Knight Shift (49 page)

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Authors: Paulette Miller

BOOK: Knight Shift
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Chapter 55 - The Scene


The night of the staged event arrived too quickly for everyone. Other than a text to Sam from Jax that said he had his part in order, no one had seen or heard from him since the night they finalized the plan. Although everyone knew the general idea of how the evening was to play out, they weren’t trying to memorize lines. Instead, to make their actions and reactions seem more spontaneous, they each ran through possible scenarios and how they would respond if they occurred.

As Jax guessed, Penny agreed to the role she needed to play and was virtually in tears because she was convinced that her existence was the sole cause of the current situation. Her biggest concern was her lack of acting skills and that tears would be required to make this believable. Even though her emotions were barely contained below the surface, she feared that she wouldn’t be able to cry on demand.

Ben knew there was no way that he could handle all of the emotions that would be spilling out and, fearing he would ruin the ruse, he planned to leave shortly after Penny arrived at the house. Chad was going to follow him for the same reason.

When the time finally arrived, Taylor texted Penny and Jax to inform them that Razor and Thorne were walking into the house. Penny had been nervously waiting in her car a short distance away. After getting the signal from Taylor, she pulled onto the road and began the final leg of her drive up the lane.

After Thorne was greeted cordially, he breathed in deeply and, after not finding the scent he was looking for, he asked, “No Human tonight?” Before anyone could respond to his question, he looked around the room and, not spotting the other person he was expecting to see, he said, “Ahhh, Ice must be off indulging in his little Snack Pack.”

Everyone hated that he had picked up using Penny’s Changeling-given nickname, but they were also very aware that they were about to say much worse things about her before the night was over. Susi had to keep her distance from Thorne because she couldn’t stop her body from shaking.

Sam replied to Thorne’s comment. “Actually, I think that particular thirst has finally been quenched.”

Before they could offer any details, Penny walked into the living room. When she spotted Thorne and Razor, she acted surprised and said, “Ohhh, I didn’t know that you both were back.” While staring at Thorne, she added sarcastically, “How nice.”

Razor replied, “We arrived just minutes ago.”

Thorne scanned Penny, who was in a very feminine floral sun dress with bright splashes of color and equally colorful accessories. He thought that she looked like she belonged on top of an ice cream sundae. He chuckled at his inadvertent pun and said, “Nice to see you again, Penny. You look especially sweet this evening.” He patted the cushion beside him and asked, “Why don’t you come sit down next to me and join us?”

His attempt at being charming made the hair on the back of her neck rise. She replied, “Thanks for the offer, but I’m looking for Jax. He called me about an hour ago and said to meet him here.” Looking around the room, she was genuinely surprised to not see him. She asked, “Is he here?”

Sam replied to her confusion and said, “He called a few minutes ago and said he would be arriving shortly.”

Seeing Thorne staring at her like she was an entrée on a buffet made her inner voice growl. She feared that she wouldn’t be able to keep her focus on her role so she decided to temporarily remove herself from the scene. While glaring back at Thorne, she said to the room as a whole, “I think I’ll wait for him in the kitchen.” As hard as she tried she was unable to hide her dislike for the Night Walker.

Once she was out of sight, Thorne laughed and said, “Most Human women find me quite charming, but not this one. She really doesn’t like me.”

To play along with the ruse, Taylor replied, “Don’t take it personally. Her reaction is because she only has eyes for Ice. Since they got back from their trip, she’s been here every chance she gets. I’ll be glad when this house is Human free again so that we can go back to normal.”

Thorne raised his eyebrows at the comment and said, “But the last time I found you playing with her out in the woods.” Looking at the group, he added, “Actually you all were pretty cozy with her.”

Taylor replied, “Of course we were nice. If not, she cries to Ice and then we have to face his wrath.” He quivered, pretending he recalled a very unpleasant memory.

Tadd agreed and added, “I’ll admit it was fun at first…like taking in a forbidden pet. But the newness has worn off. It’s hard to have visitors with the enemy among us, and I’m tired of making excuses as to why she’s here.”

Sam nodded and said, “And I’ve had to handle hundreds of phone calls from angry Changelings wanting an explanation for Ice’s behavior. Based on a conversation with him earlier today, he promised me that he would resolve the situation tonight.”

Ben heard his cue to leave so he stood and announced, “I can sense Ice getting closer, so I’m going to take the dog for a very long walk.”

Thorne watched him leave with the furry version of Chad pinned to his side and asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

Sam explained, “He’s still adjusting to his gift and he knows what’s coming. If Ice does break if off, the emotions in the room are going to be too much for him to handle. He doesn’t want to appear weak in your eyes so he needed to avoid the scene. Chad will watch over him.”

Thorne seemed to believe the excuse. He turned to Susi and asked, “What about you? How do you feel about Penny being tossed to the curb?”

Susi took in a deep breath and, with a death grip on Sam’s hand, she replied, “I know that everyone thinks that I’m a bleeding heart for allowing her into my home and maybe they’re right. But Tadd is also correct. It’s time for her to leave so that I can get back to helping our own people.”

Thorne asked, “Is Ice going to be the one to permanently remove the Human from the situation?”

Knowing that he was asking if Jax was going to kill Penny, Susi quickly responded, “He’ll do what he thinks is right, but I asked him to not kill her…at least not yet. She may be Human, but I couldn’t stop myself from becoming a bit attached.”

Thorne said, “But she knows what you are. She could expose all of you out of revenge. You know the saying, ‘A woman scorned…’.”

Susi shook her head. “I don’t think so. When she lost her family, she clung onto us for support so I think she won’t do anything that would hurt the rest of us. But if she betrays us even in the slightest, I’ll turn my back so that Ice can do what needs to be done. I won’t be able to watch.”

Thorne replied thoughtfully, “I highly suggest that you’re more careful in the future with the strays you choose to bring into this house.”

Susi let out a soft laugh and said, “You don’t have to tell me that. Trust me. I’ve learned my lesson.” Susi prayed that her part in this scene was now over.

Suddenly everyone turned when the front door opened and Jax came striding in with a tall shapely brunette on his arm. Everyone marveled at the striking duo, who looked like a couple that coordinated outfits for a night on the town. Jax was dressed in all black and, although he left his hair short on top, it was tightly shaved again on the sides of his head. His dark eyes showed no emotion, making everyone in the room sit up a little taller. His date was done up from top to bottom to match him. Her hair was pulled back in a tight braid and showed off her dark, dramatic makeup. She was wearing spike heels, skin tight jeans, and a black lace top that showed off a matching black bustier underneath.

Thorne stood, nodded approvingly, and said, “Ice, it’s nice to see that the real you is back.”

Jax admitted, “I was a bit distracted for a while, but my head is on straight again.” He squeezed his date and said, “I just needed to spend some time in the right arms.”

Thorne then glanced at the Changeling he was referring to and added, “Nicely done, Chloe. By the way, you look stunning tonight.”

“Thanks.” She snuggled into Jax’s embrace and added, “I’ve been waiting forever for Ice to contact me. Then out of the blue my phone rang and I heard his voice on the other end. I don’t know exactly what he’s been up to this last year but, whatever it was, I’m glad it’s over.”

Sam asked casually, “Are you two going someplace special tonight?”

Jax kissed Chloe’s hand and said, “I have something a little more private planned for our evening.”

As Chloe swooned, Penny came racing through the kitchen door and called, “Jax, is that you? It’s about time you made it home.” She stopped dead in her tracks and almost tripped over her own feet when she spotted her target with his arm wrapped around his guest’s shoulder. Recognizing the Changeling at Jax’s side, Penny asked with genuine confusion, “What’s going on? Chloe, what are you doing here?”

Before Chloe could respond, Jax whispered something in her ear and she obediently stepped to the side. He then glared at Penny and said without any sign of emotion, “Human, go home. You don’t belong here.”

Penny fumbled with the words to say and stuttered out, “Why? What did I do wrong?”

“You’re Human. I think that says it all.” He glanced back at Chloe and added, “I’ve found someone more capable of fulfilling my real needs.”

Penny had been afraid of being able to cry, but seeing Jax with Chloe was the key to unlocking her emotional floodgate and real tears began to fall.

Completely ignoring the sudden streams running down Penny’s face, Jax glanced over to Susi for a moment as if debating on a decision. He then returned his attention on Penny and said, “For Susi’s sake I’m going to let you walk out of here even though you know what we are, but beware of shadowed corners. If you betray us or anyone from the Changeling world in the slightest way I promise you that it’ll be the last thing you do.”

Penny cowered from the cold chill that was quickly filling the room but, when she continued to stare at him without saying a word, he asked with a deep, low growl, “Do you understand me, Human?”

Penny sniffed back tears and whispered, “Yes, Jax.”

Jax let out a roar that made everyone in the room jump and then cower. He said, “My name is Ice. Don’t ever call me by that Human name again.” He then softened his expression slightly and moaned before he added with disappointment, “Damn, I really do enjoy a good, long wounded animal hunt. Maybe another day, Snack.”

While Penny continued to sob quietly, Jax looked to Sam and said, “I apologize for my long indiscretion and for my weakness for giving into my Human urges. That side of me has run its course and is tightly locked away again.” He turned and held out his hand to Chloe and said, “I must apologize to you as well for interrupting our evening with such an unpleasant scene.”

It took a moment for Chloe’s mind to re-engage. After she regrouped, she scrambled back to Jax’s side.

As they walked away, he told those assembled, “I expect this room to be silenced from the irritating Human’s wailing within ten minutes or I will rescind my promise to Susi.” The continued chill in the air informed them that, although his words were said calmly, his darker side was awake and prepared to embark on a Snack hunt at the slightest command.

Penny’s eyes were locked on Jax’s hand pressed on Chloe’s lower back as he guided her down the steps to his bedroom. As he closed the door tightly behind them, she suddenly realized that his room was a place she had never been invited or even seen.

Everyone turned to look at Penny, who was still standing helplessly in the middle of the room, sniffing back tears and wiping trails of black mascara running down her cheeks. She glanced around, looking for anyone to offer her comfort. Although Thorne had a satisfied smirk on his face, everyone else refused to look at her, so she slowly made her way to the door.

Just as she touched the door handle, Taylor jumped up and called, “Wait a minute.”

She spun around, hoping to find a sympathetic face but instead, her former friend handed her a box and said, “We collected all of your things so that you wouldn’t have to come back.”

Seeing her brother’s silver eagle dangling from his neck reminded her that this was all a ruse and it gave her the strength she needed to remain upright. Taylor brushed against Penny’s hand as she took the box from him and, when their eyes met, she could feel the agony he was in. She gave him a gentle smile, turned, and walked out the door. Moments later, Penny was in her car and speeding down the lane.

Back in the house, Thorne said, “Well, that’s that.” After a moment of silence, he asked, “Do you think that Ice would mind if I pay Snack a friendly visit? Even when she’s a mess, that girl makes my mouth water.”

Although his reaction told them their ploy most likely worked, everyone in the room was clenching their fists to prevent themselves from ripping him apart. Sam found the strength to reply, “I would highly recommend keeping your distance from her for a long while. When Ice tosses something out, he doesn’t look back. He may not have any interest in Penny anymore, but he doesn’t take kindly to others ‘garbage picking’ his former property. I can tell you from past experiences that his reaction isn’t pretty and those that tried it didn’t live long enough to tell the tale.”

Seeing the strained faces of those in the room, Razor suggested, “Talking about snacking has made me thirsty. Who wants to join me for a little hunting?”

Thorne agreed instantly and the twins were fully shifted and out the door before Razor stood. They all felt awful for what they forced Penny to go through and needed to run off their guilt and anger. Sam also agreed to go so that he could distract attention away from Susi, who had raced into her bedroom to hide her own tears. Within seconds of her being alone and with her hands shaking, Susi sent dozens of apology texts. She begged Penny to respond to her to let her know that she was okay.

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