Heavenly Angel (23 page)

Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“I sure was! Angel gonna be my Daddy! Mommy loooves Angel.” Then he giggled and added in a stage whisper, “Mommy loooves Joaquin, too, I think. They kiss,
!” He wiped at his lips like it was something gross to do that.

“But I kiss Eli all the time.” she teased.

“I know. That’s gross, too. Here, you pick. Want my red or blue?”

Eli turned to Angel and Teresa and said, “Congratulations, you two. I mean three, maybe?”

“It’s not official yet,” Teresa said. “Joaquin hasn’t proposed. It’s on his timeframe now.”

“It was a big surprise,” Eli said as Teresa returned to the kitchen. “But I know they’re going to take good care of you and Michael. Rachel thinks very highly of all three of you.”

“So, Eli, I hear the sale on the ranch property went through,” Angel said.

Eli’s face split into a wide grin. “Yes! We’re talking to Jack about doing the contracting for us.”

From the kitchen table, Rachel said, “I can’t wait to get started with landscaping plans.”

“It’s going to be beautiful,” Teresa said as she lifted the lid and stirred the carne guisada and checked the other food.

Eli came up behind her and sighed dreamily, rubbing his belly. “Is that what I think it is, Teresa?”

Teresa turned to him with a smile. “Yes, I hope you don’t mind. I thought you might enjoy it again. I have fresh guacamole, pico de gallo, homemade flour tortillas, Spanish rice, corn, and homemade pinto beans.”

“Do I
? I think it would be wonderful to have your carne guisada again.”

“Again?” Rachel inquired, rolling a worm out with blue Play-Doh and handing it to Michael.

Eli smiled, remembering. “Yes. The first morning you were in ICU, Teresa showed up with homemade carne guisada on
tortillas. My mouth waters every time I think about it,” Eli said and hugged Teresa again. He was a giant, for sure, but soft as a marshmallow for the women in his life.

The front door opened, and Joaquin came in and hung up his jacket. “Temp is dropping a little out there. Hey, Rachel!” Joaquin laughed as Rachel came to him and gave him a big hug. “How are you? Damn, you’re looking beautiful, girl!”

“You’re a flirt, as always,” Rachel said, laughing. “It’s good to see you again.”

“Eli, this is Joaquin Martinez, Angel’s brother,” Teresa said. Eli greeted Joaquin, and they shook hands, and the three men sat and talked while Rachel helped Teresa lay out the food on the rustic dining room table. They all sat down to enjoy the meal.

Joaquin had known about the accident when it happened, but he asked Rachel and Eli all about it. Joaquin and Eli discovered a lot of topics they saw eye to eye on. The three men enjoyed talking, and Michael interjected key points, as well. The time flew, and soon they were slipping back into their jackets and readying to leave for the club where they were meeting the rest of the gang, including Rosemary and her men.

Michael cackled and crowed when Eli fired up the Harley, “Wubida-wubida-wubida!” waving at them both as they pulled away. The night had definitely gotten a lot chillier, and they quickly returned inside and began Michael’s bedtime routine.

At first Teresa wanted to return home tonight to be consistent for the sake of Michael’s schedule and also so that her neighbors wouldn’t worry about her, but Michael had asked for a sleepover.

She’d given in and was thankful she’d brought a change of clothes over that she could wear home tomorrow. She reminded the men that she could not make a habit of it. They promised that they understood, and then she worried that she disappointed them by seeming to not
to stay. That simply wasn’t the case. She secretly wanted to come home with them and never leave, starting today.

Going home the night before, after their wonderful evening out, had been hard but necessary. She’d had work that morning, and so she’d gotten in her car late Friday night and driven Michael home. Joaquin had followed her in his truck and had waited to make sure she’d gotten in all right.

Michael fell asleep less than halfway through his bedtime story, and she carried him to bed in Joaquin’s room. She smiled at Joaquin when he retrieved clothes for the following day while she tucked Michael in and laid an extra blanket over him. She returned to the living room, feeling happy about staying.

Music played as she came into the living room, and she noticed that they had moved the coffee table aside and rolled up the area rug, lit candles all around the room, and turned down the lights. Now they had a nice dance floor complete with music.

“Beautiful, may I have this dance?” Angel asked as he held out a hand to her.

“How romantic of you.” She slipped into his arms. He danced her around to the soft instrumental while Joaquin sat down and quietly watched, waiting his turn. She smiled when the next song came on, recognizing it.

“You remembered, Joaquin,” she whispered as he took her in his arms and held her close while the opening strains of “Besame Mucho” played. She danced with each of them a few more times then there was a knock at the door.

It was late, and Teresa was immediately worried that something was wrong, but Angel reassured her as they answered the door. Ash stood at the bottom of the steps with Deseo saddled and ready to ride. Angel helped Joaquin bundle up a bemused Teresa, complete with muffler, gloves, hat, and earmuffs. They wrapped her in her heavy winter jacket before leading her outside.

“Joaquin, I put an extra wool blanket up there in case you want to wrap her in an extra layer or cover her legs. It’s pretty chilly tonight.”

Joaquin pulled his gloves on and shook Ash’s hand. “Thank you for the consideration, Ash. I appreciate it. I’ll take care of Deseo after we’re done.”

Ash nodded and said, “Have a nice ride. See you in the morning.”

“Thank you, Ash,” Angel said. “I appreciate you staying available to us this late.”

“You’re welcome. Good night.” The tall cowboy strode off into the dim light cast by the security lights from the barns.

Teresa turned to Angel and then Joaquin, a questioning look on her face as Joaquin put on his new black felt hat and his heavy jacket.

Angel smiled as he tucked a stray lock of hair into her crocheted wool scarf. “It’s a perfectly clear night tonight. Joaquin wants to take you for a moonlit ride, beautiful. How does that sound?”

She was awed. “It sounds wonderful. I’d love to.”

“I’ll stay here with Michael and watch a movie,” Angel said as he pulled her jacket closed and adjusted her scarf to cover her neck fully. “Take as long as you like and enjoy yourselves.”

Joaquin climbed into the saddle, and Angel assisted him in lifting Teresa carefully onto Deseo in front of Joaquin, sitting crossways on his lap. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, feeling a little nervous. It was just a horseback ride, but the moment felt huge, and she felt small and vulnerable. She looked up into Joaquin’s eyes, and he smiled at her, easily controlling the horse as he touched her cheek with the soft, work-worn leather of his glove.

“Now don’t you worry, sugar. Deseo loves women and won’t make any false moves with you in my arms. He doesn’t mind carrying the both of us. All you need to do is relax against me. Angel, let’s wrap that blanket around her legs.” The horse shifted slightly under their weight but made no other move. She caressed Deseo’s neck and patted him.

After they had her situated, Angel went back in the house and waved to them from the open front door. She hadn’t been on horseback in quite a while but relaxed against Joaquin, trusting that he would keep her safe. Deseo was a fine, beautiful animal, majestic in his stature and carriage, and she wondered briefly at the romantic sight they made riding off into the starlit night.

Once away from the house and the security lights, she looked up and sighed appreciatively at the night sky. The moon was nearly full and shown its light on their path. The night was still, and the smell of wood smoke from a chimney faintly scented the air. For a while they rode on in companionable silence, lulled by the rhythm Deseo created as he moved along at a leisurely pace.

“I think this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” she said, snuggling into him with her hands drawn under her chin. His arms around her, holding her securely, felt like home.

“We were hoping for a nice, clear night tonight, and we lucked out.”

“It’s beautiful tonight.”

“Are you cold?”

“No, you bundled me up well, and the wool blanket helps, too. How about you?”

“Being near you keeps me warm. I’m fine.”

“I adore you,” she stated simply. “You make me happy.”

His lips were hot, pressed against her temple. “I’m glad to hear that, sugar. Oh, look. Did you see it?” He quickly pointed into the sky.

She looked up in time to catch the streak of white light that shot across the sky overhead. “Yes! I saw it,” she said as they reached the top of the rise and continued on.

“Aren’t you supposed to make a wish or something when you see a shooting star?”

“Yes. You make the wish.”

“I already have what I want.
make the wish,” he whispered in her ear as he nuzzled her. Deseo continued on at the same gentle gait.

“Okay.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest.


Chapter Nineteen

When Teresa opened her eyes, his bare hand was held up in front of her. In his fingers was a diamond ring. The platinum and diamonds glittered and shimmered ethereally in the bright moon and star light. She whimpered and slipped the glove from her hand to touch it.

“It’s beautiful, Joaquin.”

“I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you, and it doesn’t matter if I’ve know you only four days or four years. You have a beautiful heart and a sweet spirit, and I absolutely, utterly adore you. Sugar, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, too?”

Teresa hugged him tight, and looked up at him. “I would love to be your wife. I can’t imagine my life, our lives, without you in it. My son loves you and obviously adores you, also. You’re about to make him one happy little cowboy.”

“Would you like me to put it on?” he asked, taking her hand in his free one.

“Yes! Yes, please.” She held out her hand for him. He slipped the ring on her left ring finger and then held her hand in his palm so they could see it.

“I’m glad it fits.”

“I love it Joaquin. It’s gorgeous. Thank you.” She hugged him again, then he kissed her. His kiss was intense, with a promise of passion yet to come.

In a shaky voice, Teresa said, “I’ll keep this memory, out here with you, forever in my heart.”

“I decided to propose to you in a way that showed you something of me. Proposing on the back of my horse under the moonlit sky seemed to fit the bill. Want to keep riding or head back?”

“Oh, let’s keep riding if that’s all right with you and Deseo.”

“Its fine, but you let me know when you start to get chilled, so I can take you back. Angel and I will warm you up once we get home.”

Teresa knew exactly how she wanted them to warm her. “This means we can set a wedding date.”

“Yes. I have a feeling this is going to be a wedding put together in record-breaking time.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” She giggled and tilted her lips up for another long kiss. “So, what else is planned for this evening?”

“Well, we had some thoughts and ideas, but you’re the one in the driver’s seat.”

“Were you considering making tonight ‘the night’?” she asked quietly.

“As in ‘the night we make love to you for the first time’?” Joaquin asked, his eyes sparkling. She felt his body’s response to the change in subject as his cock swelled beneath her bottom.

She smiled and her cheeks tingled as she nodded. “Angel told me he’s explained what happened to me so you’d understand me better. I’ll always carry the memories of the violent way Michael was conceived, but I want to break free from what happened and make new memories with you both.”

Joaquin nodded. “I hope you don’t mind that he told me.”

“No, because it saves me from having to tell the story over again.”

“If I could get my hands on him, I’d avenge you.”

She smiled and assured him, “I believe in God. He says that vengeance belongs to Him, and He’ll repay Ranulfo for what he did to me. Although, if he accidentally becomes the hood ornament on the front grill of an eighteen-wheeler going down the highway at seventy miles-an-hour, I wouldn’t shed any tears.”

Joaquin chuckled and asked, “What about Michael? Would it be inhibiting for you to have him close by and possibly hear us?”

“Michael is a sound sleeper. Once we’re married, he’d be in the house with us when we made love, wouldn’t he? We’ll always have to be careful about being too loud. If you’d rather wait, I can ask Grace to invite him to a sleepover, and then we’d have the house to ourselves the first time. It’ll be special to me either way.”

“What do you want?” he asked simply, his hands sliding around her hips and holding her close.

“I want you both to make love to me tonight.”

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