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Authors: Dawn Ryder

Janus' Conquest (14 page)

BOOK: Janus' Conquest
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“I’m going to break you of that habit. Your lips are as soft as ripe summer fruit.

Don’t bite them.” His hand cupped the side of her neck as he closed the distance completely. Her body was pressed against his larger one as his lips pressed a warm kiss against her neck. His breath brushed her ear as he held her head in place. “I will take over the duty of biting you as well.”


Janus’ Conquest

Fay slapped his chest and wriggled. “Your uniform is harsh against my skin.” That wasn’t her true complaint, but it sounded better than whining about how simply he managed to set her emotions bubbling. Her uncertainty was tripling by the second as she recognized how vulnerable she felt. It was more than skin, it felt as if her heart was on display as well, a simple thing for him to take possession of. She felt powerless to prevent yielding even her more intimate emotions to him.

Janus released her with a stiff nod. “I had not considered that.” He brushed a hand over his chest. His fingers were still bare, the black gloves that completed his uniform still clipped to his weapons belt. One corner of his mouth twitched up into the boyish grin. “I promise to remove it the moment I return from my duty.”

“Don’t trouble yourself on my account.”

Janus chuckled at her sarcasm. “Come into the front room. I need to record your prints in the main computer so that you can command the living space while I’m gone.”

Fay stared at his wide back for a long moment before she managed to shake herself enough to follow him. She yanked a male shirt off a neat stack of clean garments waiting to be sorted into his clothing storage cabinets and shrugged into it. The light fabric covered her nude skin and it fell below her mons. Janus was waiting for her and his eyes swept her as she crossed over into the front room.

“I like that outfit. You should wear it more often.”

A husky little bubble of laughter escaped her throat. A giddy ripple of enjoyment moved through her, empowering her to move towards him with a confidence she’d lacked in the sleeping chamber. “This thing? I just picked it up on impulse somewhere.”

She flared her hand in a few circles as she shrugged and enjoyed the way Janus grinned at her jest.

“You should shop there more often.” His eyes shimmered with an appreciation that made her heart fill with tenderness again.

“I’m not sure I can recall just where I got it.”


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He moved like a raptor, swooping down to capture her in his unforgiving talons.

She was held captive against his hard chest as one of his hands threaded through her unbound hair to grip the back of her head. “I will be most happy to jog your memory.”

His mouth sealed out her gasp. But it was the sound of delight fueled by the excitement rising up inside her. She was suddenly hungry for his taste and she reached for his shoulders as she opened her mouth for his kiss. His tongue thrust deeply into her mouth and she stroked it with the tip of her own. A harsh groan shook his chest as she felt his cock hardening behind his uniform. Her clit throbbed with approval as his fingers tightened on the back of her head so that he could kiss her harder. It was hard, but it sent more excitement racing through her. She felt her pussy heating as fluid moved down the sensitive walls. Janus trailed his lips across her cheek and jaw to her neck. He growled softly next to her ear before licking the tender skin of her neck. A hard shudder shook her and she heard a second growl of approval from him.

“The scent of your pussy drives me insane—did you know that, sweet Fay?” He scraped his teeth gently over the spot he’d licked. Her nipples contracted until they were hard points stabbing into his chest. “I can smell your slit as it becomes wet.”

She whimpered, but it wasn’t a pathetic sound. It was a deep yearning communication from her body. His words were as powerful as the scent of his skin. No one had ever used words such as those in her hearing, but they simply fit him with their bluntness.

“I want to back you up against the wall and fuck you as you clasp me with your thighs.”

His voice became harsher with each word. His fingers tightened, pulling her hair until little nips of pain traveled over her scalp, but it mingled with the hot need clamoring in her pussy. Opening her eyes, she licked her lower lip and listened to the little pants coming from her mouth.

“Then do it.”


Janus’ Conquest

His head jerked away from her neck and their gazes fused. Hunger blazed in his blue eyes and it sent another shiver down her spine. Running her tongue over her lower lip, she watched the way his eyes followed the little movement. Gripping his shoulders she dug her fingers into the hard muscle slightly to regain his attention. “Do it, Janus.

Take me.” She pulled his head down and whispered next to his ear. “Lift me up and fill me right now.”

It was the most carnal thing she had ever spoken aloud. She shivered as need and shock over her own brazenness combined to make her body uncontrollable. Her hands roamed over his shoulders as she bit back into her lip and waited for his response.

“What’s wrong, Janus? Can’t you take a few orders for a change?”

His face filled with savage enjoyment as he released her head and reached for the front of his pants. He held her steady with his opposite hand while he worked the front of his pants open. “I could get used to it.”

Fay pushed her lower lip out in a pout. “Hmm, when someone gives you an order you say ‘yes ma’am’.” She reached down and stroked his erect cock. His entire frame jerked as her fingers curled around his staff. A word escaped his lips that she was quite sure he didn’t mean to use in her hearing, but she enjoyed the tiny flush of red that colored his neck when her touch surprised him enough to make him cuss right in front of her. Moving her hand down to the base of his cock, she closed her grip around its width and pulled her hand up to the head.

“Go ahead, Janus. Obey me. Tell me what you crave.”

She stroked his cock once more as his eyes narrowed and a hard look entered their blue depths. He caught her hips and backed her across the floor until the wall touched her back.

“Fuck. I want to fuck you.” And it was the only word that was stuck in his mind.

Lifting her up, he pressed her backward until her entire back was pressed solidly to the wall. Her thighs spread wide as he moved between them. The borrowed shirt fell open and his cock slipped right into the open folds of her sex.


Dawn Ryder

“But that’s not all I want from you, Fay.” She gasped as those words hit her.

Emotion edged his voice as he pressed his cock up into her. The walls of her pussy were sore but stretched around his cock without any real pain. Janus held her like that as his eyes connected with hers.

“I want so much more than fucking. I want to hear you whimper with delight as my cock rubs your clit just the right way. That isn’t something a male thinks about when he’s just fucking.”

No it wasn’t. She could see it on his face right then. Hard need was blazing from his eyes, but it was different from the pure physical act she had witnessed him performing with a trophy. Tightening her hands on his shoulders, she felt his fingers gripping the twin sides of her bottom. “Then make me whimper, only move because I can’t wait any longer.”

“Your wish is my command.”

He flexed between her thighs, pulling his cock free as he held her weight with a combination of his hands and his body pressing her against the wall. She was powerless to move as he thrust smoothly back into her pussy. His cock rubbed against her clit as he entered her and pleasure shot up into her belly. Sweat broke out on her forehead as her hips tried to buck towards him. A soft chuckle was her response.

“Does that mean you approve of my performance?”

A little moan was her reply. He pulled free and thrust back faster. His breath hit her ear as his body took up a steady rhythm between her thighs. Pleasure spiked through her in slow waves that didn’t carry her into rapture because he kept the pace just a fraction too slow to allow her to climax.

“Tell me to fill you with my seed.”

Her body shouted yes as her hips strained towards his next hard thrust. His body slammed hers into the wall as his cock pressed deep into her. Need was coursing through her, but it was more than release she wanted. She wanted to feel him releasing his own pleasure when she came.


Janus’ Conquest

“Yes, come with me.”

He bit her neck and growled as his hips bucked between her thighs. Her cries bounced off the opposite wall as he sent his cock in and out of her body with fast motions. Her clit throbbed and pleasure burst through her as she felt his fingers tighten on her bottom. Hot seed pumped out of his cock to hit her womb as she screamed out with the intensity of the pleasure. It shook her as Janus trembled against her, their hearts thumping in the same frantic rhythm while their breaths came in harsh pants.

“I didn’t wake you up for this.” But he wasn’t sorry. Fay heard it in his voice as his hands smoothed her bottom before lifting her off his cock. Her legs were wobbly when he placed her back onto her feet. He smoothed his hands up her bare torso to cup her chin and raise her face to his.

“You should be careful what you ask for.”

She slapped his shoulder. “You started it. Complain again and I will become disappointed in your lack of interest in me. Maybe you are a male who simply likes to roam.”

His hand tightened around her wrist. He stepped close to her, their gazes fusing. “I am not and if you hear it from the lips of any trophy, know it for a lie. Now that you belong to me, I will not touch another.”

It was a promised edged with his determination to breed an answering commitment from her. “What of Tova?”

“That is not wandering. Tova is Hawk’s pledge-mate.”

“Some females see it the same as wandering.”

He stepped back from her but retained his grip on her wrist. “You must come to terms with it. I do not love Tova but Hawk is my partner. You knew this last night.”

He shrugged his shoulders before clasping one of her hands and placing it on the main identification panel set into the wall. It chirped as it recorded her fingerprints and 101

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took a heat picture of her hand. No one had the same heat signature. Fingerprints might be duplicated with plastic, but heat signatures could not be fabricated.

“Do not return to your father’s dwelling.”

That hard authority was back in his voice as he closed his pants with swift, efficient motions. She pushed the edges of her shirt closed as she moved slightly away from him.

“What does it matter?”

Janus frowned at her. “It matters to me. The dwelling is unsecured. Here you need only worry about me.”

“And your partner?” The words left her lips before she considered why she even thought about Hawk. She had seen the male often enough because he was always with Janus at the weekly gatherings.

“Hawk will never touch you unless I am here.” Uncertainty flickered in his eyes, but he stiffened and hooked his hands into his belt. “You must come to terms with it.

Hawk will always be a part of our union. Sharing will avoid suspicion between you and me. There will never be cause for me to accuse you of harboring affection for him. It is too natural a thing, attraction between a male that you will be in contact with often due to him being my partner. Hawk will desire you because he sees each encounter we share. By sharing, we can all be at peace.” Janus stroked her cheek with a finger. “You understand it but you will now have to embrace it.”

He turned and moved towards the door. He cast one hard look at her before he left, and the moment the door slid shut, her teeth bit into her lower lip.

It was a dilemma, to be sure. But more so for her because she found her mind unwilling to deny anything that would place a barrier between her and Janus. By rejecting Hawk, she refused her lover. Today, she found herself unwilling to let him go, even if it meant sharing her with his partner.

She was going mad. The stress was eating away at her sensibilities, making her prey to the fascination she’d harbored for Janus so long.


Janus’ Conquest

That, or she was falling in love with him, in spite of every reason she’d ever constructed to warn her heart away from him. But the reality was so different from what she had thought she understood about him. A little sigh escaped her lips as she went back into the room they had shared. She let the shirt flutter to the rumpled bed as she went to bathe. She could detect his scent in the room and it sent a little ripple of enjoyment through her. It was the honest truth that she had never thought that a male might smell good.

She liked the way he felt too. Slipping her fingers through his male chest hair had delighted her much more than she had ever dreamed it could. Womanhood was far better than girlish fantasies. But along with her new awareness came the understanding that she did not control her body’s cravings. She wanted Janus and no other. She might spend the day with logic ruling her thoughts, but that would crumble the moment he touched her. It was an honest reality that taunted her with the fact that he might not crave her as much in return. Yes, he wanted her body. True, he seemed intent on seeing his child growing inside her, but that was not love. Her parents had loved. The thing that haunted her was the fact that not all couples did the same. She was definitely spoiled, but not in the way Janus believed. Having witnessed how deep love ran between a male and female, she was unwilling to settle for anything less. Even if it meant going without the rapture Janus could unleash in her body.

It was very possible that Janus would never love her in return. Many Hunters considered the emotion a soft thing that only females harbored. They went to great lengths to avoid such emotions. A little spear of pain hit her heart as she stepped back down into the bathing pool.

Janus was the embodiment of a Hunter. That truth was as hard as the stone beneath her feet.

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BOOK: Janus' Conquest
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