James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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James was becoming annoyed, “No we are not. How is it that you have a dart with my father’s company’s logo on it? That company was shut down over fifteen years ago. How would it get in your office?”

“I have no idea. We are done. You can go.”

“No, I won’t. You are lying to me just like you lied to me that night at the party. You knew my parents and you are hiding something and so God help me I will find out what it is!”

“Watch your tone, young man!” Franklin barked standing up. “It does not concern you and I have nothing to say to you about your family. It is not your job to interrogate me on something that is not your place.”

James took a deep breath and realized he wasn’t getting anywhere threatening, “Sir, please. Why would you keep something like that from me? It’s my parents. I know nothing about them. If you know something, why won’t you help me learn more about them?”

Franklin’s face was firm, “It is best for you that you forget about the both of them. If you want your career to go anywhere, stay away from anything to do with either of them.” James was clutching the dart in his hand. He wanted to make Franklin talk, but he knew that it would go badly for him in the long run.

James put a fake smile on his face, “Yes sir. Thank you for your time.” James turned and stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Franklin just stood still as he watched James leave. Franklin felt himself get weak as the door slammed. He caught himself with his hands on his desk as he tried to catch his breath. James would not let up. Franklin didn’t know what to do or who to talk to. He didn’t want to report this to his superiors, none of this was James’s fault. Franklin sat himself down and took several deep breaths. He knew it would all come back one day, and he feared the time had come.









James ignored the car waiting for him as he exited the building. The driver tried to stop him.

“I will walk,” James huffed, storming off. He held the dart tight in his hand as he stormed down the street heading north. As he walked, he felt that his heart was pounding. He felt himself running, but had no idea where he was going. He found himself overlooking the Thames River. Sitting down, he stared out at the water. He was trying to catch his breath. Franklin’s words kept running over in his head,
Forget about them
Why would nobody talk to him about his family? Why was this such an issue for everyone? There were no records of his mother, why? Why did someone who obviously knew her refuse to talk about her?
James looked down to his hand and slowly opened it. The dart was staring back at him. James felt rage coming over him as he closed his fist again. He looked back out to the water then threw the dart into the river. James slowly got back up. He looked around to try to figure out where he was. He was lost. James pulled out his phone and pulled up a map of London. He was about an hour and a half walk from the Winfield House. James shook his head and let out a small chuckle, “You wanted to walk!” James said aloud. James made his way down the street toward the Winfield House. As he walked, he started to enjoy the ability to just clear his head. He kept trying to wipe it all away. His parents were his past and not his future. He was trying to wipe the images of them from his mind. “I can’t let them define who I am,” he kept saying to himself. The further he walked, the easier it became for him to let it go, to bring his mind back on track. He had to get back and get Chessy and Greg up to speed. The ambassador’s killer was his primary objective. She had to be brought to justice. James caught himself staring at every woman he walked past, checking to see if she was Katrina. He finally made his way to the Winfield House. He was stopped at the gate and had his ID checked and cleared.

James made his way to the front door and was met by Chessy. “Where have you been?”

“I walked. I needed to clear my head,” James replied, walking past Chessy and into the house.

Chessy followed behind, “Well, Ray’s plane has landed and he is on his way here.”

“Good, I need to talk to him.” James climbed the stairs.

“When are you planning on updating the rest of us?” Chessy called out from behind him.

James ignored her as he made his way to Huntsman’s office that sat next to his bedroom. James walked right into the room without announcing himself. Huntsman was standing by his desk talking with Blossom. Greg was sitting on the couch to his right.

“Ah, James welcome back. Is our good friend Franklin going to help us apprehend her?”

“Yes, of course, sir,” James replied, staring at Blossom.

She stared back. “I hope they catch her. I just don’t feel safe with a killer running around,” she said, looking to Huntsman with soft eyes.

“Oh, my dear, you are safe. I won’t let a thing happen to you,” Huntsman replied, tapping her lightly on the nose.

Blossom giggled.

James just watched the exchange with annoyance. His annoyance was interrupted by the sound of someone coming down the hallway. They turned to the doorway to see Ray entering the room. Ray froze in place and focused on Blossom dressed in a short red dress with a long golden chain around her neck.

“Who is she?” Ray barked, pointing at Blossom.

Huntsman was taken aback, “She is my assistant and since I cannot work at my office, she is here to help me work at home.”

“She has to leave.”

“She most certainly will not. She is here to help me and I will not put her out there in danger.”

Ray was visibly annoyed, “She is not in danger. Nothing indicates she is in danger. She is not cleared to be here. So, you need to leave, miss.” Ray pointed to Blossom.

Blossom looked to Huntsman, “Do I really have to go?”

Ray didn’t give Huntsman a chance to reply, “Yes, you do.”

Blossom looked to Ray and cracked a half smile, “If that is what is in your best interest, I will leave,” she replied, looking back to Huntsman.

Huntsman reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a credit card and handed it to Blossom. “I am so sorry, my dear, that this man is being so rude to you. You go out and get some nice things and have fun on your day off.”

Blossom smiled and hugged Huntsman, “Thank you for being so sweet.” She sauntered from the room, winking at James as she left.

Ray saw it and walked to the door and watched her walk down the hallway toward the stairs. Ray quickly slammed the door, “Who is that?!” Ray yelled at James, Chessy, and Greg.

“She’s an intern. Mr. Huntsman has made her his assistant,” Chessy replied.

“I thought we'd established that before you threw her out,” Huntsman added, sitting down at his desk.

Ray was flustered, “Mr. Huntsman, can you please allow us to speak privately?” Ray pulled open the door and looked out into the hallway and flagged down a secret service officer.

The officer came over to the door and addressed Ray, “Yes sir. What can I help you with?”

“Can you please escort Mr. Huntsman to his room and stay with him?”

“Of course, sir.” The officer stepped back from the door as Ray looked to Huntsman.

“So, because I have a beautiful assistant, I am now in need of a babysitter?” Huntsman barked.

“Sir, it is for your own safety, please,” Ray said through his clenched teeth.

“Fine!” Huntsman yelled, standing up and storming out of the office.

Ray slammed the door behind him as he left, and turned back to face the trio, “Why wasn’t I told about her? I want to know everything you know about her and now.”

“We didn’t think it was important. She is a nobody. She is just an intern he wants to have sex with,” Greg replied.

“He is having sex with,” Chessy interjected.

James knew why Ray was mad, “We are sorry. We failed.”

Ray shook his head, “Okay, time to update all of you. Katrina killed not only her husband, but three Secret Service agents and our three,” Ray said, looking to the three of them.

Chessy let out a gasp as both Greg and James felt weak. Greg sat down as James struggled to maintain his composure, “How?” he let out.

“She wasn’t a nobody as we all thought. She was a trained assassin able to take out six highly trained agents. She was planted where she was for a reason. This was not a lover's quarrel. This was a scheduled execution. To believe she is a solo case is to be naive. I believe there are more of them. I do not know who is hiring them or why, but I plan to find out. I want her as far away from Huntsman as possible.”

James, Chessy, and Greg were all silent. Taking in the death of their three classmates was tearing at them.

“So, you see why I have such an issue with this little tart you three have allowed to become Huntsman’s pet?” Ray barked.

They hung their heads as they realized that they may have jeopardized the safety of not just of Huntsman, but all of theirs as well.

“It’s time you three cleaned up your mess. I want you to follow her and see what she is up to and then bring her to me. I will interrogate her myself. I will watch Huntsman until then. Once you have her, bring her to the embassy and I will meet you there. Is that clear?” Ray questioned.

“Yes, sir,” they all replied.

“Then go and stay in touch.” Ray pointed to the door.

James quickly made his way out the door with Greg and Chessy following behind.

“Where do we start?” Greg asked, looking at James. James’s eyes were dark and his face determined.

“Huntsman sent her shopping. She will have to come home eventually. We wait for her there and, while we are at it, we can search her things.”

Greg and Chessy could both see the drive James had. They were ready to follow his lead.








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