Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“What do you want from me Janice?”

“You read the notes, you know what I wanted and you didn’t give it to me.”

“Travis doesn’t want you, even if I left, he still wouldn’t want you.”

“We were getting close!” She snarls. “We were getting close until you came back.”

“No, Janice, you weren’t.”

She stands and that is when I see the huge knife in her hands. Oh shit.

“You are wrong. I gave you a chance and you didn’t
follow my rules. I wanted you out, I gave you a chance to get out and you didn’t take it, so now I have no choice but to finish you myself.”

“You don’t want to do that.” I say softly.

“Don’t I?” She laughs.

“No, because they will find out and you know what will happen then? If my
Father doesn’t kill you, Travis will and if you manage to get away from that, you will go to prison. How do you suppose you get a happily ever after, if you are behind bars?”

She flinches.

“Shut up, just shut your mouth!”

“Think about what you are doing.”

“Maybe I will just cut your baby out, at least then he has no tie to you.”

I feel sick, my stomach turns and I swallow rapidly to try and avoid
vomiting all over the floor.

“You will be found out for that too.”

She walks over, twirling the knife in her palm.

“Here’s the thing Violet, we are a long way out and I could just drop you in the ocean. With a brick tied to your legs, you will never surface. No one will ever know it was me and Travis will be
devastated…I wonder who will be there to help him through?”

“You are sick!” I snarl.

“No, I am in love. I had everything I ever wanted, but there was always a catch…you were the catch. You were always there, always in my way.”

“Travis loves me.”

“No, he loved me. We were happy.”

“Then why did he leave?”

“Because of a stupid childhood fantasy, that I am going to get rid of.”

“You are making a mistake.” I hiss.

She walks over and hits me with the end of the knife; thank God it isn’t the sharp end. The blow causes my head to swing sideways and I groan as I feel blood trickle down my cheek.

“The only
mistake is that I didn’t do it sooner.”


“Haylee, where is Violet?” I ask, walking back into my office.

“I am not sure Mr. Phoenix; I thought she was in her office?”

“She isn’t. I tried her cell. I’ll check again.”

I walk into her office, and I spot her cell on the table. Shaking my head, I walk over and pick it up. I flick through the messages, to see one received from me. I didn’t send her a message…I read it and something shudders through me. Something feels wrong, so wrong. I pick up the phone and dial reception, Janice doesn’t answer. I walk back out to find Haylee again.

“Is Janice up here?”

“No, I haven’t seen her.”

Something is up, something is not right. I walk into my office and search for my phone. It is sitting on the desk, I pick it up and sure enough the message was sent from me. I don’t understand? Only one person has a key to my office and that is Janice…I close my eyes. Fuck, this can’t be happening. I am over reacting. I pick up the phone and dial.


“Chief, it’s Trav…I think we have a problem.”

“Why, what is happening?”

“I can’t find your daughter.”

“What do you mean you can’t fucking find her?”

“Look, I could be wrong but I think my receptionist has done something crazy…”

“Travis Phoenix
if something has happened to Mischief, I will fucking gut you.”

“Chief, can we save it please? I am coming over.”

I hang up the phone and grip my keys. I walk down to the reception desk and I rummage through it. I find a drawer that is locked, with a few good kicks it springs open. That is when I see all the pictures of Violet and I. Janice has been following us? I pick up the papers and peer down at them. Violet’s address, her email address, her phone number…fuck.

I rush out of the office and get into my car. I give them Chief’s address and when I arrive, I get out
finding him and Bill already waiting on the grass. He storms over and stands in front of me with his arms crossed across his chest.

“Where the fuck is she?”

“I know who has her.”

“Well fuck it Travis, where the fuck is my daughter?”

“Give me a minute Chief, for fucks sake.”

I grip my head and think. Where would Janice tak
e her? It wouldn’t be her house that is too obvious. She doesn’t have any family. It would have to be…my head snaps up. It would have to be somewhere secluded, and away from prying eyes. I knew exactly where they were because I had been there with Janice once before. I turn to Chief who is thumbing the gun on his belt.

“I know where she is.”


She has finally left the room. I have been here for nearly a day, and she has beaten me over and over until my face no doubt looks awful. My body aches, my face throbs and my hands are tied. I wiggle, finally getting a chance to feel the binds in my hands. I can’t seem to free
them; she has done them up so tightly. I have to get out of these damned binds, if I don’t I am dead.

I peer around the room, looking for something sharp. I shuffle forward, my legs are tied and so are my arms but thank heavens my body is free. I shuffle and shuffle until I am near her desk. I peer around, looking for something. I can’t see anything off the mark, so I grip one of her drawers with my teeth and pull it open. I peer in, spotting a letter opener. I force myself to my feet,
losing my balance numerous times and I use my tied hands to pick up the opener.

I shuffle back to my part of the room, and lean back against the wall. I try and try to undo my hands but I have no hope, the letter opener isn’t sharp enough. I stuff it under my bottom and wait, the best I can hope for is that I might be able to use it if she decides to try and kill me. She returns two hours later
and glares over at me. She walks over to her desk and slides back onto it, staring at me.

“There was never any boyfriend, was there?” I snap.

“No, but it worked didn’t it?”

“You beat yourself for
someone’s attention?” I gasp.

“I paid someone to do it.”

“What is wrong with you?”

She snarls.

“He won’t want you, he will find out and he will hate you. I promise you that.”

“He won’t find out!” She roars, storming over and gripping me by the hair.

“He will.” I grate out
, shuffling enough to make her think I am backing up. My hands close over the letter opener.

She holds the other knife to my throat, and that is when I plunge. I pull the letter opener out and shove it forward. She screams and falls backwards, gripping her stomach. I lunge forward, my hands and feet are tied, but I still have my body weight. I grip the knife with both of my hands while she is rolling around screaming. I use it to cut the ropes on my feet, then my hands. When I am free, I stand and turn but I feel a burning pain in my back.

“You fucking bitch, I will kill you.”

She pulls the letter opener out and plunges it in
again; I scream and drop to my knees. The knife tumbles from my hands. She dives for it, and then turns, lunging back towards me. I manage to roll out of the way, and grip her hair at the same time. I yank it hard, pulling a chunk out. She screams again and drives the knife into my thigh. She is aiming for my stomach.

I roll onto it, kicking out as I go and connecting with her jaw. She falls backwards, but manages to get back on her hands and knees and starts crawling towards me. I am bleeding and my vision is blurring. I have to stay awake, I have to. She gets hold of my foot and I use the other to kick her in the face. She lifts the knife and brings it down again, just missing my other thigh.

I scramble away and fall backwards, my body is weak. I clench my eyes shut a moment, trying to get some strength back but I have nothing. She crawls towards me, the knife firmly in her grip. She stands and leans over me, I want to move but I am losing too much blood. I close my eyes, praying for a miracle, and that is when one comes. I hear a gun shot, and then Janice’s body slumps down next to mine.

I open my eyes and see Chief, Travis and Bill standing in the room. I feel my head loll to the side, as Travis rushes over and drops to his knees in front of me.

“Mischief, wake up, baby…don’t close your eyes.”

I open them, but he is blurring. “We need a hospital!”

“Fuck…get her to a hospital Travis. We will sort this out.”

Travis lifts m
e in his arms, and I hear Janice moan and then scream.

“Travis no

He turns to her, and I feel my body jerk in his arms.

“I trusted you. You are lucky you aren’t dead right now Janice because that is what I would like to do to you. Did you think I wouldn’t have a clue? Did you think I wouldn’t find you? We came here once, remember? Next time you decide to go psycho on someone, do it properly. Chief, do whatever you have to.”

“TRAVIS!” She screams,
but he is gone.



“Hey there beautiful.”

I open my eyes and look up to see Travis standing over me.


“I’m here. How are you feeling?”

I move a little, and my body is sore. I wince and touch my battered face.


“Sitting in a jail cell, even if she got out, she wouldn’t dare come back after speaking with Chief.”

“The baby?”

He grins and hands me a little slip of paper. I turn it over and look down at the black and white picture on the screen. Trav points to a little bean in the middle and I beam.

“Our bean?”

“Our bean, heart beat and all.”

“Oh thank God.”

“He or she is a fighter.”

“I think it must be a he.”

“I don’t know
, girls can fight just as hard. Look at you Mischief.”

I sigh. “If I get beaten one more time, I may just start l
earning how to box or something.”

He snorts. “If you get beaten one more time, I am learning how to box.”

“You won’t want to look at me soon, with all my scars.”

“Scars and all, you are gorgeous.”

I smile. “Thank you, for finding me.”

“It didn’t take long for me to click who had you. I saw the message on your phone and when I checked mine, I saw it had been sent while I was in a meeting. Only one person
aside from you has access to my office. Then, when I went to look for Janice she was gone and I knew you were right. God Mischief, I am so sorry I didn’t listen.”

“It’s finished
, it’s over now.”

“I should listen a little more, maybe then I wouldn’t get my girl into so much trouble.”

I stroke his cheek.

“It’s alright.”

“So, I think you have to stay a few days.”

I huff
. “Yay.”

“I promise you won’t see the place for at least six months.”

I laugh. “Six months?”

“I can’t promise you beyond that because you will be having my baby.”

“Oh your baby?”

“All mine.” He grins.

“You’re awake!”

I look over to see my
Mother and Chief coming into the room.

“I am awake.”

“How are you feeling? I can’t believe that girl took you and…”

“It’s fine
Mom; I’m ok.”

“She is sorted.” Chief says gruffly, stroking my hair.

“I know, thanks Daddy.”

“You will be the death of me Violet.” My
Mother sighs.

“I know
Momma, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, I could neve
r be mad at you,” She smiles. “Besides, I need you…”


“We are getting married on the weekend.”

I feel my eyes widen. “What?”

“It was going to be a surprise, but I need a girl to be excited with.”

I beam. “I am excited!”

“Oh we have so much to organize.”

“I have to escape this hospital first.” I laugh.

“We can organize that. Chief, you cover the door…”

He gives my
Mother a shocked look, and she bursts out laughing.

“I don’t know what was
scarier, you callin’ me Chief or you acting like you want to smuggle our daughter out.”

BOOK: Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)
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