Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (15 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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“Do you like that, Alexa?” Erik asked. After a silent pause, he reached down, squeezed her ass, and held it firm.

She mewled and squirmed.

Braden raised his head, wiping his mouth. “Easy, Erik,” he warned.

Erik frowned, but loosened his fingers a little. “From now on, Alexa, you
tell us everything that gets you off. Now, do you like Braden’s tongue licking your pussy? Don’t make me ask again.”

Braden bent down and licked her once more, pushing his tongue up inside her.

Alexa pushed back against the invasion. “All right. Yes. I like it. Deeper, Braden. Deeper.” She bent her legs, spreading her knees wide to give him better access.

“Damn.” Erik groaned, releasing her ass.

Braden’s response would have been the same if he could have spoken. This was a turn around. She actually
telling them what she needed. He pushed his tongue deeper. He wanted nothing more than to rip open his pants and plunge his cock into her, but he had to wait until after the third and last stage of the rite. Even though he didn’t think he’d survive that long.

Instead, he stimulated her with his tongue, mirroring the movements he wanted to make with his cock. Soon, he’d be inside her. And he could finally take her without having to restrain his actions and needs.


Alexa felt her climax building. She couldn’t hold her body still. She glanced up at Erik who sat next to her. He was almost as sexy as Braden. He was definitely more aggressive. The memory of his tongue penetrating her ass made her muscles clench. She reached for his hand and sucked two of his fingers into her mouth.

“Yeah. Suck me, baby. That’s hot.”

Braden immediately stopped licking.

“No…” she moaned.

Erik looked down at him and wiggled the fingers of his free hand to show Braden exactly
she was sucking. He smiled, then leaned over and whispered nasty things in her ear that made her squirm.

A moment later, she felt Braden back between her legs, again eating at her pussy.

While he did wicked things to her body with his mouth and tongue, Erik did wicked things to her mind, stimulating her with descriptive words and images of sex acts so provocative that she never wanted this to end.

Braden’s spanks, though they’d stung like crazy, had made her whole body ache with need. His and Erik’s demands, along with her own admission, aloud, of what she wanted and needed, seemed to release a power inside her.

Braden’s tongue moved shallow then deep. He thumbed her clit, and a flutter started within her. It built as he continued the stimulation, then spread up her body with alarming speed.

“Spill some more cream for him, baby,” Erik whispered in her ear, as Braden’s tongue curled inside her, magnifying the pleasure. Erik’s tongue circled her ear, and his warm breath teased her. “You love being tongue-fucked, don’t you? I bet you’d love another tongue licking your clit, and two more licking your tits, at the exact same time, all making you come at once, wouldn’t you?”

The forbidden image filled her mind. “Yes!” she screamed and shattered, climaxing hard.

Braden stayed with her, rubbing and licking, until the last spasm disappeared. He pulled away, then kissed her bottom where he’d slapped it earlier. “Rest.”

Erik gently kissed her cheek. “You were great, Alexa. Try to sleep a while. We’ll be back for more.”

. She didn’t think she could take any more. She felt them move away, but didn’t know how far. She was too exhausted. The third and last part of the rite was still to come. A sigh escaped her, and as she started to wonder how she’d face herself later, after everything she’d allowed them to do to her, sweet oblivion set in.

* * * * *

Leila circled the couch. Once, twice, three times. She couldn’t deny it. She was mad. She just didn’t know why she was mad. So what if Erik was in there with Braden and Alexa? By all rights, Kam should be in there, too.

If Braden changed his mind about Erik participating in the Initiation, she had no right to care one way or the other.

But, somehow, she did. Dammit.

Those three had initiated plenty of women. So why was it getting to her this time?

Maybe because she’d never been in the next room while they’d been going at a woman. Listening to Alexa’s screams of pleasure had gotten her more than a little agitated. And she couldn’t help but wonder if it was Braden or Erik who made her scream like that.

She needed a drink. Anything to dull this unexpected and unwanted pain. Certainly, Alexa had some liquor somewhere in the house.

She spun on her heel toward the kitchen and smashed into a hard chest. She gasped and staggered backward. Two massive hands clamped around her arms.

“Hey there, sexy she-bitch. Remember me?”

* * * * *

Braden led Erik into the master bath, where they could have a little privacy to talk, but still keep an eye on Alexa.

Erik raised his hands in mock surrender. “I swear. I didn’t plan that.”

Braden clapped a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I know. I didn’t expect this turn of events either. Not with Alexa.”

“Are you mad?”

After thinking how best to answer that, he said, “No. It’s an Initiation. Unexpected things happen when the chemicals coating the dildos get into a person’s system. Even before the liquid releases. We all know that. And I had her lick and suck some of it before we got started.”

“Alexa doesn’t know.”

“If I need to, I’ll explain it to her later so she doesn’t get crazy about everything that happened. What’s going on? Why’d you materialize in here?”

“A couple of Egesa popped up. No big deal.”

“Any other problems?”

“One Marid assassin, a female. We took care of her. Sort of.”

“Sort of? Do I want to know what that means?”

“Probably not. Is Alexa going to complete the optional third step of the rite?”

“I didn’t ask. She didn’t say. So, I’m just going along with it. I want her to be fully protected.” He recognized the concentrated expression on his friend’s face and apprehension filled him. “What is it?”

Erik peered out at Alexa, then turned back. “Brand her, Braden. Now. While you have the chance.”

The shock must have shown on his face, for Erik used their hand-signal for
do it now
to display his seriousness of the subject. Braden dragged his fingers through his hair. “I do want her. And I intend to have her. But I can’t Brand her as mine without The Council’s approval…and hers. She still technically belongs to Laszlo.”

“Does she know that?”

“No. She doesn’t know the specifics about the Breeder Program.”

“Maybe things will work your way, Braden. Especially if Laszlo is okay with it. But maybe not. Tip the scales. Do it while she’s lost in the sexual appetite. It’ll take a lot out of her, which will make it easier for you to service her through the rest of the ceremony alone, without Kam’s help and mine; if that’s the way that you still want it to go. In the long run, it’ll work in your favor all the way around.”

“Until she sees it on the back of her neck. She’ll go ballistic.”

“Handle it.”

“And the Warrior Council?”

“Don’t let them know. Talk to Laszlo. Then pretend to go through channels. If it all works out…great. If not, you can reveal what you did to make her yours. They might banish you both to one of the lesser moons, but at least you’d be together.”

Braden considered his friend’s words. Banishment together was better than living the lonely life he’d been living, unable to find that one special woman to truly connect with. This might be his only chance. “You’d have to stay and hold her down for me.”

“Not a problem.”


Chapter Ten


Daegal fastened his pants as Gabriella cleaned between her legs with a moist cloth. Even though sated, the sight of her pert breasts made his mouth water. Beautiful.

He glanced toward the monitors. Braden’s threesome performance was a classic. He’d be sure to keep that file in the computer for future viewing.

Not often did a remote feed get him that hard and horny. Watching Leila’s Initiation was the last time he’d been able to come twice so closely together as he’d just done.

In fact, Leila’s performance was his all time favorite. But Braden’s was a close second. The only reason he rated Leila first was that her sex show had been one of the raunchiest he’d ever seen.

Her dominance by the three Warriors initiating her had been complete. And she never fully recovered, which was probably why she always refused a mate. He didn’t think she’d even taken a lover since. The Warriors involved eventually were dismissed from The Lair of Xylon for their excessive sexual behavior. The Council had no tolerance for such abuse. All the better for him. He’d taken immediate advantage, and now those Warriors turned assassins, served

“What’s happening with the others?”

At Gabriella’s question, his focus changed to study the screens. All quiet. “We only have surveillance in the bedroom. The other feeds aren’t transmitting. Some sort of interference.”

“Should I send in more assassins for you, darling? We can overpower them. They won’t expect a full-out assault, given our normal pick-them-off, one-by-one strategy. If we act fast, they won’t have time to organize an effective resistance.”

“It’s all been taken care of, Gabriella. We just need to wait. Wait, and watch, and be entertained.”

She tossed the cloth into a nearby receptacle, then ran a comb through her tousled blonde hair. Her gaze drifted to a monitor showing some woman collared and stripped naked.

Daegal smiled at the view of the punishment chamber on the Marid ship, presently in Earth’s orbit. “Don’t bother getting dressed,” he said when Gabriella reached for her clothes. “We’re not through. I’m suddenly in the mood to watch you whimper and squirm, while we both watch
whimper and squirm.” He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bag of his favorite fuck toys. “Lean over the console and spread your legs.”

“Ooo, yes, please.” She placed her palms down on the free space on either side of the console. “That’s the woman who was sent to the breeder’s home to spy for us, isn’t it?” she asked, staring up at the monitor again.

“That’s right. The Egesa sent a preliminary report earlier. Now they’re making sure she didn’t hold anything back. She actually believed we’d let her and her sister go if she brought us information.”

Gabriella laughed. “Stupid whore.”

He switched on his personal recorder and positioned Gabriella for the best view. She always gave a mouth-watering performance. His loyal Egesa loved to watch him do her. He allowed them the files, and other privileges, as a reward for their service.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, and a sly smile crossed her face. She wiggled her ass and laughed.

So sexy. He felt his dick twitch. Impossible. So soon? This was better than expected. He grabbed a butt plug and a thin, leather switch. Braden didn’t know how to do a woman’s ass right.
did. “You ready, my obedient fuck-pet?”

* * * * *

Leila pulled back, trying to get away. This wasn’t happening. She thought she’d left this nightmare behind her long ago. She bumped into another hard body standing directly at her back.

The man holding her chuckled. “You didn’t think I’d come alone, did you?”

She glanced over her shoulder and almost choked on the gasp that leapt to her throat. The second man she’d hoped never to see again. She looked around for the third monster from her past, the one who’d issued all the orders during her Initiation.

“It’s just us. Lucky you. Or you’d really be in for a
time.” Dare drew her closer. “Now where’s the third Warrior, the one not fucking the breeder?”

The other man—the one behind her—pressed against her spine, sandwiching her between him and Dare. “Where is he, Leila?”

Somehow, she found the courage to lie. “He left. The woman from the Marid ship, the one wired with electrical current, hurt him. He returned to the Xylon ship for treatment.”

Dare cupped her chin and squeezed. “You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. I’m a Pain Master now. You can’t fool me, Leila.”

A Pain Master. She wasn’t surprised. It suited his personality. It also meant that she was in real trouble. Deadly trouble.

Dare’s long black hair, beard, and mustache, along with his nearly black eyes and black outfit made him look like he’d come straight from the bowels of Xylon. And he was quite capable of inflicting pain. In fact, she knew he loved to hurt others.

The man behind her, known as Shear, grabbed the transport-connector and vid-cell from her belt. He also lifted the Marid disruptor and connector she’d retrieved from out front. She couldn’t escape or transmit for assistance now.

disruptor?” Shear demanded.

“She’s a Class 3,” Dare answered. “They’re not issued weapons.”

Damn regulations. She was as capable as the higher-ranking Warriors. Not that a weapon would have done her any good, given the present situation. They’d materialized in too close and too fast.

Dare reached inside her jacket and yanked out her shield control. It would have only been of use if they shot at her. Still, she felt exposed without the added protection.

She felt Shear’s hot breath next to her ear. If she screamed for help, she’d be dead before anyone arrived. She had to be smarter than they were. It was her only chance to survive.

Shear grabbed her breasts and squeezed.

She squealed in response.

“I remember these tasty tits. Want to relive old times, Leila? We’re much more skilled now. It’ll hurt

She shuddered and jerked against his hold. “Take your hands off me.”

When he did remove his hands, she almost stumbled forward in surprise.

Dare laughed. “Entertain yourself with her, Shear. I’m going to look around.”

A gag circled her mouth before she could stop it. That’s why he’d released her—to put on that filthy thing. She stood still while Shear’s arm slid tightly around her waist, almost crushing her ribs. She could barely take a breath. If she didn’t come up with a plan, she would never survive.

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