In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) (15 page)

Read In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series) Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Short Story Prequel to “Big Girls Don’t Cry”

BOOK: In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)
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Peter turned to her with a smile.

“Shall we order now so that we can have an uninterrupted conversation?”

Lexie quickly agreed. Perusing the menu, she was glad for the distraction. Peter was an extremely attractive and engaging man. But she didn’t forget for a moment that she had an ulterior motive in meeting with him. As he no doubt had, in inviting her to have lunch with him. They were both too smart, too savvy not to know that the other was interested in more that pleasant chitchat. But Lexie had to admit, if she were going to ferret out information, Peter was an attractive source.

After they finished ordering she took the offensive, hoping that she could disarm him at least momentarily.

“Who are you, Peter?”

If she’d thought she could break through his cool contained exterior with her outrageous question, his hearty chuckle disabused her of that notion.

“Ah, Alexis. In Hapkido, we would call that an ‘eagle strike.’ Directly at the opponent’s eyes, no less.”

Lexie laughed in delight. Shaking her head, she gazed at him appreciatively.

“You can’t blame me for trying to catch you off guard, Peter. Even you have to admit that as out of place as I may have been last evening, you were as well. Don’t misunderstand. I’m grateful that you were. But it is not often that a well-dressed ‘businessman’ leaps out of the shadows to come to the aid of a damsel in distress. Especially one dressed as I was.”

Peter nodded. A slight frown replaced his smile.

“I hope you know, Alexis, that I would have intervened even if you were not who you were. I’ll admit I recognized you. But like the martial artists that we both are, I would never have left you unaided. I was compelled by my training and my honor to intervene. “

Lexie pondered him for a moment. She was an excellent judge of people. It was one of the side-effects of sizing up sparring opponents for the last twelve years. She didn’t for a moment question that Peter was being truthful. But she also knew that there was much more to this charming man than he chose to reveal at the moment. It may take a while, but there was no question that layer by layer she would figure out what made this mysterious man tick. And enjoy his company while she did.

Meanwhile, he didn’t shirk the question. Instead he answered it directly.

“It’s as I told you last evening, I own properties in the Distract. I occasionally walk the area at night. Like you, I’m aware of what goes behind the blight. I want to be very sure that the illegal activities aren’t affecting my properties directly. I care not only as a businessman overseeing my investments, but now in my new role as a member of the City Council. It was a propitious accident that I happened upon you and those despicable men at the moment I did. And as much as it angers me that you were being assaulted, I admit, the role of the ‘knight in shining armor’ has some appeal.”

For the moment
Lexie let his carefully constructed answer stand. She knew no matter how much she tried, it was unlikely she could throw him off guard. He was as accomplished at sparring as she was. But she knew they both had questions they wanted the other to answer. She decided to up the ante.

“I assumed that was what you would say, Peter. You’ll understand if I continue to wonder at the ‘propitiousness’ of your being in the right place at precisely the right time, but I’m glad that you were. But you had a distinct advantage. You knew who I was. I am just now learning some of the roles you play. For example, I didn’t know that you are the new appointee to the City Council, which explains how you might know who I am.”

Peter smiled.

“I’m not as much of a mystery as you are making me out to be. As for knowing who you are, to a Councilman or simply someone who follows the news, your reputation precedes you. And yes, not everyone in the District or on the City Council is as charmed with you as I am. In fact, Alexis, you may have more detractors than I do. But as my mother always told me, ‘consider the source.’ The people who don’t appreciate what you are doing are precisely the kind of people that I want to take down. Both as a businessman who cares about my investments and now as a public official charged with upholding the public good.”

Lexie cocked a questioning brow.

“Please forgive me if I seem somewhat skeptical, Peter. Most of the businessmen and the government officials I run into don’t find me ‘charming.’ In fact they think I am a major pain in their ass.”

Once again, Peter chortled with laughter.

At that moment, Lexie heard a familiar voice call her name. She turned then startled to see Jake and Brady approaching their table. They looked as surprised to see her as she was to see them. The two of them would have been enough of a shock. But walking between them, with Jake’s solicitous hand on her elbow guiding her into the room was Dalila. A flushed, scurrying Paul Prentiss brought up the rear.

Jake nodded to Lexie, his expression impassive, but she didn’t miss the way his jaw tightened as he glared at Peter. He turned back to her with a slight shrug.

“I don’t know what to say, Lexie. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Peter rose to his feet with a polite nod, glancing at Lexie as if expecting her to introduce the newcomers. Lexie could only stare at Jake. Her stomach rolled and her face flamed. Try as she might, the sight of Jake’s hand on Dalila’s arm took her breath away. She couldn’t have spoken if she tried.

Apparently Jake was more composed than she was. He extended his hand to Peter.

“I’m Jake Gardner and this is my partner Lt. Colonel Brady Schaefer. And this is Dalila Minyawi and Paul Prentiss.”

Accepting Jake’s hand, Peter said pleasantly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Peter Kim. And, yes, I know Ms. Minyawi and Mr. Prentiss.” He reached out to shake Paul’s hand, and nodded to Dalila.

Turning back to Jake, he explained, “Paul, Dalila and I have worked together on a number of occasions. I heard that you and the Lt. Colonel were going to do some consulting with Immigration Enforcement. That’s good news. We have hard issues in that arena.”

He shook Brady’s hand. “I’m pleased to meet you as well, Lt. Colonel.” He turned back to Jake, “It’s
Gardner, correct?”

Jake gave a quick nod.

“Yes, but, please, Jake and Brady are adequate.”

Lexie clung to the edge of the table staring at them. She couldn’t remember when she’d been more off balance. It was shocking enough to see Brady and Jake. But seeing the gorgeous dark-haired woman with the supercilious smirk on her face standing next to Jake was too much. The image of Jake’s hand on Dalila’s arm was seared in her brain. As much as she wanted to be as coolly confident as Dalila, she couldn’t pull it off. Her heart was racing. She tried to speak but the words stuck in her throat.

Jake’s frown deepened with concern when he met her gaze. Peter came to the rescue.

“May I assume you all know Alexis?”

Jake’s voice was curt.

“Obviously.” He added, lightening his tone, “I owe you a debt of gratitude, Councilman. Both Lexie and I do. I don’t like to think what might have happened last night if you had not come along when you did. I’m very grateful.”

Peter nodded graciously.

“Please, don’t mention it. I’m just glad I arrived at an auspicious moment.” He hesitated then added, a slight smile tugging at his mouth, “From what I understand, you and your partner finished the job that Alexis and I began.”

Lexie was astonished at Peter’s casual admission. If Jake was surprised, neither he nor Brady betrayed it with as much as a flinch.

Peter looked from her to the group standing awkwardly at the side of the table.

“Alexis and I are just about to finish our lunch, but we would be pleased to have you join us—”

Lexie surprised even herself by standing quickly.

“No, Peter. I should have told you. I… I have another appointment. I’ll… need to leave… soon.”

Jake’s voice was soft, smooth.

“That’s not necessary, Lexie. We won’t barge in on your meeting with the Councilman. The four of us need to discuss an operation we are planning. Please, finish your lunch. I’ll see you tonight.”

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The touch of his lips on her fevered skin sent shockwaves to her core. She might have fallen if Jake hadn’t pulled out her chair and seated her.

He nodded to Peter.

“I apologize for interrupting your lunch. I’m not sure how we all ended up here together, but, nevertheless I’m pleased we were able to meet.”

He drew his wallet from the inside pocket of his tailored jacket and handed his business card to Peter. Peter and Brady did the same.

Jake glanced at Peter’s card.

“I’ll give you a call. I’d again like to thank you personally. I’m also interested in hearing about your business.”

Peter quickly agreed. “Additional thanks are unnecessary. But I would enjoy talking with you. Let’s meet soon.”

Jake nodded. His lips twisted slightly. “I don’t think we will lack for conversation topics.”

Peter smiled pleasantly. “Indeed. I look forward to it.”

While they were talking, Jake let his hand rest on the back of Lexie’s neck, his thumb rubbing against the knotted muscle at the top of her spine. It was a blatant assertion of his territorial rights. Peter cocked his head and bowed slightly, a knowing smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Jake nodded. Message sent. Message received. Lexie glanced between the two of them and would have shrieked but the sight of Dalila waiting patiently, her hand resting lightly if possessively on Jake’s sleeve stopped her. She thought with a grimace, apparently Jake was too caught up in his alpha male standoff to notice the woman preening at his side. Lexie declared at that moment, that if it was the last thing she did, she was going to wipe that smirk off Dalila’s gorgeous mouth.

As he turned to go, Jake leaned down and once again kissed her cheek. He murmured, “Tonight, Darlin’.”

Over his shoulder Jake heard Brady saying good bye to both Peter and Lexie, and saw Brady buzz Lexie’s cheek. He wasn’t surprised to see Lexie cling to Brady for a moment. Jake was grateful. Brady had always been able to comfort her when she and Jake had upsets.

At that moment he realized that Dalila was talking to him. Her voice was soft, but her meaning came through loud and clear.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the dashing Mr. Kim? I’m not surprised that Peter is intrigued with your girlfriend, Jake. But, I should warn you. He’s quite a player. And I understand he has a penchant for blonds, the younger the better.”

came to a full stop,
glaring at Dalila when he felt Brady’s finger jab him in the ribs.

“Hey big guy, lose the frown, or somebody’s gonna think you’re jealous of the guy who was hangin’ with your girl in the middle of the night.”

Jake debated whether he’d punch him in the face or wait until they were outside to kick his ass. But he heard the caution in Brady’s voice. Glancing at the surrounding tables he saw a number of people looking from him to Peter and Lexie. Knowing that gossip was a spectator sport among the elite who were always on the lookout for a juicy scandal, he forced himself to nod and smile as he moved to their table.

Brady sidled between Dalila and Jake. He said in an undertone, but loudly enough for Jake to hear. “I heard that remark, Dalila. You don’t give up easily do you, sweetheart?”

He grinned at her and stroked her cheek as though soothing an annoying pet. “Time to sheathe those claws, kitty cat. I tell you what. Better leave this guy and the woman he loves alone, or you’re gonna have me to deal with.”

Dalila shook off his hand with a haughty sneer.

“Is that a threat or a promise, Colonel?”

Brady’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.


Chapter 15

Lexie spent most of the afternoon teaching classes. She forced herself to pay attention to her students, but several times she realized one of them had asked a question and was waiting patiently for an answer. The third time it happened, Lexie knew it was no use. She was more upset than she remembered being in a very long time. The mix of anger alternating with sadness was overwhelming. During a break she sought out Ming and Quitin, two of her most advanced students. They quickly agreed to teach the rest of the afternoon classes. Ming followed her into the hallway.

“Jai Li, I’m so sorry about what happened last night. Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”

Lexie sighed. “I’d be lying Ming if I said I wasn’t hurting. But in a strange way the ‘hurts’ from those pigs are the least painful.”

Ming’s eyes filled with tears.

“Jai Li, I feel terrible. I feel responsible. I know you and Jake are arguing and it all started with Sun-ja’s death. Oh God, I wish I had never gone into the District. If only I hadn’t been so sure that my ‘missions’ would do some good. I thought they would, but look what has happened. Jai Li, I know this will make you angry, but I think that Jake is right. What you’re doing is dangerous. I’m afraid for you. And I know that Master Wan is concerned as well.”

Lexie felt an irrational rush of fury.

“Dammit, Ming. You, too? Can’t I count on anyone? Yes, it’s dangerous. It always has been. But don’t you see? We can’t stop now. Ming, we are right on the verge of a breakthrough. We are so close. Please. Don’t stop believing in me now. I promise you. I will not allow you to do anything that endangers you.”

“Jai Li, you don’t understand. I
to do this. I know we are getting close. But I am scared. Not for me. But for you. Please don’t be angry with me. I’m sorry if you feel like I don’t believe in you. I do! I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

Lexie sighed. Oh God, now she was shouting at Ming. What was wrong with her? She felt like she was losing her grip, her sense of proportion.

“Ming, please forgive me. I am on edge, and I’m lashing out. A very poor example from a Master teacher. Please accept my apologies. You can help me the most if you and Chang take over my classes for the rest of the day. I’m going to go for a long run. I need it badly. And I need to be by myself.”

When Lexie couldn’t get to a punching bag, her next best outlet was a long hard run. She didn’t run in a leisurely fashion. She ran like she did everything else. With fervor and passion. She wondered if she would ever get to the place in her practice that it would bring her peace. She’d watched Master Wan over the years. And Anthony, and now Jake. Even Brady could move into a space of detached simplicity when they practiced. But a “quiet mind” was elusive for her. The few times she’d achieved that centered solitude, she’d felt so blessed. But those moments were few and only made her all the more aware of how frazzled she was most of the time. It had been worse since Anthony died. What equilibrium she’d had before was gone. It was as though she was inside a tall tower made of steel. The only way she could get out was to scale the walls. But there were no footholds or handholds. And though she could see the bright blue sky at the top, she had no way to reach it. She despaired that she ever would.

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