Human Conditioning (46 page)

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Authors: Louise Hirst

BOOK: Human Conditioning
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“I hate fighting with you,
baby,” Aiden whispered against her skin as his lips moved across her shoulder
blade. His hands trailed down over her buttocks and with one tug, he pulled her
into him. His groin against hers made them both groan with pleasure. “Don’t
fight me,” he murmured breathlessly as his lips met her mouth once more.

Lily was all sensation now,
letting herself go. She did not want to think; she did not want to dwell.
Reaching out behind her, Aiden slammed the lounge door shut then forced her up
against it. Lily was caged beneath his large frame, beneath his wandering hands
and his lips, and she was utterly aroused by him. Flitting thoughts about the
flats, the working girls, and Gina tried to penetrate her consciousness, but
she dashed them away. She wanted this; she wanted her husband tonight. All the
wrongdoing and all the worry could wait until the morning. Tonight, she wanted
to be numb to it all. And that’s what she was, numb, to everything outside of
her and Aiden in that moment, outside of the sensation of his hands all over
her body.

Aiden suddenly withdrew and slammed his hands on the door
either side of her head. The loud slam made her start, but when she saw his
carnal expression and the burning desire for her stirring in his deep blue
eyes, she knew there was nothing but their love-making on his mind.

“What do you want?” he

He was leaning into her, his
face inches from hers. Lily was breathless and her whole body was crying out
for him to touch her again, her sex throbbing like it used to before... no, she
mustn’t think of it. She numbed herself once more, and breathlessly she
replied, “Kiss me... down there.”

Immediately, Aiden dropped to
his knees. Then slowly and excruciatingly, he pulled open the zip of her
trousers and pulled them over her hips and down her legs. Lifting her right
foot, he took off her stiletto then pulled the material of her trousers down
and allowed her to step out of one leg, then repeated the same process for the
other. He tossed her trousers aside and looked up at her, a carnal smile
creeping in at the side of his lovely mouth.

Lily squirmed as the tips of
his fingers lightly ran up her ankles, her calves, over the sensitive flesh
behind her knees, up and over her thighs until they settled over her buttocks.
He squeezed them appreciatively.

“You’ve been working out,” he

“Yes,” Lily breathed.

“Harpers?” he asked, and her
heart sank.
How did he know?
She had never told him.
What else did he
She started to wrack her brain to think if she had done anything,
bought anything, that could raise suspicion regarding the couple of occasions
she had allowed herself to lunch with Robert Wesley over the past few months,
but the feel of his lips as they pressed on the flesh beside her pubic hair
made her gasp, and she was suddenly all sensation once more. “The accountant
told me,” he responded to her unspoken question.

“What else does your
accountant tell you?” she asked, as Aiden’s lips traced the top of her pubic
hair, kissing the flesh up to her belly button.

He smiled as his hands moved
slowly around to her front, tapping his fingertips lightly over the waistband
of her silk knickers. The anticipation was building inside of Lily and a quiet
moan escaped her throat. Aiden grinned as his lips moved downwards once more as
he slowly pulled down her knickers. Like the removal of her trousers, he lifted
each foot to allow her to step out of them, then tossing the knickers away, he
replied, “He tells me lots of things...” and rapidly moving his hands to her
buttocks again, with one swift movement, he pulled her sex into his mouth.

Lily was so wrapped up in
sensation that she initially forgot what he was talking about, but even so,
once again, she didn’t have the will to think on it. Her head dropped back
against the door, her mouth open and her breath hitching as his tongue moved
over her sex with vigour, sucking and licking her until she felt the first
waves of her orgasm. Her mind was a cloud of pure pleasure. She couldn’t think
of anything but attempting to hold off her impending orgasm for as long as she
could, because she did not want this distraction to end.

“Aiden!” she cried out.

The arousal brought about by
her husband’s tongue was immense. She missed loving him, missed wanting him.
And now, she wanted him everywhere. Her pleasure was building, she was panting,
and when she felt Aiden’s fingers slide into her, her need and her anguish all
rolled into one explosive cry. She let go, her release making her body convulse
against the door, and Aiden’s fingers moved faster inside of her, prolonging
her pleasure, and just when she thought she couldn’t handle much more, she felt
herself building again. Aiden’s tongue lapped up her juices. He sucked and
licked, licked and sucked, now more fingers filling and stretching her further.
The sound of his kisses, the sound of his fingers vigorously stroking the wall
of her vagina, was intoxicating. Her legs were trembling and she feared she
would not be able to stand for much longer.

“Fuck, Lils!”

Aiden marvelled at her need,
her passion. She was so wet, so alive and responsive. He hadn’t been able to
affect her like this for what felt like an age. It was a relief. Her unresponsiveness
had started to play on his mind. He had begun to gain a complex, and that
hadn’t sat right with him at all. Lily cried out as she exploded again, and
Aiden was keen to show her what he was capable of. He would bring her back from
wherever she had been and show her exactly what she had been missing.

Standing, he wiped his mouth
and nose on the cuff of his shirt then proceeded to remove his shirt, all the
while keeping his eyes on his wife, who was gazing back at him, leaning
helplessly against the door and breathing raggedly. As he removed his cufflinks
without averting his eyes, he smirked and Lily reciprocated the gesture. He
pulled off his shirt and relished how she lowered her eyes and marvelled at his
exquisite body.

Lily stared hungrily at his
hard chest, his six-pack and the well carved ‘v’ that started from his hips and
cut deep and statue-like into his pelvis, forming two kissable trails to his
manhood. She wanted to kiss him there. She leant down, but Aiden took her
shoulders and set her back upright.

“No, I’m giving all the
pleasure tonight.”

Taking her hips, he pulled her
into him and planted a long, fervent kiss on her lips, then spun her around and
walked her against the door again so that he was facing her back. Taking her
buttocks into his hands, he squeezed and Lily groaned. He leant into her ear
and grazed her earlobe with his teeth.

As the sensation of his teeth
coursed through her highly sensitive body, Lily felt his right arm snake around
her and locate her sex. She moaned as he dipped a finger inside of her and ran
his wet fingers over her, making her gradually build once more. She could feel
his hard chest on her back as his fingers expertly circled her sex then,
suddenly, a wet finger sliding over her anus was followed by the unfamiliar
sensation of his finger filling that area.

She gasped. Her initial
response was to push her hips forward to escape his intrusive finger, but the
sensation was too wonderful to deny and she found herself arching her back,
pressing her breasts against the door and offering her backside to him.

“Good girl,” Aiden whispered,
close to her ear, and immediately he pushed his finger deeper inside of her,
causing her to groan loudly at the pleasure it gave her.

His fingers still arousing her
sex, Lily had an overwhelming desire to have him inside her. She wanted him
everywhere. She reached back and cupped her hand over his manhood. “I want you,
now,” she begged through gritted teeth. She felt Aiden’s lips take her neck and
it was too much sensation to bear. “Take me, please!”

Aiden withdrew his fingers
from all areas of her body and, as she stood, trembling and breathless, her
forehead pressed against the door, she heard the sound of his fly opening. Then
his hands snaked around her waist once more and, in one fluid motion, he swung
her body around, draping her over the back of the sofa and, placing one hand on
her back, between her shoulder blades and grasping her hip with the other, he
parted her legs with his knee and thrust into her.



Lily lay still next to Aiden in their bed. He was snoring
lightly, on his side, facing her. He looked immaculate as usual, his hair all
dishevelled from their rampant love-making and his beautiful face without its
usual frown. He looked peaceful in sleep, but she had learned over time that
Aiden had not found much peace in his life.

She glanced at the alarm clock
sat on the set of drawers on Aiden’s side of the bed, which told her it was
three in the morning. She had been lying there and staring at him for nearly
two hours. She couldn’t compute all the thoughts that had run through her mind
in that time, but she did know that she felt sick; sick with regret, with lost
hope, with anger.

Her mind wandered back to the
day she had broken into Gina’s flat: the squalor she had witnessed, Gina’s
little silver box, her cry out for Aiden, and the information she gave her
about her and Aiden’s business relationship and their

Gina had confirmed that her
and Aiden’s sexual relationship had ceased before she had returned. Lily was
sure that Aiden had no current sexual desire for Gina and she was certain he
did not love her. And Gina seemed to know that too, though Lily was convinced
that Gina still thought he cared for her. Maybe he did, in his own way.
Whatever the truth, that Aiden and Gina might have an understanding beyond what
she could ever comprehend was an unsavoury thought. It was almost like he was
cheating, emotionally if not physically, and in many ways an emotional
attachment was harder to bear.

Her mind drifted to their
love-making that evening. It was good... it was more than good, but she had
betrayed herself, her friend and all the other poor women he was exploiting.
She was a traitor to her own sex.

How could she love someone she despised?
It was
true: Aiden was a different man when it came to being a husband and a father.
She knew he would not do a thing to hurt her or Amy. He doted on them both. But
he did have an ugly side – a
side that she had conveniently ignored
tonight so that she could pretend her marriage wasn’t an utter farce. But a
farce it was. She had been tricked. Her trust had been betrayed. The man she
had married, the man she saw behind closed doors, was not the man that everyone
else knew.

Oh, but she loved him, and yet
she had gone to the police. She had reported her own husband.
Did she regret
it now?
No, she did not. Aiden needed to be stopped. What he was doing to
those poor girls was beyond barbaric and he needed to pay for his sins.

Tears pricked her eyes. She
felt immensely frustrated that the police had not found anything to link him to
the flats. Her father had told her that people suspected of running large
illegal operations were often difficult to charge because they have so much
protection, so many minions who were paid to take the rap if the police ever
came knocking. Some suspects were never charged. This thought made her stomach
churn. If Aiden was never caught, if he was able to continue living this life,
what chance did she have? What would she do?

She gulped hard as she
considered leaving him. How would she explain why she was going? Would she tell
him that she knew about his secret life? Would he find out that she had
reported him? What would he do to her if he ever did find out?

Eventually, Lily fell asleep,
but her dreams did not give her any comfort.


Chapter forty-six


Aiden stepped into Gina’s flat. It was dark outside, but
the flat was dark too, and quiet. He leant around the kitchen doorway and
flicked on the kitchen light. It brightened the hallway enough for him to see
but not enough to immediately alert any unwanted visitor upstairs.

Closing the front door with a
quiet click, he slowly and vigilantly made his way into the living room. The
room was empty, but he could just make out Gina’s trusty silver box on the
coffee table and a large bag of white powder next to it. It was all the
confirmation he needed to be certain that she hadn’t done a runner. She would
never willingly leave that much heroin behind.

Stepping into the living room,
he peered up the stairs to see a faint light coming from the bedroom. Taking
the stairs, he reached the bedroom but before he could open the door, the door
swung open. A large middle-aged man with a thick neck, round belly and tattooed
arms showing beneath his vest halted in surprise when he saw Aiden standing
there. “Fuck, man, you scared me!” he gasped.

“Who’re you?”

The man ignored Aiden’s
question, not knowing who he was, and instead began ranting. “I don’t think
you’ll get much more out of her, mate. She fucking passed out on me, man. This
place has gone to shit!”

Aiden barged him out of his
way so he could get into the room. The man wanted to fight him, but as Aiden
stepped into the light to reveal his true size, he thought again. Even against
this Will Carling look-a-like, Aiden was big.

Aiden surveyed Gina’s body.
She was breathing, but her breaths were shallow and quiet. Her clothes had been
ripped and her inner thighs were red from recent force. He turned to face the
man who had obviously done this to her. “Why are all the lights off
downstairs?” he asked steadily.

“She insists on it... the
crazy, junkie bitch...!”

At that, Aiden swung his fist
and landed a hard blow to the man’s temple. He landed like a sack of potatoes
on the carpeted floor and was out for the count. Aiden loomed over him, and
hocking spittle from the back of his throat, he spat in the man’s face. “Fucking
ponce,” he muttered, and stepped over to the bed.

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