His Naughty Little Mate (12 page)

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At that point, she covered her face to hide her shame, even as she lifted her hips in an effort to meet the entrance of the phallus as he trickled the lube on the tip and nudged it against her tight hole. Her cries echoed throughout the room as Erik finally brought her to her second intense orgasm during the exam.

Nuemis visited now and then, usually only when Carmen was fast asleep. He assured Erik that the council was pleased with their progress so far, and many of the Blumerans were captivated by the breeding sessions, particularly the number of times they had sex each day and the variety of positions they used. Erik kept this bit of information to himself though, not wanting to remind Carmen that every time they so much as kissed, dozens of eyes, if not more, were watching their every move.

On their sixth week in the new room, Nuemis showed up early, before the suns had even risen, and woke them. Erik roused quickly, startled when he realized someone was kicking their bed. He blinked up at the alien scientist, annoyance buzzing through him at being disturbed at such an early hour. Worry filled him when he took notice of the manic expression on Nuemis’s face.

“What is it?” He kept his voice low, not wanting to disturb Carmen, who was still sleeping soundly beside him, her chest rising and falling softly in tune with her deep breaths.

“The results from Carmen’s last examination are positive. You have successfully bred your human female. Congratulations.”

Erik’s mind spun. “What?”

“Carmen is pregnant.”

“I’m what?” She sat up and pulled the covers up to her chest, her eyes wide and her lips parted.

“Your last examination has revealed a fetus with a heartbeat, very small, but we have confirmed that you are indeed pregnant.”

Erik looked at Carmen, her face pale and her hands trembling. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “That was fast. It-it must have happened very early on.”

“The council is delighted, and you will be moved into your new accommodations later today.” Without another word, Nuemis left the room.

Carmen stiffened beside him, hugging a pillow to her chest. Moisture glistened in her eyes as she met his gaze. “Wow. I can’t believe it.”

He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her near. “You are going to be a wonderful mother, Carmen, and we are going to be a family.”

“This baby was conceived as a science experiment. Now that it’s finally happened, it feels all wrong. Doesn’t it feel wrong to you?” A tear rolled down her cheek, and he caught it with his thumb, brushing it away as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Shaking his head, he peered into her eyes, aching to comfort her and chase away her sudden sadness. When he’d imagined this moment, he’d thought any tears she cried would be from joy. Not sorrow. His heart felt heavy as he sensed her turmoil. “No, it doesn’t feel wrong to me.” Feeling the weight of the responsibility of parenthood for the first time in his life, as well as feeling excitement, he placed a hand on her stomach. “The woman I love is carrying my child. That could never feel wrong to me, Carmen, despite the circumstances.”

She sniffled and a smile broke across her face. “You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?”

“I’m not trying to say the right thing, Carmen, I’m simply telling you what’s in my heart.” He patted her stomach, marveling that they’d created a life together. Aliens be damned, he didn’t care about them at the moment. Carmen and his child were all that mattered, the single two most important things in his life and all that he wished to focus his energies on.

Leaning forward, she placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you,” she said. “I’m sorry I’m not as happy as you right now. This just happened very fast, and even though I wanted it to happen fast, it feels rushed and… strange.”

“There’s no need to apologize. You just need some time to process everything that’s happened to you.” He glanced around the room for a moment. “In a couple of hours, we’ll be walking on the beach, the hot sand beneath our feet and the ocean breeze pelting our faces.”

She giggled. “I was hoping to go for a walk in the forest first. I’d like to start keeping records of all the life we encounter, you know, for when we return to Earth.”

“Does the scientist in you ever rest?” he asked with amusement.

She sighed and gazed out the window as she squeezed the hand he’d placed atop her stomach, threading her fingers through his. “Only when I’m tired from hours upon hours of doing wonderfully exhausting things.”

He crawled atop her, pinning her down on the bed and smirking at her when she tried to escape but found herself trapped. Dipping his head down, he captured her lips, drinking her in as she responded to his probing tongue with a soft moan as she acquiesced to his advances.

“Perhaps,” he said, nibbling at her lower lip. “I should make sure you’re wonderfully exhausted in this room one last time.”

Chapter Eight



The orange crustacean scampered beneath the rock formation at the edge of the beach, and Carmen jotted some notes down in her record book. She’d been keeping meticulous notes on all the animals she encountered on the beach and in the forest ever since they’d been relocated in a private house that rested just inside the tree line, a short walk from the facility they’d been held in. She gazed at the dimming sky as the suns dipped near the horizon, mesmerized by the light reflecting off the water. Touching the slight swell of her stomach, she wondered if their child would miss Vella once they returned to Earth. It was a worry she’d never had until now.

Tucking her notebook underneath her arm, she traipsed up the beach and toward the house, knowing Erik would come looking for her if she didn’t return soon. Warmth spread through her at the thought of him. He’d been keeping busy studying the Blumeran spaceships under Nuemis’s supervision, and though he enjoyed learning more about Vella and the alien technology, she knew he was as anxious to get home as she was. He was also anxious to become a father, and he counted down the weeks with enthusiasm. Just this morning he’d announced, “Fifteen weeks. Only twenty-five to go.”

She entered their house, a three-story structure that contained more rooms than she knew what to do with, and inhaled the scent of roasting
a bird that tasted like chicken, and seasoned vegetables. It was her favorite dish, and though the Blumerans had offered to have a live-in cook and maid at their service, she and Erik had declined. They took turns cooking, and she stopped in her tracks, realizing tonight had been her turn in the kitchen. Feeling guilty, she ventured down the hallway and lingered in the kitchen doorway, peering at Erik as he checked on the roasting bird. He turned, as if sensing her presence.

“Um, hi,” she said, shyly approaching him. She placed her notebook down on the counter. “I’m sorry I took so long on the beach, and that I forgot to make dinner. Thanks for cooking.”

He folded his arms across his chest and regarded her with a raised eyebrow. His stern visage made her tummy flutter and her bottom quiver. Encroaching on her space, he loomed over her, walking her against the counter. He placed a hand on either side of her, preventing her escape.

“I-I’ll cook every night for the rest of the week. Promise.” Her pulse quickened as an ache stole through her center. She stood before him, clamping her legs tight together as her desire grew. He hadn’t even said anything yet, and she’d turned into a quivering mass of need from his presence alone. Though their relationship wasn’t new anymore, the spark of excitement she’d felt at the beginning of all her previous relationships had never gone away with Erik. If anything, it had grown stronger as her feelings for him deepened each day.

“You’ve been very forgetful lately, young lady.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to meet his smoldering gaze.

“It’s not my fault! Pregnant women are very forgetful. I read it in a book once. And since you got me pregnant, technically it’s all your fault I’ve been so forgetful lately.” She shrugged, trying to hold back a grin. “I guess that means I’m off the hook for the next twenty-five weeks, seeing as how it’s your fault I can’t seem to remember how to behave. Or to make dinner.”

He turned her around and swatted her backside twice. She squealed and danced around, trying to shield her bottom, but he captured her wrists in one hand and cupped her bottom with the other. “I think you’re making that up, little girl. I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“But it’s true! Ouch! Ow! No more spanking, Erik. If anyone deserves a spanking, it’s you.” She continued to dance around as he brought his hand down on her bottom a dozen more times, the slaps just hard enough to sting through her thin dress.

When he turned her in his arms, his hardness pressed against her stomach, and she trembled with anticipation as their eyes met. “Until we get back to Earth and I can look up ‘forgetfulness in pregnant women’ online, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. However, I will be reddening your little bottom after dinner this evening anyway, young lady.”

“But why? What did I do?”

“Nothing. I just want to see you squirming and begging as I spank your bare bottom, right before I bend you over the bed and have my way with you.” He fisted a hand in her hair, tilting her head back as he kissed her.

Her center throbbing with need, she melted into him, feeling the moisture already starting to gather between her thighs. As his tongue met with hers, he lifted her dress up and sought out her pussy, sliding his fingers through her wetness. She mewled as he placed just the right amount of pressure on her pulsing clit, and she wrapped her arms around him as she lifted her center up and down on his hand, gyrating against him as she panted for air.

“Your flower is getting very wet, little girl.” He slipped a finger into her pussy entrance. “So wet I think you will make a mess if you sit down at the dinner table.”

Her heart thudded in her ears, nearly drowning out the sound of her rapid breathing. “I’m sorry, daddy. I’ll try to be a good girl and not make a mess.”

He drew back and looked at her sternly. “Very well. Sit down at the table. But if you have an accident, I will punish you.”

Her eyes went wide, and she nodded as she moved to the seat he pointed at. She loved the times he treated her like a little girl, especially when he scolded her for having a wet flower. It felt so naughty, and at the same time so safe. She felt cared for and treasured beyond measure, even when his words and actions made her flush hot with shame.

Sinking down on the chair, she carefully sat atop her dress and hoped her moisture didn’t seep through. As usual, she wasn’t wearing any panties. She tried to think about the notes she’d taken about the crustaceans she’d seen today, tried to think about anything and everything except what would happen if Erik discovered a wet spot on the seat. Her efforts to distract herself proved useless, and all she could think about was the scolding he’d give her. He might even put her in a diaper for getting herself so wet. A shiver coursed through her at the thought, and her nipples tightened painfully under the sheer fabric of her dress. She glanced down at her chest, her face flaming as she realized he’d be able to tell how hopelessly turned on she was right now.

He placed a plate of roasted
seasoned vegetables, and a fruit salad in front of her, giving her a knowing look as he moved to his seat. They ate in relative silence, and it took all her willpower not to openly squirm in her chair in an attempt to alleviate the pressure between her thighs.

“Do you have to go potty, little girl?” he asked.

“No, daddy!” She flushed and focused on her plate.

“Then why are you squirming so much?”

“I’m not.” Oh no, he’d noticed.

She finished her plate, too preoccupied by her state of arousal and knowing he’d soon discover her wetness to taste anything. She watched, still trying not to squirm—and failing miserably—as he cleared the table and shoved the plates and pans into the automatic cleaner. Her tummy flipped when he finished his task, turning to glare at her with suspicion lighting his dark eyes.

“I don’t know, little girl, you’ve been squirming an awful lot.” He reached her side and grasped her hand. “Stand up and let daddy see what’s going on with you.”

“No, daddy, I’m fine, please let me be.”

Ignoring her request, he pulled her straight up and his gaze zeroed in on the wet spot she’d left on her chair. He shook his head at her and said, “Young lady, did you have an accident?”

“No, daddy! I swear!”

“Surely all that wetness can’t be from your flower.”

Her face flamed so hot she was sure it must be as red as the
flowers that grew on the forest floor. She cupped her center and bowed her head. “Sorry about the mess, daddy,” she mumbled, feeling subdued and chastised even though he hadn’t punished her yet.

“Lift up your dress, young lady.”

She reached down and lifted her dress, bringing it up above her waist. The cool air caressed her skin, drifting against her legs, her bottom, and her aching pussy. Erik made a show of kneeling to inspect her center, drawing his fingers through her immense moisture and tsking when he touched the arousal that had slipped down her inner thighs.

He stood up and his powerful gaze penetrated her to her very core, causing her to tremble anew. “You must be punished for making such a mess at the dinner table, little girl. Severely.”

Before she could open her mouth to plead her case, he grasped her upper arm and guided her upstairs to their ridiculously large and luxurious bedroom. Halfway to the bed, he paused and pulled her dress over her head, leaving her completely naked.

“Go lie down on the bed, little girl, with your legs spread wide. You were very naughty and daddy’s going to teach you a lesson by spanking your pretty little flower until it’s bright red.”

She felt her eyes grow wide as she stood trembling before him, and she sucked in a deep, steadying breath. A delicious pressure intensified in her core, pulsing as fast as her rapidly beating heart. She tucked her hair behind her ears and moved toward the bed on shaky legs, practically falling down on it after she reached it. Crawling backward over the covers, she came to the middle of the bed and spread her legs wide. Her senses danced with anticipation and a smidge of dread over the fact that he planned to punish her by spanking her in a very private place.

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