Hotel Florida: Truth, Love, and Death in the Spanish Civil War (75 page)

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Authors: Amanda Vaill

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Spain & Portugal, #Biography & Autobiography, #Artists; Architects; Photographers

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Valle-Inclán, Ramón del


Van Dongen, Helene

Van Doren, Carl

Vanguardia, La

Van Urk, Jay

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo

Varela Iglesias, General José


Vega, General Alonso


Versailles Treaty

Veu de Catalunya, La

Vidor, King


Vietnam, war in

Vinding, Andreas

Vinding, Ole

Vogel, Lucien


Voigt, Frederick

Volunteer for Liberty

Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment

Voz, La


Walter, “General,”
Swierczewski, Colonel Karol

Washington, D.C.

Watson, William Braasch

Waugh, Evelyn

Week, The

Weidenfeld, George

Weisz, Imre (Csiki)

Welles, Orson

Wells, H. G.

Welt Spiegel, Der

West, Nathanael

Wheeler, John (Jack)

Whelan, Richard

White, Walter Francis

Whitman, Walt

Wilder, Thornton

Wilkinson, Ellen

William Morrow and Company

Williams, William Carlos

Wilson, Earl

Wilson, Edmund

Winchell, Walter

Windsor, Duke and Duchess of

Wolff, Milton

Woolf, Virginia; “Three Guineas”

Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification,

World War I,
Great War

World War II; events leading to


Xanthé, Colonel

Yagoda, Genrikh

Yagüe, Juan

Yezhov, Nicolai

Young, Cynthia


Zagazagoitia, Julián

Zanuck, Darryl

Ziffren, Lester

Zinoviev, Grigori



Photographs by Robert Capa are copyright © International Center of Photography / Magnum Photos; photographs by Gerda Taro are copyright © International Center of Photography; photographs by Fred Stein are copyright © estate of Fred Stein,
; and all are used courtesy of the International Center of Photography. Where no photographer’s name is given, the photographer is unknown.


Arturo Barea. Estate of Arturo and Ilsa Barea

Francisco Franco. Photofest

Men and women piled on top of a car, Madrid, August–September 1936. Photograph by Robert Capa

Three World War I veterans at a peace rally, Verdun, France, 1936. Photograph by Robert Capa

Gerda Taro winking, Paris, 1935–36. Photograph by Fred Stein

Gerda Taro and Robert Capa, Paris, 1936. Photograph by Fred Stein

Ilse Kulcsar. Estate of Arturo and Ilsa Barea

Pauline Hemingway in a sailor’s jersey. Ernest Hemingway Collection / John F. Kennedy Library

Ernest Hemingway fishing. Collection of the author

Martha Gellhorn. Photofest

John and Katy Dos Passos. Ernest Hemingway Collection / John F. Kennedy Library

Agricultural workers loading cart, Aragon front, Spain, August 1936. Photograph by Gerda Taro

Republican troop train departing for the front, Barcelona, August 1936. Photograph by Robert Capa

Training of the Popular Army, Valencia, Spain, May 1937. Photograph by Gerda Taro

Loyalist militiamen jumping over a gully, Córdoba front, Spain, September 1936. Photograph by Robert Capa

Remnants of apartment buildings after an air raid, Madrid, February 1937. Photograph by Robert Capa

International Brigaders firing through window, University City, Madrid, November–December 1936. Photograph by Robert Capa

Poster, “Madrid, the ‘Military’ Practice of the Rebels.” Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego

Gerda Taro taking pictures at Guadalajara, Spain, 1937. Courtesy International Center of Photography

Ambulances. Ernest Hemingway Collection / John F. Kennedy Library

Gerda Taro on a bed, Paris, 1935–36. Photograph by Robert Capa

Robert Capa at the Segovia front, Spain, late May/early June 1937. Photograph by Gerda Taro

Ted Allan, book jacket photo from
This Time a Better Earth
(1939). Photograph by Sam Shaw, copyright © Sam Shaw, Inc., licensed by the Shaw Family Archives, Ltd.,
, collection of the author

Air-raid victims in the morgue, Valencia, May 1937. Photograph by Gerda Taro

Burning truck, Battle of Brunete, Spain, July 1937. Photograph by Gerda Taro

Republican soldier in a tree, Teruel, Aragon front, Spain, December 21–24, 1937. Photograph by Robert Capa

Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn in fox coat. Ernest Hemingway Collection / John F. Kennedy Library

Ernest Hemingway and Joris Ivens. Ernest Hemingway Collection / John F. Kennedy Library

Langston Hughes, Mikhail Koltsov, Ernest Hemingway, and Nicolás Guillén. Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

Father Lobo and Barea. Estate of Arturo and Ilsa Barea

Stalin and Ribbentrop. Photofest

Hemingway, Capa, Vincent Sheean, Herbert Matthews, and Hans Kahle at the Ebro, April 1937. Photograph by Henry Buckley, copyright © 2013 Patrick, Ramón and George Buckley, courtesy of the Arxiú Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès (ACAP), Fons Henry Buckley

Marineros bringing in the wounded, Rio Segre, Aragon front, near Fraga, Spain, November 7, 1938. Photograph by Robert Capa

Woman walking by a cart destroyed by fascist air bombs, along the road between Tarragona and Barcelona, January 15, 1939. Photograph by Robert Capa

Soldiers at the farewell ceremony for the International Brigades, Les Masies, Spain, October 25, 1938. Photograph by Robert Capa

Farewell parade for the International Brigades, Barcelona, Spain, October 28, 1938. Photograph by Robert Capa

Young girl in a refugee transit center, Barcelona, Spain, January 1939. Photograph by Robert Capa

Red box of the “Mexican Suitcase,” the rediscovered negatives of the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, and Chim (David Seymour). Courtesy International Center of Photography


Somewhere: The Life of Jerome Robbins

Everybody Was So Young: Gerald and Sara Murphy—A Lost Generation Love Story

Seamen Schepps: A Century of New York Jewelry Design


Amanda Vaill is the author of the bestselling
Everybody Was So Young: Gerald and Sara Murphy—A Lost Generation Love Story
, which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in biography, and
Somewhere: The Life of Jerome Robbins
, for which she was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship. In addition to writing the screenplay for the Emmy– and Peabody Award–winning public television documentary
Jerome Robbins: Something to Dance About
, she has also written features and criticism for a range of publications from
The Washington Post Book World
. She lives in New York City.


Farrar, Straus and Giroux

18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

Copyright © 2014 by Amanda Vaill

Maps copyright © 2014 by Jeffrey L. Ward

All rights reserved

First edition, 2014

Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following material:

Previously unpublished writing from the papers of Arturo and Ilsa Barea, including memoirs by Valentin Pollak, copyright © 2014 by the Estate of Arturo and Ilsa Barea; used by permission of Uli Rushby-Smith.

Previously unpublished writing by Robert Capa and Gerda Taro copyright © 2014 by the International Center of Photography, The Robert Capa and Cornell Capa Archive.

Previously unpublished writing by Martha Gellhorn from the Martha Gellhorn Collection, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center at Boston University, copyright © 2014 by the Estate of Martha Gellhorn; used by permission of Alexander Matthews.

Previously unpublished writing by Ernest Hemingway in the Ernest Hemingway Collection, John F. Kennedy Library, copyright © 2014 by the Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Hemingway Foreign Rights Trust; used by permission of the Foundation and of Scribner Publishing Group. All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Vaill, Amanda.

Hotel Florida: truth, love, and death in the Spanish Civil War / Amanda Vaill. — First Edition.

pages     cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-374-17299-2 (hardback) — ISBN 978-0-374-71203-7 (ebook)

1. Spain—History—Civil War, 1936–1939—Biography. 2. Hotel Florida (Madrid, Spain) 3. Couples—Spain—Biography. 4. Hemingway, Ernest, 1899–1961. 5. Gellhorn, Martha, 1908–1998. 6. Capa, Robert, 1913–1954. 7. Taro, Gerta, 1911–1937. 8. Barea, Arturo, 1897–1957. 9. Kulcsar, Ilsa, 1902–1973. I. Title.

DP260.V35 2014

946.0810922—dc23                             2013035338

eISBN 9780374712037

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