How to Catch Butterflies (31 page)

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Authors: Samantha Fontien

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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The straps of her bra had fallen off her shoulders hanging limp on her forearms, one of her breasts were exposed. Her rosy nipple beckoning to him, which he obliged teasing and sucking it harder.

Her hand still gliding over his full exposed length; Lucy leaned into his mouth flicking her tongue over his awaiting lips, as she did so his fingers unclasped her bra with great ease using one hand.

It fell onto his chest as she sat up exposing her pert breasts, his hands fondled them. He had cleverly positioned his hands so that he had her nipples were in between his fingers.

Every time he softly squeezed her breasts, she could feel the slight pinch on her nipples sending wild shivers down her body. She rubbed herself slowly over him feeling his hard length through her panties.


Their kissing intensifying again with urgency he couldn’t keep his hands off her. The feel of her silky skin and her aroused nipples tantalizing his chest. He reached down to her panties, and ripped them at either side of her hips flinging them down onto the floor.

Christopher reached for his hard length, holding it to her opening and slowly slid himself into her, teasing her with his speed of thrusting. He was deep inside her; she stationed her hands on him while she rocked back and forth on his full length, moaning with pleasure, his hands on her hips pushing her down further onto his hard thumping rod.

Her rocking slowed; he pulled her down to his lips to his awaiting tongue. He rolled them to her back, and thrust is cock into her slamming her hard making her moan more, her nails clawing his back down to his backside, he moaned thrusting and slamming her harder.


Lucy’s fingers now grabbed, pulling him into her as she greeted his every thrust. She could feel herself start to cum as the familiar rush of ecstasy coursed through her.

He slowed his thrusting teasing her with slow gentle but deep plunges, his tongue again gliding and flicking hers.

“Fuck me doggie style.” She commanded, as he pulled his cock out of her, and found his footing to stand at the bottom of the bed.

She crawled to him, on top of the bed with a cat type prowl, her eyes beckoning him; he stood there his huge cock in his hand ready to plunge into her as he held ‘IT’ there.

“Put ‘IT’ in me,” she gasped.

He slid just his tip into her, wanking his length into her, his other hand on her firm buttock to steady himself, as she moaned.

“Do you want it?” He asked “Do you want it all?” his voice sending shivers down her as he bent in to her,

“Yes, give it to me...Oh yes ...Oh yes,” she purred. “Harder, harder!”

He rammed his cock into her slamming her each time, his thrusting now frenzy.

“Take it, that’s right, take it all,” through his moaning, as he slowed again teasing her. She could feel him throb in her, she clenched down on him with her pelvic muscles, gripping him tight in her, he groaned with each clench she made.

He withdrew from her, his cock almost dripping with the excitement, she turned into him, arising from her knees, reaching up to his face, and his arms encircled her, as he lifted her off the bed, her legs wrapped around his waist.

Their mouths met, devouring each other with purpose. Chris walked them to her bedroom wall, pushing her up against it. He held his cock to her opening again, sliding it deep, driving his hard cock into her. Lucy moaned as she gyrated up and down, his speed picking up, the familiar rush of an orgasm vibrated through her.

Her body quivering under every assault his enormous cock made, they’re eyes meeting.

“I want to watch you cum again,” he said.

“If you keep this up, you won’t have to wait long. I’m SOoo near,” she cooed.

He thrust harder into her, her moaning turning to urgency.

“Fuck me…fuck me…fuck me harder…Fill me…fill me,” she groaned her voice full of elation.


He couldn’t hold back the cum that had been building. “I’m going to cum!” He growled. “I’m going to cum!”

He met her mouth again, the passion overtaking, as he burst, pumping his load into her to her orgasmic groans.

He could feel his legs turn to jelly, his body shaking as much as hers.

“You know if we’re to stand any chance, I have to get us to that bed without collapsing”, he whispered to her through an array of tender kisses.

She hugged him tight as he moved them across the floor, his huge cock still in her.

They fell onto the bed, it was only then he noticed the song that had been playing non-stop since he arrived. He turned into her peppering her with kisses.

“Very apt song choice, I must say.” He said flashing one of his heavenly million dollar smiles whilst trying to catch his breath.

Lucy could only look up at him and smile, while nodding from her comfortable position on his smooth chiseled chest.

Chapter 20

‘I Drove All Night’

It was two months since Jason had left London. Morgan Lee was holding the fort for him and had done a fine job.

There were situations that needed his full attention. He was working at the fully equipped office he had installed when he first purchased the villa for his parents.

He had been holed up in that office for the last 2 months, one of which was spent mainly at the hospital. The other month was because, he felt like he really couldn’t leave his mum, he worried about her, how would she cope? But he had a business and that wouldn’t run itself.

Jason was sitting on the veranda starring off into space immersed deep in his thoughts.

His mum had been watching him for some time, as he sat there. He had done that many times since he came home to her.

She poured two gin and tonic’s and walked to him nudging him as she walked past before popping herself sown on the wicker chair next to him.

“Sunshine, you know I’m going to be alright” she looked him in the eye. “You do don’t you? She brushed his cheek as she held his face in her hand.

“You know we, I, I, have lots of friends here and I have Madga too don’t forget. Sunshine, if you don’t go back you won’t have a business to go back to”.

Her hand rested on his as he hung his head afraid to make eye contact with her as he held her hand in his.

“But mum, I can’t leave you here. On your own it’s too soon”.

Before Jason could even finish she spoke to him firmly

“Son I’ve been looking after myself for years, and you, and your father, I can look after myself,” she said very matter of fact. “Go back, sort out the business, and go and sort out that situation with the girl you’re obviously besotted with”.

“What girl” he asked, he knew what girl, Rebecca. “How did you know?” He asked her puzzled.

“I’m a mum, most importantly Sunshine, you’re my son, I know you, what happened? She must be special for you to be like this, tell your old mum all about it”.

They sat all night while he told her of the Rebecca Keane.

“Before you go to bed LET me leave you to think of this. ‘When it’s right, it’s right’. Your dad and I married only after 4 months of meeting”. She winked at him, his hands still in hers.

“When you know Sunshine, you know that’s all I’m saying. I know it’s complicated. David had his chance, and he well and truly blew it. Can you make her happy?” He nodded his head.

“Then go get your girl sunshine, if she’s as special as you say she is, if she worth it Jason. Go get her, fight for her, fight to keep her. Now I’m off to bed” as she walked past him she gave him a big kiss on the top of his head. She headed for her room.

“Hold on mum”, he said jumping to his feet as she turned smiling.

“Your right, I’m leaving tomorrow”.

She walked to her door, before closing it she looked at Jason.

“Oh and sunshine, I’m always right, I thought you knew this” she smiled and pulled a funny face.

“Night. Sleep tight”. She laughed closing the door behind her.


Jason Hallow was at Rebecca’s door, knocking and ringing the doorbell. He knew exactly what he was going to say to her, and that was he wanted her, he wanted to be with her, he was in love with her. He always had been.

There was no answer, he got back into his car, and he would wait for her. It was hour, then two, three hours passed.

There was still no sign of her. Maybe she was out with Lucy, he would try tomorrow, and he drove off heading for home.

The next morning he called her office

“May I speak to Rebecca Keane please” he wasn’t expecting the response of “OH I’m sorry sir Rebecca no longer works here, may I put you through to someone else?”

Jason hung up the phone, starring at it in disbelief.
She had left her job? Where was she?

Jason drove off in the direction of his home after calling again at Rebecca’s; he turned on his radio ‘Cindi Lauper’s –I drove all night was playing. His thoughts were only of Rebecca and her whereabouts. He called his office;

“Morgan, I need you to find someone for me. her name is ‘Rebecca Keane’” she works within recruitment, I’m on my way home, call me as soon as you have anything, and this is a priority” He flicked the button on his steering wheel, and the music resumed.

Jason couldn’t understand what had happened; he was only gone for those two months. In that time she had moved not only moved address but also her job. He was perplexed, he wanted answers and he wanted them yesterday.

If anyone could find anything out, it would be Morgan Lee. She was the best researcher he knew, and that was just one of her many amazing talents she had showed in the three years she had worked for him.

He trusted her 100%, she had brains and beauty and a incredible amount of sass. ‘Morgan Lee’ was a stunning flame haired red head, with a killer body.

If she was a cartoon she would have been ‘Jessica Rabbit’, and she had the voice to match, she could simply ‘charm the birds from the trees’.

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