Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (62 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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Special abilities

Entrapment: You can only roll 1 die to determine your attack speed while you have the net around your legs. If
you win a combat round, you can choose to attack the wreekin hunter or the net. If the net is destroyed then you can roll 2 dice for your speed as normal. If the hunter is killed first, then
you can simply cut yourself free of the net.

If you defeat the wreekin, turn to


Using the book you are able to decipher the runes and markings. The door contains three columns of numbers, which lead up to a raised circular stone. Above it, the message

No key, no lock

Three riddles on the rock.

Speak and you may enter.

If you know the solution to the puzzle then ‘speak your answer’ by turning to the relevant entry number. If you cannot solve the puzzle, then you
reluctantly give up and decide to leave the chamber. Turn


Your aim is perfect. The nearest crow crashes to the ground in a flurry of feathers, crushing its rider beneath its immense black body. You take aim again, hitting another as
its archer prepares to fire. Again the bird is brought to the ground in a whirling cloud of dust – however, this time the archer leaps clear of the body, landing in an agile roll. She springs
back to her feet, throwing aside her bow and drawing her longsword from its scabbard.

‘For the legion!’ she cries, charging towards you.

If you defeat the scout, turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


If you have the
bees’ wax
then you can use it to plug your ears (turn to
). Otherwise, rummaging around in your backpack has cost you time. You must now
fight the count in this haunted hallway. Turn to


The creature gives a wet, gurgling cry as its bloated body crashes to the ground. Its legs kick and squirm for several seconds, then with a final trembling shudder, they curl up
and lie still.

Congratulations – you have defeated Wormwood. You may now help yourself to one of the following special rewards:





Wyrm crown


(main hand: sword)


+2 speed +2 armour

+1 speed +3 brawn

+2 magic +2 armour



(requirement: warrior)

You contemplate searching the creature’s cave, but the smell is so overpowering that you are forced back out onto the ledge. Keen to get away from the foul reek of decay,
you clamber back down the trailing roots, to the cavern below.

Will you:

Take the tunnel north? —

Take the tunnel east? —


The creatures are slow-moving, their bow-legged gait not designed for speed. You close with them fast, but not before one of the party has noticed you. It gives a warbling cry
of alarm, drawing the wreekin to a halt. The one in the headdress barks guttural orders to its companions, then hurries away, heading further into the marsh, while the rest of the wreekin turn to
face you, tridents and barbed nets held ready in their frog-like hands.

‘So much for the diplomatic approach,’ Bern grimaces.

In a singing blur of steel, the warrior draws his sword, its blade bursting into yellow light. With a thunderous war cry he charges into the pack of wreekin.

Will you:

Help Bern fight the wreekin? —

Run after the wreekin in the headdress? —


You follow Eldias along a series of black-stone passageways, lined with expensive paintings and tapestries. Eventually, you arrive at a set of stairs.

‘Be on your guard,’ whispers the witchfinder, drawing his swords. ‘The count is a vampire lord. Do not underestimate him.’

Eldias leads the way down into a small, stone chamber, chiselled from the dark rock of the mountain. In the centre of the room is a stone coffin, its wooden lid pushed partially aside. The count
is currently lowering himself inside.

‘Not so fast,’ growls the witchfinder, marching towards him. ‘There is no hiding from judgement, Count. Prepare to finally meet your maker.’

With a snarl, the count leaps on Eldias, his black cloak engulfing the witchfinder. You hear a muffled scream – then, as the count opens his cloak, you see Eldias drop to the ground, blood
pouring from his neck.

Licking his lips, the count turns to face you. He unsheathes his rapier, the bright blade reflecting a band of light across his golden masque. ‘No one can stand against me,’ he
hisses. ‘Your death will be swift . . .’

Special abilities

Blood drinker: If the count rolls a
damage, his fangs latch onto your throat and he sucks your blood! He can immediately roll an extra die for damage. If he successfully bites you, he also restores 2 lost

Vampire: You can use your
abilities (if you have them) against the count.

If you defeat the count, turn to


This will be a difficult jump. To make it across the pit you will need to pass a


Pit jump    


If you succeed, turn to
. If you fail, you fall into the pit, turn to


The further into the swamp you go, the thicker the swirling mist becomes. Soon you are stumbling through an impenetrable white haze, with little sense of which direction you are
headed in. Roll a die. If the result is
, turn to
, turn to
turn to

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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