Jinx's Mate (5 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Jinx's Mate
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Tad, and Milo remained behind in Texas, helping Tex get everything sorted out
before their return to Alaska. There was much to do to ensure Tex was safe when
they left. Tad and Milo worked endless hours honing the guards’ skills, while
Jinx helped Tex with his Alpha duties by dealing with the resort side of
things, allowing Tex to worry about the clan.

away at the computer, Jinx tried to convert the books into the new system he’d
created. It was tedious job, but gave him a better idea of goals for the resort
over the coming months. It also allowed him to see just how badly the resort
had fallen.

months ago the place was busting at the seams, and had a waiting list for
cancellations. The resort had activities and luxuries that no other shifter
establishment offered, making it favored by many. With time he hoped Tex would
bring it back to its former glory.

you are.” Summer leaned in the doorway.

been here.” He leaned back, welcoming the break. “Everything okay?”

asked me to inform you that someone named Lukas would be arriving within the
hour. He’s sending a car unless you’d like to pick him up personally.”

glanced at the laptop’s clock, cursing when he realized the time. “I guess not,
these need to be finished.” The pile of papers wouldn’t be done by the time
Lukas arrived, but he’d do what he could. “Lukas is my brother. He’s coming to
upgrade things, starting with a computer system. How anyone managed to keep
track of the hotel’s accounting and reservations is beyond me.”

believed computers allowed people to spy on you. Most of us don’t even have
cell phones, or any tech gadgets.” Pushing the door shut behind her, she wandered
in closer to the desk. “I have experience with computers and accounting, from
before I was confined to the tunnels. I can do this while you go meet Lukas.”

understand.” Slipping a finger into the belt loop of her jeans, he pulled her
onto his lap. “I can think of a better way to spend the time.”

would that be?”

answering, he pressed his lips to hers. The sweetness of her lip-gloss urged
him on. Slipping his tongue between her lips, he devoured her, tugging her
shirt up as he went. Breaking the kiss, he pulled the thin tank top over her

have work…”

think, just feel.” He kissed along her jawline until he reached the sweet spot
just below her ear. Grazing his teeth over the area, he blew his cool breath
against her flushed skin. “Work can wait, this can’t.”

hand slid around her body, quickly finding the clasp of her bra and unhooking
it. The material slid down her arms, revealing her perky breasts, making his
shaft strain against the roughness of his jeans. He needed her like he needed
his next breath. She was life and could bring a dying soul back from the edge.
She was his everything.

her nipple with his teeth, he gently tugged, making it hard before moving over
to the next one. Without breaking contact he reached behind her, gathering the
papers and slipping them into a drawer. In one quick motion, he lifted her and
tugged her yoga pants down her legs before setting her on the desk.

a soft moan, she pulled him closer. “I’ve always wanted to make love on a desk.
It makes me feel like a naughty girl.”

check this one off your list and then you can tell me all the other places
you’ve wanted to.” He unzipped his jeans, letting them fall down his legs. He
didn’t have the will power to stop and take off his cowboy boots and clothes.
He needed her now.

stared at him while her hand slid down his chest until she found his shaft. Her
fingers wrapped around it and rubbed down the length, painstakingly slow. Her fingernails
teasing along it, just enough that he could feel it without causing pain. “I
love that look in your eyes, as if I’m all you’ll ever need.”

are.” The words were bit off as her hand squeezed tighter, working back up his
manhood. He needed her in a way he never needed anyone. “As good as this feels,
and damn it does, I want to be inside of you. I want to hear you scream my name
as ecstasy engulfs you.”

me.” She let her hand fall away from him and leaned back.

waiting he adjusted his angle, gliding his shaft over her opening, pulling a
moan from her. Slowly he glided the length of him in, just a little at first,
watching how her eyes glazed over as he worked his way inside her tight
passage. Halfway in he stopped and slid out, even as she clung to him trying to
force him to stay. Once he was out, he gripped her hips and slammed his length
into her, filling her completely. Rocking their bodies back and forth, each
thrust gaining momentum.

leaned back grabbing the edge of the desk, her body arched toward him. With
every thrust her breasts bounced with appreciation, calling to him. Without
losing his rhythm, he dipped his head and drew his tongue along each nipple,
blowing gently on them.

she whispered, her release within reach.

to watch her face as she came around him, he leaned back taking hold of her
hips and sped his pace. Tension had her muscles constricting around him as her
orgasm neared, bringing his own ecstasy closer.

face came to life with a glow as her world exploded, wood crunching under her
grip as his name tore from her lips. It was all he needed to send him over the
edge. His balls tightened and he growled as he climaxed.

stayed buried within her as their breathing returned to normal.

She pulled her hand away from the edge of the desk, bringing with her small
pieces of wood. Her hand marks had left a permanent feature.

couldn’t help but laugh. Their lovemaking would always be visible on this desk.
“A piece of us for the new resort manager.”

knock on the door interrupted him before he could suggest a second round. “One
moment,” he called out. Then he slipped out of her and pulled up his jeans from
around his ankles. “There’s a bathroom through there if you want to dress while
I deal with him.”

wanting to greet Tex naked, she gathered her clothes and took her escape.

in.” He called as the bathroom door shut.

pushed open the door, a smirk painted on his face. “If you could spare a few
minutes, there’s something I need your assistance with.”

What’s going on?” He pulled the papers out of the drawer that he’d been trying
to get into the computer and looked up at Tex.

I was hoping you’d accompany me to speak with a clan member.”

should get these numbers into the system before Lukas arrives. Can it wait a

I’ll do that,” Summer hollered a second before the bathroom door opened.
“Sorry, I wasn’t eavesdropping, it’s just…”

waved away her apology. “You’re the Alpha Female of the West Virginia clan,
it’s your business too since I’m asking for your mate’s help.”

wanting her to dwell on her new status and what it could mean when visiting
other clans, he spoke up. “Are you sure you don’t mind dealing with these?”

it’s fine.” She crossed the space to the desk, and looked at the papers. “Then
they’re done and Lukas can get started on the systems. Plus, I don’t
mind…anything I can do. I just hate just sitting around here doing nothing.”

stood, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her. “I’ll be back soon.”

strolled from the room with a smile on his face. A quick afternoon lovemaking
session was just what he needed to get his old bones moving again. He turned to

going on?”

had a clan member, Cliff, leave. Ben and I weren’t sure where his loyalties
were. He was Avery’s cousin, there was an unhealthy devotion between them. No
matter what Avery did, Cliff never went against him. Cliff was brainwashed. I
suspected he might have a goal of becoming Alpha.” Tex explained, quickly
moving down the hall. “He left behind his two daughters with a note saying that
a life alone wasn’t for them. They needed to stay in the clan, to be raised
properly and find their mates.”

mother? How old?”

mother was one of the women Avery killed. While I was gone, he killed more then
a dozen members in his fits.” Tex shook his head.

know none of this is your fault.”

can’t help but feel responsible. From everything we gathered, it’s clear Avery
went off his hinges in those weeks. If I had returned…”

have killed you.” He took hold of Tex’s arm and stopped him. “Don’t give me
this shit, you know he would have and then where would the clan be? You’re
their Alpha now. It doesn’t matter how many people Avery killed, or why, it’s
your responsibly to put the pieces back. You can’t do that if you’re feeling
sorry for yourself.”

girls are nineteen and two.” Tex continued down the hallway. “It’s a large age
gap because they were forbidden to have any more children after Ashley. Claire
was an accident, which is why Avery demanded the woman’s life.”

If Claire is two, and the mother was killed while you were in Alaska, why did
Avery wait so long?”

had her sequestered with Claire, away from her husband. It was part of the
punishment. Cliff was told if he did everything to please Avery that his mate
and child would be returned in two years.” Tex clenched his fists. “The two
years passed while I was in Alaska. It seems that Cliff demanded his family be
returned. That’s when Avery demanded the woman’s life. Still he kept the child
locked away, only allowing one woman to visit.”

the woman?”

one knows. Only that Avery allowed her to visit the child, to care for her and
play with her.” Tex stopped in front of a door. “Damn it, Claire is terrified.
She’s curled up in a corner crying, refusing to allow anyone near her.”

do you want me to do?”

need to calm Ashley. Then we have to find the woman, if there really is one. She’s
our only chance to help the child.”

put out an arm, stopping Tex from opening the door. “Summer might be able to
help. She can talk to the women and try to find out who it might have been
while we’re dealing with Ashley.”

a phone over there.” Tex tipped his head to the side. “Extension thirty-two.
Call her and then meet me inside. I’ve got to help Ben.”

door opened and screaming flooded the hallway. A young girl’s sobs mixed in.

a mess.

shouldn’t have to suffer for their parents mistakes or grievances with an
Alpha. Inside that room, poor Claire was doing just that. Scared, alone, and
forced out of the room she had spent her whole life in. Jinx grabbed the phone,
dialed the extension, and hoped Summer would answer.



her attention on the stack of papers, Summer was at ease. She enjoyed doing
something—it didn’t matter what. It made it even better that she was doing
something that would improve things for the clan. Even with her leaving she
wanted them on the right track, and with each day her confidence of that grew.
Each day there were so many changes in the clan, the members, even the resort.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she would recognize the place when she returned.

phone on the desk rang, startling her. She watched it light up, the ringing
echoing in the room, and debated answering it. Surely it wasn’t for her, only
Jinx and Tex knew where she was. What if Lukas had arrived and someone thought
Jinx was still there?

she reached forward and cradled the phone in her hand before bringing it to her
ear. “Hello?”

was starting to think you wouldn’t answer.”

voice teased along her senses, and she could feel him almost as if he was in
the room with her. “Jinx? I thought…”

am, but we need your help. There was a woman visiting a small child that Avery
was keeping in the tunnels, and we need you to find her.”


know her?”

She kicked herself for not thinking of the girl before. “Autumn and I were
looking after her. Well, Autumn lately, I was too busy dealing with other
things for Avery. Is she…” Fearing the worst, she couldn’t bring herself to

alive, but she needs you. Come down the hall toward the reception area. I’ll be
waiting for you. Hurry.” He hung up before she could ask anything else.

Oh, that sweet child had been through
so much, and now she was being thrown into a world she knew nothing about. Her
mother was gone, and she barely knew her father. Had Cliff been reunited with
his daughter? With her heart breaking for the child, she saved the document she
was working and dashed from the room and down the hall.

found Jinx leaning against the wall, his black cowboy hat hiding his eyes from
a distance. She could feel his pain. He was worried about the child. Had he
seen her?

Cliff with her?” She asked, coming to a stop in front of him.

is gone. He’s left the clan and his daughters behind with only a note.” He
pushed off the wall and took her hand in his. “Claire is in the room behind me,
refusing to let anyone near. You’re our only hope of calming her down. She
needed someone to help her adjust to being outside of the room.”

do whatever I can.”

just want you prepared. I haven’t seen her yet, but Tex said she’s in bad
shape.” He squeezed her hand.

fine. It’s Claire I’m worried about.” With a nod, he let her hand go and opened
the door.

Ashley was screaming, her mate standing behind her trying to calm her, but Summer
looked beyond them, searching for Claire. There in the corner, Claire was
curled up in a ball. The blanket Summer had crocheted was wrapped around her,
and her head was buried in her knees as she sobbed.

Summer neared when the little girl didn’t look up. “Remember me?”

little girl let the blanket fall away from her, revealing just what kind of
state she was in. Dirt covered her clothes, and her fingers were raw as if she’d
tried to dig her way out of the room. She came to Summer’s open arms.

away from her!” Ashley screamed in the background. “That’s my sister.”

was the woman caring for her. She visited her while she was locked away. Shut
up and let her help,” Jinx ordered. “Claire’s fragile body can’t take much
more.” He stood guard at Summer’s back.

care for her. No one else.” Ashley tried to push past Jinx, but he wouldn’t let

can you be expected to do that when Claire is terrified of you? She won’t come
to anyone. Do you understand what that means? I’ve seen children give up their
will to live without the touch of another. Shifters are more likely, because
they need it to survive.”

he’s right. There’s nothing you can do for Claire right now. Let Summer help her.”

spun on her mate, anger heating her body and words. “You just don’t want to
take responsibility for her.”

about what this is doing to our own child.” Michael ran his hand over her
stomach. “We have our own family to care for. If Summer can help Claire, then
let her.”

my sister.” She sobbed.

interrupted them. “She’ll always be your sister. Since your father left her in
the clan’s care and she’s a minor, as Alpha I’m responsible for doing what’s
best for her. Right now, Summer is what’s best for her.”

let her take Claire?” Ashley turned to look at Tex. “Even when you know it
means she’ll go to another clan?”

Claire can’t open up and trust someone in this clan, what choice do we have?
Would you condemn your sister to a life of suffering, solitude, and possibly
death just to keep her in Texas?”

looked at Claire and Summer, sobs making her tremble, and shook her head.

it comes to that, Summer will bring Claire back often,” Tex reassured Ashley.

it all, Summer sat there with Claire in her arms unable to believe what she was
hearing. She was expected to care for the child. What did she know about being
a full-time mother? Nothing. She had been a part of Claire’s life since she was
born, always spending time with her each day, but taking on the responsibly of
motherhood when she’d only just mated might be too much. What about starting
her own family?

pushed all of it away for the moment and focused on the child. “I’ll work with
her, try to get her to open up. Right now, let me get her fed and cleaned up.
She’s starving and exhausted.”

don’t you go back to your room and rest?” Jinx suggested to Ashley. “Summer
will call you when Claire wakes, and maybe you can try visiting her then.”

mate wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Ash, they’re right. This isn’t
doing any good right now. Come on.” With some reluctance on her part, he led
her from the room. After the door shut behind them, Summer turned to Tex. “Are
you honestly suggesting I become a surrogate mother to her?”

the looks of it, you already have.” Tex nodded at the girl’s grip around
Summer’s neck.

stepped closer, coming to her other side. “As Tex said before, what choice do
we have? Claire needs someone and right now that has to be you.”

looked at Jinx, hoping he’d throw in some logic as to why she couldn’t do it.
Instead he agreed. “Mate, I believe you’ve just become a mother.

can you take this lightly?”

would you like me to do? Rant and rave?” He slipped his hands into the pockets
of his jeans. “Lass, you must know that isn’t my way. I wouldn’t toss Claire
out into the world of hungry tigers alone.”

leaned against the arm of the sofa. “This is all too sudden.”

step at a time.” Jinx grabbed the crocheted blanket from the ground and stepped
closer. Claire’s grip tightened on Summer’s neck. “Little lass, I mean you no
harm.” He tucked the blanket around her. “Let’s use my suite. There’s enough
room that we can add a cot. You can get her cleaned up and I’ll see about food.”

cleared his throat from where he stood across the room. “
see about
the food. You stay with them until we can get someone else to.” When everyone
turned to him, he glanced at his sister and added, “I don’t think Ashley’s
going to give up. Claire is the only family she has left, and a pregnant
tigress is unruly. I just want you both safe.”

believe this brings us to another topic.” Jinx looked from each of them before
his gaze finally settled on Tex. “With your permission, now that our mating is
official, I’d like to fly in Elder guards for Summer and Claire.”

the state of the clan, I believe that would be wise,” Tex agreed. “However, I
ask that you keep it to four guards. Any more might have some of the clan on
edge, more so than they already are.”

a moment, don’t I get any say in this?” Summer asked.

Jinx and Ben said without even bothering to look at her.

that, Claire?” Summer peeked down at the little girl’s dirty face. “That is
your first lesson on not giving men power. They’ll try to rule you into
submission.” She smoothed her hand over the girl’s back. “Come on, love, let’s
get you cleaned up while Ben finds you something to eat.” She glanced over at
her brother. “Ben, do you think you can rustle up some pizza with pepperoni for
us? It’s her favorite.”

he teased. “I only offered to get it for the little girl who stole my heart
with her tears.”

a roll of her eyes, Summer strolled from the room. Ben was always a ladies’ man
when there wasn’t any danger, and he’d been trying to win Claire over. From the
way she moved to look at him, Summer had a feeling it was working.

* * *

sat on the edge of the cot, tucking Claire in. The sleepy little girl clung to
a stuffed tiger Ben had bribed her with so he could get the filthy blanket
she’d held onto. Looking down at the sweet face, she couldn’t understand how
Cliff could run off and leave her behind. He had to have known the state she’d
be in when they released her from the cell she’d been in since she was born.

okay?” Jinx came up behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

do you just leave a child behind?”

kind has always done it. Normally it’s not until they’re older and can take
care of themselves. In the states we have adapted to their ways and wait until
the child reaches adulthood—eighteen—but in other countries the children are
younger. Mind you, none as young as Claire, but some parents don’t care. Look
at humans, they do it too, and sometimes

comfort, she reached up, laying her hand over his. “She’s so innocent.”

there’s nothing I can say that will make this right or even easier, but you’re
that little girl’s only hope.” He squeezed her shoulders gently. “Ashley wants
her because she feels it’s her duty, but there’s no bond there. Claire needs
you now more than ever.”

I be what she needs? What do I know about raising a child?”

woman has instincts. Trust them, and never think you’ll be alone. You won’t be.
There are plenty of experienced mothers in West Virginia, and Alaska to help
you if you need it.”

turned to look at him. “You keep saying me, but this involves you too. I’m not
the only one expected to take on the parenting role with Claire. She’ll need a

never meant to imply I wouldn’t be there. Claire will be our responsibly if she
comes with us. Not only to bring up correctly, but to protect.” He pulled her
to her feet, his fingers traveling down the length of her arms before going
back up. “Fatherhood, well that’s a new role for me, one that I’d be excited to
take on. I have extensive experience with children, through my clan. We are a
very close bunch, and believe strongly that it takes a village, or in this case
a clan, to raise a child. No parents are left without help.”

serious about this aren’t you? We’re really going to take Claire with us.”

would you have us do? Claire is in a fragile state right now. If we abandon her
it could be the end for her. When Ashley gives birth, don’t you think Claire
will be pushed aside?”

glanced at Claire, sleeping peacefully, and wondered what would happen if she
stayed with Ashley. “What about when we have children of our own?”

have the bond with her, as if she was your own child. Ashley does not. Ashley
is also just a few weeks from giving birth. She’s not ready to handle both a
new baby and Claire, especially not because she feels it’s her duty.” He
brushed his finger along her jawline, gently turning her head so she was
looking at him. “Claire will never be second to you or me, not even if we have
a dozen children. I can see the bond connecting you to her. Search your heart
and you’ll know the right thing to do.”

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