In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low ) (15 page)

BOOK: In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low )
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Chapter 27

“Shelly, what the hell is going on with you? Between your mother and your husband, I can’t get a moment’s peace. And why did you lie to me about Brandon hitting you? I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. You don’t answer our calls. You haven’t returned any of mine in weeks. Is there something you need to talk about?”

I paced frantically around the room, gnawing at my acrylic overlay while Daddy scolded me over the telephone. I had managed to do a good job of avoiding everyone until today. Why did I pick up the phone without looking at the caller ID display anyway? Answering to my father was the last thing I was interested in doing right now.

“Answer me, Shelly! What is going on? I’ve never seen you act this way before and I don’t understand. Why the lies? Brandon has been calling me for the past few days trying to find you. According to him, you haven’t been at the house or the condo. Brice has been asking for you and your mother is furious. You haven’t been to work and haven’t called anyone to say that you weren’t coming in. I…I just don’t get it. What’s gotten into you?”

I grabbed a handful of my bouncy locks and gazed at the ceiling. I certainly couldn’t tell my father the truth. Either he wouldn’t believe me or he would think I was just plain crazy. Time. Time was all I needed to continue to sort out my situation before I explained things to Daddy.

“Daddy, I can explain everything. Just give me a little time.”
“Baby girl, it seems like you’ve had all the time in the world the last few days. Are you alone?” he asked.
“No…yes. I mean…” I wasn’t sure what to tell him. I didn’t want him to come looking for me. Maybe if he thought I was with someone he wouldn’t be inclined to ask more questions.
“What?! Shelly!”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. It’s just that there is so much I have to sort out.”
“But, Shelly, what about your son? That boy needs you. One day you leave him at the day care and don’t return, then you up and disappear. This can’t be good for him. That child needs his mother.”
“I know, Daddy,” I said with a hint of irritation in my voice. I wanted to get him off the phone. He was pushing me way too hard.
“Shelly,” Daddy said my name as if he was ready to give up, “are you at least going to go back home to Brandon?”
“No, Daddy. I can’t. I don’t love him and never did. I don’t want to be with him anymore. I told you it wasn’t going to work in the first place. He’s a nice person but I don’t love him.” I almost said that I loved Brian, but I couldn’t tell Daddy that until I found a way to work everything out. “Daddy, can I please call you back?”
After a long, drawn-out sigh, Daddy finally said, “Yes. As a matter of fact, I’ll call you back. Just answer the phone when I call.”
“I will, Daddy,” I lied.
I was tired of this hotel room but too afraid to go back to my condo or my home in Long Island. When that man came into the hospital the other night and said that he was an off-duty police officer, I thought for sure that I was going to get arrested. I’d never survive a single night in jail.
When I saw those men pull Brian’s limp body out of Lexie’s car, I couldn’t believe it. Lexie was my target. I never intended to hurt Brian. When the ambulance came, I slowly drove away from the scene. I’m sure someone probably witnessed me causing the accident, so I haven’t been back home in case the authorities are looking for me.
I was happy to hear that Brian was alive, well, and not badly hurt as a result of the accident. The nice nurse at the hospital kept me posted on his progress until he was discharged. The thought of hurting him brought me to tears once again. Since I’d been hiding in this hotel room, I hadn’t done much else than cry. Things were not working out the way I wanted them to, and I was too close to losing Brian for good. There was only one week left before his wedding, and it appeared that they were still planning to go through with it.
I knew I needed to do something besides cry about it, but I was spent both emotionally and physically. Not to mention, I was also fresh out of ideas. I thought of contacting my informant. Maybe she would have some information that would help spark some ideas. I hated talking to her but she always had the information I needed. I could clearly see that, if it weren’t for the information she provided me with, there would be no reason for me to ever speak to her. We were cut from two very different cloths.
“Hi, it’s me,” I greeted inconspicuously.
“Got the wrong person, huh?”
My breath caught in my throat. How did she know about the accident? I wanted to know but refused to ask. She didn’t need to know that she had knocked me off my stance.
“What did you say?” I asked as if I hadn’t heard her clearly. Buying time was my intent.
“You heard me. You got the wrong one. By now you should have known that he always uses her car for short runs. I guess it’s easier to park. Well, anyway, what do you want now? He’s well enough to walk down the aisle. He may limp down, but he will get down the aisle nonetheless. Oh, and he’s doing much better by the way. I spoke with him yesterday.”
Shut up, stupid! Don’t you think I know that I hit the wrong person! I wanted to say all the nasty things that were in my head, but I couldn’t afford to upset her. There was still so much information I needed. I also hated that she had cordial conversations with him on somewhat of a regular basis. Getting mad was pointless since it was through these conversations that she got her information to deliver back to me.
“You know what this is going to do, don’t you? You’ve messed up real bad. If there was enough friction to pull them apart before, it won’t matter now. Now that he’s been hurt, I’m sure Lexie has been at his side, catering to his every need. So what you have actually done is bring them closer together. Nothing brings people closer together than emergencies and tragedies. You’ve probably succeeded in reminding them of how much they love one another.
“SHUT UP! That’s enough!” I yelled. I couldn’t take any more. “Do you plan on helping me or rubbing this shit in my face!” I spat, grabbing a handful of hair. Why was she taunting me this way? “Do you have anything to tell me?” I said through clenched teeth, slowly pronouncing the words as if each was its own statement.
“Well, if you haven’t ruined everything and still stand a chance,” she said, saturating her words with sarcasm. “They have their rehearsal dinner Thursday evening, after they rehearse at the church. Besides that, his boys are planning a bachelor party on Friday night. I know his closest friend, Jeff, so I’m sure I can probably get more information for a nice fee.”
“Do it. I’ll call you later for details,” I said, then ended the call before she had a chance to respond. Now I had to figure out what to do next.

Chapter 28

“Nobody preaches better than our pastor,” I told Brooke as we stepped out of church. “Girl, when he said pray for your enemies to be delivered because they don’t realize that the devil is using them to test you, I just wanted to drop on my face and scream. You know I thought about Shelly.”

“Girl, the devil isn’t using her! She’s the damn devil incarnate. It’s not like she doesn’t realize she’s trying to come between you and Brian. That crazy-ass bird is doing all this on purpose!” Brooke said as we strolled along the street toward our vehicle.

“You’ve got a point there. She does know what she’s doing. I just don’t understand pursuing someone so hard when they have already declared outright that they don’t want you. My pride would have stopped me a long time ago,” I said to Brooke, shaking my head as we approached Brian’s truck. I fumbled in my oversized bag for the keys.

“That’s the problem. She’s past being proud; she’s running on desperation. You know desperation will make you do things that pride would make you abandon. And it’s not like she’s an ugly girl. And her family has money. She could have any man she wants. That goes to show you that looks can only take you but so far,” Brooke said.

“Exactly…” I began, until I saw the series of expressions that transitioned across Brooke’s face, beginning with surprise and ending with a look of indignation.

I followed Brooke’s line of sight to a woman strutting toward the car, donned in soft pink from head to toe. Her pink skirt suit and matching pumps were complemented by delicate pearl accessories. My own shock registered when I looked into Shelly’s face. She was heading right toward us.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Here comes the devil herself! Doesn’t she know we just got out of church and we are trying to remain holy? Why does she look like she’s coming our way?” Brooke mocked the question with her hands on her hips. “Do you really believe it was her that hit Brian from behind that night?” Brooke asked the last question in a tone close to a whisper.

“I know it was her. The officer from the hospital said the truck was registered to Brandon Cabrini and Cabrini just happens to be Shelly’s married name. I know she must have thought it was me in that car,” I said as we watched Shelly draw closer.

“She was trying to take you out! Girlfriend has got some big balls. The audacity of a mule! Now what the hell does she want this morning? I’m ready for our brunch. The sight of her turns my stomach. I want to be able to enjoy my food,” Brooke said.

“Hello, ladies,” Shelly said as she slowed her stroll then nodded a greeting in Brooke’s direction. She left a safe distance between us.

“I know she didn’t just say ‘hello ladies’ like we’re old friends,” Brooke said right in front of her, mocking her greeting with a high-pitched voice. “Lex, girl, hurry up and open this car door before the devil decides to start using me this morning. Believe me, I’m going to know about it,” Brooke said before rolling her eyes at Shelly.

I hit the appropriate button on the remote and Brooke jumped in, slamming the door behind her. She pulled the door so hard that Shelly flinched when it shut. Slowly, I walked around the car to the passenger side where Shelly stood a few feet away on the sidewalk.

“I just came from church, enjoying a nice service, feeling good. The last thing I want to see is you. Now I thought you understood from the other night at the hospital that we have nothing to discuss. You are Brian’s ex, not mine. I don’t have to deal with you.”

“I’ll pay you,” Shelly said indifferently.
“Excuse me?!” I said, bewildered, before closing the space separating us. “You will do what?” I asked face-to-face. “What did you just say to me?” I asked, prodding for more clarification.
Shelly took two steps back. Brooke opened the car door and put one foot on the sidewalk. I was close enough to see a mix of fear and despondency in Shelly’s eyes.
“I dare you to repeat what you just said to me,” I said through clenched teeth.
“I said, I’ll pay you. How much would it take?” she asked, standing her ground.
I couldn’t believe the audacity, the gall, and the boldness of this woman to come to me with such ridiculousness. And from the looks of it, she was dead serious.
“Lexie, my family has lots of money. I don’t feel like fighting anymore, but I want what I want so I’m willing to pay for it,” Shelly said with a sense of entitlement.
“I am now completely certain. You are crazy! Brian doesn’t even want you. Did you ever think about that?” I said with my arms in the air. “Why would you even want someone who doesn’t want you?”
“It’s only because of you. If you weren’t around, we would have been together a long time ago,” she said, as if she was totally convinced.
“So that’s what you were trying to do the other night when you hit my car? You were trying to get rid of me because you thought Brian would suddenly want you?”
Shelly’s jaw dropped and her hand flew to her mouth to cover her display of shock.
“Yeah, that’s right. I know it was you. Unfortunately for you, Brian was in the car instead of me. That’s how you got to the hospital so fast and why your ass pulled a Houdini when that cop came to see about Brian,” I said.
Shelly’s mouth still hadn’t closed. Then suddenly she started to gasp for air.
“Yes, Mrs. Cabrini. That’s your last name, right? What? Is the car registered in your husband’s name? What does he have to say about all of this? Does Brandon know that your dumb ass is out here chasing after another woman’s man? Specifically, one who is getting married in less than a week?” I continued, stepping in closer to her. Brooke stepped completely out of the car. “I advise you to get out of my face. And now that I have ALL of your information, I would advise you to leave Brian and me the hell alone.”
“Fine…fine. If that’s the way you want it, that’s fine with me. But remember, I have his baby. You will have to deal with me regardless. I tried to make it easy for you, but you insist on making it hard.” Shelly was shaking her head back and forth with such force that her hair was falling in her face.
“So you are his baby mama. So what! You haven’t realized that doesn’t hold any weight? If he could have his son without you, he would take him in a heartbeat. You really don’t get it, do you?”
Shelly became flustered and her gasps became audible, high-pitched gusts of air.
“You will regret this!” she screamed.
“Whatever. I’m not entertaining this anymore.” I dismissed her with a wave of my hand and started toward the car.
“At least I was able to give him a child. Something you apparently aren’t woman enough to do.” Shelly’s spiteful words hit me like darts in my back.
I turned around slowly and stared at Shelly for a quick moment before charging at her like a lioness striking her prey. Brooke grabbed me and Shelly took off in her four-inch pink pumps, running like a marathon star.
“I’m not done. I’ll see you Saturday,” Shelly yelled over her shoulder.
“Did that chick just say she will see you on Saturday, as in, your wedding day?” Brooke asked in awe, emphasizing the words your and wedding.
Brooke and I stood in shock as we watched her swift retreat. Then something dawned on me—how did Shelly know where to find me?

Chapter 29

I hopped to the door as quickly as I could without generating any painful sensations through my sore leg. Most of my bruises were healing nicely. Hopefully, on my wedding day, the only sign of my accident will be a slight limp because of the damage to my left knee. The way the bell was ringing, I knew it could only be Jeff. He was coming to pick me up so I could get some fresh air. I hadn’t left the house since the accident except to visit my doctor. Today was my day to chill out with the guys. Lexie had plans to hang out with Brooke after church service today, so this was the perfect opportunity for me to hang with the fellows.

BOOK: In Her Mind (Mountain High Valley Low )
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