Read JustPressPlay Online

Authors: M.A. Ellis

JustPressPlay (6 page)

BOOK: JustPressPlay
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No, in Daniel’s quick revision, the earl had been in the courtyard outside the conservatory, enjoying an evening smoke. He wasn’t completely certain that was historically accurate, but it was the best he could come up with when brainstorming scenarios that had her inside and him outside.

“The earl stalked into the courtyard and quickly ordered the two men in his employ to make themselves scarce. He knew his lady well—knew she would disobey and end up in a spot as far away from his chamber as possible. He also knew she would have to be punished. Sweetly. With firm slaps to her shapely ass.”

He saw Erin’s eyes widen and he smiled. She hadn’t cracked up at his voice or his words. That was a plus for his plan. He had thought it fairly predictable that he’d find her in her office after the choreography session and unexpected housecleaning. His career centered on anticipating a person’s logical next move. He assumed she’d want to make changes to her story.

“He took a quick puff of his cigar and walked slowly toward the conservatory door. She was gorgeous. Headstrong. He doubted he’d ever get enough of her lush body. The feel of her nipples getting hard as he licked them, the sweetness that pooled at the base of her pussy. ‘Did I not tell you there would be a price to pay for ogling the hired help?’”

Daniel smiled, completely delighted at the words. He’d done well.

“I’m tired of you disobeying. It wasn’t part of the bargain. But my having access to your body was. Take off your clothes, my lady. Nice and slow.”

Erin hesitated, but from the way she hooked her fingers in the waistband of her jeans, it appeared she wasn’t going to disappoint him.

Slowly shifting her hips to the left, then right, then left again, she wiggled her jeans halfway down her thighs and Daniel swallowed hard. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected—he knew her panties were white and had lace trim—but it sure as hell wasn’t hip-hugging boy shorts. He’d never really been a fan. Until now.

She let her jeans drop to the floor but didn’t step out of them. Her legs were in great shape and the slight fullness of her upper thighs was testament to the fact her country-club lifestyle had fallen by the wayside. And Daniel didn’t care. All he wanted to do was wrap his hands around the fleshiness and spread her wide enough that he could cushion the side of his head on one thigh while his fingers leisurely explored her soft, slick folds.

His cock leaped at the thought and he ran his open palm against his growing erection. The one thing he wasn’t going to do was whack off during the show. Or maybe he should rub a quick one out so when he finally took her to bed, he’d have the longevity every woman desired and every man wanted to provide. He’d needed women before. But he’d never really
one. Not like he wanted Erin. He hoped she would believe that fact because the earl was just about to repeat Daniel’s sentiment.

“He stood outside, looking in upon her beauty. His cock was as hard as granite and he couldn’t wait to slide his length into her heat. There was no feeling on earth that rivaled making love to a woman you craved. Whether that longing had been present for days or months or even years.”

Erin looked out into the darkness once more, brows shifting together in a little frown. He wanted to yell out that the words were the truth but he hadn’t allowed for extraneous commentary while recording.

“‘Touch yourself the way I showed you earlier. I want every part of your body flushed with anticipation. If you do satisfactorily well…if your nipples end up deliciously tight and your fingers drenched with your juice, maybe the punishment won’t be quite as severe.’”


Erin would have marveled at how well crafted Danny’s dialogue was—if her panties weren’t ready to ignite. He’d taken a scene that she thought was hot and made it ten times more erotic by having the earl watch instead of the servants. She glanced down at the twin points straining against her bra. If Danny could see her clearly, he’d already know how effective his words were. Her nipples ached. As for her being drenched and the thought of punishment—

“‘Touch yourself, Erin. Show me what you really like.’”

Her heartbeat faltered at the use of her name. He’d thought this whole thing through, it seemed. Thought about her and her book. Incorporated both. She knew, in that moment, he’d been truthful and not just throwing out hot looks, sly innuendo and patent words that might coerce her into letting him make love to her. At her age she should have been happy for someone as sexy as Danny to try to persuade her to shed her panties but the fact he’d put a little effort behind what was surely a seduction—her first—made it all the more special.

She hadn’t felt all that bold when she dropped her jeans to the floor. In fact, she was scared witless. But all the overheard conversations at the conference about “real life” inspiration had given her the boost she needed. Now, knowing he would undoubtedly offer her a night of wild lovemaking, she felt a little brazen. He was watching her. Waiting. She had no intention of letting him down.

With exaggerated slowness she moved first one foot and then the other until she was no longer standing atop a pile of denim. She bent at the waist, keeping her eyes focused on the darkness as she slid the fingertips of her right hand between her cleavage and down the front of her body. She picked up the jeans and unceremoniously tossed them toward her computer chair, not caring if they actually made it that far or fell short.

Inspiration assailed her and she reached toward the end table. She pushed the Stop button on the player. She wasn’t sure if there were any more directives coming but she didn’t need them. Not when she was embracing the sultry side she never knew existed. She didn’t actually have to masturbate. She could just run her hands here, there and everywhere and that should be fine. Exotic dancers did it all the time.

Erin grabbed one of the many elastic hair bands lying around her workspace and pulled her hair back in a ponytail as she returned to her perch in front of the window. She looked at her reflection, pleased. Her neck had always been one of her best features and she ran her fingers along each side then across her collarbone.

Taking a deep breath, she let her fingers drift to the swell of her breasts, brushing back and forth until a smidgen of desire startlingly rolled through her lower body. It brought with it a rush of another kind—one of control. The naughtiness associated with exhibitionism had always appealed to her, yet she had never voiced it. Her ex wouldn’t have understood. Not at all. But here was Danny. Playing along with her secret kink. In her mind and when she wrote her scenes, simply knowing someone watched was enough to satisfy. Now, with a living, breathing, sexy man on the other side of the glass, Erin realized she hadn’t known the true meaning of naughty.

Go for it!

She had no idea whose voice screamed that sentiment but she cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples through the thin cotton of her bra, and just as Danny’s voice had commanded, painfully tight peaks were the answer to her caress. She didn’t stop until the throbbing in her pussy demanded something more and she slowly rolled the distended tips between her thumbs and forefingers pinching lightly until her moan echoed through the room. The imaginary cord that connected all the pulsing parts of her body clenched and Erin bit her lip as wetness slicked her folds.


Could she really head in that direction next? Could she touch her aching clit and not climax right before his eyes? He’d said he wanted anticipation, not completion.

She let her hands drift lower, trying to keep sexy thoughts swirling through her brain when she passed over her slightly rounded belly. She refused to think of the fact she should be doing crunches on a daily basis. Danny hadn’t run screaming from the patio so maybe he really didn’t care.

Women of substance.
The thought made her smile and she arched a brow then ran her palm over her
in a very slow circle. She’d be fine. As long as the tips of her fingers avoided her clit, she’d be fine. She found a rhythm, one that stoked the fullness building inside and she shifted her hips against the sensation.

“Oh yeah. That’s perfect.” The words escaped her lips and she heard the sound of metal scraping concrete. A second later Danny was at the door.

“Change of plans.” His voice was huskier than it had been when he was effectively seducing her under the guise of the earl. He stalked into the room, his voyeuristic perch apparently forgotten. Erin took a step backward, her heart thundering as he pulled his shirt up his body and over his head in one fluid motion. He was ripped. To the point that her mouth actually watered. Better than anything she could have dreamed or written. Better than any group-mailed half-naked image. Better than any
on any blog.

She watched him fumble with the button and zipper of his jeans before he splayed his large hands over her ass and yanked her lower body into his. He was rock hard and long, his thick cock nestling between her already swollen labia.

is perfect. You’re so fucking hot, I can’t stand it.”

He looked down into her eyes and Erin lost her breath. Desire shone there. Hot and intense. Promising. He moved one hand to grab the back of her hair and tilted her head.

“I can’t decide what to do first—go down on you or hoist you into my arms and be totally selfish and bury my cock balls-deep.”

His lips descended in a firm, unrelenting kiss that had her gripping his arms for support. When she realized he wasn’t about to let her tumble she ran her palms over his
, loving the little flex he offered before breaking the kiss.

“The ottoman’s looking pretty good,” she whispered.

He nipped at her neck and she thrust her pussy harder against his erection.

“Fuck that,” he growled. He dipped his big body down and hoisted her over one shoulder.

“Oh my god, what are you doing?” she asked, enjoying the view of his jeans riding low on his ass as he stalked across the room.

“My best caveman impersonation. I know you dig that. I saw the book sitting on the chair. Which way’s the bedroom?”

“To the right. And they’re not that kind of cavemen,” she said, her breath hitching when the arm around her lower thighs tightened and he ran his palm over the globes of her ass. “They’re models.”

“Got it. Like the dude on the cover.” He stopped just inside the door to her bedroom. “Hit the switch, Erin. I have a feeling I’m going to like what I see.”

She barely had time to turn on the light before he walked quickly across the plush carpet and stood in front of her triple dresser.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered. “Baby, you’ve got great legs but this…this is what I’ve been dying for.

With one finger he traced the outline of her ass cheeks, two big swooping curves to the right and back toward the left, and Erin struggled against his restraint. She had never liked her ass. Thought it was way too big for the rest of her body.

“Be still,” he ordered. His palm connected to her right cheek with a sound crack. A jolt of desire rocketed straight toward her cunt and Erin fell forward, the air whooshing from her lungs as she reached down and grabbed his hips. Her flesh stung, and just as she was about to voice that fact, he landed another firm swat to the other cheek.

Her startled gasp echoed through the room. A few breaths later she was able to slowly push herself upward until her body was nearly perpendicular with the floor.

“I love white panties,” he said in a reverent tone. A second later his hand connected again and Erin tried to wiggle her clit against his shoulder. He only held on tighter and soothed her stinging flesh with a light circular caress.

Except Erin didn’t find it soothing in the least. Each pass of his hand left her wantonly anticipating another slap.

“Do you know why?” He pulled first one side of her underwear and then the other inward until they were tucked between her ass cheeks, exposing her fully.

She remained silent. Waiting.

“Because they always let a man know the truth.”

His short nails barely scored the skin of one globe and Erin tightened her
, the motion making her clit ache all the more. She had the urge to beg him to rip her panties from her body and finger her. Just as she was. Propped against his shoulder.

“Simple white panties let a man know that he’s doing something the woman he wants to fuck is enjoying.” He dipped his finger and ran it down the seam of her pussy lips, the tip of his finger stopping just shy of her clit, and Erin bit her lip. “It lets him know he’s doing something right.”

He wiggled his finger against her heat, his knuckle and the wad of silk beneath it pressing into her opening and Erin groaned.

. Look at that.” He moved his hand and traced what was surely a wet spot, his finger barely touching her labia. “Am I doing something you like or should I stop?”

“Oh my god,” she said, trying to arch her back as he brushed his finger over her clit and began to slowly rub her. “You’re doing everything right.”

Just as quickly as he had put her over his shoulder, he popped her body upward and lowered her slowly toward the floor. Before her feet could touch the ground, he held her at eye level.

“So you don’t want me to stop?”

She shook her head.

“Say it,” he ordered.

His commanding tone should have had her hackles rising. But it didn’t. It had the completely opposite effect.

“I don’t want you to stop, Danny,” she replied in a firm voice

He touched his forehead to hers and spoke softly.

“That’s perfect because I don’t intend to.”

Erin brought their mouths together, kissing him with a passion that surprised her. Despite the aura of dominance he was projecting he let her control the caress, let her have her way until she finally pulled her head away.

“You liked when I swatted your ass. Maybe we can try focusing solely on that another night. What do you think?”

Another night?

BOOK: JustPressPlay
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