vaguely

Garret smiled and gestured to the
settee. “Sit, my sweet, and all will be revealed very soon.” He
poured her a glass of champagne. He sat and patted the place beside

She sipped the champagne and eyed him
suspiciously as she sat next to him. His fingers toyed with the
black lace at the edge of her gown.

What is this place?”
Arianne looked about the interior of the closet, if that was what
it was. Her wardrobe at home was much bigger. She craned her neck,
looking up at the ceiling. He chuckled and dropped a kiss on her
nearly bare shoulder.

Can you not

Arianne smiled, knowing her impatience
was showing. “You have gone to too much trouble to entertain me in
a closet, my lord. You can’t blame my curiosity.”

Soon,” Garret said
mysteriously and sipped his champagne, his green eyes darkened with
an intense gleam in them.

Arianne heard something in the next
room. Her ears perked up. He smiled and rose, parting a white drape
on the wall, revealing a hole that was midway up. He peered through
it and looked back at her. The slow, deepening smile made her
pulses dance.

Come, I have something to
show you.” Garret held out his hand to her. She put down her
champagne and rose, filled with a delicious trepidation as she
approached the hole in the wall. She stood at his side. “Now look
through it.”

Arianne did as he asked, looking into
another chamber, this one larger. It was a lavish bedroom decorated
in scarlet hues. A gasp escaped her as she saw what was happening
within the red room, immediately looking away, stepping back, her
hand over her mouth.

Garret held her arm, pulling her back
gently. “Watch them, my sweet. Do it for me, Arianne. You will
enjoy this. You must trust me now.”


Yes, I know, it’s quite
stimulating to watch, my pet,” Garret told her and she allowed him
to guide her back to the peep hole. Reluctantly she held the white
curtain back and looked back through it.

Her lips parted but no sound emerged.
There, on the bed within the next chamber, were two nude women who
were embraced. They were both blonde and curvaceous. Her eyes
widened to watch them kissing passionately, uncomfortable when they
began to touch one another. A dark-haired regally-dressed man sat
in a chair nearby, watching their play intently.

How does it make you feel?”
Garret asked at her ear, never taking his eyes off her

I…d-don’t know,” Arianne
stammered, unable to stop watching. She swallowed hard as she
watched the two women begin to stimulate one another the way her
husband did her, their bodies rising and falling off the bed. They
had their heads between one another’s thighs, their hands clutching
one another’s buttocks. She was repulsed to begin to feel very
warm, unable to stop watching them.

How does it make you feel,
Arianne?” Garret’s hand was easing up her skirts. He stood behind
her, undoing her garters, drawing down the black lace drawers she
wore underneath. She gasped, unable to stop the clamor within her
to watch the two women’s sensual grappling while her husband slid
up behind her. He went down on his knees, sliding around until he
faced her, beginning to kiss and caress her between her

It’s not…right…what they’re
doing,” she protested, unable to control her own breathing as she
watched the two women pleasuring one another, hearing their moaning
within the room, acutely aware of her husband’s mouth finding her
as well.

How does it make you feel,
Arianne?” He slid his fingers into her heated cleft and she bit her
lip, almost crying out as she watched the woman convulsing upon the
bed. She was nearly dripping wet in need, uncomfortable with what
she was seeing, and growing aroused from it. His mouth worked at
her feverishly then, his finger thrusting inside her at the same

It makes me feel wicked,”
Arianne whispered finally, biting back another moan, the insidious
desire within her as she watched the women intensified. His mouth
was driving her to madness. Soon he rose and moved behind her. He
yanked up her skirts.

Garret positioned his sex, bending her
slightly while she continued to watch the women within the next
room. “Does it make you want to join them, Arianne?”

No! No! I…don’t know,”
Arianne cried low, gasping as the fierce desire burned within her,
feeling him slide within her slick warmth from behind.

Tell me you want them to do
to you as they do to one another.” He nibbled at her neck,
thrusting slowly within her, gripping her hips. “Tell me you want
them to suck and kiss you there, Arianne.”

Oh God, it is wrong!” She
gasped aloud and reared back to meet his body, overwhelmed with the
sensations as she watched the women. They expertly twisted and
rolled under one another’s mouths. Hot clamoring need rose within
her as her husband took her from behind.

Let yourself go, my sweet.
There is no right or wrong here. It’s only pleasure,” he whispered
as he thrust deeper inside her. “Imagine you are with them, on your
back, allowing them to do to you as they do to each

Arianne did, and sobbed harshly as
waves of heat filled her abdomen, overwhelmed as her husband
continued. Her eyes were riveted to what went on within the room
next door, her breath escaping her lips raggedly. Her soft moans
seemed to match those within the room, her eyes glued to them.
Garret rocked within her hungrily, his own moans meeting her

Take your pleasure,
Arianne,” Garret whispered as his hand slid around her and sought
the glistening bud of her desire, stroking it quickly as he moved
within her. “Imagine you are there, my sweet. Feel how wonderful it

Arianne watched the women begin to
shudder, grinding against one another’s mouths, their cries
matching her own as she surrendered to the pleasure, her legs
shaking as the spasms hit her. The sensations were so intense and
she bit back a loud cry, her dilated eyes never leaving the pair on
the bed.

Garret was moving faster, feeling her
grip him tightly. She clenched her hands against the wall, her
nails digging into her palms, sweat beads glistening on her face.
She shuddered so intensely, she heard him groan in delight behind
her, felt him spank her lightly as he began to take his own

She was clutching the wall, seeing the
women heaving at the same time, incredible sensations burst within
her. Her husband was gasping, holding her hips, his lips lowering
to kiss her neck. He was breathing as heavy as she. She felt him
pull out and felt her skirts fall back down into place. The women
within the room were now still. She looked away when the man rose
from the chair in the corner and approached them.

Arianne was unable to believe what she
just witnessed, too shocked to even speak. She stepped away from
the peephole on unsteady legs. Garret grasped her by the elbow and
brought her into his arms, leading her to the settee. He held her
against his side while she caught her breath.

Tell me how it made you
feel to watch them?” He handed her the flute of champagne. “Did it
disgust you?”

Arianne sipped at her champagne,
disturbed by the experience. She didn’t know how to answer him. It
repulsed her one minute, the next she was so aroused, she couldn’t
think about whether what they did was right or wrong. “I was
appalled at first,” she admitted and gazed at him, releasing a
trembling breath. “I never imagined women would do…such things with
one another.”

Garret grinned and sipped down the last
of his champagne. “You’ve had a bit of an enlightening experience.
You didn’t answer me. How did you feel to watch them?”

I wanted to feel as they
made one another feel,” she told him softly, feeling sickened
slightly to confess such sinful desires. “I wanted to join them,
imagined myself with them. I feel disgusted to think of

Her husband listened, his hand reaching
out and touching her cheek. “That’s how it was supposed to make you
feel, my sweet. You shouldn’t feel you have a desire for women
because you enjoyed watching that.”

Do you come here often?”
Arianne asked as she sipped her champagne, still reeling from the
exquisite sensations inside her, aching from his hungry possession
against the wall.

Garret set down the flute, his
expression guarded. “I did, but that was before you came back with
me. I’ll not lie to you, Arianne. I have entertained many women
here over the years. But never like this; here alone, with only
you. Usually I would be in there, with them.”

Why did you bring me here?”
Arianne regarded him with anger in her eyes now. “What do you want
from me, Garret? Aren’t I enough for you? Is that why we are here?
Do you grow bored with me?”

Garret reached out to pull her against
his chest, leaning back against the settee. “I brought you here to
share this with you, Arianne. I don’t wish to keep anything from
you. I need to have your complete trust in order for this to work
with us. Bringing you here was for your pleasure, not mine. I get
mine at home, from you, my sweet. I have no need to hire these
women anymore.”

Arianne relaxed at his words, relieved
he hadn’t sought out these prostitutes since she returned. She was
pleased he admitted he was satisfied with her, still insecure of
his feelings. The fact he brought her here told her how much he was
beginning to trust her.

You no longer need them? I
don’t know what to believe,” Arianne admitted and looked away.
“That first night you brought me back, I saw the maids leaving your
room. You told me at dinner you wanted a real marriage. How can you
have a real marriage when one woman isn’t enough for you,

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