Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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“I appreciate the good words from him.”

She tilted her head and studied him, eyes filled with curiosity. “I don’t suppose you’ve given a real thought to staying after this is all over, have you?”

“Not a real one,” he joked.

“I’m sure you must have plans, like your brothers. But this is an exciting business, Killian. New challenges all the time.”

“My brothers?” He studied her. “Well, you’ve had the pleasure of meeting two of my
-brothers so far. What did you think of them?”

She laughed and shook her finger at him. “Uh-uh. You aren’t getting anything out of me. Right now, I’m concentrating on you.”

“Well, next week you can concentrate on the last of my

She flipped her hand in the air. “Half or whole, they’re still your brothers. I really believe you have more in common besides Dusty, if you guys would take time to really get to know each other.”

“I appreciate your intentions,” he said slowly, unwilling to offend this woman who was nothing but nice to him. “But I think emotions run too high as far as the four of us are concerned.”

“How can they run high? You’ve only just met each other.”

He picked up a rubber band and stretched it with two fingers. “And I think we’ve learned all we want to. Wouldn’t you resent it if you found out your mother wasn’t really married to your father? And there were three other women in the same situation? So you’re a bastard whose father didn’t even respect his mother.”

Elaine leaned forward, bracing her arms on the desk, all humor gone from her face. “You listen to me, Killian Walker. Your daddy loved you boys, and he loved your mamas. Yes, it was an unusual situation, but he did right by all of you. The will was structured to give you a way to bond together. That was very important to him.”

Killian just shook his head. “This is a no-win conversation, Elaine, and I like you too much to get in a fight with you about it.”

“Then what about Lexie?”

He drew his brows together. “What about her?”

“Couldn’t she be enough to convince you to hang around here?”

He snapped the rubber band. “You think I’d make good husband material, Elaine? How long before I’d be off cheating on her, and maybe with more than one woman?”

She pinned him with her dark-brown eyes. “First of all, I’ll say again Dusty’s situation was unique. Second of all, if you were able to love a woman half as good as he did, try to be a father as hard as he did, I’d say any woman—especially Lexie—would be tickled to have you.”

“You must be drinking some kind of crazy juice.” He snorted. “I’m doing her a favor by leaving.”

Elaine leaned back in her chair and held up her hands. “You’re as hardheaded as your daddy was.”

“See? I told you I was just like him.”

She rose, pushing back the chair. “I give up. But you’re passing up what could be the two best things in your life. Think about that.” She paused on the way out of the office. “Just make sure whatever you do, you’re full honest with the girl. I’d hate to see her get slammed twice.”

Killian’s insides twisted into a knot. “Twice? What’s that supposed to mean?”

She flapped a hand at him. “Not my story to tell. Just putting it out there for you.”

He sat in his chair, staring at the wall, for several minutes after she was gone. What on earth had she meant? First Lou and Marliss, now Elaine mentioning something had happened to Lexie. Had someone hurt her? Badly? Was he about to do it again? That might be a good indication he was right about his genes and relationships with women. Maybe he should rethink going over there tonight, but he knew he’d never be able to stay away from her. If his time here was almost up, he wanted this one last night with her. He’d make it totally memorable for her then explain why, under any circumstances, it couldn’t work between them.

Forcing himself to tuck those thoughts into a corner of his mind, he turned on his computer, pulled up a blank document, and began writing his report on the trip to Georgia. He’d focus on work today then run home to shower and change and stop to get flowers for Lexie before he got to her apartment. At least his mama had taught him good manners.

His mama.

He owed her a phone call. She’d left text messages and voice messages on his cell, and he felt real guilty about not returning any of them. He realized now she must have loved Dusty very much to do what she did, bear him a son and be a part of his life, knowing he couldn’t marry her. Maybe he should try looking at this from her point of view. He wasn’t a child anymore, so he should try acting like an adult.


He had so many fucked-up thoughts running around in his mind.

Okay, get to work. Sort the rest out later

The day dragged interminably. He finally managed to get his report written to Walt’s and Elaine’s satisfaction, but it wasn’t a labor of love. He had to admit, grudgingly, he’d really enjoyed being in the field, seeing the leases, negotiating new ones. It took him back to the short trips he’d taken with Dusty. He had to ruthlessly suppress the memory. He didn’t want to enjoy any part of this business, not one tiny bit of it.

Then he tackled the new folders Elaine had set on his desk, with notes as to what she wanted him to absorb. He felt like he was back in school again, preparing for a test. He wanted to say the hell with Dusty and this fucked up situation and the damn business, but he’d given his word to his brothers.

He realized this was the first time he hadn’t actually thought of them as half-brothers. What the hell was up with that? Maybe he was getting soft in the head.

Or maybe you’re taking a second look at things?

At last, the day ended. He was glad he’d brought a little travel bag with another change of clothes and toiletries. Dusty had built a private bathroom off his office, and today Killian was grateful for it. He took a long, hot shower, shaved carefully so he’d minimize the whisker burn on Lexie’s delicate skin, and splashed on his aftershave. He pulled on clean clothes and his boots, and settled his Stetson on his head. Finally, to calm himself because he had no idea how this night would turn out, he grabbed his length of rope, curled it into a coil, and shoved it into his pocket. He might end up not using it the way he wanted to, but the feel of it would calm his nerves.

He was glad everyone had left by the time he was ready. He didn’t feel like answering a bunch of questions tonight, especially since he had no answers, not even for himself. He thought about leaving the SUV in the office parking lot, but he wasn’t sure how late he’d be at Lexie’s, especially after he spilled his guts to her. And if he stayed all night, he’d rather pull out of the space behind Heart Starter than do the walk of shame down the block to D. Walker Minerals. Anyway, he remembered he’d thought about bringing her flowers.

The florist shop was only a couple of blocks away. He appreciated the fact the woman who waited on him didn’t make any comments, although she had a knowing smile the whole time she put his bouquet together.

“I hope these do the trick,” she said, when she took his money. “Whoever she is.”

, Killian thought,
like you don’t know
. When he bailed on Lexie, the town would probably get out a mob to lynch him. Good thing he didn’t plan to stay here permanently.

Parking the SUV behind Lexie’s building, he took the stairs two at a time. When he reached the landing, he stopped for a moment to settle himself before he knocked on the door. When it opened, for a moment, he was struck so dumb he couldn’t breathe. He was sure his heart had stopped beating. Every intention he’d lectured himself on for tonight melted like butter on a hot biscuit. Lexie was barefoot, her graceful toes decorated with purple nail polish. Instead of a dress or jeans, she wore a pair of short jeans shorts and a halter top offering a great view of her cleavage. Her familiar jasmine scent made his hormones sit up and beg, and his cock was already yelling for attention.

Her eyes widened when she saw the bouquet. “For me? Wow! You sure do know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” She held out her hand for them.

Killian blinked and remembered to give them to her.

“Would you like to come in? I don’t think I can serve dinner out here on the landing.” Mischief sparkled in her eyes. “And I want to put these in water.”

He somehow managed to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth. “Yes, of course. And I’m glad you like the, um, the flowers.”

“They’re beautiful.”

He watched her stand on tiptoe to retrieve a vase from a cabinet then fill it with water and place the flowers in it. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way the muscles of her ass flexed as she moved, or how the shorts rode up just enough to give the view of a tasty crescent of flesh beneath the cuffs.

“You, uh, dressed more….” More what.
“More casual tonight.”

When she turned around, her lips were curved in a teasing grin. “I thought it would be better since we weren’t actually going out.” She tilted her head. “I can change, if you prefer.”

“What? Oh, no, no, no. You look just fine. I mean really fine.” He swallowed. “Excellent, as a matter of fact.”

He shoved his hand into the pocket where he’d stashed the rope, rubbing his fingers over the familiar surface. He’d been doing this since he got his first lariat from Larry Hart. It calmed his nerves when he learned roping and when he was out chasing mavericks on the range. As he grew older, he found other uses for it, the thought of which made his cock throb demandingly. How would Lexie react if—

Naw. Don’t go there, cowboy. Just because she’s dressed more provocatively doesn’t mean she’s into the kind of games you want to suggest. This is Lexie. Red Creek Lexie. Mind your manners.

But that was very hard to do when he wanted to fuck her six ways from Sunday, tied up or not, plundering every inch of her body.

Especially when he’d come here to tell her how things had to be. Sure she had said they’d have the one week and make good memories, but he really needed to confirm she understood that.

She placed the flowers on the small table beside the couch then hurried back to stir something at the stove in the tiny kitchen area. He suddenly realized the most delicious smells filled the air. He had been so besotted with Lexie’s appearance it overrode everything else. Now, he took a sniff, and his mouth watered.

“Wow! Gorgeous woman and what smells like great food. Have I died and gone to heaven?”

“Hope you like it. I made roast chicken with a beer glaze, a corn casserole, and hot rolls. Work for you?”

“More than you know.” He nearly licked his lips. “It sounds like ambrosia. When do we eat?”

She laughed, that silvery musical sound he loved, and winked at him. “In a few.” She danced back to the counter, fixed a drink, and handed it to him. “Jack Daniel’s, right? Have a seat on the couch while I finish getting things ready.”

From the corner of the couch where he plopped himself, legs stretched out in front of him, he could sip the smooth whiskey and watch Lexie as she tended to the business of the meal. Every movement she made was so graceful. But it was also tantalizing. The halter barely restrained her breasts, especially when she opened the oven door and bent down to baste the chicken. As she stirred and mixed, the muscles of her arms flexed gracefully. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Every part of his body waved the

Finally, unable to restrain himself any longer, he set his drink on the coffee table, uncoiled himself from the couch, and eased up behind her where she stood at the stove. Moving the fall of curls to the side to expose her neck he placed a soft kiss at the nape, licking the area with a swipe of his tongue. He didn’t miss the shiver skating over her body. He had to have her, right this minute.

He pressed his lips to the side of her neck. “Will the dinner be okay if you turn the stove off for a few minutes?”

She drew in a breath as if knowing what he had in mind. “I think I can put everything on low.”

“Do it,” he ordered. “I can’t wait another minute to get my hands on you.”

Obediently, she turned the oven to warm and shut the burner off completely. The basket of rolls she covered with a folded towel. Then she turned in his arms.

“What did you have in mind, cowboy?”

“This, for starters.”

He threaded his fingers through her hair to cup her head, tilted her face up to his, and lowered his mouth to hers. Her lips had the flavor of the strawberry gloss she was wearing, and he licked every inch of the surface before pressing the tip of his tongue against the seam of her mouth. When she opened for him, he slid his tongue inside, licking the soft inner surfaces, coaxing her tongue to dance with his. He slanted his mouth, first one way then another, using every angle to deepen the kiss more and more. She tasted hot and sweet, her flavor permeating his body and sizzling his nerves. Only when he ran out of breath did he lift his head and stare into her eyes.

“Minx,” he said softly. “You dressed this way on purpose tonight.”

“And if I did?”

He nipped her lower lip. “It’s working. That’s all I can say.”

Lowering his head, he scattered kisses along her collarbone and down between her breasts. He laved the upper swell of her breasts then followed the damp trail with more kisses. Unable to stop himself, he lifted his hands to cup her breasts, brushing his thumbs over the now-beaded nipples. He swallowed a sound of satisfaction when she gave one of those breathy little moans he loved so much.

“We’re not doing this standing in the kitchen,” he told her, his mouth against her jaw. “I want you where I can spread you out before my eyes and feast on every naked inch of you.”

“Promises, promises,” she goaded, standing on her tiptoes to nip at his chin.

“And I follow through,” he told her.

Lifting her in his arms, he carried her into the bedroom, plastering his mouth to hers as he set her gently on her feet beside the bed. But she pushed away from him, climbed up onto the bed, and sat with her legs curled beside her.

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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