Jinx's Mate (10 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Jinx's Mate
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soft glow of the moon shone through the window, casting just enough light for
Summer to watch Jackson with Claire. The sweet girl had been terrified when she
woke to the alarm going off. Summer had calmed her but when Jackson stepped
into the bedroom to check on them she held her arms out to him.

reaction from Claire had both been joyful and painful for Summer. It was good
to see Claire connecting with others, but at the same time painful because she
didn’t seem to want Summer to hold her.

that instant she realized how blind she was in this parenthood. Normally
parents, and the Elders, could feel a child’s emotions just as the Elders did
for all the clan members, but not with Claire. She had no commitments to the
clan, no blood bond to anyone in the clan, making her an enigma.

elevator ding sounded like a quarter dropping in a silent room, sending a wave
a fear through her. Carson already had his gun trained on the door when Jackson
stepped around her, putting himself in front of her and the doorway to Claire.

think it’s Jinx,” she whispered, afraid to speak any louder.

should be,” he reassured her. “The elevator is only coded to open to those Jinx
allows. The three of you, Lukas, Carson and me—no one else unless someone was
able to override the system. With the triple steel doors that are supposed to
withhold any attack, we can’t smell anyone inside. Just stay back until we know
for sure.”

glanced back at Claire, making sure she was still asleep, before turning her
gaze back to the elevator doors. Never before had it taken an eternity for an
elevator to go three floors, at least not until then.

elevators opened and she heard Jinx’s voice. “It’s me and everything is under
control.” He stepped out of the elevator and Carson holstered his gun. “It was
a bear.”

moved aside and she went to him. “Animal or shifter?”

He slipped his arm around her waist. “Seems while I was away some of the guards
decided to slack on their duties marking the perimeter. I’ll deal with them in
the morning, and Lukas will see that the perimeter is marked. How’s Claire?”

got her back to sleep.”

He looked over at the Captain of the Guards. “Getting in some fatherly
experience before it’s your time? Don’t blame you there.”

a sweet child, and surprisingly she took to me. I’m happy to do whatever I can
to make things easier for her, and for both of you.” Jackson stepped away from
Claire’s doorway. “Carson and I will leave now. If you need anything, we’re
just downstairs.”

you.” Jinx nodded and turned back to her. “Now as for you…” He reached down,
scooping Summer into his arms, and carried her toward the bedroom.

are you doing? Put me down.”

been thinking about how much I want you, how I want to be buried deep within
you.” He laid her on the bed and tugged at the tank top she threw on.

knew an alarm call in the middle of the night could turn into something so
exciting?” She unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall away.

off your pants,” he ordered, pulling off his cowboy boots and stepping out of
his jeans.

my mate, always demanding.”

can’t help it if I like you naked, to feel your body against mine, bare skin to
bare skin.” He pounced on her, landing on top of her and pressing her back
against the bed. “You’re mine, now and always. I love you.”

love you too.” She slipped her hand between them, wrapping her hand around his
shaft and applying just enough pressure that he arched over her. “I love that I
have so much control over my big strong Alpha.”

your hand is there…” The words stopped as her fingers slid down the length of


that…ahhh…how could anyone resist you?” He leaned closer, pressing his lips to
hers in a hungry kiss.

me,” she ordered. Their beasts mingled within them, caressing each other. No
longer could she wait; she needed him like she needed her next breath.

breaking the kiss, he slid between her legs. His shaft teased along her folds
before he gently pushed into her, bringing a moan to her lips. With his shaft
buried deep within her, she felt whole. Their connection was taken to a whole
new level. With each touch it sent pleasure shooting through her.

She lifted her hips to meet his as he pumped into her.

demanding.” With each stroke he brought it up another level, slowly
intensifying the tempo until she was ready to roll him over and do it herself.
When her control was almost at its limit, his hips slammed into her as she met
each thrust.

for me, lass. I want to feel your muscles tighten against me.”

later, an orgasm coursed through her. Her body arched into him, nails digging
into the soft skin of his back. “Ah, Jinx.”

later he buried his head in her shoulder, growling her name as his own release
followed. Nuzzling her neck, he stayed buried deep within her. “How did I ever
get so lucky?” He kissed a line along her neck, working his way to her ear.

you keep doing that, I’m going to be ready for round two.”

if agreeing, his shaft twitched, hardening against the walls of her core.
“Shifters are known for their stamina.”

She moaned, teasing her fingers along his sides. “You might be Mr. Eveready,
but I do need a little recovery time.”

could feel a slight twinge of disappointment as he slid from her. He lay next
to her, the length of his body pressed against her.

was something I wanted to ask you.”

some reason, I have a feeling this isn’t going to be sweet after-sex conversation.”

laced her fingers through his. “It’s not bad, but not good either.”

I love when you narrow things down.” He squeezed her hand. “Just get it out.”

can’t feel Claire like I can the other members. Can you?”

He leaned up on his arm, and looked down at her, panic widening his eyes. “I
had hoped to approach you about that now that we’re here. I was hoping you’d
established a bond with her.”

trying, he had managed to bring all her fears to life. Their daughter was a mystery.
One neither of them would be able to control if she ever went against them.
They’d never know until it was too late.

are we going to do?”

her right.” He caressed her thigh. “It’s all we can do. Raise her right and
hope for the best. When she’s old enough to commit to the clan…”

if she won’t? What then?” When he didn’t answer, she watched him carefully.
“Would you really force our daughter to leave the clan?”

lass.” He pulled her tight against him.

would, wouldn’t you?” She blinked away the tears.

not going to come to that.”

don’t know that. After everything she’s seen…she could turn against us. Against
us all.” Thinking the little girl in the next room, so small and dependent,
could one day turn against them broke her heart. It was the worse pain she ever
felt, even worse then the day she lost Autumn. “Answer me, truthfully. You’d
force her to leave the clan, wouldn’t you? Our own daughter.”

West Virginia Tigers have always been a little different. Many of our families
stay together, stay here. We’re a family clan.” He paused, his lips curved down
in a frown. “Even with all that and the love I already have for Claire, yes, I
would. I wouldn’t have a choice. We can’t risk our whole clan, everyone that
depends on us, for someone that is against us no matter who they are.”

if she was our own flesh and blood?”

wouldn’t have this issue with our flesh and blood, they would be connected to
us from birth. There would never be a doubt of loyalty to us or the clan.” He
squeezed her hand. “I’m truly sorry but I can’t give you the words you want to
hear. I can only tell you that if we raise her right and do what we can to help
her put the past behind her, we stand a good chance of never having to make
that decision.”

wished that was enough to calm her, but it wasn’t. If anything it frightened
her, and made her want to question every decision she made. Would one of their
decisions give Claire a reason to turn against them in the future?

* * *

sat in his home office dealing with clan business. Going over the things that
had slipped to the side while he was in Alaska. So much work and so little time
before they had to go back to Alaska. He had forced Lukas to choose between his
duty to the clan and the Nerd Crew. Now Jinx had a feeling the day would soon
arrive when he would have to make a similar choice.

clan needed him here, and his family needed stability instead of always
traveling, but on the other side of things Ty and Tabitha needed him. Somehow
there had to be a balance. One that would allow him to be there for Tabitha and
her new world, while still giving himself completely to his family and clan.

his computer alerted him to a call from Ty through the secure computer
transmissions that Lukas himself had coded. Leaning back against the leather
chair he pushed the button, accepting the call. A brief moment later Ty’s face
filled the screen.

has you up and busy this early?”

sat in his own home office, his shoulder length dark hair pulled back in a
leather strap and worry lines creasing his face. “We received a call from Tex.
Cliff attacked the compound last night with three other former clan members.
They’re dead.”

everyone in Texas okay? Ben?” The thought of telling his mate that her brother
was injured or worse when they had just left the day before made him ill.

fine. One of the guards was shot but he’s going to be fine.”

I can’t help but wonder why you called.” Jinx tossed the pen he had been
rolling between his hands on the desk.

Texas Tigers proved they are strong by overcoming their first attack. It was
the final step needed. Tabitha will be making her announcement soon. We’d like
for you to be here for it, and we need Lukas to patch into every clan’s
computer system for the announcement.”

need time to put in place the final Elder guards for Summer and Claire, which I
have planned for this evening. We could leave first thing in the morning if
that’s soon enough for you.” He wasn’t going to take Summer and Claire without
additional guards to keep them safe.

will be fine.” Ty nodded. “We’ll set the announcement for the following day.”

believe Lukas has already received your approval for Eric to join us. He’s
seeking to have Eric come on as one of the Nerd Crew so he can manage both

I agreed that Raja, Connor, and I would meet with him.” Ty’s office door open
and Felix stepped in. “I must go, there’s much I need to attend to before the
announcement. We’ll see you tomorrow.” With that Ty clicked off.

leaned back against the chair. In less than forty-eight hours everything for
their kind was about to change. Tabitha was about to become Queen of the
Tigers. There was bound to be backlash from it, and he had to be damn sure he’d
have his house in order so the clan and his family were protected.



list of new Elder guards had been created—only one name left before they could
end the discussion. Summer sat on the sofa with Claire playing at her feet, and
Jinx next to her. Jackson sat across from them giving his input on the status
of the potential guards.

discuss Meshell.” She knew Jinx had been putting it off, and now it was time to
confront it head on.

observed her training, what did you think?” Jackson inquired.

know next to nothing about hand-to-hand combat, weapons, or anything else that
you covered with her today. She seemed good, and she’s a good shot. But I think
you need to tell me what you thought of her actions today.” Summer tossed the
question back at Jackson. Avery had never taught them any kind of combat skills,
so even though Meshell looked good to her, it didn’t mean she was.

I told Jinx before, Meshell is a good prospect. She takes orders well, and as
you said she’s a good shot. Even with as many hours as she puts in at the gym
she’s still outweighed and out-powered by most men. That could be an issue in a
fight, if she can’t shoot because innocents are in the way,” Jackson explained.

happens when she’s protecting my family and is overpowered?” Jinx asked.

not going to be the only guard with them. When Meshell is on there will be
three. We can have her assigned when I’m on duty if you’d prefer.” Jackson
leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees. “I’ve been training her on some
tactical moves that will allow her to take down someone twice her size without
using her gun. There’s also the option of giving her a high powered stun gun,
or a handgun that is armed with tranquilizers.”

leaned forward, his gaze on Jackson. “You honestly believe she’s up for the
challenge and that Summer or Claire won’t be in more danger while she’s on

nodded. “With all due respect, I do. Giving her a chance will allow her to
become a better guard, and she’ll protect your family.”

Jinx waited for her last words on the matter.

trust Jackson. If he believes she’s ready, then she’s ready.”

well.” Jinx nodded. “She’ll be the last guard, with the stipulation that she’s
only to be on duty when you or Carson are on and that she must continue her
training. This will be a trial run, to make sure she’s up for the duties which
will be expected of her.”

guards for her and little Claire seemed like too many to Summer, especially
since when she was safely in the house with Jinx she didn’t need a guard. But
Jinx wouldn’t settle for anything less than six, and with Meshell as an add-on
it left her with a total of seven. Jackson, Carson, Garth, Larry, Duncan, Hugo,
and Meshell.

you’d like I can gather them and make the announcement. I know you have a lot
to do before leaving in the morning,” Jackson suggested.

nodded, lacing his fingers through Summer’s. “That would be fine. I’m hoping to
make it a quick trip to Alaska, there’s much I need to deal with here, so not
everyone will be going. Have Garth and Hugo prepare themselves. They will be
the additional guards along with you and Carson.”

stood. “Very well. I’ll see to it.”

last thing.” Jinx grabbed the box sitting on the coffee table. “These are ear
pieces, and I want all the guards to wear them. Lukas is handing them out to
all the ground guards. Now that we’ve decided on Elder guards, they need to have
them as well.” He held it up so they could see it. “These are specifically
designed for the Elder guards, and they have a second channel built in. By
touching the red button on this side, the Elder team can hear any message
delivered. If there’s ever a breach of security, this will allow for us to
communicate without everyone knowing what is happening. It stays in your ear at
all times, and there’s a sleep mode so it will only alert you if there’s an

mentioned the Alaskan Tigers having something similar. It will be great for the
guards to know what’s happening, and will allow us to keep everyone safe.”
Jackson took the box.

anyone has questions about them, Lukas will be available to assist,” Jinx
explained. “Unless something comes up, you’re off duty once you’ve dealt with
that. I’ll be in this evening, Lukas will be coming up for a meeting, than
we’ve got some work to do ourselves.”

see you both in the morning then.” Jackson took his exit.

did you have in mind for the evening?” Summer smirked, her fingers teasing over
the back of his hand.

sweet lass, I’d love to take you to our bedroom and have my way with you until
the sun comes up. Unfortunately, I have work I must attend to. With all my time
in Alaska there were some things that fell to the wayside.”

understand. Plus, there’s always tonight.” She glanced down at Claire, still
silently playing with her dolls. “I should see if I can make any progress with
her. She’s having a good day, maybe a play date would be good for her.”

see about arranging a play date with Lisa. She’s nineteen months, but I think they
might be a good fit. Lisa’s shy and doesn’t speak much. If it can be arranged
there’s a playroom that a lot of the children use, so that might be a good
place. I’ll have Carson take you there. I hope you understand.”

fine. Thank you. I’ll get her ready.”

stopped her before she could stand. “Give me about twenty minutes to arrange

nodded. “Sweetie, we’re going to get ready and go for a play date. Would you
like to meet a little girl about your age and play with her?”

had told her to keep asking Claire questions as if she’d answer. It would
provoke her, but not getting an answer every time was hard. What if Claire
never spoke at all?

* * *

where piled up in front of Jinx, each of them needing his attention. Attention
he didn’t have—he couldn’t seem to focus. Summer and Claire had been gone over
an hour at their play date.

in him wanted to go to them, to see how things were going. The only thing that
kept him rooted to his seat was he didn’t want to disturb them if they were
making progress. Claire’s future mattered more to him than his curiosity. With
a groan, he forced himself back to the paperwork.

Lukas called.

was so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t even heard the elevator. “In here.” He
pushed back his chair, thankful for the break.

saw Jackson on my way up, he’s done with the guards. He’s going to relieve
Carson so he can pack and take over guard duties.” Lukas sat down on the chair
across from him. “The border is marked. Eric is nervous, but ready, so we’ll be
ready to go first thing in the morning. Any changes with Claire?”

yet. She’s still not speaking, but being here has seemed to relax her some.
Hopefully going to Alaska won’t disturb that.”

could always leave them here and I can stay behind with them.”

shook his head. “Thank you, but no. We need to at least try with Robin. If she
can’t help, she may have some suggestions on what we can do.”

we’re on the subject of Claire…I really don’t know how to say this.”

don’t feel the connection.” He knew what Lukas was thinking.


no blood relation between us, so we don’t have the normal connection that is
passed to the children of the clan members, and she’s not old enough to commit
to the clan. We’re going to be blind to her for the next several years.” Since
Summer voiced her fears they’d been lurking in his mind. Claire was an unknown
to them. Everything she witnessed might have sent her down a path she couldn’t
return from.

about Tex? Does he feel her? The connection from her parents should have passed
down to him once he took over as Alpha, shouldn’t it?”

blind to her. Meaning one of two things, either the parents were never
committed to Avery and he only had them under him because of force. Or…” Jinx
couldn’t bring himself to continue.

she’s already headed down a path we can’t bring her back from. One where she’ll
become an enemy to us, and our kind.” Lukas finished for him.

The single word came out more like a whisper. “There’s no way for us to tell
until she starts showing signs.”


asked me the same thing last night.” He leaned forward, gripping the pen in his
hand until it shattered. “I’d have no choice. Summer believes I’d force her to
leave the clan, but it’s so much more than that.”

she’s a true enemy to us…”

cut off Lukas before he could finish. “She’d have to be eliminated.”

had come to love the little lass, and thinking of what the future might bring
terrified him and made him sick. Avery had done so much damage, but the one who
might have suffered the most was Claire.


too. Claire deserves a chance, and we’ll give it to her, but now that we know
this it will always be in the back of our minds. We will always wonder if one
day we’ll wake up and she’d be against us.” He dropped the destroyed pen in the
trash bin and looked back at Lukas. “How do you stop something like that from
happening? How do you get a child to put everything she witnessed behind her
and embrace the good of our kind?”

don’t have the answer. You know I’ll do whatever I can to keep her from going
down that path.”

more of an option for her because of everything she’s seen. At that age, their
brains are developing, they’re impressionable. From the nightmares she’s having
I believe Avery tortured her mother while she watched. That could haunt a
person for life.” Part of him wished they had made Avery suffer as he made
others suffer. But that would’ve only brought him and the others down to
Avery’s level; they were better than that.

now she’s surrounded by love and a clan that cares. Don’t give up hope, it’s
not too late.” Lukas took a sip from the bottle of water he had. “Once we start
giving up on her, then and only then is it too late for her.”

up isn’t an option, not until we know for sure it’s too late.”

did one ever lose hope where their child was concerned? If the time came, he
wondered if he would he be able to do his duty and take down Claire before she
could hurt someone.

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