Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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Lexie had changed her clothes five times by the time the clock showed almost straight up seven.

You’d think I’d never been on a date before.

But all her tingly girl parts as well as the functioning portion of her brain kept sending her messages this was more than just a date. Killian Walker had blown into her life by an accident of fate. She’d probably never see him again when this week was over. There was no guarantee he—or any of the brothers—would hang around little Red Creek when their time was up. They all had places in the larger universe, and she was pretty sure they’d go back to them. Oh, wait. She’d heard a rumor that Dylan, the first to stay the week in Red Creek, might be hanging around.

In any event, it had nothing to do with Killian. He’d probably be on a fast plane back to his real life after this. She’d never met a man quite like him, all quiet, solid strength, intense masculinity, and sex appeal off the charts. She’d laid awake a long time last night, thinking about their kiss and wondering what it would feel like to be naked against him, lying close to his equally naked body. What his hands might feel like roaming over her, teasing all her erogenous zones. How his mouth would feel on her, placing those kisses on her breasts and her—

Heat flushed over the entire surface of her skin. The pulse low in her pussy that had leaped to life last night with their kiss hadn’t abated one bit. Nor had the tingling in her breasts or the ache in her nipples. Or the yearning to feel his hard length inside her. Normally, she had much better control of herself. But, normally, she didn’t have a man as hot and sexy as Killian walk into her life. Or one who touched her soul and her heart as well as her body.

And, in his eyes, she saw signs of a similar reaction, irises that darkened with heat, hunger, and desire. He might be leaving, but he’d take the memory of her with him. She was determined. So, tonight she would be more daring than she’d ever been in her life. Do something completely out of character. If she only had one week with him, she intended to make the most of it. Starting with inviting him into her apartment when he took her home. The romance novels she devoured painted erotic scenes in her mind and a longing for the kind of romantic adventures the authors wrote about.

And she didn’t need to have her bedroom looking like a suitcase threw up all over it. Finally settling on a red skirt that swirled around her legs, a silk-print blouse that showed off her breasts to best advantage, and a pair of strappy, high-heeled red sandals, she swept everything else into a pile and shoved it into her closet.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she made a final pass at her hair and makeup and sprayed on a little more jasmine cologne.

Just in time for the knock on her door.

Don’t leap on him the minute you see him.

She opened the door and went weak in the knees. Tonight he wore black dress pants, a black silk shirt, and his Stetson. Lordy, but the man looked like sex on wheels in black. His clothes enhanced his lean muscular frame, his wide shoulders, and his long legs. But what really got her was the expression in his eyes, as if he was mentally undressing her and licking every inch of her body.

She shivered with suppressed delight.

“Ready?” His lips curved in a smile lethal in its intensity.

“I am.” She stepped out onto the platform, pulled the door shut, and locked it. Then she glanced up at him and smiled. “More than.”

His eyes darkened. “Me, too.” Then, as if pulling himself back to reality, he offered his arm. “Shall we go?”


She was glad she’d decided on Maximilian’s. It had a warm, old-world charm, an elegant feel with the crystal chandeliers, white linen tablecloths, and crystal goblets. The thick carpet silenced footsteps, and classical music played faintly in the background. But the best part was it was located in the next county, and it was a weeknight, so they were not too likely to run into people they knew.

“Not exactly what I was expecting out here in—” He stopped. “Out here.”

“Go on,” she teased. “Out here in Hicksville, right?”

He laughed; the rich full sound made her panties dampen and her nipples tingle. Lord, it seemed everything this man did had an erotic effect on her. She just hoped she hadn’t misread him and he was as anxious for this as she was. He certainly was giving off those signals. But she also knew he was a man who respected women. Whatever he might want, he’d wait for a signal from her.

Tonight, she would give it loud and clear.

“Actually,” he told her, “even in Montana we have really nice restaurants, even in small towns. My mother made sure I learned to eat properly in public and not pick my teeth at the table.”

Lexie giggled. “I’ll bet you did that as a kid.”

“I did a lot of things as a kid I got my hide tanned for. I think my mother was afraid I’d grow up to be a heathen and a bum.”

She tilted her head. “What’s your mother like? And I’m asking not because of her relationship with Dusty, but because I really want to know. I want to know about

“Well, let’s see.” He waited while the waiter placed their drinks on the table—wine for her, bourbon and water for him—before he went on. “Her family came over from Ireland. I guess you could figure it was in the blood somewhere when you heard the name Killian.”

“What’s her name?”

“Mairi. It means of the sea. Which is a little odd, considering her family lived in the mountains of Montana.”

“How did she get there?”

“Her ancestors came over in the nineteenth century, from what she told me. I’m not even sure of the entire story, but she was fourth generation.” He laughed. “Her great-grandfather liked to call himself an Irish cowboy.”

“They really liked the West?”

He nodded. “They did. As if they were born to it, from what I know.”

“And Killian? What does your name mean?”

“Well,” he drawled, “the Urban Dictionary says it means ‘a kid who doesn’t take shit from anyone.’”

“And is it accurate?” She looked at him over the rim of her wineglass.

He shrugged. “Maybe not as aggressively as when I was a lot younger, but I still hold my ground when I need to.”

“I don’t know if this will please you or not, but I see some of Dusty in you. He held his ground, too. When he was right, he didn’t let anyone push him around.”

“When he was right.” Killian took another sip of bourbon. “Let’s make a bargain. Tonight, we leave Dusty out of the conversation. That okay with you?”

Anything he wanted was okay with her.

She lifted her wine and waited until he touched his highball glass to hers. “To a pleasant evening.”

His eyes ate her up. “The most pleasant,” he agreed and took another swallow of his drink. “So as long as we’re on names, what does Lexie mean? Is it short for something?”

“For Alexandra.” She brushed her curls back from her face. “No one’s called me that for years, though. In either form, it means defender of man. So I guess when you’re out with me, you’re safe from attack.”

He chuckled. “You can defend me anytime, darlin’.”

Then he had questions about her family, how long they’d lived in Kansas—three generations—and what she wanted to do with her life, if anything, besides run Heart Starter.

She fiddled with her wine glass as she tried to give him answers without revealing anything to him. Few people were aware what they thought of as her hobby was really her secret passion. And she wasn’t quite ready to expose herself to Killian. So, she glossed over the fact she’d gone away to school, without saying where, mentioned she’d come home while she figured out what to do with the rest of her life, and shared how the opportunity for Heart Starter had jumped into her lap.

The conversation flowed smoothly and easily,

For dessert, they shared a piece of Decadent Chocolate Cake. Every time his lips slid over the tines of the dessert fork, she imagined them closing over one of her nipples. When he licked the frosting from his lips, she imagined his tongue sliding over her body and into her tight channel. It was all she could do to sit there and act as if nothing was happening to her.

, Killian paid the check and ushered her out of the restaurant.

“Enjoyed it, darlin’.” His voice slid over her like warm molasses.

“Me, too.” She hoped she enjoyed the rest of the evening as much. If only she could get rid of the butterflies dancing the jitterbug in her tummy.


Chapter Four



Killian had barely been able to concentrate on his food, as tasty as it was. His entire attention had been focused on the woman who sat across from him all evening. From the moment she opened her door and he saw her in the silky blouse draped so easily over her breasts to the flirty red skirt that emphasized and teased at her shapely legs, to the sexy sandals showing off her feet to best advantage, she was a package made to tempt the most stoic man. Watching the delicate way she chewed her food, sipped her wine, blotted her lips made him want to drag her into his arms. The way she flipped her streaky blonde curls back from her shoulders and lowered her eyelashes over those warm hazel eyes when she looked down had him harder than cement.

He had to restrain himself from grabbing her when he helped her out of the SUV. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe. He rested his hand at the small of her back as he guided her up the stairs to her place, the heat of her body scorching his palm through the thin fabric of her blouse. When they reached the top of the stairs, she fished her key from her purse and turned to face him.

“This was a wonderful evening, Killian. Thank you so much.” She ran her tongue lightly over her bottom lip.

His cock nearly pushed its way out of his pants. He cleared his throat and tried to figure out how to get himself invited inside.

“The pleasure was all mine, believe me.”

She stood there, watching him, making no move to open her door.

Say something
, he told himself.
Don’t stand there like a big jackass

“Uh, Killian?”

He kick-started his brain. “Yes?”

“Would you, uh, like to come in?” She licked her lip again. “Inside?”

Holy shit!
She had opened the gates of heaven for him.

Don’t jump her bones the minute the door is closed. Try to restrain yourself. Make her feel special.

Because she was. She most definitely was.

He managed to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth. “Yes, Lexie. I’d like to very much.”

When she placed the key in the lock and turned it, her hands were trembling slightly. He hoped it was caused by anticipation and not a sudden attack of nerves. He was nervous enough for both of them, a completely unfamiliar state of affairs. He was always confident and self-assured with women. He prided himself on knowing how to please a woman and satisfy her, to always put her needs first. Tonight, his confidence and skill would be more important than ever before, yet here he was, shaking in his boots like a horny teenager.

He waited while Lexie put her key and her purse on the little table by the door, wondering how to make his first move. He didn’t have to wonder long. She turned to him, did the little thing with her tongue on her lip that made him hard as rocks, and stepped right into him. With a flip of her hand, she swept his Stetson off his head and placed it on the table beside her things. Then she stepped up close to him.

“Got any more of those hot kisses, cowboy?” Her voice had a tiny quaver in it, and he was glad to realize she was as nervous as he was. As if they both sensed they were on the verge of something more important than casual sex.

“As many as you want,” he told her, his voice low and raspy. Then his conscience stuck a pin in him. “Lexie, I need to tell you I don’t expect to be moving to Red Creek. When my week is over, except for the wrap-up—”

“Ssh.” She touched his mouth with the tips of her fingers. “I know. And you should know I don’t usually jump into things like this. But Killian? I want to enjoy this—us—while you’re here. If that’s not—”

“It’s what I want,” he interrupted her. “I don’t want you to think—”

“I’m not thinking.” She gave him a smile, half-shy, half-vixen. “I’m just waiting for more of those kisses.”

He banded one arm around her, pulling her tight to his body, and thrust the fingers of one hand through her thick curls. Cupping her head, he tilted it back enough to take her lips in a slow, smooth kiss. They were as soft as he remembered, delicious with the taste of strawberry gloss. He licked the seam, teased at the corners until she opened for him then swept his tongue inside. He tangled with her small tongue, coaxing it into an erotic dance setting every nerve in his body on fire.

A tiny moan vibrated through him, and he realized it was Lexie making the sound. He deepened the kiss, sliding his hand up and down her back, drawing her more tightly against him. Her breasts were soft mounds pressing into his chest, making his nipples harden beneath his shirt. He lifted his head, breathing hard, and saw in her eyes a hunger to match his own.

Taking a step back, he trailed kisses down the line of her jaw and the slender column of her neck before reaching for the buttons on her blouse. One by one, he popped them through the tiny buttonholes, peeling the silk of her blouse away an inch at a time. Lexie stood immobile while he slid the sleeves down her arms and pulled the garment away.

Holy shit!

She was a living wet dream, right in front of him. The swell of her breasts rose above the lace-edged cups of the low-cut bra, and the sheer fabric did little to conceal the darkness of her nipples. Unable to restrain himself, he cupped one luscious mound, lowered his head, and pulled the taut bud into his mouth, fabric and all. She gave her sensual little moan again and arched into him, silently urging him to suck harder, pull her deeper into his mouth. He obliged, biting down gently and tugging with his teeth, feeling the tip swell even more against his tongue. He had to force himself to lift his head or he’d stand here doing this all night.

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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