Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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Tessa appeared in the doorway with a cup of steaming coffee from the smell of it, handing it to Katlyn. “Are you about ready? Brendan and Chase stopped by while you were in the shower.” She smiled. “I think they were hoping to see you.”

Katlyn’s brow arched. “I doubt that. I’m sure they just wanted to make sure I was heading to the schoolhouse soon.”

“Think what you want, but those guys want you, Katlyn, and there’s no way you’ll be able to convince me otherwise.”

Katlyn sighed and followed her friend downstairs where Angus was tidying up the kitchen, but had three plates on the table filled with pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. She sank into a chair and said, “Did you cook all of this, or did Tessa?”

“I tried to, but he wouldn’t let me help,” Tessa said. “I have to admit that it’s nice to have a man cook for a change. If it were up to you, Katlyn, it would be noon before we’d be out the door.”

“Paige was hoping that there would be class tomorrow,” Angus said. “I usually protect the herd, but Paige is having a few of the most trusted ranch hands do that job today since Brendan and Chase will be fixing the roof.”

Tessa sank to a chair opposite Katlyn and invited Angus to sit.

“Protect the herd how?” Katlyn asked in curiosity.

“Well ... there’ve been problems. We’ve had some vandalism of late.”

“Way out here in Wyoming?”

“A few sections of fencing have been torn down, but I’m sure you ladies aren’t interested in talking about that.”

“Not so. I’m very interested in ranch life,” Katlyn said. “Who would mess with the fences?”

“Well, our neighbors are all sheep herders and Brendan suspects they’ve been messing with the fences so that their sheep can graze on Shadow Creek’s land.”

“So cattle and sheep ranchers really don’t get along?”

“Not at all. We haven’t had problems before, but Jonathan, our neighbor, isn’t the smartest of the lot. He took over the ranch after his dad passed and he doesn’t have a clue how to manage his sheep or how to move them to other pastures.”

“So why not buy them something else to eat?”

“It’s way cheaper to let them graze, but sheep eat like seven hours a day, and with so little rainfall some of the pastures most likely haven’t had the chance to regrow properly.”

“I see. That seems like a real problem.”

“I sure hope Jonathan isn’t behind the fence problems. Brendan and Chase won’t stand for anyone vandalizing their property.”

They finished their breakfast and Katlyn did the dishes, informing Angus that he had done far too much already. When they made their way outside, there was a utility vehicle, similar to an ATV. It was hooked up to a trailer, loaded with cleaning supplies and wood.

“There’re only two seats,” Katlyn said. “How is that going to work?”

“I’ll be riding horseback. You can follow me.” He then instructed Katlyn how to operate the vehicle, which turned out to be easy enough.

Katlyn followed Angus and his horse from a safe distance, worrying about scaring the horse. She remembered all too well her own ride on horseback. She secretly vowed to never ride another horse.

The terrain was quite smooth, with green as far as the eye could see, from pasture to pasture. Katlyn wondered what all the fuss was about since it looked like the cattle had plenty to places to graze, but it was wrong for someone to be tampering with the fences.

When the schoolhouse came into view, Chase was inspecting the roof and Brendan greeted Katlyn and Tessa by way of tipping his cowboy hat at them. He carried the boards they brought, climbed a ladder, and handed them to Chase.

Angus led them inside, carrying a load of supplies. Katlyn stood there, wondering where to begin, as Angus hauled out broken desks and chairs outside. Tessa jumped right in and helped him while Katlyn found the broom and began to sweep as they cleared an area.

Katlyn found a closet with running water and she filled buckets, adding pine cleaner. She also found rags and began working on cleaning the desks and chairs that weren’t broken. She wrinkled her nose at the fragrance of the pine, but kept on task. She needed this to be done today, too. Then she could go back to teaching, the only job she loved.

Katlyn gazed up at the roof, but Chase was quickly filling the hole with boards and she could even see Brendan up there now. She tried not to stare at their rippling muscles as they pounded the boards into place. She quickly looked away when Brendan’s eyes met hers.

* * *

Hours later, Angus announced it was time for lunch. By then, Katlyn and Tessa had gotten half the schoolroom cleaned and boy, was Katlyn ever ready for a break. She felt completely drenched with sweat and it didn’t take a genius to know that she stunk to high heaven.

When Katlyn walked outside, she enjoyed the fresh air. The fragrance of the pine cleaner had begun to really bother her, though, and her stomach was doing flip flops.

“Join us under the silver maple. It’s about the only shade there is around here,” Brendan said. “You look peaked.”

Katlyn’s stomach rumbled, her heart racing. “I feel it, too. I really hoped opening the windows would help with the chemical smell.”

“Not as dry as it is here.”

Brendan put a hand on Katlyn’s back to help support her as she walked to the tree and collapsed on the ground. “Take a drink,” Chase suggested, handing her a jug of water.

Katlyn drank a little too fast until Brendan yanked it away. “Not so fast, or you’ll be upchucking it all.”

She rubbed her stomach and jumped up, retreating ten feet and lost her breakfast. Brendan and Chase came over and handed her a moist towel to wet her lips with, helping her back under the shade of the tree.

“Lean back,” Chase said, applying a damp cloth to her brow. “It will pass.”

“It will take a while for you to get used to the heat here,” Brendan added.

Instead of convincing herself that she needed to stay far away from these two, Katlyn was glad they were near. She’d never experienced men taking care of her, certainly not her last boyfriend, Bobby. He was a few years younger than she was and way more immature. She got sick of cooking and cleaning while he never lifted a finger for her and he never had a job, either. It was real nice to meet real men for a change. It was the same thing she had been looking for back at the club— two reasonably attractive men that would take care of her for the night. The thing was that Katlyn had no idea why two hot men like Brendan and Chase would actually be interested in her. She never considered herself all that sexy or hot, just average. The only thing she had going for her was that she was able to maintain her weight for the most part, even though she had a few rolls here and there. But nobody was perfect.

“Are you okay now, Katlyn?” Brendan asked.

Katlyn gazed up into his gray eyes and melted. It wasn’t the animal attraction she had for him, or Chase, for that matter. It was that he genuinely seemed concerned. “I am, thanks.”

Brendan eased himself back against the tree. “I’m glad. I’d hate for you to get sick. I’ll have one of the other ranch hands finish up the inside. We can’t have our new teacher sick now.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I’d really like to finish what I started.”

“I know what you mean,” Chase said. “But sometimes, it’s better to do that when you’re stronger. We’re not going anywhere, you know.”

Katlyn’s heart began to thump against her chest like a dull ache. She clamored to her feet and practically ran away. He wasn’t exactly being forward, but the implied,
We’re not going anywhere
part was plain as day. She felt his desire for her, but she just wasn’t feeling well enough to deal with it today.

“What happened?” Tessa asked as she joined Katlyn inside.

“Besides that I made a complete fool of myself, nothing.”

“How? What did you do?”

“I threw up for one, and they—”

“Laughed at you?”

“No, they seemed concerned and even applied a cool cloth to my brow. I guess it just felt so weird to me that I guess it freaked me out. I know they want me, but can I really see it through now?”

“What’s scaring you, that Brendan and Chase might not be your average dip shit men? Not all men are like that. Some can be very caring.”

Tessa made perfect sense. She was allowing herself to be scared away just because of how other men had treated her. “You’re right. Let’s get this place cleaned up. They suggested that they could get someone else to finish up for us, but the last thing I want is for them to think I’m weak.”

“Getting sick from chemicals doesn’t make you weak, Katlyn. It was getting to me, too, but I understand. Let’s get to work, then.”

Katlyn and Tessa worked the next few hours and had the place fairly clean, but Angus came and led them outside. “That’s enough for you two. Brendan and Chase’s orders.”

Ranch hands passed them and went into the schoolhouse. “But they can’t do that. It’s my responsibility.” Katlyn said.

“Nonsense. You got pretty sick already, from what I heard. Besides, the furniture will be delivered soon and that’s some back-breaking men’s work.” Angus winked. “Go on back and get some rest before dinner.”

Katlyn glanced around and was disappointed that Brendan and Chase were nowhere to be seen. “You’re probably right. I still feel a little queasy.”


Chapter Seven

Katlyn frowned, going through the stack of clothing Angus had brought, compliments of Paige. “There’s nothing in here besides flannel and tee shirts,” Katlyn complained to Tessa who was already dressed in a blue, scoop-neck shirt that displayed her round breasts. Katlyn’s chest, on the other hand, was quite smaller, but with the right bra she could manage some cleavage.

Tessa pulled out a pink tee shirt from the pile. “Try this one. It’s smaller than the one you have on, and will hug your curves.”

Off went one shirt and when Katlyn pulled the pink shirt into place, it did indeed hug her frame, even though Katlyn was jealous of Tessa’s more curvy body.

“Don’t worry, I think you could wear a baggy shirt and Brendan and Chase would still want you?”

“I don’t care what they think,” Katlyn said, even though it was a total lie. “I just want to look presentable. Cleaning that schoolhouse was a dirtier job than I thought. I wish I’d been able to hold my breakfast, is all.” The truth was that she had felt mortified after she had gotten so sick earlier in front of Brendan and Chase.

“I wouldn’t worry about that. Those men were genuinely concerned about you back there.”

“I know, and that surprised me. I’ve never known men to be so caring and understanding about it. I just hate to appear weak to anyone.”

“You’re one strong woman, Katlyn, and gutsy, too. Who else would go to a club, looking for a three-way with two hot shifters?”

“Well, I didn’t know that the club was for shifters. If I had, I’ve never would have gone.” Katlyn donned a clean pair of jeans and her shoes followed. “I didn’t know that shifters were real.”

“Me, either, but it seems they’ve been smart enough to stay underground. But since the Shifter Patrol was formed, it’s been an outright war against shifters, it seems.”

“Who even sanctioned them? The government?”

“From all the information I found on their website before we came here, they’re a vigilante group, but so far the government hasn’t taken any action to disband them so I wonder.” Tessa frowned. “Perhaps you should have reported to the police how the patrol murdered everyone in that club.”

“No way. It’s too risky. For all I know, they’re in cahoots with them. It’s better to just forget it and concentrate on fitting in here.”

“You could start by getting to know Brendan and Chase better,” Tessa hinted.

“No, I can’t do that. Even if they wanted that, too, it’s more complicated now. I’m here to teach, don’t forget.”

“Actually I meant like who they are as people, or er—shifters. There has to a history there. And who is Paige to them?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to pry into their life here. I had the feeling last night that they weren’t too happy that I showed up here.”

“Probably not since you know who they are and shifters need to remain incognito.”

Katlyn made her way down the stairs, and outside, Angus was waiting for them with an SUV with the signage of Shadow Creek Ranch emblazoned on the side. Katlyn climbed into the back while Tessa sat in the front.

“You look mighty beautiful tonight, ladies.”

“Thanks,” they chimed simultaneously.

Angus drove up the drive and slammed on the brakes as a gray dog strolled by. “I-Is that a wolf?” Katlyn asked, shocked.

“Half wolf, but don’t worry about him. He strolls around at night to guard the compound.”


“Yes, the ranch is like that. There are many people who live here from different backgrounds. Most of them work for the ranch in some way, and they have children who you’ll meet tomorrow.”

“Will you be joining us for dinner?” Tessa asked.

“No, I’m instructed to guard the cattle tonight.”

“And make sure that nobody tampers with the fences?” Katlyn asked.

“I won’t be the only one out there. Someone else is assigned to watch the fences.”

“I see,” Katlyn said. Before she was able to open the door, Brendan opened it for her as Chase opened Tessa’s door. When both of them were out of the SUV, Angus tore off down a pathway that led across the yard, disappearing. “Thanks.”

With his cowboy hat firmly on his head, Brendan stared eye level at her. “How are you feeling?”

Katlyn accepted Brendan’s arm as they strode toward the door. Chase likewise took Tessa’s arm, and once they were inside the main house, Katlyn breathed in deep of the burning wood that was in the fireplace, but instead of moving over into the large room, they were escorted into the dining room where Paige was already seated at the head of the table. At some point, Brendan had removed his hat, most likely when the entered the front door.

“It’s about time,” Paige said. “I was worried you wouldn’t get here in time, or at all since you were sick earlier, Katlyn.”

Brendan pulled out a chair for Katlyn to sit and once everyone else was seated, she said, “I’m fine. I’m sorry we were late. I didn’t know we had to be here at a particular time.”

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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