Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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“Stop, please,” Katlyn implored them. “I want to feel your flesh, too.”

When Brendan released her, he stood next to Chase and they smiled slyly as Katlyn tugged open the button and zipper of first Brendan’s jeans and then Chase’s. When their equally beautiful cocks sprung free, Katlyn was shocked and a little nervous. They were both quite large; Brendan’s was longer, but Chase’s was quite thick. She waited while they took their pants the rest of the way off and she stepped forward, her hands taking ahold of both of them simultaneously.
What marvelous cocks these shifters have.
Okay, so now she finally had them in her hands and, boy, was this worth the wait. She stroked them slowly, enjoying the ecstasy displayed on their faces. Their fangs were visible now and she licked her lips, dropping to her knees, licking the head of Brendan’s cock first while she stroked Chase’s shaft and finally taking Brendan into her mouth.

“Oh, baby,” Brendan muttered as he ran his fingers through her hair. He wasn’t forcing her mouth onto him, just guiding her until she ripped herself away, taking Chase into her mouth now and stroking Brendan with her other hand until he removed it.

Brendan knelt down behind her while she continued to work Chase in and out of her mouth, nudging her thighs apart. Reaching under her, he found her moistness with his thumb, rubbing her clit with his fingers until she thought she’d go crazy. Chase freed himself from Katlyn’s mouth and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her to the bed and slapping her ass playfully.

When she was tossed on the bed, Katlyn laughed. There was something about the sight of two hot men with equally manly hard cocks that got to Katlyn, and she was too deep in ecstasy to feel one ounce of guilt about it

Katlyn’s eyes snapped open when she heard the top of a tube of lube open, but she tried to calm herself and see where this was going. At this point, she let her inhibitions fall to the wayside. She was up for just about anything right now if it meant feeling them inside her pussy, her tidal wave of need overtaking her.

Katlyn’s eyes widened as Chase hitched her hips sideways, stretching his body behind her as Brendan moved next to her on the other side. She sneaked a peek and Chase was lubricating his fingers, but her eyes snapped back to Brendan, who spread her legs. She just knew this was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience.

She relaxed as Chase slowly worked a finger into her tight ass while Brendan pumped her pussy with his fingers. The sensations were quite different; one felt quite strange, but she soon quit thinking as her pussy clenched tightly around Brendan’s seeking fingers. She squirmed, wanting to feel more of what Chase was doing back there. It was like a switch went off and she soon was really getting into the sensations as Chase slowly worked his finger in and out.

“You’re so wet,” Brendan said as he took a nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God. I want you in my pussy, now! Please … don’t make me wait. I can’t stand it.”

Chase removed his finger and went over to wash his hands at the sink as Brendan spread Katlyn’s legs wide. He thrust into her tightness and she gasped at how he filled her. She moved her hips to meet each of his thrusts and he moved in slowly but surely until she begged, “Harder. I want it harder.” In response, he pulled out and positioned her on her knees, taking her from behind. It took a moment to realize Chase was positioning his cock in her face and she greedily took it into her mouth while Brendan pounded her from behind
. Oh, God, could it getting any better? So here I am, finally getting my pussy and mouth fucked at the same time.
She moaned, trying not to bite down as her pussy clenched and at this point, Chase must have anticipated what was about to happen as he pulled himself out of her mouth and laid on the bed next to them. She felt Brendan stiffen, his cock jerking inside her. Just then, she screamed when she found her own sweet spot, too. Brendan grabbed ahold of her hips until he caught his breath and pulled free and now it was Chase’s turn as he pulled her toward him. “Ride me,” he growled.

Katlyn willingly obliged, enjoying how he stretched her folds, filling her just as much as Brendan had. She rocked her hips forward and Chase fucked her from below so that her breasts were bouncing. Brendan’s hands found her breasts and he pinched her nipples until they were hard buds. As she fucked Chase, Brendan sucked a nipple first, then moved next to them, watching. “Wait for me,” Chase said as he came more to a sitting position. Katlyn continued to move as his fangs found the flesh of her shoulder, but didn’t bite down, merely grazing it. She screamed as an earth-shattering orgasm hit that sent her tumbling to the other side of bliss.

Katlyn collapsed onto the bed and panted, tears trickling down until they were kissed away by Brendan and Chase. “I-I don’t know why I’m crying.”

“Women do that sometimes when they come,” Brendan explained.

“Well, it’s never happened to me before.”

Brendan’s brow arched upward. “You’ll see in time that shifters know how to really please a woman. We have so many things to show you, so many ways to please you, cowboy style.”

“I thought you were going to bite me for a minute.”

“We didn’t want to scare you, not after what happened to Tessa, but you belong to us now. I’m not sure how you feel about having two men in your bed,” Brendan said.

“I-I … it’s so overwhelming. You’re both so different, and I really enjoyed, well, all of it. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my life.”

Brendan smiled. “That makes me very happy to hear you say that. It’s important to be able to really give yourself freely like that, and I know I went out of my way to make sure you found your pleasure first.”

“We both did,” Chase added. “I think this was a great beginning.”

Beginning? Katlyn was happy to hear them say that this wasn’t just a casual thing for them, but she just wasn’t at all certain what that meant just yet.

Katlyn sighed as the men lay on either side of her on the bed. She felt her legs opened, her clit touched by the both of them in a rhythm she didn’t expect, with a finger from each of them alongside her clit, squeezing it between them. She threw her head back and gasped as her nipples were sucked at the same time. She gazed at Brendan and Chase and it was the best feeling in the world to think that she had two hot men desire her enough to share her. Their fingers then found her moistness and they pumped them inside of her, one from each of them. One felt like it was going in one direction and the other another. Katlyn rolled her head side to side as she came hard. She tightened enough that the men had to push harder to keep their rhythm.

“I want to feel you wrapped around me,” Brendan said.

“No fair. I want her next.”

“You had her the last time.”

“Fine, but I’m off to take a shower,” Chase said.

“That’s a great idea,” Brendan added.

Katlyn was pulled off the bed and into the bathroom where there was a large shower behind frosted glass. Inside, there were three showerheads pointed in three separate directions. The water was adjusted and in they went. Brendan and Chase lathered up their hands with soap and they began to wash Katlyn, much to her delight.

Chase was behind Katlyn and cleansed her breasts as Brendan slipped his hands between her thighs. Both of their cocks poked at her, one to the front and one from the back. When she was finally entered, it was Brendan while Chase slipped his slippery cock along the rim of her ass—not to enter it, but to rub it on the outside. So here Katlyn was again, being manhandled by two hungry shifters who, so far, had proved to be insatiable.

She moaned as she felt the hot juice from Brendan jut up inside of her and once he was done, Chase took a shower head that was attached to a hose and sprayed her off. He then began bending her over and took her abruptly, but instead of being irritated, she came hard and fast. She lost count how many times her pussy pulsed or how many contractions she had. All she knew was that Chase muttered something to the effect that he’d never known a woman to squeeze so tightly during an orgasm before. Not long afterward, he also poured himself into her. Katlyn fell, trembling, on the floor. She had never in her entire life felt like she did right now, in the aftermath of her sex play with these two shifters. Brendan tenderly helped her stand and carried her back to the bed, crawling in beside her as Chase flanked her other side.

Katlyn was beyond thoughts now as she snuggled with Brendan and Chase in complete exhaustion and smiled as both men threw protective arms around her while she fell into a blissful sleep.


Chapter Ten

Brendan woke Katlyn early the next morning and she grimaced as she climbed out of bed. He handed her a cup of coffee and she sipped it slowly, thinking about everything that had transpired the day before. Sure, her body ached, but her sex romp with Brendan and Chase wasn’t what bothered her today. She was worried about Tessa and vowed that she’d see how she was doing today, even if Paige didn’t think she should. Katlyn couldn’t help but blame herself, no matter what Brendan had to say about it, but that would have to wait until after school. She wasn’t ready to disappoint the children.

Katlyn kissed Brendan before she made for the door. Luckily, Chase wasn’t up yet so she wouldn’t be too tempted to crawl back into bed with them.

Once she had showered and changed, Katlyn drove to the schoolhouse. Katlyn passed out paper on the desks for a math quiz she had planned first thing. She’d not allow the children to distract her from her lesson plan for the day. The quiz was her way to test the children’s math skills, which would be the best way to judge how she would approach teaching them the skills they’d need to survive among the humans. It was her assumption that the shifters nearby all preferred not to make themselves known.

Melody led the pack inside and took her seat, with Joel, Robert, and Ivan following her inside and, luckily, all of them were completely in human form. When the children were seated, Katlyn asked, “Has anyone seen, Maxwell?”

“He’s not coming,” Melody said. “There was trouble at Silver Creek last night.”

“Like what?”

“Mama said it had something to do with one of the ranchers looking for his missing sheep.”

“I heard about that, but what makes the rancher think his missing sheep would be at Silver Creek?”

“Beats me, but grown-ups can be crazy sometimes.”

“I’ll agree with you there. I just hope Maxwell is okay.” Katlyn turned to put math problems on a dry erase board at the front of the class. “There’s paper on each of your desks. You have ten minutes to do the math problems on the board. It’s a startup quiz.”

“Quiz,” Robert muttered. “On our first official day?”

“Yes. There will be one every morning so you had better get used to it now.”

While the children were busy doing their math, Katlyn’s mind wouldn’t stop spinning. The neighbor had missing sheep, all right, and it was obvious that Paige might just be responsible for their disappearance and now the werewolves were being blamed. That wasn’t fair. But as Katlyn had already learned, life just wasn’t fair; she’d speak to Brendan about it later.

The school day went by fairly quick and after the children were gone, Katlyn straightened up. When she strolled outside, Brendan and Chase were waiting outside on horseback.

“What are you two doing here?”

“Brendan insisted we come. There’s trouble brewing in town.”

Katlyn’s brow arched. “Oh, that sounds serious.”

“It is. Our neighbor, Jonathan, is stirring trouble up with the Rancher’s Committee. He’s there lodging a complaint. I just don’t know to what extent yet.”

It seemed her hopes to see Tessa would be delayed, but since Paige had already told her that it would be sometime later today before she was able to determine Tessa’s true condition, she might as well get to know the goings on around town. “Can I tag along? I really would love to learn how the process works.”

“I suppose,” Brendan said as he held out his hand.

She backed up. “You’re not going on horseback, are you? The last time I was on a horse didn’t go so well.”

“I don’t agree with that. You ride like a pro,” Chase winked.

“I have a vehicle here. I’ll catch up with you back at my cabin. I’d like to freshen up before we leave for the Rancher’s Committee. One of the students said that a rancher was at Silver Creek looking for his sheep.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Brendan said. “We’ll catch up with you in half an hour.” With that, Brendan and Chase rode off, leaving Katlyn to her thoughts. She was happy that they were allowing her to accompany them into town.

Back at the cabin, Katlyn straightened up the kitchen since she didn’t have to do it last night. The cabin was so silent without Tessa here.

When Brendan pulled up to her cabin, Katlyn came out and hopped into their SUV.  As they made their way into town, Katlyn got up her courage and asked, “Can you arrange a visit for me with Tessa later. I’m really worried about her.”

Brendan kept his eyes glued to the road. “She’ll be fine. Paige is looking after her.”

“I know, but that’s not going to stop me from worrying.”

“I assure you that Paige is doing everything she can for Tessa,” Brendan said. “She’s taking responsibly for her actions.”

Katlyn tried to relax, but since she knew so little about all of them, how sure could she really be that Paige would be able to help Tessa at all? It was hard enough for her to get used to the fact that shifters were real, and now vampires, too?

Brendan parked along the street and led the way inside a white church. As they passed the oak pews, Katlyn wondered what kind of town this really was. “The Rancher’s Committee operates business in a church?”

“Yes, does that seem strange to you?” Brendan asked.

“Actually, yes, but so far nothing is like I thought it would be.”

A man appeared and they moved up the aisle to greet him. “Good to see you, Brendan and Chase. I was worried I’d have to hunt you down.”

“Not to worry, Clayton. I’m not about to ignore something as serious as missing livestock. I meant to report that we have a few calves missing.”

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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