In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low ) (16 page)

BOOK: In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low )
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“Hold up, man!” I yelled. I could hear Jeff and my other friend, Cam, short for Cameron, acting out on the other side.
I swung my door open while shaking my head at their horseplay. Cam had Jeff in a headlock and the two were laughing up a storm. Apparently, Jeff had just come off on Cam with a good wisecrack. The two of them poured into my apartment at once.
“Yo, man. Are you ready?” Jeff asked, rubbing the stubble on his head back in place after Cam’s attempt to take him down.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute. I need to find my cane. My knee is killing me today.”
“No problem, pops,” Cam joked. “Yo! How are you going to walk down the aisle on Saturday with that cane? I know! All you have to do is give us the good ol’ pimp stroll. No one will ever know you were hurt,” he said, then burst out laughing.
Jeff and I joined in until my cell phone started to play a jig. I hopped back to the coffee table where I had left the phone and looked at the display. It was Lori.
“What’s up?” I answered.
“Brian, there are two men here to see you. They said they know Shelly and it’s really important that they speak with you ASAP. Do you want to come by here or would you like for me to direct them over there?” Lori asked.
“NO! Don’t direct anyone here. I’ll be right there.”
“I figured that much. Do you need for me to come and get you?” Lori asked.
“No, thanks. Jeff is here. He’ll bring me by,” I replied.
“Okay, cool. See you in a minute. Oh, and tell Jeff I said what’s up,” she said before ending the call.
Evidently the look on my face put Jeff and Cam on notice because both of them stared at me quietly, waiting for the reveal. I told them what Lori said on the phone.
“You mean two men are at your old apartment right now asking to see you about Shelly?” Jeff said, then shook his head. “Well, let’s go,” he continued, his posture braced for conflict.
When we got to my old place, Lori opened the door before we could even knock. I walked in first with my cane, and the younger of the two men zeroed in on it, then looked back at the older, burly, and more distinguished-looking gentleman. Jeff and Cam stepped in behind me, and Lori greeted them and closed the door.
The older gentlemen approached me with his hand extended, and the younger one followed suit.
“You must be Brian?” I nodded and he continued. “I’m Douglas Winston, Shelly Winston’s father.” I raised my brow. “No need to be alarmed. This is Brandon Cabrini, Shelly’s husband. We’d like to have a word with you in private.”
“Sir,” I said, nodding a greeting and shaking the hands of both of my visitors.
“We apologize for dropping in on you,” Brandon started. “And we didn’t want to inconvenience your friend, but it was really important that we speak with you,” he said in a very proper voice.
“No problem. However, I’m sure that what you have to say can be said in the presence of my friends.”
The pair looked at one another, then the younger one shrugged his shoulders.
“Very well then. We were wondering if you knew anything about where we might be able to find Shelly. Have you spoken to her recently?”
My brows furrowed in confusion. I looked at Jeff and Cameron and they looked back at me. Lori crossed her arms and sat back on the couch so she wouldn’t miss anything. I suddenly regretted telling them it was okay to speak in front of my friends but didn’t rescind the offer.
“Me? How or why would I know where Shelly is? I haven’t spoken to her in a while. As a matter of fact, she called me last night but I didn’t get a chance to answer. What would make you come to me?”
Mr. Winston spoke up. “Well, Brian, Shelly advised Brandon recently that the two of you were getting back together. It’s been days since we have seen her. She left home in Long Island and hasn’t been to her condo in Brooklyn for days. I did get a chance to speak to her, but she didn’t disclose her whereabouts and we assumed that maybe she was somewhere with you. I knew you lived here, therefore, we saw fit to come to you and possibly get some answers.”
“Where’s Brice now?” I asked.
“He’s here in Brooklyn, attending church with my wife.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Winston, but I have no idea where your daughter is. And Brandon, I apologize for any misunderstandings, but rest assured, Shelly and I are not getting back together. In fact, I’m getting married this coming Saturday.”
The two men shared a quizzical look at the news of the wedding. I didn’t think there was any need to explain to them that I didn’t want any part of Shelly. Lori shifted her position on the couch. Jeff and Cam found seats of their own.
“Interesting,” said Mr. Winston.
“May I ask what happened to your leg, Brian?” Brandon asked.
“Sure. I was in a car accident the other day,” I told him.
“Sorry to hear that. What kind of car were you in an accident with?” he asked.
“Actually, I’m not quite sure. All I know is that it was a black SUV that hit me from behind. I wasn’t paying that much attention to who was behind me as I was riding. After I got hit, I blacked out. There were witnesses though.”
“Oh. Well, I didn’t mean to pry, and sorry to bother you again. I guess we can leave now that we’ve had a chance to talk,” Brandon said.
“Yes,” Mr. Winston said as he approached me, digging in the inside pocket of his sports jacket. “If my daughter happens to call you, I’d appreciate it if you would give me a call. Don’t let her know,” he said. “Gentlemen,” he addressed Jeff and Cam with a nod. “Miss,” he said, nodding at Lori. “Again, I apologize for any inconvenience. Have a good day,” he said finally, holding out his hand to allow Brandon to walk before him.
The rest of us just looked at each other for a few ticks of the clock.
“What the hell was all of that about,” Cameron finally said, breaking the silence.
I shrugged my shoulders. All I cared about was Brice, and as long as he was fine, nothing else made a difference to me. Shelly was just pulling one of her stunts again.
“Can you believe she told her husband that the two of you were back together?” Jeff inquired. “I don’t know where you found her, but let a brother know so I don’t mess around and pick me a chick from the same zip code. That woman is scandalous!”

Chapter 30

“Lex, maybe we should move after the wedding,” Brian spoke sullenly.
“Move where?” I asked, taken aback by his idea.
“Maybe D.C. or Atlanta. Somewhere like that,” he said.
“Why would you suggest that?” I asked, already knowing the answer. I slowly walked over to the couch where he was sitting, watching TV. I knew there was a reason for his despondent mood. He had been awfully quiet since I arrived home from work.
“Then maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with all this craziness that Shelly has been laying on us lately,” he said.
“No! Brian, I am sorry, but I’m not running away. Your friends are here, babe. My friends are here. Our parents, everyone and everything we know and love. I don’t want to move,” I declared, then sat beside him. “Besides, how will you see Brice if we are hundreds of miles away? Have you thought about that?”
“I’ve thought about all of that,” he began with a huge sigh and adjusted his sore leg on the couch, “but I don’t know any other way to protect you and our marriage from…from Shelly.” He said her name like he was thinking of something else to call her.
“Brian, you don’t have to do that. When I made the decision to keep going forward with you by my side, I knew what it entailed. We don’t have to run from anybody,” I said, staring him in the eye. “Babe, I’m not worried about her. I know that you’ve got my back.”
Brian was nearing the end of his rope with Shelly. Although I hadn’t told him about all the information I’d been discussing with Detective Johnson, I’m sure he knew that Shelly was behind the accident.
I kissed Brian on his forehead to reassure him that all would be well. It’s funny how the tides changed. A few short weeks ago, he was the one reassuring me that we could get past the hurdle of Shelly Winston.
“Listen, babe. I’ve got to go. I have an appointment to do some girl stuff to get ready for our big date on Saturday. Just remember, we are not moving! We will not start our life together on the run! I know you care too much about being in Brice’s life to even seriously consider being so far away from him. Even if it means having to deal with his pain-in-the-ass mama. Now I will be back, my king. Prop that leg up and be ready for me when your queen returns,” I said, hitting him with my girl charm. My sly smile softened his handsome face. With dimples deep enough to get lost in, his smile seemed to illuminate the entire room. After a quick peck on his succulent lips, I left, eager to return for more.

Detective Johnson greeted me outside, near the precinct’s entrance. He wasn’t a bad-looking man, even though my man looked better. I threw on my girl charm, which always helped me get what I needed from men. I learned a long time ago that a delicate smile, a little sway in the hips, and a flip of the hair could go a long way with men. Top that off with a compliment, the batting of the eyes, and a soft, sweet aroma emanating from your bosom, and what you wanted was practically in your hand. Also, peek-a-boo shirts always help. Those are the shirts that offer a hint or slight peek at the goods you have under wrap. You might even see a man move his head slightly, trying to get a possible glimpse. They leave much to the imagination without blatantly putting you on display.

“Good evening, detective,” I said with a sweet smile, staring him in the eye.
“Good evening, Ms. Mitchell. Nice to see you again,” he said, smiling back and shaking my hand a little longer than necessary. His slanted smile whispered to me that my girl charm was already working. “Let’s go inside,” he said, leading the way.
Detective Johnson opened the door and gestured for me to enter before him. I hit him with the old sway of the hips, sending my flirty skirt waving in the non-existent July wind. After making sure I had zapped him with my sweet-smelling perfume, a few bats of the eye, and a compliment about his beautiful teeth, he gave me all the information I needed about the woman behind the wheel on the night of Brian’s accident. He also suggested that I file for an order of protection to keep Shelly away from us in the meantime.
By nine o’clock the next morning, I stood before the doors of the court building in downtown Brooklyn, waiting for them to open. I arrived so early that I was the first one there. Several other women stood on line after me, complaining loudly about their boyfriends, exes and babies’ daddies! I could only imagine the scenarios that had led each of these women to these steps.
By the time I was done, the order contained stipulations for when Brice could be dropped off into Brian’s custody. Shelly could only drop him off and pick him up at our local precinct to avoid any potential conflicts. I was to go to work completely satisfied with what I had done. I could only imagine the expression on her face when she was served by the authorities.

Chapter 31

Daddy was really going to be upset with me. I still hadn’t been back to work, but I did go back to my apartment. I couldn’t stay in the hotel another day. My bed called for me and I longed to crawl into it and get some much-needed rest. When I entered my apartment, I hurried off to the bathroom, not even stopping to put down my hot pink overnight bag. As I was closing the bathroom door, a force pushed it back open. My first reaction was to scream, but instead I picked up my bag and swung it at my attacker.

“What the hell are you doing?” Brandon yelled as the bag connected with his forearm, blocking the assault.
“What are you doing here? Where did you come from? Were you waiting on me to come home?” I asked, hurling one question after another.
“Shelly, please!” Brandon said snidely as he closed in on me, unfazed by my questions. Apparently, he had no intention of answering them and challenged me with a few questions of his own. “Where have you been? Where’s my truck? Why didn’t you tell me about the accident, Shelly? Huh?”
The last question really got my attention. Initially, I didn’t know how to respond.
“What accident?” I said, trying to play stupid. All he had to do was go downstairs and see the dented grill and white paint scratched onto the black exterior. Bad idea, Shelly, I thought to myself while trying to come up with something else. “Brandon, wait, I can explain.” Then I thought about it. I wasn’t with Brandon anymore. I didn’t need to explain anything to him. As far as he knew, I was back with Brian. “Then again, I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
“The hell you don’t,” he yelled. I flinched because I had never seen Brandon this angry before. “The nerve of you to even think you don’t have to explain shit to me,” he spat. I couldn’t remember if I had ever heard him curse before. “You take my car and disappear for days, leaving me and Brice to fend for ourselves. And this is after you claim to have gotten back together with his father. What kind of game are you playing here? You don’t fuck around with people’s lives like that, Shelly!” I was shocked by Brandon’s brash use of language. It was so unlike him to use such foul words.
For the first time since speaking with my father the other day, I thought about Brice. Instantly, I felt horrible for leaving him.
“Brian—I mean, Brandon,” I stretched my eyes wide, hoping he hadn’t caught that. He glared at me. “I’m sorry. I had a few things that I had to straighten out.”
“Bullshit, Shelly,” he cursed again. I stared at him in awe. “Cut it with the lies. You and Brian are not back together for one. You drop Brice off at day care and never return to pick him up. They were calling your Mother like crazy. Finally, she had to go and get him, and you still didn’t show up. No one could get in touch with you, then you run off to make sure no one can find you. The insurance company has been calling day and night because of an apparent hit and run. Don’t you realize you could go to jail for some shit like that?! What the hell has gotten into you?!”
“Don’t even call my name! I didn’t even get to the part where you told your parents that I beat you. Do you know that I nearly lost my job and could have been arrested? It doesn’t matter, does it? All you care about is Shelly and what Shelly wants. And because you are so inconsiderate, you go to any lengths to get it, regardless of how it affects other people. You are a liar and you are psychotic. Don’t worry about Brice; he’s better off without you. Just give me the keys to my truck and stay the hell away from me.”
I was stuck in my stance. The way Brandon spoke to me made me sick to my stomach. Never in a million years would I have expected that from him. I slowly walked into the kitchen and retrieved the keys to Brandon’s battered Range Rover Sport and handed them to him. Brandon tossed the keys to my Mercedes onto the coffee table even though I reached for them.
“Would you please bring Brice to me?” I quietly asked.
Brandon glared at me once again as he contemplated his answer.
“No,” he stated simply, “go get your child yourself.” He slammed the door behind him with so much force that the candle in the wall sconce fell crashing to the floor. Like a strong passing wind, he was gone.
Damn it! Now I had to face my mother in order to get my son. I grabbed my keys and purse and set off to face Mother, filled with dread. As I opened the door to leave, a tall, nice-looking police officer stood at my door, poised to knock.
“Mrs. Cabrini?” he asked the question more with his eyes than he did with his voice as his eyes washed over me.
“Um…Can I help you?” Fear kept me from saying more.
I knew exactly why he was here. It was a good thing that Brandon took the Range Rover. I thought about denying that it had been me until I looked into the officer’s face again. It was the same man who had knocked on my window the night of the accident, asking if I was okay. Surely he remembered me. My mind raced. I’d never survive jail. What was I to do? I couldn’t see or think clearly. Was he here to arrest me?
“Ma’am? Mrs. Cabrini?”
He called my name again but I couldn’t find my voice to answer. I swallowed hard and attempted to speak again. Beads of sweat formed around my hairline, and the edges of my ears felt like they were heating up.
“Sir…what…what do you want?” I was hoping I didn’t sound rude but my thought came spilling through my lips before I could tailor my words.
“This is for you, Mrs. Cabrini,” he said, before spinning on his heels and turning to leave.
I was so relieved that he wasn’t there to arrest me, but I wondered what he had handed me. The paper looked very official. Was this my sentence? My eyes scanned over the document, picking up bits and pieces.
“What! Order of protection? Alexia Mitchell. Lexie? Assault! Precinct. Stalking!” I said aloud as I read through the document. I felt the air leave my body. Lexie had filed an order of protection against me, restricting me from coming near her, Brian, and their home. There was even a restriction included for when I dropped Brice off. I was now required to meet Brian at the precinct to give him Brice.
Now my ears were literally on fire and so was I. The words on the page became a blur as my vision was obscured by burning tears.
“You will not win! Mark my words, Lexie! You will not win!” I screamed before charging out and slamming the door behind me.

BOOK: In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low )
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