Heavenly Angel (18 page)

Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“We’ll be married soon, right?” she asked so faintly he had to strain to hear her over the shower running. He swallowed hard, and his cock, already at a semi-erect state from ogling her through the shower curtain, sprang to joyous life and pressed hard against the zipper of his jeans.

“Yes, we will. Very soon, I hope.” He didn’t make a move but waited for her response.

“You can join me if you’d like. I’m nearly finished,” she said as he unbuckled his belt and began removing his clothing.

“Good. Just in time for me to get started,” he murmured with a chuckle as she retreated behind the shower curtain.

“I’ll hurry so you have plenty of hot water for your shower.”

“No, I mean to get started with
, sweetheart. But it’s nice of you to so considerate. What I want in the shower is

He parted the shower curtain at the other end of the tub. She was rinsing her hair again, so he had a moment to feast his eyes on her voluptuous beauty. Her eyes were closed and her head tilted back under the showerhead. She wiped her eyes and smiled when she saw his face.

Determined to do nothing to scare her, Angel asked, “Teresa, have you ever seen a man naked before?”

“I got a glimpse of you from the back this morning. I know what a man is supposed to look like, but I’ve never seen a totally naked man before…now.” She gave him a tremulous but encouraging smile. “I know you must be very large from touching you accidentally the other day. Are you…?”

The innocent desire in her voice sent a electrifying bolt of lust from his tailbone to the nape of his neck, and his cock leapt forward, seeking her. “Erect? Yes, extremely so, sweetheart. I wanted to…prepare you,” he said, feeling a foreign nervousness of his own at her reaction when she saw him the first time. Was this the right time? Or was he about to blow six patient months of wooing?

Surprising him, she asked, “Will I like it, Angel?” She seemed reassured by his sudden hesitancy. It leveled the playing field somehow.

Her innocent words served only to stiffen his cock further. His heavy, blood-engorged shaft twitched and stung as it hardened almost painfully.

“I hope so, beautiful,” he said, his hand poised on the cool tile of the shower.

“Well, then, why don’t you just show me?”

* * * *

Teresa knew Grace would tell her to seize the day, and that thought put the words in her mouth that made his face light up with anticipation. Her heart beat a rapid rhythm in her chest as she gazed into Angel’s eyes. He stood poised at the edge of the shower curtain, about to move it aside. Part of her shifted in fear, ready to run, and another part of her knew that was an irrational thought. She loved and trusted this man and had come through so many hurdles to get to this point. She wrung the washcloth in her hands and held it clutched to her breasts as he slid the curtain aside, and one muscular calf came into view. Her gaze shifted to his face as he stepped into the shower.

Teresa drank in the sight of his hard-muscled chest. The hairs that grew there collected moisture from the shower and gradually narrowed down to a damp trail that led over his abdomen and past his navel to the dark nest between his legs.

Her pussy clenched in a pleasurable spasm, and her breath caught in her throat. She glanced up into his eyes then back down again as her eyes grew wide with awe. He was so big and thickly erect. Moisture trickled from her pussy as another ripple flow through her inner muscles. This part of him would be hers? Unconsciously, she licked her lips and reached out a tentative hand to touch him.

She pulled back her hand when she heard his shuddering breath and glanced up for encouragement. His face was taut as he braced a hand on the tile wall. He glanced up at hers, and she shivered at the intense desire that burned in his eyes, then extended her hand.

“May I touch you there?” She wondered if it was painful for him to be like this with her. “Will it hurt?”

His features broke into a vulnerable smile and he chuckled. “No. It’ll feel very good if you touch my cock right now. Good like it felt when we stroked your clitoris last night.”

“Oh! Really?” She felt emboldened by his explanation. “If I touch you, will you come for me, too?”


Chapter Fifteen

Teresa’s innocent tone and tempting words worked at the tight reins of Angel’s control. He prayed for self discipline and hoped he’d last at least a minute before he exploded. Angel was more experienced than this, but he felt like an untried teenager standing in the shower with her now.

“Yes. If you stroke me, I’ll come hard for you.” He groaned and fisted his hand against the cold tile wall, watching her soft hand come closer and closer.

“Show me what to do?”

He gritted his teeth as all his fantasies of what he’d like her to do came rushing to the forefront of his mind.

“Just touch me, baby. Explore if you want to. Then I’ll show you what to do if that’s what you want.” His cock twitched hungrily for her touch, and his release boiled up inside him. He clenched his jaw and stifled the deep growl that threatened to rumble from his chest. He wanted her to have this moment to satisfy her curiosity, and he wasn’t going to spoil it by coming at her first touch.

Her fingertips made contact with the heavy, throbbing head and circled his girth, causing him to hiss sharply at her light touch. She hesitated briefly but stepped closer to him. Wrapping her delicate fingers around his shaft, Teresa slid them down the length then up to the head. Her full lips parted, and she made a small mewing sound. In the heavy steam of the shower, the scent of her arousal came to his nostrils. Her body and mind were making the connection with the action of her hand on his cock. A quavering moan escaped from her lips. He gritted his teeth again as she stroked up and down. He groaned when her palm caressed the head. She glanced up at him before she continued.

He nodded in encouragement. “The head of my cock is very sensitive. That gentle swirling of your hand is heaven right now.”

“Is that what I should call this part of you? Your cock?”

He smiled at the innocence of her words. “Yes, baby. But you can give it any nickname you want if you’ll keep doing that to it!” He groaned as she squeezed just a bit. She had great instincts. Her thumb smoothed over the droplet of pre-cum escaping from the tiny slit in the head. Her other hand came to rest on his chest as she continued stroking him with growing confidence. He groaned softly before murmuring, “When I come for you, my seed will spurt from that opening.”

“Oh. Your seed?” Her encircled fingers slid down his thick, pulsating length. “It’s so hard and hot but like silk at the same time. Will it feel good inside me, Angel? As good as last night?”

He couldn’t help the deep growl that rumbled from his chest at the mental image her words conjured. “Oh, sweetheart. When my cock slides into your little pussy and I make love to you, it will feel better than anything you’ve experienced yet. I
it will.” He held onto his control by the thinnest of threads.

“You’re so big, Angel,” she whispered hesitantly. “Are you sure I’ll be able to…?”

“We’ll make sure that you’re ready for us. We’ll be slow and careful with you and give you time to adjust to us. But I think you’ll love it. And yes, it’ll fit. I promise.” He hissed again as her hand stroked back and forth along his length. He leaned his temple against the forearm braced on the wall. “I stay this way just being around you or thinking of you.”

“That must be uncomfortable.”

“Torture,” he said shakily as her fingers strayed into the bed of crisp curls around his cock and farther south to the heavy sack that hung between his thighs. At her touch, they drew up, and he moaned. His eyelids slid shut in ecstasy while she caressed his sack carefully. As talented as her innocent hands were, he remembered this was still a learning experience for her.

“Those are my testicles, my balls. I love it when you do that. Your touch is heaven, baby.” She carefully caressed him with her fingertips, swirling over them again as he moaned.

“I want to know what it’s like for you when you come, Angel,” she whispered as she feathered her lips against his chest. “Will you come for me?”

He breathed deep, fighting the losing battle for control as lightning shivered up and down his spine. He poured a little conditioner in the palm of her hand and wrapped it around his cock. He began a slow stroking motion, establishing the rhythm for her and tightened his hand over hers a tiny bit. He was engulfed in the delicate scent of her arousal as he allowed her to stroke him. He braced one hand against the wall behind her head and leaned into her a bit, her scent spiking his arousal to volcanic proportions. His breath came in short, choppy gasps.

His release gathered momentum as she increased her rhythm. “Your hand feels so good.”

“Can I use both hands? Would it be too much?”

, baby!” He moaned as she wrapped his shaft with both her slippery little hands. “You’re doing it just right.” He groaned, flexing his length into her hands. He was about to explode.

* * * *

Teresa felt her pussy swell and weep for him as she thought someday soon he would slide this gigantic cock into her pussy. She knew she’d love it, every hard inch of it. His big body loomed over her, his cock pistoning through her stroking hands, and she wasn’t intimidated by his size and unleashed strength in the least. She moaned at the thought of being the recipient of their lovemaking, of
with her men. He flexed hard into her hand, perhaps responding to her sounds. He growled deeply and began pumping even harder. His breath was loud panting, and she knew he must be very close.

She imagined how it would feel to have this tremendous organ sliding in and out of her hard and fast like this, and she moaned again. Her pussy clenched rhythmically as her body
to be filled with his. She looked up into his tortured golden gaze and whispered, “Soon, I’ll let you fuck me, and you’ll come inside of me. Soon. Come for me, my Angel. Show me what it’s like for you.”

His eyes filled with love and wonder, looking into hers. She could feel the transformation inside her happen as she brought him to an explosive orgasm. He threw his head back and cried out loudly. She moved a little closer and allowed his cock to brush against her abdomen. His seed spurted from him in hot, jets onto her belly and over her fingers. She continued stroking him as more of his cum poured from his cock. His other arm wrapped around her shoulders, and his forehead rested lightly on the top of her head. His breaths were deep and rasping as he recovered.

the angel,” he said at last and stood to look breathlessly into her eyes. Teresa smiled up at him, her cheeks warm as she released his sated cock.

She looked at her hands covered in his seed, and he cursed softly as he watched her slide her index finger into her mouth. All she wanted was a taste. If they liked what came from her, perhaps she would like what came from him. She was surprised as her mouth watered for more. He was salty and musky. She could taste his unique essence there, as well, what made him Angel.

He gazed down at her cautiously, awaiting her reaction. She beamed up at him and slid her middle finger between her lips next, letting him know she liked it. A hitching laugh came from his lips, and he crushed her to him in relief. He kissed her lips, and she wondered if he could taste himself there, too. Her clit throbbed, and moisture slipped from her pussy at the sweet eroticism of the moment.

“I love you, Angel.” Her voice shook with the depth of her happiness.

“You are everything to me, Teresa. My whole world. Thank you.” He breathed out in a shaky voice.

“If we hurry, there should be enough hot water to get cleaned up,” she whispered as she scooted to the side to share the showerhead with him. He rinsed his semen from her abdomen and her hands then rinsed himself off. His hands strayed down her back to her buttocks.

“I love this luscious ass. It’s beautiful,” he murmured, squeezing her cheeks. One hand strayed around her hip to her mound, and his fingertips began a downward quest to her pussy. He teased through her black curls before sliding into her slit and she clutched his biceps when his slippery finger found her clitoris. Her pussy was on fire for him.

“It’s going to feel so good to slide my cock into this little pussy. Were you imagining what it will feel like while you stroked me?” He held her securely as he continued to stroke her clit. More moisture seeped from her at his words.

“Yes, I was. I wanted it so much my body was crying out for it.”

“Let’s get you dried off then, and I’ll give you some loving. It’s the least I can do for the stroking you just gave me. I want to taste your cum, too.” He turned off the water, reached for her towel, and wrapped her in it then began drying her. “Do you know what a G-spot is?”

“No,” she mewled distractedly as he paid special attention to drying her inner thighs, licking her pebbled nipples as he did so.

“It’s your G-spot. A place inside your pussy that’s very sensitive to the right touch.”

As he said the words, his eyes twinkled with devilishly at her monosyllabic reaction to that thought.

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