In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) (20 page)

Read In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Short Story Prequel to “Big Girls Don’t Cry”

BOOK: In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)
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As the chorus of shouts settled to hushed whispers, Jake and Brady exchanged a knowing glance. Jake shook his head. Damn, you couldn’t help but admire the guy. He
masterful. A real pro. And so was Lexie. Between the two of them, they had covered their own asses and those of the Council. Kurt Masters didn’t have a leg to stand on, and even the big buffoon seemed to recognize that as he sunk back in his chair, his ruddy face flushed with anger as he drilled Lexie with a vehement gaze. If anything, she was calmer than she had been before. Jake’s heart ached with pride. And pain.

Mike Adams pinned Lexie with a hard stare, but his voice was contrite, almost pleading, as he told her to continue. Jake snorted. It hadn’t taken the embattled Council Chair long to conclude that his witness was a force of nature. He wisely recognized that to shut her down in any way would cause a fullscale riot in the hearing room as well as in the press. Jake was consumed with a mix of admiration and consternation. How the hell had he ever thought that he could
or should
keep her from testifying? Because—he reminded himself—he knew in his gut, and the rioting nerve endings on his neck confirmed, that she was in danger. He could only pray to God that nothing happened to her. It would be a victory—if a pyrrhic one. She could rub it in his face that she was right and he was wrong. He didn’t care about the blame or the credit. He just didn’t want to lose her in the process.

Lexie continued as though she had not been interrupted. “Most of you know that the city does not allow just anyone to operate a massage parlor. The Department of Public Health requires spas, massage parlors, studios and the like to have a permit or they cannot operate. Michelle Johnson owns and operates the Healing Hands massage studio. Many of my students and I go to her studio for massage. I can vouch that Michelle operates a legitimate business, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Why? Because Michelle has a city permit.” Lexie paused to let the significance of the statement stand. “I asked Michelle to come today to explain what it takes to get a city permit to operate a massage business.”

After a series of questions and answers, Lexie summarized. “Let me repeat the steps. You applied for the permit. Then you waited seven weeks for the inspector to arrive. He inspected your plumbing, your massage tables, your break room, even had you change the carpet in the entry, is that correct? Good, and then you paid your fee and you received your permit, correct?”
Michelle interjected. “But first I had to prove that I was the owner.”

“Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot. The city will not give you a permit until you prove that
are the
owner of the business, correct?”

“Yes, Mr. Vitale, he was the man who inspected my studio, said that to get my permit I had to list the proper owner. When I told him that Healing Hands was the owner, he said that wasn’t good enough. That I had to declare the
name of the owner, not the name of the business. I am the owner so he put my name on the permit.”

Lexie asked, “Did you bring your permit with you today? Good, I will pass it among the Council members, but for the audience I’ve put a copy on the screen. As you can see, Duncan Vitale inspected your establishment and Martin Freeport, the head of the Department of Public Health, signed off on the permit. And, yes, I see that you are listed as the owner of Healing Hands massage studio.”

As Michelle left the stand, Lexie put another city license next to Michelle’s on the screen. “This is another city permit, and as you can see it was signed off on by the same two gentlemen. However this permit is in the name of the Rising Sun massage parlor, one of the 110 illicit spas we identified.” Lexie paused to let the crowd reaction settle, then popped up another list.

“In the event that you think the Rising Sun permit is an aberration, this is the list of the 110 we consider to be illicit massage parlors. Those that are highlighted in red all have received a permit from the city. In other words, our fair City considers 92% of the illicit massage parlors legal operations.” Again allowing most of the reaction to settle, Lexie added, “Please note one other significant factor. Of the 110 illicit spas that have City Permits, only
of them list the owner.”

The hearing room erupted.

During the five minutes it took for the Council Chair to bring order to the room, Lexie’s students passed out the damning lists to all the Councilmen, and to everyone in the audience, including members of the press. In addition, copies of the videotapes that had been rolling throughout the hearing, were distributed to the audience. The press already had them. Jake and Brady moved out of the way to allow a stampede of reporters to fight their way to the hall, where cell phones were pulled out and the big news communicated to city desks.

Jake shook his head in admiration, watching Lexie quietly standing at the podium reviewing her notes and not overtly gloating. Jake admitted that she had good reason to gloat. Her evidence was important—and her strategy was correct. She would never have received the attention she deserved if she’d been forced to wait to present it. He and Brady exchanged a glance. At that moment Dan Rourke happened to look over. Jake was somewhat mollified, knowing that the other two men who’d been as adamant as he was to postpone the presentation concurred that they were wrong.

But Lexie wasn’t done.

Chapter 19

Jake wasn’t surprised at the way that Lexie chose to conclude the hearings. He knew how strongly she felt about the human devastation wreaked by the illegal sex industry. Lexie continued.

“I want to warn you that these next videos are challenging to watch. They were difficult to produce. I have shadowed the girls’ faces to protect their privacy, which I am sure you understand.”

A silence fell over the room as the videotaped interviews began. Each of the women described how they came to this country, and what they were required to do on a daily basis. Loud gasps spread across the room when each of the girls told how they were forced to turn at least 12 tricks a day or they would be punished by their pimps. At the end of the ten minute presentation there was still silence. Lexie wisely let it stand.

At that point, Kurt Masters again raised an objection and insisted that video not to be put into the public record.

When Peter Kim asked for his rationale, Masters relied, “Look Councilman, I know you are new so you haven’t seen how
. Beloi operates.”

He turned a scathing glare on Lexie. “How do we know that those women are not part of your little club? Don’t you have a kicking club where you teach women to kick men, beat them up?”

Lexie tossed her head. “Among other things.”

The room erupted in laughter. Kurt Masters’s face flushed a dangerous red. Lexie softened the blow to his pride.

“We teach women self-defense, Councilman. How to protect themselves.”

Masters waved his microphone like a weapon.

“Is it true that you teach prostitutes?”

Lexie maintained her calm presence. “We teach anyone who comes to our studio, and wants to learn how to protect themselves.”

“So in other words, any man better pay attention if he sees you or one of your gals. You might just beat him up, right?”

Lexie joined in the laughter.

“If he deserved it, I just might!” She added, “But it is not just men who are at fault here. Women also exploit these vulnerable girls. Women can be just as destructive as men. In the illegal sex trade, women typically manage the massage parlors. It is often women who recruit the young women to come to this country, first by winning their trust, and then with false promises. Finally, it is usually women who accompany them on their journey here. No, Councilman, this ugliness is an equal opportunity crime. Both men and women are involved.”

Masters was adamant. “I still protest including these videos. Unless these women are willing to show their faces, why should we believe them?”

Several councilmen asked to be recognized, but Lexie spoke first.

“I understand your concern. I agree. Their testimony would be even more powerful if all of you could see how damaged they are. And, how young they are. But I had a dilemma. Even our Vice Squad led by Captain Rourke can’t promise these young girls protection if they come forward. And neither can the courts. For good reason, the girls are terrified of their pimps and the madams who run the brothels. The stories of what happens to girls who try to break free are hideous.”

Lexie stood quietly for a moment as if contemplating her next move. Jake knew from the way she squared her shoulders that her calm voice and demeanor were for show. She was about to attack.

“But, sir, if you can guarantee their safety the way you would your own daughters’, I will allow them to come forward.” She paused and then forged ahead. “I understand, Councilman Masters, you have three daughters approximately the same age as these young women. For example, Alicia, your eighteen-year-old freshman in college, is the same age as the girl we called Victim One. And if I’m not mistaken, your nineteen-year-old daughter Melissa—”

Masters reared up in his chair.

“Stop! You have no business mentioning my daughters’ names. This is a public hearing. A public record. You have no right—”

Lexie interrupted. “I beg your pardon. I misunderstood. I thought you wanted me to give you the names of these vulnerable girls. The last two, Victims Three and Four, are actually three years younger than your twenty-year-old daughter Heidi.”

The Councilman was apoplectic. He pounded on the top of the table and virtually shouted into the microphone.

“Strike that! I demand that you strike my daughters names, and that you hold this outrageous rabble rouser in contempt!”

Lexie shrugged. “I believe you’ve made my point, Councilman.”


Jake stood in the back of the room and watched as Lexie fielded questions from dozens of reporters. Peter Kim stood at her side. Jake didn’t know which was more fierce: his pride in her, or his pain that he wasn’t the one beside her. The combination was tearing him apart.

Brady poked his head in the doorway, then came in and stood next to Jake.

“I know you are beating yourself up, Jake. And yeah, she was magnificent. Fucking unbelievably magnificent. But, big guy, we weren’t imagining the danger. It’s real. And yeah, you can kick yourself for being overprotective—but that’s your job, Jake.”

“I dunno, Brady. So I lose the woman I love because that’s my job? Seems like a hell of a price to pay.”

Brady’s expression was serious. For once not even a sly grin crossed his face.

“I refuse to believe that, Jake. And you know you don’t either. If you need any confirmation that you are right to be concerned, fucking concerned, Dan Rourke is waiting for us. Wants to work on a perimeter protection plan. Now we’ve got that damned event tomorrow night to worry about. You know whoever this is Jake, is just gonna be loaded for bear after this hearing. She blew the damn place apart.” He nudged Jake. “Could you drop the death mask? Here she comes.”

Lexie was talking over her shoulder to a persistent reporter as she walked up the aisle. When she saw Jake, her eyes flared with excitement that died as quickly as it shone… replaced by pain and a twist of sadness. He understood all three emotions. They were ripping him as well. He reached for her hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek. He didn’t know who was shaking more, but was gratified that she was trembling as hard as he was. She whispered, “You came, Jake.”

He thought his heart might break, realizing she truly thought he wouldn’t.

“Darlin’, I never left.”

A young woman with a press badge tugged on Lexie’s arm.

“Excuse me, Miss Beloi, Lexie. Can you stand over here next to Councilman Kim? We need a shot with both of you in it.”

Jake let go of her hand and turned to go.

“Jake, wait.”

Jake knew it was counterproductive, but standing this close to her, breathing in her special fragrance, was more than he could stand. He either had to scoop her up in his arms and kidnap her… or… let her go back and meet the crowd of fans and reporters wanting to talk to her—and Peter Kim.

He squeezed her hand. “Go, Darlin’. They’re waiting for you.”

Her expression hardened. Jake assumed she’d remembered she was angry with him when he realized that she was looking past him. Hearing his name, he turned to see Dalila approaching. Her emerald eyes shone with a predatory gleam. She smiled at Lexie, as if she were a long lost friend. Sidling up to her and throwing the photographer in front of them a 100 watt smile, Dalila reached past Jake and grasped Lexie’s hand.

“Alexis, you were wonderful. Everyone is
about your performance. You put on the best show we have had in our stuffy office building in years. Congratulations.”

Looking past Lexie, she spied Peter and gushed, “And Peter was wonderful as well. The two of you really set off fireworks. You must be very proud of one another.”

Lexie’s expression was tight. The softness Jake had reveled in minutes before was gone, replaced by a mix of anger and sadness. Peter came up at that moment.

He reached out and shook Jake’s hand, and nodded to Dalila.

“Greetings, Jake. You must be very proud of Alexis. Please forgive me for the interruption. There is a camera crew that is going to mow us all down if Alexis doesn’t give them at least one or two of her snappy quotable lines. I’ll do my best to hold them off, but it is you they want, Alexis.” He nodded to them, and turned back to answer a question from a reporter who pressed a microphone in his face.

Dalila tugged on Jake’s arm.

“Come, Jake. Don’t deprive Alexis of her moment in the sun. It’s not every day a girl has twenty reporters hanging on every word she says. Besides, we’ll have a chance to visit with the two superstars at the gala tomorrow evening. My understanding is that we’ll all be at the head table. What fun!”

At the reminder that Lexie had agreed to be Peter’s guest at the event, a blast of anger tore through Jake’s gut. He glared at her and was rewarded by the guilty blush on her face. So it was true. It wasn’t just one of Dalila’s vicious troublemaking lies. Two days before, Lexie had been his passionate lover and committed to marrying him… at least, eventually. Now because he’d made the mistake of wanting to protect her, of daring to thwart her, she’d jumped ship and fastened her future to a Korean ‘businessman’ who drove a fucking Jaguar. With difficulty, he managed a grim smile.

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