How to Catch Butterflies (27 page)

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Authors: Samantha Fontien

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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“I thought you were drinking and I was very unimpressed” she proclaimed,

“Sorry I’m not a big drink fan” she joked, as she took a sip of her drink, he smiled at her “I don’t believe in drink driving, and I’m not a big drinker, He winked at her.

As they chatted the waiter approached them to take their order. They hadn’t noticed the menus he had placed in front of them earlier, as they had been so engrossed in conversation.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to give us a little more time if you don’t mind”

The waiter replied “Of course sir” and departed the terrace leaving them alone

“I suppose we better look so we can order” he said with a grin “I can recommend anything from here. Your taste buds will be thrilled with the menu”.

“I know,” she laughed. “I’ve been here a few times and upstairs to the club.”

“Oh are you a member?” He asked.

Rebecca winked back at him playfully.

“No, I’m on the guest list,” she joked, winking back at him.

He was the perfect gentleman, never once mentioning the job offers or her refusal to work at his firm. It was almost 11 p.m. The night had flown by. He was very easy company. She could see the attraction with him. There was something about him that made you go week at the knees.

They left the restaurant noticing the waiting staff clearing up for the night. They were now waiting for the lift to reappear at the 7
floor; she had a lovely evening with him. He had certainly kept his hands to himself so far. He had been perfectly charming.

The lift doors opened and he pressed the button to the ground floor. He turned to her with a glint in his eye; she couldn’t help but meet his gaze. Jackson leaned in pressing his lips to hers. Rebecca found herself quickly responding to him, his tongue slipping into her mouth meeting hers.

The lift stopped; they had reached the ground floor. Rebecca caught her reflection in the highly polished mirrored walls of the elevator and straightened herself up. As they stepped out, he took her hand leading her out of the lift as they walked out the entrance with him saying goodnight to the two door men who were standing on the pavement outside.

Jackson held her hand as they walked to his car. When he opened the door for Rebecca, he leaned in again to kiss her. This time she was expecting his advances, she had been caught a little off guard by him in the lift. She was perfectly positioned by him for this very purpose as she was leaning with her back against the door. It promptly shut with the frenzy of passionate kisses shared between them.

As he gently leaned against her, she could feel him getting harder by the second through his trousers. He was pressing against her, one of his arms around her waist the other leaning against the car. His mouth had wandered now to her ear and neck, as he nuzzled her, she could feel the breath go from her. Rebecca’s heart raced, she could feel the ache grow between her legs with each long slow passionate kiss sending a rush through her body.

He too was experiencing the same as he pressed into her.

“Do you want to come back to my place?” He asked through the array of kisses.

Jackson’s question jolted her quickly back into reality.

“I can’t I have meetings tomorrow. Plus I’m not that sort of girl. I’m sorry but I’m not a notch on someone’s bed post.”

She had disengaged from his lips; his arm was still around her waist, as he pulled her into him.

“I never thought you were for one second.” He said, holding her face to his, looking fake innocent. Rebecca playfully pushed him.

“Get off… if you’d think I’d believe that for one second,” she joked.

Jackson placed his lips on her, kissing her again. She could feel him again, his hardness against her. She again felt the familiar ache he had caused between her legs, and the image of Jason’s face came flooding into her head.

“I can’t do this” she said as she pushed him away. “I just can’t Jackson, I’m sorry.” She had now turned her back on him, her hand on the door of the car pulling it open. Jackson let her.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I thought it was what you wanted.”

He walked to the driver’s side of the vehicle and he got in, turning on the engine, he pulled off. He glanced at her, she looked perplexed.

“You were engaged if my memory serves me? What happened?” he asked her. Nonchalantly she replied, “We just ran our course that’s all.” She answered as she looked out of the window at the various shop fronts whizzing past. She didn’t want him to see it in her eyes. Every time he looked at her, she felt like he could see into her soul.

“I take it the breakup was recent.”

She nodded her head, “Very recent” she responded, Jackson smiled.

“That’s understandable,” he said. “We’ll just take things slow then.”

She looked at him. “Oh really? What makes you think there’s going to be another time?” She purred back at him. “I mean it’s not like you’re a good kisser,” she laughed mocking him.

Jackson pulled the car over, popping on the hazard lights, and leaned forward, kissing her again long and hard until she hungrily kissed him back and she was yearning for more.

“Yep, I’m gonna have to work on my kissing,” he winked at her sitting back into his seat and restarted the vehicle pulling off in the direction for Lucy’s.

He had reached Lucy’s and was parked up outside, “So when am I going to see you again?”

He asked, moving into her. When she looked at him, her heart pounded for all the right reasons, her stomach fluttered and her groin thumped. He was incredibly handsome, his skin soft, he even smelled good.

“Err…I don’t know. I’m in the throes of moving.”

“And a new job.” He added holding her gaze.

“Yes and a new job.” She had forgotten about that. “I need to go,” she said as she opened the car door and stepping out of the vehicle.

She was closely followed this time by Jackson as he walked her to the door of the red bricked apartment building.

“Don’t go in yet.” He caught her wrist pulling her into his embrace.

“I had a nice night with you, Rebecca; I want to do this

His tongue found hers again. As he pushed her up against the big glass doors to the building, their lips became frenzied, their hands wandering, finding each other. She melted every time his lips were on hers. The excitement in her built and the thumping began again.

She broke away from his mouth; he was literally taking her breath with every kiss. Rebecca was enjoying them far too much. There was no doubt about it. There was chemistry between them; a whole chemistry lab full, in fact. She had to think quickly.

“I have to ask. Why didn’t you talk shop tonight?”

She enquired, meeting his alluring gaze; he bent his head to her neck and whispered in her ear.

“I was making an effort not to mix business with…” As he said “pleasure” he nibbled on her lobe, sending shivers down her body. The ache grew to a thumping, as she squeezed her thighs together, as if it would stop the yearning she had coursing through her.

Rebecca then realized her surroundings, pulling gently away from him.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “You drive me crazy, you must know that.”

Jackson’s arms were on either side of her. His hands on the pane of glass, he leaned into her again.

“What about taking it slowly?” She teased.

All of a sudden he removed his arms and put his hands in his pockets.

“You’re right. You’re perfectly right. So dinner tomorrow then, I’ll call you in the morning to make arrangements.” He leaned in once more, meeting her lips, lingering for a good while.

Jackson walked back to his car, leaving a slightly quivering Rebecca still leaning against the glass doors of the exterior of the building.

She watched him drive off. She turned and opened the door trying to blow an imaginary fringe off her face, heading across the foyer; she pushed the lift button repeatedly, bursting with excitement. She couldn’t wait to tell Lucy about her night with the ever so charming Jackson ‘Hunky’ Harvey and how he had literally made her go weak at the knees. She stood there, her fingers presses against her lips. Yes, his lips had been on hers, and she really wanted them there again. She smiled to herself as the lift doors opened.

Tomorrow they will be’
she thought as she stepped in and pressed the button to Lucy’s floor

Chapter 18


Lucy was waiting up for Rebecca. She sat up eagerly in the oversized couch; swamped in the cushions until she had heard the key in the door. Rebecca stepped in shutting the door behind her.

“What time do you call this?”

Poor Rebecca jumped. She had been sneaking in on her tip-toes as not to disturb Lucy. It had gone past midnight. Jackson and she had been snogging the faces of each other since they left the restaurant at 11pm.

It had only taken 15 minutes to get here.

She folded the Cashmiena placing it on the arm of the humongous couch, not saying anything; just very cool calm and relaxed. Lucy’s eyes boring through her.

“Well, come on spill.”

Rebecca slopped down on the couch.

“Oh my God Lucy, he’s so fucking hot! I swear he had my knees trembling. Genie Mac that man can kiss!”

Lucy was on the edge of her seat.

“So… go on. What did you do?” she asked in a hyper mode.

“Well we went to the ‘
Babylon Restaurant’
had dinner, he drove me home, and we ate the faces off each other like teenagers. It was embarrassing,” she laughed. “But seriously, the man can kiss and I mean kiss.”

Lucy was howling with laughter, clapping her hangs gleefully.

“I can’t believe you didn’t sleep with him! I mean he’s ‘Hunky Harvey’ the man with a plan,” Lucy teased.

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