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Authors: M.A. Ellis

JustPressPlay (13 page)

BOOK: JustPressPlay
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His eyes challenged her. Demanded she not look away as he rotated his wrist and rapidly teased her clit with the thin edge of leather until her entire body was shaking. Fingers closed around her nipples and she groaned, the sound intensifying when the men tugged and squeezed, making the connection between pussy and breasts full, closed and entwined.

“Please,” she begged, no longer caring how she sounded.

“Please what?” He pulled the crop away for a moment then pressed it tight against her swollen bud.

Erin wanted to ride it. Throw off the two burly men and grind against it like the wanton slut the earl had accused his lady of being.

“I want to come,” she sobbed, heat coursing through her entire body.

“Then come.” He tossed the crop aside and tunneled his hands under the cheeks of her ass. He lifted her off the damp leather and hauled her to the very edge of the table with a little assistance from the men who seemed to mysteriously meld into the periphery.

He filled her with one quick, deep thrust, his thick cock stretching her, his perfect curve hitting her G-spot with severe accuracy.

“Oh god yes.”

“Oh fuck yes,” he mirrored, slapping his hands onto the top of the table near her waist. She watched the concentration on his face as he began rocking his hips, saw his gaze drift to her breasts as they bounced up and down in a steady rhythm.

It felt delicious. The friction. The controlled strokes. The need to touch his skin and run her fingernails over his chest and his ass became paramount. Erin yanked at the sash but it held. Frustration welled and she pulled harder.

“Don’t,” he ordered, his hips halting
. He leaned over her body and placed one palm against her wrists before he entwined their fingers. “You’re making it tighter.”

Erin couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the fact she was teetering on the brink of another orgasm and he was dead still.

“Danny,” she choked. “Please don’t stop.”

“Fuck! I didn’t realize how much I’d love hearing you plead. It’s such a fucking rush. I never imagined you could jack me up more than you already do. Beg me to kiss you.”

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to be lying in front of a group of strangers, tied to a table, utterly submissive.

“Please kiss me, Danny.” His lips descended, his body moving upward in a wonderfully slow manner to allow him access to her mouth. She wrapped her legs higher on his waist and locked her ankles, keeping him right where she wanted him.

He brought his other hand to her breast and captured her tight bud between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the flesh back and forth until Erin whimpered.

He pulled his head back far enough to just look into her eyes. “What about this, Erin? Tell me how you want it.”

The pressure eased until he was barely touching her distended skin.

“Harder,” she whispered. He willingly obliged, squeezing just to the point of pleasure-pain. Erin’s body went rigid and he groaned.

“Every muscle in your body is strung, including the ones wrapped around my cock. I’ve
move, baby.”

Erin welcomed the frantic pounding, the hot sound of flesh hitting flesh as his thighs met her ass. He grabbed her legs and pulled them from around his body, forcing her thighs wide as he buried himself deeper. Heat, intense and sharp, bloomed in her lower abdomen and she raised her head and watched him thrust into the inferno.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” She looked up and met his gaze and her heart faltered. The look of devotion was staggering and she closed her eyes, only to have them fly open a moment later when he switched rhythm and angle.

Six strokes and Erin could hear her panting echoing through the room. His shallow thrusts had every nerve ending in her pussy and the surrounding area firing in short little pulses that nearly matched her breathing.

“Oh my god,” she cried, the orgasmic wave rushing at her from nowhere. Her vision blurred and she closed her eyes, Danny’s body turning rigid above her. He thrust once more, deep and hard, his release accompanied by his voice calling her name on a long, low groan.

It was the sweetest sound she’d ever heard.


Daniel rested his forehead between Erin’s breasts, the sounds of the surrounding “play” slowly permeating his scattered thoughts. He raised his head and looked to his right to find Tina crouched in front of the groomsman, her long hair swinging back and forth as he rested his head against the wall, lips quirked in a pleasant smile.

Erin exhaled, long and slow, and he turned his attention to her, not surprised to see her eyes tightly shut. She could undoubtedly hear the others, like the cook and Philip grunting in the far corner where he stood unmoving, ordering the woman to do the thrusting. The undeniable wet, sucking sounds of a great blowjob were courtesy of the butler and the stable master, who had shed every stitch of clothing except for a red leather G-string.

“How you doing, sweetheart?” Daniel asked, wondering if she’d be suddenly uncomfortable.

“Good. But I want to be untied. Please.”

His cock gave a little leap of recognition at that added “please” and he slowly eased out of her warm pussy before he felt compelled to take her again. They were definitely going to have to explore submissiveness sometime in the near future. He walked to the top of the table, pulled open a drawer and retrieved the safety scissors. With three quick snips he cut through the silk and watched her hands fall free. He put the scissors back and took her hands, rubbing her wrists to help the feeling return. He pulled her hands upward and placed lingering kisses on each of her fingers. He loved her hands. Couldn’t wait until they were home and she was running them over his chest. His back. His cock.

He definitely wanted her out of the club. He’d lost himself in her softness and beauty and pure responses but now, with everyone back on a level playing field, he had the urge to cover her body and whisk her out the door.
once again had been right. Jealousy spiked but Daniel wisely pushed it aside. Just because she didn’t want extra people joining in didn’t mean she wasn’t going to catch her breath and go at it again. He’d offered her the venue, for shit’s sake.

She blinked her eyes open and offered him a smile. He wanted to protect her all the more.

“Can I get my panties back?” she asked, sitting up and readjusting her breasts before hooking the corset closed.

Daniel snagged her forgotten panties and eased them over her toes and up her legs, enjoying the way she wiggled her hips from side to side as she covered her exposed flesh. He grabbed his pants and tugged them on just as she slid off the table, onto the floor and into his arms.

“This was wonderful. Enlightening,” she said, rising on her toes and offering him a quick kiss.

“Something you’d like to do again?” he asked, picking up her dress and holding it open, waiting to see if she was ready to go or wanted a little more of the evening’s entertainment.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and stepped inside the fabric. “Not the public display of actual interaction. That was hot, but a one-time thing, I think. But I might be okay with coming back and watching,” she said, turning her head to the side, not quite able to hide her blush. “For research purposes, of course.”

“Of course,” he confirmed with a small laugh. He quickly laced up the back of her gown and placed a kiss on her neck. “So maybe you aren’t an exhibitionist after all. You watch your characters from the outside. See them come together, watch them make crazy, wild love. Maybe you’re a closet voyeur.”

“I doubt I’m a ‘closet’ anything after tonight.” Erin chuckled.

. We’ll see about that,” he said, wrapping his arms across her chest. He maneuvered their bodies until they were facing the other people. “Want to stay and see what happens?”

“Do you?”

“I wouldn’t say no,” he replied.

Erin turned her head and pillowed it against his broad chest. “I should have known all along you had a kinky side. You are your sister’s twin after all. There’s probably some study the two of you could volunteer to take part in. After that, I’d sign up to be your guinea pig.”

He chuckled and hugged her tighter. “So research or retreat? What’ll it be, Erin?”

She squeezed his biceps one last time before replying. “Let’s just go.”

He released her and she turned and watched him look around before retrieving her forgotten footwear.

“My place or yours?” He squatted down and held one shoe and then the other as she slid her feet inside.

“Which one’s closer?” she asked.

“Yours.” He pulled his boots on and whipped his shirt over his head, smiling all the while. “But mine has a huge window that looks down on the neighbor’s pool. They love to skinny dip. Just
’ that out there.”

“If I had a fairy godmother, the woman would be grinning ear to ear at this moment,” Erin said, laughing. She took his hand when he offered it. Damn, that felt good. Fingers clasped as they walked through the curtain and opened the door. “My place is more secluded, though. There’s something to be said for that,” she offered.

They walked down the hallway, meeting a few patrons as they went, and Daniel couldn’t help smiling at the congenial way she said hello to each one. She missed their startled looks, which was fine.

“Mine has under-the-mattress restraints and a sweet, super-soft rabbit flogger.” He held his breath, waiting for her response.

“Really?” she finally asked, the brightness in her hazel eyes offering a great deal of promise. “That can’t make the animal activists very happy.”

“I don’t give a fuck whether anyone’s happy…other than you, Erin. That’s all I want. For as long as you’ll let me.”

“Well when you put it that way, Danny, your place it is.”

About the Author


M.A. Ellis is a firm believer that everyone should pursue their dreams…no matter how long it takes to achieve them. She wrote her first short story,
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
, more than a few decades ago. It was read by a total of seven people. (For those who are interested, the answer to that intriguing statement was a toss-up between a veterinarian and a nun.)

Thanks to the encouragement of a creative writing guru at Northern Kentucky University, she stepped out of her neat little writing boundaries and penned an erotic poem, which ultimately led her to the vastly stimulating world of erotic romance. It’s a vocation she truly loves—equally as rewarding as furry, four-legged creatures and a heck of a lot more entertaining than Friday nights at the nunnery.

When not devoting her time to crafting tales of hot encounters and steamy romances that always have a happy ending, M.A. concentrates on the delightful task of honing her master baking skills, eagerly focusing on the realms of cheesecake and chocolate which are, in her humble opinion, the only ‘C’ words that matter.

She lives in northwestern Pennsylvania where temperatures rival those of Ice Station Zebra a good portion of the year—making it the perfect arena for devising stories where one spark can ignite a welcomed inferno.


M.A. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her
author bio page




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Also by
M.A. Ellis


Ellora’s Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile IV

Filigree and Fantasy

Eve Hunk

Love’s Ally

Love’s Choice

Seducing the Siren

Shaken and Stirred

The Cake Babe

Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal



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BOOK: JustPressPlay
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