His Naughty Little Mate (6 page)

BOOK: His Naughty Little Mate
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“Oh!” She tensed up, and he prodded her further, dipping his fingertip into her tight hole.

“Keep still,” he reminded. “Very good girl. Daddy likes taking care of you, Carmen. You’re a special little girl.”

Her eyes misted over, and she blinked rapidly. She gazed at him and smiled. “Thank you, daddy.” The vulnerability in her tone wrenched at his heart. He wanted to keep her with him, always. Wanted to protect her and make her his in every possible way.

“You’re very welcome, sweetheart.” Next, he sprinkled the white powder atop her pussy lips and bottom cheeks. After rubbing the powder in with slow caresses, he lifted her by her ankles and slid a diaper beneath her, quickly closing the sides. He helped her sit up and tucked her hair behind her ears, holding her face and not allowing her to glance away. “Come on, little girl, it’s time for you to stand in the corner and reflect upon your behavior.”

Chapter Four



Carmen felt thoroughly chastised as she stood in the corner. No one had ever instructed her to stand in a corner, let alone spanked her. Well, aside from Blue. A shiver rippled up her spine. Erik had only given her a few swats, but she suspected she’d be spanked again after her reflection time ended.

Tiny warm pulses spread out from her loins at the thought of going over his knee for a proper spanking. She knew he’d be firmer with her than Blue. Blue’s spankings only angered her and filled her with more defiance, but the idea of being spanked by Erik for disciplinary reasons had a whole different effect on her. They had a history together, and though it was somewhat complicated, she trusted him with her life. She respected him and cared about what he thought of her. Her need to please him confused her, as did her arousal as she remained still, staring at the converging walls.

She was standing in a corner, naked except for the diaper he’d put on her. Lying on the bed while he’d tended to her, taking his time as he cleaned the arousal from her pussy lips before diapering her, had been strangely intimate. It had turned her on, and she’d also noticed the bulge of his erection straining against his pants. The deep shame of surrendering to him under such embarrassing circumstances left her quivering with excitement.

A warm hand touched her shoulder, prompting her to jump in place.

“Your corner time is over, Carmen. You were a very good girl for standing still during this part of your punishment.”

His deep voice and masculine scent filled her senses, and the strength of his presence calmed her.

He was right here with her, protecting her as he’d promised. Disciplining her too. She fidgeted in place as her anticipation grew, her breaths coming quicker and her heart pounding fast.

“This part of my punishment?”

“After the mess you made when daddy was trying to put a diaper on your butt, you deserve a good hard spanking, little girl.”

Daddy. Little girl. She trembled and her breath hitched at his choice of words. She liked calling him daddy, and she liked when he called her little girl, even if he was scolding her. Especially if he was scolding her.

Her face heated as she turned to meet his stern gaze. “Daddy?”

“Yes, Carmen?”

“I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to get mad.”

He rose an eyebrow at her, and she shivered anew with excitement. “I will make no such promises, little one. Now what is it you need to confess to? You sound awfully guilty about something.”

“I-I’m wet again. You know, between my thighs. I’m so sorry, daddy.”

His eyes darkened and glimmered with lust, and she swore she heard his breathing accelerate. “I am going to spank you so hard on your bare bottom for wetting yourself again. You’re a very naughty little girl, Carmen, and you deserve to be punished for your lack of control.”

The shame his words filled her with caused the pulsing warmth in her core to tighten. She felt another gush of moisture seep from her slit, and she flushed all over as he regarded her sternly. “I said I was sorry, daddy.” She cupped her bottom and lowered her head. “Please don’t spank my bare bottom.”

Without another word, Erik grasped her wrist and led her to the bed, pulling her over his lap as he sat down.

“No, daddy, no!” She kicked her feet and reached around to shield her backside, only to have her hands pinned to her lower back.

“Stay still!” he admonished.

She wanted this. She needed this—real discipline. But her mind rebelled with dozens of logical reasons why she should be outraged by his actions. Grown women didn’t get spanked or allow a man to scold them, diaper them, and force them to stand in a corner while contemplating their behavior. Yet she’d let Erik do all those things, and despite all the reasons not to like it, she did. A lot.

He patted her butt twice before landing the first heavy spank over her diaper. A slew of rapid swats followed before he tugged the diaper down, baring her bottom for his firm chastisement. Thwack after thwack seared her, and the sound of steady, cracking blows filled the room. She squirmed and struggled, and Erik responded by tightening his hold and spanking faster. Harder.

Moisture wrought from the pain and embarrassment of her predicament burned in her eyes. She blinked and the tears rolled down her face, dripping on the covers beneath her.

“You will behave yourself on this planet, Carmen.” He maintained the quick pace of smacks, striking her upturned backside as he moved from left cheek to right cheek. The most painful blows landed on her lower bottom and upper thighs.

“Ouch! Ouchie! Ow!” She buried her face in the bedcovers briefly, then lifted her head as she moaned. “Okay, okay, I will be good. I really do promise!”

“I’m glad to hear it. Your spanking is almost over, Carmen. These next few are going to be the hardest.”

She tensed and closed her eyes as a sob racked her body. The remaining spanks fell on the tender lower curve of her butt, and she cried out as the pain intensified like a burst of flames across her bottom. She wept as he shifted from spanking hard to rubbing out the sting, and her tears fell faster when he leaned down to whisper soothing words into her ear.

This had been a real spanking. She was certain her ass would ache tomorrow, probably the next day too, and she’d be reminded of Erik’s discipline every time she sat down. She hoped she didn’t disappoint him and would be able to keep her cool around Blue and the rest of the aliens. They were in this crazy situation together, on a faraway world, and they only had each other to depend on.

Love and warmth surrounded her as he lifted her up into his strong, wide arms, cocooning her against his chest. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead with a gentleness that made her swoon.

The diaper slipped from around her ankles and fell to the floor, and she stared at it, not quite believing that this was really happening. Hardness poked at her sore bottom, and she shifted on his lap, intentionally trying to entice him. His breath hissed in, and he tensed and paused stroking her hair. He brought a hand between her legs and touched her slick pussy, spreading her moisture in circles over her throbbing clit. As he rubbed her aching parts, he stared into her eyes, not blinking once. She felt safe in his arms as he held her tight while gazing at her with a look of pure adoration.

“Don’t come yet, Carmen,” he warned, his breath hot against her face.

She gasped and shifted on his lap, parting her thighs wider. “But I’m so close, daddy. Please let me come.”

“Not yet. Control yourself, young lady.”

“But I can’t. It feels too good.” She arched against his fingers, seeking more of the pleasure he was giving her.

“You will control yourself or daddy will spank your little flower petals until they are bright red and stingy. Is that what you want?”

She almost came on the spot. His words thrilled her and left her clit pulsing so hard tears escaped her eyes. Her arms and legs trembled, and it felt as if moisture was continually seeping from her slit. “No, daddy, I don’t want you to spank me there.” Her face flushed as an image of him forcing her legs open as he smacked her pussy lips—her flower petals—flashed through her mind.

“Then be a good girl. I will tell you when you’re allowed to come. Trust daddy to give you what you need.”

Her heart swelled even as her whole body shook with need. “I trust you.”

He swirled faster and harder, and more tears rolled down her cheeks. She fisted the bedcovers in her hands, needing something to hold on to and distract her from coming apart in his arms before he permitted it. Her butt still ached from her spanking, and she didn’t want a sore pussy on top of that. Well, unless it was sore for an entirely different reason.

“After I permit you to come, Carmen, I’m going to tuck you into bed and we’re going to go to sleep. No arguments.”

“But I want to feel you inside me, daddy. Please.” She ached to feel him inside her, pounding her, and even the most intense orgasm wouldn’t satisfy that ache.

He shook his head. “We don’t have protection, and I know you aren’t on any type of birth control, Carmen. I saw your medical files before the Dastok 22 took off. Now, no more arguments, or I won’t let you come.”

She groaned and clutched the covers tighter, teetering on the edge of a release she wasn’t yet allowed to have. The swirls to her clit slowed to a torturous pace, and he brought more wetness from her core atop the little bud. A jolt shot through her, triggering an avalanche of sensation from which there was no return. She came loud and hard, riding his swirling fingers.

As her heartbeat slowed and her sanity returned in pieces, she peered up at daddy with wide eyes. Guilt and shame combined. She’d come without permission.

“I-I’m sorry, daddy! I couldn’t help it. I was so wet and achy between my legs, and your fingers felt so wonderful. Please don’t be mad at me.”

His already stern expression became sterner, clouding over as he shook his head at her. “You were a very bad little girl, Carmen, and you know it. Daddy told you to hold it in and you didn’t listen.”

Though she’d just ridden the waves of the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced, her pussy began to swell anew. She winced as her sore bottom brushed across his pants as he shifted her onto the bed. Resting her head atop one of the pillows, she watched in breathless anticipation as he continued to stare at her. The firm lines of his frown deepened as he guided her legs apart, putting her little flower on display. For punishment.

She’d been naughty and now daddy had to teach her a lesson. Flutters quickened in her stomach, and she noticed her knees wobbling as she held herself open. He cupped her pussy and she whimpered, expecting the first spank to fall at any moment.

He pulled at her pussy lips, stretching them out one at a time. “These are your little flower petals, Carmen, and daddy is going to spank them very hard since you were so naughty.”

Shuddering, she inhaled gasping breaths as she waited for the stinging slaps to begin. She grasped her knees and looked down the flat plane of her stomach to her aching center. Her swollen, red clit stood up from between the lips he kept pulling at. Finally, he cupped her mound again, but not for long. His hand rose up and came crashing down, his fingers slapping against her wet pussy lips. Again and again, he smacked her center as she struggled to remain still. Burning tears trickled from her eyes, and she bit her lip to stop its quivering.

“Daddy doesn’t like causing you pain, Carmen, but you need to be taught a lesson. Every time you come without permission, you will be punished in this way.” Smacks rained down as he lectured, his fingertips catching her pulsing clit with nearly every slap.

She sniffled. “I’m sorrrrry, daddy.”

A dozen or so more spanks seared her lips before he stopped to stroke her pussy, caressing it the same way he’d caressed her bottom after he’d finished spanking her. She cried quietly and wiped at her face. Glancing down, she gasped at the red shade of her pussy lips.

“Like a little red flower,” he said.

Her face flushed so hot she was certain it was the same color of red as her punished center. “I’m sorry I was naughty,” she said in a small voice.

He smiled down at her as he helped her into her underwear. She lifted her hips as he slipped them onto her bottom, and stifled a cry as the thin fabric rubbed against her sore flesh.

Scooting back on the bed, he patted his thighs and regarded her with warmth flickering in his gaze. “Come here and let daddy rock you to sleep.”


* * *


Erik closed his eyes and lifted his head as a breeze swept up onto the porch. Well, outdoor cage was more like it, but he had a scenic view of the exotic forest and a nearby body of water so large he believed it to be an ocean. Waves lapped at a white sandy shore, and the two suns shone down bright and hot, heating his skin and sinking him further into a relaxed state. The sound of birds shrieking and the waves lapping lulled him into thoughts of Carmen.

Five days had passed since the first night he’d spent in her room, the night he’d kissed her, disciplined her, and brought her to a screaming release. She’d behaved herself since then, not earning a single spanking from him or Blue. She’d even managed to control her orgasms better, though he still gave her a few playful swats now and then. Luckily the aliens had permitted him to continue sleeping in her room, and he was glad to be near her. But it was also testing his self-control, because he wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into her slick, tight little pussy, but he couldn’t. Getting her pregnant on an alien world was the last thing he wanted to do.

At least the aliens were no longer keeping them cooped up in their rooms all day. Sometimes he was separated from Carmen while she took one of their intelligence tests, but they hadn’t given him another test or puzzle to complete in days. He wondered if he’d passed them all, or perhaps they were giving him a break.

He stood from his chair at the sound of a door zipping open, and turned around with his heart pounding, expecting to see Carmen. The aliens had been testing her for a while today, and he hoped she was behaving herself.

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