Read Janus' Conquest Online

Authors: Dawn Ryder

Janus' Conquest (5 page)

BOOK: Janus' Conquest
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Reaching for an image album, she stroked the silky fabric cover. Her mother had constantly been creating little things of beauty such as the album. Fay recalled how often she had to move a box of fabrics and beads in order to sit at the dining table for supper. Her mother had used the table for her crafting creations during the day.

Turning the page, she looked at the face of her mother. It had been eight years since her passing. A tragic thing that still haunted the daughter and mate she had left behind.

Her mother had been near her birth time with a second child. It was almost unheard of, complications that resulted in death during childbirth, but at sunrise her mother had been smiling and rubbing her swollen tummy…by noon she’d died from blood loss.

The growing baby had somehow torn her mother’s body so badly that the medical personnel couldn’t keep her life’s blood inside her flesh. Her unfortunate baby brother had died before his mother due to lack of oxygen flowing through his umbilical cord to supply him with precious breath.

A shiver shook her body as Fay considered the last image she had of her mother.

The woman staring back at her from the album page wouldn’t have stood for her mate being accused either. Fay felt that truth burn through her as she set the album on its shelf with a careful hand. She began to place her other belongings into a box. She often looked at the album at night, after her prayers were said. So it would remain out for the 31

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remaining six days she would be sleeping in the Hunter sphere. But everything else would be sorted and packed as she made ready for her new life. She sorted out her finer robes because such costly items would have no place in a penal sphere. Fay scolded herself for stroking one of the robes. It was a dark magenta one that she adored, but she needed to be stronger than the lure of a fine garment. Instead of glossy dressing robes, she placed sturdy work ones into the box at her feet. The little satin slippers that matched the magenta robe were left where the Hunters had piled them during their search.

A satisfied smile curved her lips when she finished. Two boxes held her practical clothing. She hung the shimmering social robes back in the closet. They belonged there, in the Hunter sphere. Those robes were a solid reminder of the life she was willingly casting off. A sense of accomplishment filled her as she finished hanging the last one.

Her father had bought them for her to wear while attending social engagements meant to help her decide on a mate.

Janus’ image rose in her memory and pain twisted through her. She hugged herself as she bit into her lip, trying to banish the regret flowing through her. The Hunter’s blue eyes haunted her with their display of desire. Harsh disappointment flared through her as she faced the truth that she had seen that passion for the last time. His kiss taunted her with the possibility she had cast aside last night. So many lost opportunities rose from her mind as she recognized what leaving the Hunter sphere meant.

She would never have the chance to touch Janus again. The choice was gone now, evaporated like morning dew. Her nipples tingled as she considered the fact that she would never know what it felt like to allow Janus to suckle them. He’d wanted to, demanded her submission. It was amazing how much more agreeable she was to that idea now that she had to embrace the reality that Janus might not want her anymore.

“Well, I shall simply endure.” No one would take her own confidence from her.

“Easier said than done.”


Janus’ Conquest

She jumped and turned too quickly. Her ankle rolled under her own weight, crumpling with a painful twist that made her gasp. Janus caught her arm and slipped his arm right under hers to support her body. He clasped her to his chest as her hands landed on top of his pectorals.

“What are you doing here?” Not that her question truly mattered. He was there.

Discovering the details would not change that she was pressed against his body.

“Your dwelling is no longer private, Fay.”

Although true, due to the nature of her father’s recent arrest, there was still honor to be observed. Her fingertips begged her to simply allow Janus the excuse, let him continue to clasp her against his body because it felt so delightful. Yet his voice wasn’t harsh like so many she’d heard today. It was only firm. After a full rotation of duty with her coworkers, she was highly sensitive to any hint of kindness, even from Janus.

But that was weak of her. She could not begin to depend on his strength. No one ever grew strong if they allowed others to hold them up. Pushing against his chest she strained away from the hard body her flesh craved. “You abuse your position by entering my sleeping room. It was not something I thought to see you doing the moment my sire was removed from between us, Janus.”

She was free instantly. At least her body was. She still felt overwhelmed by his presence in her sleeping room. It was as though he now could strip each and every façade aside and stare at her naked form. It was so much more than skin. At that moment she felt exposed right down to her soul.

But she had always feared Janus could do that to her. It was the sort of danger you needed to harbor a healthy respect for, unless you wanted to be consumed by the predator stalking you.

“I did depress the door chime.” His eyes flashed with enjoyment for a moment before his lips pressed into a firm line of guilt. “Yet your point is well spoken, even if I have a good case for arguing against it.” His eyes moved down her body. He did it slowly, taking in each curve. Heat rose up her neck and bled across her cheeks before he 33

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moved his gaze back to her eyes. “Your resistance has prompted me to become more aggressive than I intended. That is not an excuse, simply an explanation. It is time you understood how determined I am.”

Wasn’t that exactly like she thought he would be? Always believing in his correctness. Never granting her any space because he desired her? Therefore, she belonged to him simply because he had decided to claim her? “I have told you before, Janus. You need to find a female more suited to your demanding nature.”

A hard hand cupped her jaw, holding her head in place as he stepped closer to her again. Her nipples tightened into hard peaks that ached for freedom from her robe.

Heat bled over her skin, making the fabric of her garment too stifling. Janus leaned down until his breath brushed her lips.

“And I have made it plain to you, Fay, that I will have you.”

“Don’t kiss me.”

She pressed her hand against his mouth. Surprise flashed through him as he felt her fingers touching his lips. Her voice was high and coated with desperation. But it was a vastly different form of that emotion than the fear-fueled sort he had come to expect from her. Something flickered through her eyes as the tip of her tongue appeared and moved over her lower lip. It was hunger. A deep craving that mirrored his own. Janus stared at the need shimmering in her gaze as the last remains of his doubt crumbled.

She wasn’t straining against his hold. The reason was clear as his gaze found the twin points of her hard nipples. Fay was more afraid of her response to him than of his approach. He had made an error but it was one he was happy to discover.

“Sweet Fay. You are better at camouflage than I ever suspected.” He leaned down and grazed her inner wrist with his teeth. She shivered as sensation raced down her arm and into her hard nipples. His opposite hand rose and pressed over one breast, his thumb gently stroking the aching tip of her right breast. “I thought you feared me, but the reality is that you fear your own reaction to me.” It was an acceptable fear in a 34

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chaste female. She was not weak, merely uncertain. It was going to be his pleasure to introduce her to passion.

Her eyes rounded with guilt as a little moan rose from her lips. It was the permission he’d often dreamed of, that undeniable proof that her body hungered for the same hard connection his flesh craved. His cock swelled harder in his pants, and he enjoyed the painful sensation of it. Twisting her wrists slightly, he held them up for a hard kiss, scraping his teeth along her tender skin. He felt her limb shake against his palm. Releasing her arm, he captured both sides of her face and closed the distance between their bodies. She gasped as he pressed his mouth against hers, pushing her lips wide to accept his kiss.

Fantasies were not nearly as intense as reality, at least not when it came to Janus.

Suspecting he might be able to steal every thought from her brain with his touch did not truly prepare her for the reality of her mind surrendering to his assault. Sweet pleasure poured over her, sweeping aside any further ideas of what she thought she longed for. What was independence compared to the need clamoring from her pussy for penetration? Both urges battled as Janus ran his tongue over her lower lip in a slow motion. She shivered because she only expected hard, fast possession from him. The slow lapping along her tender lip drew the pleasure out, suspending her in the moment as she hungered for him to thrust his tongue deep into her mouth where she might stroke it with her own.

He slid one hard hand around her face and into her hair. His fingers tightened slightly, sending a little tingle of pain down her spine. It mixed with the need in her pussy, making her hips thrust towards his body in blatant invitation. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as his hand tipped her head back to take his penetration. His free hand boldly stroked down the length of her neck. He moved his fingers slowly over her bare skin as she let her tongue mingle with his. His taste and scent combined, fanning the flare of need burning in her pussy. It was no longer confined to her clit—there was a deep need to be filled clamoring for her to yield to him. Even the knowledge that Janus 35

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would demand her submission made her shiver. Her body wanted only the strongest male to possess it.

“You’re soft. So smooth and soft.” His voice was low and edged with demand. He held on to the nape of her neck, keeping her prisoner as he stroked her neck all the way to where her robe prevented him from touching her shoulder. His fingers slid over her chest to one breast. “Except here. This is hard.”

A whimper rose from her throat as he teased her nipple with a thumb, rubbing over it in a small circle while his gaze remained steadily locked with hers. “I enjoy touching you, Fay.” His thumb stopped and remained in place as he tightened his hand once more to pull her hair slightly. “But you will offer me your submission or I will leave your body hungry.”

It was a firm promise. She hissed into his face and he chuckled at her temper. “Such a temper. It’s far past time I proved my ability to master you.”

“Don’t you dare!” Whatever else she might have spat at him died in a muffled gasp as she was turned and pushed facedown onto her own bed. Janus controlled her descent, pressing her into the soft sleeping surface as he caught the hem of her robe. She gasped a moment later as the cool night air brushed her wet thighs. He tossed her hem up to her shoulders and boldly rubbed her bare bottom. Pleasure twisted through her pussy. It was so deep, she couldn’t do anything but pant for a long moment as his fingers gently massaged and rubbed her cheeks.

“Your thighs glitter with the proof you deny me.” His voice was harsh now, disapproval clear. He leaned his forearm across her shoulders to hold her down as he stroked the top of her inner thighs with a single finger. “Wet with a compliance that no amount of sputtering can deny.”

A hard smack landed on her exposed bottom. She cried out as she bucked up off her bed. Janus pressed her down easily as he delivered a second slap to her opposite cheek.


Janus’ Conquest

“I will be most happy to take you in hand.” He smacked her right cheek and then her left. A crazy pleasure was racing through her. Some kind of primitive enjoyment of being held down by his greater strength. It doubled her hunger as a snarl of pure passion escaped her lips. She had no idea if the sound was enjoyment or temper, she simply could not separate the impulses. Everything centered under his hand as it rose and descended on her bottom. The sharp sting of the blow traveling into her pussy as she listened to the pop of flesh hitting flesh.

“I will not fuck you until you kneel in front of me.” Janus smacked her bottom again and growled with approval as she hissed. He leaned down until his chest was pressing along her back. “Do you like that, Fay? My hand on your bottom? I can smell how hot it’s making your pussy. Did you know that?”

A single finger stroked her slit. Her hips bucked in response, but the folds of her flesh were slick just as he’d said. Pleasure shot up from his touch as he stroked the center of her slit from the opening to her pussy to the little button of her clit. A hoarse cry rose from her lips as he fingered her clit, gently rubbing it. Sweat broke out all over her skin as tension tightened under that finger. His breath hit her ear. Her bottom was hot from his smacking. It was all too much, and there was no way to control her body.

Too much sensation pulled her down into an abyss of pleasure edged with sharp sensation. It all centered under his finger as he pressed harder on her clit. Her thighs spread wider to allow him better access. A deep growl hit her ears as he increased the speed, rubbing her clit faster. A moment later pleasure ripped up into her pussy. She cried out as it jerked her body and snapped it like a leather whip. Pleasure raced along her nerves, pulling and jerking her as it moved out from her clit. Her heart raced so quickly her lungs couldn’t keep pace with it. Dark spots danced before her eyes as she shivered and clawed at the bedding beneath her face.

A second later, Janus rolled her over. His hands were unexpectedly gentle as he pressed her back onto her bed. His hand settled onto her bare belly, smoothing over her belly and mons. He grunted approval of her hairless state. Only females of mature age 37

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visited a hair-removal salon. Each and every pubic hair was now lasered off for the rest of her life, the follicles killed at the root. It was just a custom, but now she understood as Janus stroked the smooth skin, just exactly why females had begun subduing their modesty long enough to have the hair removed. Little ripples of delight were moving up her slit from his fingertips.

BOOK: Janus' Conquest
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