Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (58 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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At the bottom of the stairs is a cold, gloomy crypt, its walls lined with wooden coffins. The steady drip of water is the only sound in this silent, unsettling chamber. As you
look around for an exit, the count appears at the foot of the stairs.

‘Fool!’ he laughs, his voice echoing from the cold, stone walls. ‘Did you think you could run from me?’

Suddenly, the lids of the coffins are thrown back and from each, a skeleton emerges. There is the hideous scraping of bones, as they shamble towards you, their jaws cracking open to reveal
sharp, serrated teeth.

‘Feast my ancestors,’ commands the count. ‘There is plenty for you all!’

With nowhere to run, you must now battle these undead foes:

Special abilities

Body of bone: The ancestors are immune to

(Note: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this quest with the
that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost
while you are in combat.)

If you defeat the skeletons, turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


As you deliver your final blow, the ooze collapses – its gloop cascading down around you to form lots of separate puddles. Floating in these puddles are various items of
equipment. You may now take any/all of the following:

Great helm


Sludge waders


Ardent edge



(left hand: sword)

+1 speed +1 brawn

+1 speed +1 armour

+1 speed +2 brawn


With your enemy defeated, you now have more time to examine the cavern. If you have
Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Roots, Herbs and Leaves
then you may pick 2 root
grass. Make a note of these on your hero sheet.

You also notice a high ledge leading around the edge of the cavern. To reach it you will need to try and climb up the rotted roots hanging down from the ceiling.

Will you:

Try and reach the ledge? —

Take the north tunnel? —

Take the east tunnel? —


You peel back your sleeve, revealing the branded mark. Without looking at it, Bern quickly snatches your hand. ‘Do not show that here,’ he whispers, through clenched
teeth. ‘Don’t you understand what that is? What you are?’

You shake your head, explaining that you have no memory of your former life. Bern leans in close to you, ensuring that he is not heard by Talandra or the others. ‘That is a shadow bond. It
means you are a survivor from the shadow war – and that makes you dangerous. What your people did . . . what they are capable of . . .’ He visibly shivers. ‘I should kill you,
stranger. I would have every right. And yet,’ he cocks his head to one side, his eyes narrowing, ‘there is something about you. My instinct tells me that you have no malice in your
heart. That I do not understand . . . but the queen will be your judge, not I. Now, come with us. Time is pressing. If you wish to learn more, then the queen will give you your answers – if
you are deserving of them.’

You agree to accompany the warrior. If this queen really can help you to understand more about your former life, then perhaps it will throw light on what happened that fateful night at
Avian’s castle. Turn to


The next chamber is filled with stony rubble, where a section of the ceiling and one wall have toppled inwards. As you step foot into the room, some of the rocks and small
boulders begin to tremble and shake. Then, all of a sudden, they lift up into the air and begin hurtling towards the centre of the room, where they clash and scrape together, forming themselves
into the body of a giant humanoid creature.

The monster’s arms start to revolve around its body, until they are a spinning blur of grey stone. With a rumbling howl, it starts towards you, throwing up dirt and rubble as it speeds
across the ground:

Special abilities

Knockdown: If your hero takes health damage from Rumbler, you must reduce your
by 1 for the next
combat round.

Body of rock: Your opponent is immune to

If you manage to defeat Rumbler, turn to


Your final blow sends the creature reeling backwards into the murky swamp water. It lurches and sways for several moments, then its slimy, black body turns to a liquid sludge,
oozing back into the pool.

The boggart has been defeated. Searching the small island you find the remains of several of its unfortunate victims. You have found 30 gold crowns and may take one of the following items:

Bright greaves


Nightwalker tunic


Sanguine slippers




+1 speed +2 brawn

+1 speed +2 brawn

+2 speed +2 magic


nightwalker set


(requirement: rogue)

(requirement: mage)

If you have
Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Roots, Herbs and Leaves
then you may pick 2 bramble thorn and 1 root grass from the island. (Make a note of the herbs on your
hero sheet.)

You then continue your journey through the swamp. Turn to


As Eldias goes to shake your hand, he gives a gasp of astonishment. ‘That ring! Where did you get it?’ He draws back, looking at you uncertainly. ‘That was my
brother’s ring.’

You explain how you came upon it, having killed the witch that was terrorising Tithebury Cross. The man listens to your account in silence. When you have finished, he plants his hat back onto
his head and then folds his arms.

‘It takes years to perfect my craft, but perhaps – if you are willing – I could pass on the rudiments of my profession. What do you say? Do you wish to become the embodiment of
justice – to punish all witchcraft, vile sorcery and evil that walks this land?’

If you wish to learn the witchfinder career turn to
. Otherwise, you politely decline Eldias’ offer. Turn to


Ah good, good.’ The old man places a filleted fish onto the hot stove and then adds a variety of spices and peppers. Soon, the chamber is filled with the succulent aroma
of grilled, peppery fish. ‘This will put hairs on your chin and your chest,’ he chuckles, dishing you out a plate (which looks suspiciously like it was once the top of a broken stool)
and serving you a generous portion. You tuck in hungrily, your quest and its burdens momentarily forgotten. It isn’t until your stomach makes an unsavoury rumbling sound that you are reminded
of the lamprey worm and the urgency of finding the crown.

Getting to your feet, you thank the old man for his time and generosity. ‘The crown you seek is back the way you came, through the flooded room,’ he says, nodding to the blast hole.
‘I did tell you about the stone giant didn’t I? Tall as a ship’s mast and twice as wide. You be careful with that one.’

Heeding the man’s advice, you make your way back through the blasted tunnel. After climbing down the kelp ladder, you wade across the chill waters of the flooded chamber and enter the
passageway. Turn to


The camp is deserted. Redguard and his soldiers are now stationed at Ravenwing’s camp, under the command of Inquisitor Bovis. You check the infirmary tent for any supplies
that may have been left behind in the army’s haste to leave. Most are locked away in magically-sealed boxes, but you do find a few potions left on the shelves. You may take any of the
following, however once these items are taken, you cannot return here again.

Pot of mending (1 use)


Elixir of swiftness (1 use)



Use any time in combat to restore 12

Increase your
by 4 for one combat round

When you have updated your hero sheet, return to the quest


You track the fleeing wreekin across the swamp, to a small settlement of mud huts on the banks of a stagnant lake. A crowd of the creatures have gathered outside one of the
larger huts.

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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