James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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With time, James took to Finnegan, eventually starting to call him Uncle Finn. Finnegan’s gentle nature and caring attitude made it easier for James to adjust to a new life. James slowly spoke more and more. Finnegan never addressed what James had seen or been through. He was hoping that James was too young to remember what had happened and that if he gave James the best life he could, James would grow up to be okay.

James was a bright child, excelling in school both physically and academically. However, he struggled to make friends. James was a loner, he stayed to himself. His only friend was his Uncle Finn. Finnegan worried about his social skills, but it never seemed to impede his progress so Finnegan just ignored it.

At the age of eight, James got to add another role model to the family. Finnegan had found love with Robert Spiel. Robert was an art professor who had joined the faculty at Boston College and quickly won Finnegan’s heart. He won James’s affection as well. James loved his Uncle Robby. Robby had even become the more affectionate of the two. Almost the closest thing James had to a mother. Robby was dedicated to teaching James all about art. He wanted James to be a well-educated and well-rounded young man. Trips to the Museum of Fine Arts were a must. It was on one of these trips that James finally fully bonded with his Uncles.

“Shouldn’t we be with him, explaining the pieces of art?” Finnegan worried as he watched James wander around the European Art collection.

“No, let him explore. Art isn’t really about what it is, but what it says to you. Don’t ruin it with a history lesson,” Robby joked back.

“Hold up! These pieces have historical significance. He should know that.”

“Let him enjoy them and get what he wants from them. He looks like he is really interested.” Robby smiled as he watched James bounce from piece to piece, looking at them with joy. “He is loving this.” Robby was excited. This was his way of bonding with James, a mutual love toward art.

Finnegan called out to James as he was staring up at a Degas, “Be careful and don’t touch. If you have any questions, just ask.”

James looked back at them and smiled. He was enjoying himself. He loved the pretty pictures and life-like sculptures. James scanned the room for the next piece, but he caught a glimpse of something else, Steve, from school. Steve had been bullying James at school and looked rather bored as his grandmother dragged him around the museum. James didn’t want him to see him so he turned and began to move from the exhibit. Before he realized it, he was running.

Finnegan noticed James running from the exhibit and toward the stairs. “James, wait!” he called out as he and Robby ran after James.

James wasn’t listening. He just wanted to get away. He ran toward the stairs, thinking that if he could get off the same floor, Steve might not see him. As he reached the stairs, he heard Finnegan calling again and turned to look back, but as he did, he found the staircase. Losing his balance, he tumbled down the stairs. Finnegan felt his heart drop as he helplessly watched his body fall. Finnegan and Robby raced down the stairs behind James as he landed at the bottom of the stairs unconscious.

“No, no, no, no,” Finnegan pleaded as he rushed to James’s side.

Robby was speechless, but gathered himself to yell, “Someone please call an ambulance!”

Finnegan was checking for a pulse while trying not to move James’s bruised body. “James, buddy, wake up, please wake up.” Finnegan continued to plead. Robby was in shock and couldn’t speak. James slowly opened his eyes.

Robby saw it first, “James, can you feel your feet? What hurts?”

Finnegan saw that James was awake and smiled, “It will be okay buddy, it will be okay.”

“Everything hurts!” James cried.

“Buddy, can you feel your legs?” Robby asked.

“Yes,” James continued to cry.

“Lay still, buddy. The ambulance is on its way. You will be okay,” Finnegan reassured James.

Finally, the paramedics arrived and transported James to Boston Children’s Hospital for evaluation. Both Finnegan and Robby wouldn’t leave his side and held out hope that he would be okay. After several x-rays and a CT scan, the doctor came back with a diagnosis.

“Just bumps and bruises?” Finnegan questioned concerned. “He fell down a flight of stairs, and hard. Nothing is broken?”

“No, we checked and re-checked as it surprised us as well. He was a very lucky little boy to walk away from that with no significant injuries,” the doctor replied.

“We should just thank our lucky stars he is okay. You hear that, James, you will be okay,” Robby smiled.

James just nodded.

“Okay, I am going to get your discharge paperwork. You will be out of here and back home soon.” The doctor smiled as he walked out of the room.

Learning that James would be okay prompted Robby to try to find out why he ran in the first place, “Buddy, why did you run away like that?”

James shrugged.

“Hey, look at me. What happened?” Robby pushed on, sitting down next to James on the bed.

James hung his head, “I saw him.”

“You saw who?” Finnegan asked, sitting down on the other side of James.

“Steve. He’s mean to me at school.”

Robby looked to Finnegan. A bully. That would explain the dislike of going to school. “Why didn’t you come to me about this?” Finnegan questioned

James shrugged his shoulders.

“What does he do?” Robby questioned

“He says I’m a freak because I don’t have a mom.”

Robby and Finnegan both felt their hearts break.

“I am a freak. I don’t have a mom.”

“Oh, buddy, no, you are not. There are more children than just you that don’t have mothers. You have us and we love you. That is what matters,” Robby reassured James.

“Love is always better than titles. We are your family and we love you more than anything. Don’t let a big jerk tell you that you are anything but a wonderful little boy who is loved,” Finnegan said with a smile.

James looked up to both of them and smiled. He then nodded his head.

“How does ice cream sound?” Robby added.

James’s face lit up, “Yes, please,” he replied as he reached out and hugged Robby.

Robby reached over and grabbed Finnegan, “Family Hug!”

James giggled as he was embraced by his two uncles. He was loved, and he was wanted. That was the only thing that mattered.









By eighteen, James had grown into a six foot two physically impressive man, strong and intelligent. James graduated first in his class and received a full scholarship to MIT, but he declined it. He had received a better offer.

“Wait, let me get this straight. You are turning the scholarship down?” Finnegan was confused as he stared at James.

“Yes, I have a better offer that I will take,” James replied with a smile on his face.

“A better offer? Hold up, what is better than full ride to one of the top schools in the country?” Finnegan questioned.

“I have been recruited by the CIA.”

“No, no, no. That is not happening. They do not take kids straight out of high school. Why would they do that? Who did you speak to? Huh? Who told you that?”

“Just let the boy talk. You are freaking out.” Robby interjected as he entered the room.

“It’s all legit, trust me.” James’s confident manner was showing through.

“Why do you want to do this? You are so smart you can do anything. Why that?” Finnegan was still confused.

“I want to follow in my father’s footsteps. I want to serve my country,” James replied with a smile.

“When I took you in, I took you away from all that, that government life. I don’t want you to be a part of it. It is what killed your father,” Finnegan protested. Robby could tell Finn was upset so he guided him to a seat on the couch.

“Please let him talk,” Robby said calmly.

“I know, and that doesn’t change the way I feel. He was my father, and it is my duty as his son to continue his legacy. So when I was approached about joining the CIA, I knew that I had to do it.” James’s green eyes twinkled with excitement as he spoke.

Finnegan could tell James was excited about what he could do for his country and his father’s legacy, but Finnegan was cautious. “James, it just doesn’t make sense. They don’t just find high school graduates with great scores and bring them in. I am worried about this.”

“Well, they did and they have, and I am going.” James said standing tall.

“James, please watch your tone,” Robby said, pointing at James.

Finnegan knew it was pointless to argue with James. He was a headstrong young man who knew what he wanted and once his mind was set on something, James would do it no matter what. Finnegan just shook his head.

“Just please promise me you will take care of yourself and that you will call me if there are any signs of trouble.” Finnegan stood up to make eye contact with James.

“Uncle Finn, this is the government, not some rogue terrorist organization. They will not dump me in a ditch or something. I will be safe,” James walked over and took Finnegan by the shoulders.

“Your father wasn’t safe, and he trusted the government too,” Finnegan said, staring back at James’s eyes.

James hugged Finnegan. “It will be okay, this is what I want,” James said as he pulled back. “I leave in a week for CIAU in Virginia to begin my basic classes. I am really excited.” James said with a reassuring smile.

Finnegan wiped a tear from his eye, “Okay, I support whatever you want to do with your life. I just don’t trust the government, but I trust you. You have become a wonderful young man and I am so proud of you,” Finnegan said, reaching out and hugging James again. “I guess you'd better pack your things,” Finnegan smiled.

“Yes, sir!” James saluted as he rushed up the stairs.

“It will be okay,” Robby said reassuringly, but Finnegan brushed him off.

“No, it won’t. He wants to be his father and his father’s own actions brought on his death. I don’t want James to suffer that fate. He deserves better,” Finnegan sobbed.

“James is strong and smart. He won’t go down that road. He is an adult. We have to trust him to make his own choices,” Robby said, trying to calm Finnegan, but it was no use. He was terrified of losing James, but he knew Robby was right. They had raised a good boy and he would make the right choices.








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