Read Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) Online

Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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Once in position, her backside vulnerable to him, her arms raised against the wall, she felt the heat of his body inch closer. Her heart kicked up, and sweat formed on her brow. She could actually hear her own breathing.

“Good decision,” he whispered in her ear. “So beautiful and so very…submissive.”

“Hmph.” She didn’t like the sound of that. She wondered how it would feel to turn the tables on him, and have Braden up against the wall.

His fingers grazed her ass.

Pleasure rippled through her, causing her skin to heat and contract. One simple touch from him was all it took for her to react.

The belt brushed her backside, then her upper thighs. At the light touch, she tensed and bit into her bottom lip to stop any mewling sounds from escaping her lips.

Braden’s low chuckle vibrated against her senses. “Spread your legs.” When she hesitated, he nudged her feet farther apart with his foot.

She swallowed hard, not knowing what to expect from him. Her imagination ran wild with possibilities. Some delightful, some just the opposite.

He popped the belt, and she gasped, then pressed herself flush against the wall. The cold steel felt good against her hard nipples, the plane of her stomach, her quivering thighs. She pressed her forehead to the steel and waited.

A heartbeat passed. Another.

He was waiting for something too, apparently, but she wasn’t sure what. She arched her back, thrusting her ass back toward him. An offering. Complete and total. She couldn’t do any more than that to show her willingness.

“Ultimate trust. In me,” he said, his voice gruff with emotion.

She heard the belt drop to the floor. At the clank of the buckle against the tile, all the energy drained out of her. She’d have collapsed if his hands hadn’t spanned her waist to hold her up. “You did that on purpose, Braden. As a test.”

“Yes. And you were testing me, too.” He kissed the side of her neck, reached up, and slid her hands down her sides.

“Yes. I was.” She turned in his arms and rested her cheek against his chest.

His sharp intake of breath touched her heart. He felt their connection, just like she did. She knew that now.

His arms tightened around her.

She turned her head and grazed her lips against his skin, then licked his nipple. One, delicate swipe.

A growl vibrated his chest. One of his hands tangled in her hair, holding her close, urging her to lick that hard bud again. The other hand reached down and popped the snap on his pants. The sound seemed incredibly loud in the small space.

Her fingers immediately found the zipper and tugged it down as she repeatedly flicked his nipple with her tongue. Her teeth nibbled the fleshy nub, then she sucked it into her mouth.

“Ah, good.”

She needed him—needed to get as close as she could, as close as two people could get. Her fingers pushed inside his pants and curled around him.

He pulled away from her mouth and hand, stepping back a couple of feet. Before she could protest, he shoved his pants and underwear to the floor and kicked them into the corner. Her gaze dropped to his cock. Long, thick, and oh so hard. He didn’t move, allowing her to look her fill. She vaguely registered his hands fisting, opening, then fisting again. A bead of moisture formed on the tip of his shaft, drawing her attention. The memory of his cock—the taste of him—in her mouth came back in a flash, and she licked her lips.

“Shit, Alexa.” He groaned, and his knuckles turned white as he clenched his hands tightly. “Don’t do that when you’re staring at my cock, or I’ll lose it right here.”

A smile tugged at her lips. His confession of her effect on him gave her a sense of power she found intoxicating.

Before she realized his intention, he moved forward, and his hands were everywhere. Her hands followed, needing him just as badly. They touched and greedily explored each other’s body, as if for the first time. He squeezed her breasts, brushed her nipples, massaged her ass. She grazed her nails across his chest, over the hard nubs of flesh, down his abdomen.

His strong, toned flesh pressed against her soft curves. The contrast of male to female caused a primitive reaction in her, a sense of possession and belonging.

Braden lifted her leg and draped it over his hip. His fingers touched her curls, then delved deep to stroke her intimately. “Wet and hot. Hot for me. Say it!”

“Yes. For you.” She pulled at his hips. “Now, Braden. Now.”

In the next instant, he was inside her, buried deep. Neither of them moved. Their gazes locked.

Anything for you
. At that moment, she realized, indeed, she’d do anything he asked.

Braden turned her, so her back was against the wall. He rested his palms just above her shoulders and slowly pushed his cock deeper.

She moaned at the feel of him, completely filling her. His smell filled her senses. His taste was on her mouth. She grasped his ass, pulling him closer, pressing her hips against him. “More.”

Even against her tight hold, he managed to pull back, then again pushed deep. Slow strokes. Back and forth. Over and over. “It’s never felt as good as it does with you, Alexa,” he ground out in a voice strangled by emotion.

She was in trouble here, because she felt the same. “Yes. Oh, yes.” Whether she liked it or not, agreed with his lifestyle or not, she couldn’t deny her feelings. But she also couldn’t fully admit them, at least not aloud, not yet. Instead, she confessed her physical need. “Faster, Braden.”

“Not this time.” He pulled almost all the way out of her pussy, then slowly pushed back in.

Alexa couldn’t take this. Her body needed to come. Now. This on-the-edge pleasure had her muscles and limbs shaking with a need so strong that she thought she’d go mad. Her nails dug into his hips. She undulated against him.

“Yeah. That’s right. Move against me.” He matched his rhythm to hers. Then he slowed the motion way down, again drawing out the pleasure.

Alexa whimpered.

“Soon, baby. Soon.” Braden plucked at her nipples and drew his tongue slowly down the length of her neck. “It’s going to be so good.”

She shivered. “Braden…” She teetered right on the edge of what felt like a massive orgasm, just beyond her reach.

At the sound of her voice, he slowed the movement of his hips even more. “Say my name again,” he whispered.

“Braden, please.” He was trying to kill her—kill her from want and need.

“Please what?” He licked at the delicate skin along her ear and circled his finger around her nipple. “Tell me.”

“Ah, oh. I need to…I need to come.”

“Me, too.” He nibbled at her earlobe. A growl, from deep in his chest, vibrated both their bodies. “So much that it hurts.”

“Then why are you torturing me? Us?”


Braden stilled his movements completely. His body protested. He wanted to fuck Alexa hard and fast, until his cock exploded inside her, and she shattered in his arms. But he wanted something else even more. “Stay with me. Promise. And I’ll finish this.”

Her hips moved against him, her body seeking fulfillment. “That’s sexual blackmail, Braden. I can’t think clearly right now.” Her teeth sank into his shoulder, then she licked the bite to soothe whatever mark she’d left.

He grabbed her wrists and pushed her more firmly against the wall. Studying her flushed features, he pumped her hard with each word. “Promise…me! Promise…me…or…I’ll…pull…out…now.”

She whimpered. Her head moved from side to side, and she cried out from the intensity of her need. “Yes, yes! All right. I promise.”

Braden didn’t care that he’d coerced the promise. He intended to hold her to it and make her never regret those words. He tightened his hold on her wrists and moved against her, quickly building his rhythm until he was fucking her like this was his last time.

“Yes, Braden. Yes!” Her leg tightened around his hip. Her fingers curled around his hands.

He continued thrusting, not letting up on her. He couldn’t. His control was gone. Nothing was going to stop him now.

“Yes. Oh, yes! Move, like…yes, like that. Don’t stop. Don’t—oh, that’s perfect.” She matched his motion, moving with him, against him, begging him for more with each hard thrust he delivered.

He was never letting this woman go. Never! Alexa was everything he’d ever wanted. Everything he needed. His grunts and groans filled his ears, as well as her mewls and squeaks of pleasure. The feel of their bodies merging, his cock moving deep and hard, then shallow and easy inside her tight pussy, took him to the heights of ecstasy. A low moan, that he wasn’t sure which of them uttered, wafted around him.

“Faster, Braden. Yes. Perfect…right there. Yes. A little harder now. A little…oh, oh, oh.”

He was about to come. He couldn’t hold out any longer. He released her wrists and pinched her nipples, tugging on the buds of flesh. “Come, Alexa,” he demanded. “Now!”

“Ah! Yes. I’m coming!” She screamed and dug her nails into his shoulders.

“Yeah. Oh, yeah!” He felt her pussy contract hard around him. His cock erupted, spilling his seed deep inside her. He roared out his pleasure, certain the whole compound must have heard him and not caring if they had.

He collapsed against her, surprised he was even able to remain upright, he felt so shaky.

Alexa breathed heavily against his shoulder. “That was…beyond great.”

“I give it an eight.”

Braden shoved Alexa behind him as he spun around. “What the—” He relaxed. Erik was leaning back against the closed door.

Alexa scrambled for her shirt.

“You took too long, and the auto-override opened the door. Good thing the place is mostly deserted, and it was just me on the other side.”

Braden reached for his pants. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“It would have been gentlemanly to do so,” Alexa said, pulling on the shirt. She stuck close to Braden’s side as he dressed.

“Yes. It would have been. Were you two headed somewhere or just looking for a little excitement?” He peered around Braden, and his gaze traveled down Alexa’s body. “Nice outfit.” He reached into his back pocket and extended a handkerchief to her. “You might want to, uh…”

As he zipped up, Braden glanced at her legs, following Erik’s gaze. His come was trailing down her thighs. “Shit.”

Alexa gasped and grabbed the handkerchief. She turned her back and cleaned herself up.

“We’re going to see Kam,” Braden answered, moving in front of Alexa to give her some privacy. “You want to tag along?”

Erik shrugged. “Sure.” He punched a button on the control panel. “Why not?”

* * * * *

Kam held Leila’s hand. “Get that thought out of your head. It’s impossible.”

“I know what I know. It took me a while to figure it out, but I’m right.”

He studied her features and sensed that she wasn’t going to change her opinion. She was too smart for her own good. But she was also off the mark. Not by much, but enough. Probably. He couldn’t stop the doubts that suddenly flooded through him. He had to get out of here and find the answers only he had access to.

“I need to tell Braden.” She took his pulse. A frown crossed her face. “It’s fast. Too fast.” Her eyes connected with his. “Wait. You…you knew. All along.”

He reached out for her wrist. “Leila, you don’t understand.”

She tugged against him, trying to get loose.

He saw her gaze shift to the security alarm and sensed her rising fear. “Calm down. It’s all right. It’s not what you think.”

* * * * *

Braden, Erik, and Alexa exited the elevator. She lagged behind looking around the sterile surroundings. This was the medical floor, Braden had said. It looked deserted. All white, silver, and clean smelling. Many rooms. Lots of glass.

“Only an eight, huh?” Braden asked Erik.

“Maybe an eight-five. Not bad, considering the location.”

“That macho rating shit is stupid, you know.” Though she’d have been much more upset if he’d rated her like a four. It was hard to get up a good head of steam with someone who thought she had ten potential.

“I don’t think I could handle a ten.”

“She’s got it in her, you know. But you need to spank her for a ten.”

“How do you know I didn’t, before you got there?”

“When she reached for her shirt, I saw her ass. It wasn’t red or even pink. You should have turned her around and let me smack her butt a few times while you were fucking her. She’d have gone wild.”

“I didn’t know you were there.”

“My mistake.”

“Hey!” Alexa called out.

Braden grinned over his shoulder, but addressed his words to Erik. “Maybe we can arrange something.”

“Works for me.”

“Please stop talking about me like I’m not here. And if you’re thinking of another three-way, forget it.”

Both men stopped and turned. She walked to stand between them, glaring from one to the other as best she could, daring them to contradict her.

“So, you remember?” Braden asked.

“Yes, I remember. Most everything.” She felt her face flush.

“You’re really beautiful when you come, Alexa.” Erik leaned close and sniffed. “You smell like sex. If that could be bottled, we’d make a fortune.”

“Get your mind on something else, will you?” Though, the memory of these two pleasuring her, during the Initiation, made it hard for her to follow her own advice. And the thought of Erik spanking her, while Braden pumped his cock inside her, about made her come again right there.

Braden grinned, then did one of those weird hand signals like during the Initiation. While she was trying to figure out the gesture, he and Erik leaned in and gave her a loud, smacking kiss on each temple. Braden patted her butt, and Erik tickled her ribs.

She squealed, squirmed, and laughed so hard her stomach hurt. “Stop! Just because I’m not screaming about everything that happened doesn’t mean you two are free and clear of a well-deserved lecture.” Twisting away from them, she took off down the corridor.

Their laughter floated behind her, as she heard them take off after her.

“Left at the corner,” Braden called out. “And cover your ass!”

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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