Into the Shadows (29 page)

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Authors: Karly Kirkpatrick

Tags: #paranormal, #magic, #secrets, #ya, #special powers

BOOK: Into the Shadows
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She gave him a dirty look. “I wouldn’t tell them to
leave if I thought we were going to freeze to death. This is the
right place.”

Don looked nervous — he kept scanning the shoreline
as well. “I think she’s right, Tim, we better go. We’ve got to try
to get back to the landing before daylight.”

“Alright. Good luck you guys. I hope to see you all
again soon. Send us a message when you get a chance.” Tim waved to

Don and Tim moved to the back of the boat and
climbed up to the captain’s deck. The engine started and the boat
backed slowly away from the shore. It began moving out into the
night, following the silver path until it disappeared from their

Paivi took a deep breath, which was difficult in the
cold air. It burned in her lungs and nose. She looked at the water
one last time and then turned towards the tall quiet wall of

“Now what are we going to do?” asked Torsten,
looking nervously up and down the shoreline.

“I know where to go.” Paivi smiled and pulled up her
scarf. “Follow me.”

She took a step into the shadows and closed her
eyes. She let her feet lead the way, just as they had in her
vision. Torsten and Christian fell in step behind her. One by one
they disappeared into the dark forest. The locket began to heat up
under her clothes, she was thankful not only for it’s warmth but
also it’s guidance. She knew the heat meant they were getting
close. The snow was deep, up to their knees, slowing their
progress. Paivi pressed on, eager to get them to safety.

“Are we there yet?” whined Torsten through
chattering teeth.

“Almost,” Paivi responded. She could see a hint of
light ahead.

The trees abruptly ended at a clearing. Before them
stood a log cabin, with warmth and light spilling from the frosty
windowpanes. A wisp of smoke trailed from the chimney. They had
made it. This was the next step towards their future safe from the
ATC, EOS badges and harassment.

“Now what?” asked Christian quietly.

“Come on!” Paivi grabbed them both by the arms and
led them to the front porch. She raised her hand to knock on the
front door and before she could even touch it, it flew open. An old
woman stood in the bright doorway.

“Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you,” she said,
offering a warm smile.

Paivi smiled back and stepped into the light.





It is misleading that only my name is on the cover
of this book, because as all writers know, it takes more than one
person to write a book. There are countless people who have had a
hand in this book in some way, and it would take me pages to thank
them all. I’ll try my best to fit them all on this page.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my
daughter, Annikka Päivi. She was my inspiration in so many ways and
continues to keep me moving forward every day. I have to thank my
husband, Richard, who has always supported me 100% and sacrificed
his time and energy to help me in every way he could. Thanks to my
parents, Mike and Vicki, for introducing me to books and always
encouraging my wild imagination. They help me in so many millions
of ways. Thanks to my brother, Michael, for sharing the dream, and
the rest of our family for their interest and support.

I have a million cheerleaders, to whom I am grateful
every day, because they believe in me, even on days I don’t believe
in myself (and put up with my rambling about writing!). Thanks and
hugs to my friends, Timmy Olson, Sue Rendall, Stacy and Tom
Diederich, Stephanie and Chad Kelly, Kelly and Ben Rakow, Weston,
and Lee and Rachel Saldaña. Many thanks to all my Facebook friends,
Twitter friends, and blog followers for their kind words and

I also have to mention my cheerleaders at Schaumburg
High School, Jen Langer, Kate Haskins, Kelly Kennedy, Cindy Arroyo,
Greg Charvat, Sara Dopke, and Darrell Robin. And of course I can’t
forget my students. It would be so much harder to write stories if
I didn’t have the living, breathing characters standing right in
front of me every day. Their energy and enthusiasm makes all the
difference! Thanks to all of my current German and French students
at Schaumburg High, including those from the best German 2 class in
2009 (home of the giant, fat, flying cat), and all of my former
students from both Schaumburg and Palatine High. You guys make this
so much more exciting!

And finally, I have to mention my writer-friends.
These people have given me invaluable advice and support, and they
are truly the reason I am a better writer. Michelle Sussman, Sarah
Barthel, and Natalie Rompella are just the tip of the SCBWI
iceberg. I don’t know what I’d do without you. And though I’ve
never had the honor of meeting him (I hope to someday), I have to
thank ebook master, Joe Konrath. Without the expertise that he
shares with the world, this process would have been so much more
difficult and scary.

Thanks to you, the reader, for giving me a

I think that covers everyone, but if you feel I’ve
forgotten you, I owe you a hug and a big THANKS!

About the Author

Karly Kirkpatrick is a YA writer, avid reader, high
school German and French teacher, and mother of a toddler.Karly has
two other novels available, Bloody Little Secrets and The Green.
She’s working on the sequel to Into the Shadows, titled Darkness
Rising. She lives in Elgin, Illinois with her husband, daughter,
and two stinky Shih Tzus. To contact Karly, read her blog, or find
out about upcoming releases, go to
www karlykirkpatrick dot

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