James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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“So what? You are going to make them atone for their crimes?”

“They deserve hell and that is what they are going to get.”

“Okay, so how does this affect me? I am after Madame Ming, not some secret society.”

“Who do you think bank rolls her? They control everything. They have been manipulating elections, controlling military forces, running the fucking world into the ground. There is no room left for an honest politician. The system is broken because of them and that is how they want it.”

“Since when are you a hero out to save the world? From everything I have heard about you, the rumors and from my own eyes, you aren't exactly the ‘good guy’.”

“They are responsible for me, and everything that came from me. They made me and then they fucked my life up. So, I will make them pay.”

“I want Ming and the White Blossom. Are they on your hit list?”

“Ming, yes. The Blossom, no.”

“The Blossom is her biggest asset. She is responsible for a list of deaths. She deserves to pay. She cost me a friend. Her head is mine.” James’s eyes narrowed as he stared deep into Marie’s eyes.

“You will not touch a hair on her head. We need her.”

“Need her? No, I have help and if you won’t help me take her down, I will do it myself.”

“This is bigger than your petty problem with her. She didn’t kill your friend.”

“No, she may not have pulled the trigger, but she set everything into motion. She is responsible.”

“I am going to make it perfectly clear to you. You will not touch her. We need her to join us. Her boss will go down and that is what matters.”

“What makes you think the White Blossom will join us?”

“Because she needs us as much as we need her. And stop calling her that. Her name is Jasmine.”

“What? No, she calls herself Blossom, and she has her web woven all over.”

“That is not her name. Her real name is Jasmine.”

“And how do you know that, huh? More of that secret information only you have?” James's tone was sarcastic and dark.

“Because I gave it to her.”

James felt the wind knocked out of him, “You gave it to her?”

“Yes, she is mine too. She is your sister. I hired Ming to have her sent to the Embassy to protect you. Well, to be clear, Ming doesn’t know I actually hired her, just that someone did. The fact is that I wanted you two to be close to one another so I could keep an eye on the both of you.”

James was searching his mind for every interaction he and Blossom had for any sign, “Does she know?”

“No, she doesn’t. She wasn’t ready for the information either. I thought she was safe when I left her with a Chinese couple I met in Las Vegas after her birth, but when I went back to check on her, they were gone. It is kind of ironic I went there to look for her and you were brought to me instead. I knew I had to stay a secret to her or I would be a threat to her. They could never know she was mine. I couldn’t protect you from them when you were because they knew who you were, but I could protect her. Or at least I thought I could. Ming kidnapped her from the family I had left her with when they returned to China. I spent years looking for her. It wasn’t until she emerged as the ‘White Blossom’ that I knew it was her and by then, it was too late to get her away from Ming without giving myself up as not only alive, but also as her mother.”

James was in shock. He had a sister who he thought was trying to kill him, but was actually there to protect him. What she had said to him that day in the apartment was finally making sense. Maybe she had been telling the truth. “I’m not sure what I am going to do with all this information. It is a lot to take in.”

“Well, we don’t have a lot of time. We need to pick up your friends.”

“Pick up my friends? What are you talking about?”

“Franchesca and Greg. They have been sent to my old home to try getting some information. They were actually just sent there so we could pick them up. We have work to do.”



To be continued……



About the Author


This is Ana Meyer’s second novel. It is the follow up to “Marie,” the first book in the Teumessian Trilogy.
Ana was born and raised in St Louis, Missouri, where she still resides today. Ana graduated from the University of Missouri-St Louis with a degree in Criminology/Criminal Justice. Ana’s primary work hasn’t been in writing, but in working with at risk youth and children with disabilities. Ana sees the struggles that these children face every day and wants to stress how those struggles can affect the person you become. Her characters are flawed and their struggles with those flaws make them relatable to any young adult. The children she works with are her inspiration to follow her own dreams and never stop dreaming and creating.
She enjoys reading many types of literature, but prefers historical fiction. She is an avid film fan, who loves action adventure films. Ana lives with her three rescue dogs and a cat.



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